Does Steamgifts provide us too many points and should it be limited? Should I reroll wins I won't play providing the keys to them?
Honestly, you should give games out on this site not expecting people to play (unless you have such a requirement in a private group). Most people tend to add games to their backlog (as do I many times), and play the smaller/bundle games inbetween AAA/RPGs that take up the major chunk of our time.
I don't have anything against people not playing my giveaways at all.
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This. People also may have little time to play, there's a lot of reasons they may be delaying the playtrough.
About the cards I don't really care as well, the game was worth something and was useful in some way.
Like Jadax said, If you want to make sure people will play and use the games as your wish, make it on private groups, it's easier to know who may win and if they're going to play.
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I'm 100% with JadaxJaded.
I also play 1 AAA/RPGs as main and small one in between. So stuff I win will be on the backlog. But in only enter giveaways I really intend to play.
Not everyone is 13 years old and has all the time in the world without any obligations in the real world (exaggerated example).
If you want to make it an obligation to play the games you gave away I suggest to just give them away to real world friends an sit next to while they play.
I'm more sad of winners not saying "Thanks for your giveaway, dude!" than of them not playing (I wouldn't even consider checking this).
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Yes, I agree. In my instance, I have almost 4,000 games. I buy games on Steam and 3rd party storefronts, and buy a lot of bundles. At this point in my life I am very busy and don't have a lot of time to play games, but now I consider myself more of a collector. I know there are many other people out there just like me, so I wouldn't want to hinder them either.
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Basically, it's all about the gifting part imo. Even if points were reduced to like 50 per day, there would still be people who just log in every day and dump their points in a game they don't want (but it's freeeeeeeee!!!!!). The introduction of capitalism made humans even worse hoarders, everything that has "value" has to be gained.
sorry for bad london.
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The only time I care about games I give are ones I am passionate about myself. Those all go to my whitelist and occasionally select groups. The people in those groups know me and I usually write my relationship with the game in the description so they dont see it as just another free game.Besides those, once the game is given it isn't mine any more so I don't care what they do with it. Yes I would like for someone to enjoy it but as long as they follow the rules and activate it on their own account, I have no real complaints
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Sure it's not possible. That's exactly what I'm getting at - why enter giveaways if you have heaps and heaps of old giveaways to play? I know I can't stop people being wasteful, neither can I force them to (nor do I want that). Why amass all of this shit if it's in vain? But I've proven on my own example it's harder than one might think.
On the other hand, currently I'm more shocked that people aren't bothered spending $15 for somebody who'll never play the game they've paid so much. Provided that they've actually spent that much on a giveaway.
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Wow. And I don't even bother to check whether someone as much as owns the title I'm giving away.
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Pretty detailed - what i'm getting is that bundle games are the root cause.:
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I don't think the problem is winning too much, I think the problem is bundle games. Personally, when I started on SG, I didn't really know about bundles. I'd buy a few cheap games here and there and play the crap out of them, and anything I won on here was treated the same. Now that we are inundated in bundles, many of them with quality games in them, my backlog is massive. My time to play games has also become more limited in the past year, so I concentrate mainly on games I can play coop with friends. However, I still only enter giveaways for games I am truly interested in, so now one of five things happens when I win a giveaway:
The moral of the story is that it's too simple to just judge someone who won your giveaway by whether or not they have played your game. Sometimes they just languish on the backlog until some certain conditions are met, then they finally get the playing they deserve.
On the other hand, some people have more fun treating Steam like Pokemon. There have been many debates in the past over whether not not this is a sufficient motivation to enter GAs on SG, and I still haven't made up my mind on that. Personally, I'd prefer people play the games I giveaway, especially the good ones, but everyone find enjoyment differently, and who am I to tell people how to find enjoyment in life.
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I tried pointing out that it didn't make a difference if a game was bundled or not. The relative amount of bundle games played was in fact higher than the amount of non-bundle-games being played. I also stated that I don't really bother that much if somebody doesn't play whatever bundled game I gave (although it's nice to see it) - but I'm rather sad to see when I've spent actual money on something someone never played - let alone - never even thanked me for. The money I've spent on people upping their collector's badge is much higher than the amount of money I've spent for people to actually play a game. I hope this will change in the future, although it probably just won't all that much.
