Oh my god someone else who read Fata Morgana! I can't agree with you more on the romance in it, it's... it's something else
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It's ruined every other visual novel for me. I just can't go back. It's perfect. Absolutely perfect.
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Indeed it did. It fucked me up for at least 2 weeks after reading it.
To be honest, I had JUST stopped thinking about it, then I saw this thread XD
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You are cursed. You will never be free of this.
But why would you want to?
I've turned into a huge evangelist lmao - I bought a copy for my girlfriend and she friggin marathoned the whole game in three days (she kept correctly guessing the plot twists, too! she's too fuckin smart!) but I was totally vindicated when she came to me in tears after she finished it and we got to talk about the whole thing.
I also got the art book and oh man it is gorgeous. I want Fata Morgana to be a household name - it deserves it.
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I've been doing the same, secretly pushing it onto everyone I think would like it. Too bad it's never cheap enough to make a ton of gibs for it :(. It's also kinda an exaggeration, I've been listening to the ost every few days while I work. Still can't hear Giselle without almost crying!
Also, art book? I neeeeeeeeed it now! Already tormented by those beautiful wall scrolls that were sold at a convention
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Most Final Fantasy games, but VIII is my favorite, so I'll pick that.
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That was a good romance - especially because I have a fondness for grumpy guys and peppy girls.
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Deponia? Costume Quest? Portal 2? Woodle Tree Adventures?
Eh, I got nothing. I guess I haven't played many any games that feature an actual romance.
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Of course, one of the most expected answers is To the Moon.
The Liara romance was surprisingly good in Mass Effect, especially if you select to pursuit it in each game on one continuous character. To this day this is my favourite cRPG romance plot, thanks to the dialogue at the end of the lair of the Shadow Broker DLC if the player managed to decide to keep an ME1 save file romance active throughout the game.
The one in FFVIII is smushy as hell and it carried some of the more facepalm-worthy moments of all teen romance stories, but it was generally well done. (Although for me the real strength in it comes from the backstory of the kids' parents and how fate played a rather interesting game in two generations.)
On the other hand, Tidus can go and fuck himself on a rusty spike. I know they wanted to do another love story with him and Yuna, but both of them feel so empty-headed that I seriously cannot imagine anyone over the age of 5 not rooting for a meteor to smash at least one of them. (At least Yuna turned into a real character in X-2.)
Although it is a mod, but one of my favourite ones is the Imoen Romance mod for Baldur's Gate 2 (one which took almost 11 years to complete and the only reason I will need to play the old warhorse jut one more time, eventually).
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I really liked the Liara romance in Mass Effect 1 and Lair of the Shadow Broker, but it lost me in 3. 3 felt like they completely forgot about everything that happened previously, and made Liara inexplicably distant, with just a line here and there to reference that, oh, yeah, they've been in a relationship for quite a while now.
Then again, 3 also inexplicably covered Ashley in way too much makeup.
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You and teacher from highschool romance.
To be honest I can't remember a great romance from a game. Most romances of games I played existed for a level then died for a shitty heartfelt moment. Dom and his wife was the only one of those that actaully worked.
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Steins;Gate with Okabe Rintarou and Makise Kurisu <3
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Oh word? I played through the first four chapters or so when she was still frosty to him - I have heard that the game really flips its lid further in than that. I'm excited to play it soon!
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The first one that comes to mind is definitely the bittersweet love story between Johnathan and River from To The Moon.
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I agree! I wasn't sold at first, and I think what helped was seeing the two grow together, and then in the second game see them both apart.
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Can't think of any I thought were that good.
Seen FF8 and Trails in the Sky brought up, but didn't particularly like the way either was done. In fact, the second one was more sick then it was romantic (I mean, they're adoptive brother and sister).
Maybe the opera scene in FF6? Oh Maria :p
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I was thinking lately about writing and narratives in games and I took the time to appreciate one aspect that, when done well, can be awesome. In this thread, I would like anyone interested to pick a romance or two that you found particularly moving or well-done.
For me, the longstanding frontrunner as been the romance between Red and the Boxer from Transistor. While I would 100% smooch Logan Cunningham (the Boxer's voice actor) anyway, the writing and his performance is just so good and tender in a way I haven't seen in games very often. I spent the game calling his character 'Sword Boyfriend' for a reason. Red's side of the romance is more understated and expressed through different actions she takes in the game, and the credits sequence shows how much she loves and cares for him, too.
A more recent contender is out to battle them for the top spot, though. I can't talk a lot about it, though, because it's a little spoilers and it's tied up heavily in the mystery of the game, but the central romance in the House in Fata Morgana is so so so so so good. It's spectacularly crafted, and incredible, and I cried so much, and please please please play this game so I can talk to more people about it it's so fuckin good.
So, SteamGifts, what about you? What romances in games locked your heart in a vice grip and would not let go?
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