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Sorry, I don't think I was clear on my point about bundle games. The problem isn't that you are giving away bundle games (I think any game you give to someone else is awesome, regardless of whether or not it happened to be from a bundle), the problem is the existence of bundle games. It means that everyone has huge backlogs and being a collector is a lot easier. A larger backlog necessitates that the average game will languish longer in the backlog before it is played, and that many more games will go unplayed completely since the choice is considerably greater when choosing a game to play.
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Wow, I didn't expect the numbers to be that low. Maybe because I'm assuming people play their wins at a similar rate as I do. With my wins, I'm roughly at 25% finished and 50% played (played including finished). I intend to play through all of my wins (looking forward to playing every single win, I don't enter giveaways for games I wouldn't play), and very few of my wins will be non-finished a year after winning them.
I wouldn't mind a lower point regeneration rate encouraging us only to enter giveaways for games we really want. One idea would be to treat the points the same way as CV. All 20P bundled games become 3P games. You need 3P to enter, gain 3 CV when giving one away (much easier to understand bundle vs non bundle that way), and the point regeneration rate (which is 3% of the point value for all the giveaways created) is lowered, since you get 3% of 3P instead of 20P each time a currently 20P bundle game giveaway is created.
We would still be able to enter the exact same amount of giveaways (3% of the bundled ones, 3% of the non bundle ones), but non bundle games would be much more expensive in comparison. Maybe that would make people think more about which giveaways to enter. A 60P non bundle game that they wouldn't play? Might be a good idea to save those points for 20 entries in 3P bundle game giveaways instead.
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You got the essence of my thinking. Simultaneously, I think lowering the points for certain games would be counter-productive at times, looking at price-glitches and regional differences. Hell, Just Cause 3 is bundled now, as is the Talos Principle or The evil within. Those would all still be flooded with entries
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It wouldn't be a perfect solution, but maybe still better than what we have today? I'm thinking that it might be quite easy to implement, since the 15% system is already there for CV.
The main reason would be to make higher priced games (at least the vast majority of them) require more points/consideration when entering, compared to the cheaper ones.
It's sad to hear that costly AAA games are treated as $1 tier bundle leftovers and left unplayed for 2+ years :(
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I just want to state that I do actually try to play all the games in my library, but I only finish games with an actual story behind it, then use SAM to get all the achievements. So to some people, it looks like I just farmed for cards and hacked achievements but I did indeed play them all.
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Apart from the fact that a lot of games take more than 2 hours to finish and I haven't seen a way to hack playtime yet. Although it might be possible - the other thing would be: Why the hell would you intentionally manipulate the playtime of the game to be lowered? Makes no sense. I'm aware that there is of course potential for some games to have been counted wrong, but I expect those false positives to be at a minimum
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Sorry but I don't understand what you're trying to say. Did you mean that there're some games in my library with low play time? It because I don't touch them yet, still have a huge backlog to clean.
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If you visit my profile, you'd see that I don't have an achievements showcase, and basically I don't know why I did that either, but it's become a habit now.
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I have games i bought months ago and never touched ( ex.Dying Light ) Too many games, not enough time.
You on the other hand have too much time so you have no excuse not to play the games you own. Go play games!!
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I have plenty of those, even years old. Mass Effect 3 to just give one example. I play games as a hobby or a way to spend my free time, not like it's something I have to do :)
I'll get around to playing ME3 eventually. ME1 and ME2 are among my favorite games after all.
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That's why i never finish the achievements on a game, usually if i like the game i play it once and come back to it years after , not because of the achievements that usually either make you play the game multiple times or you have to follow a guide to get all the achievements and if i need a guide to play a game ... its not much of a game.
I think i got all the achievements in 2 games out of 300+ and one of them had only 1 achievement lol.
Gaming is not a job , i have one of those already.
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100% completion is not a valuable stat. A lot of games nowadays have such horrible achievements.
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By completion I meant that they at least finished it. Damn, this completionist phrase really modified the meaning of this simple word, didn't it? Plus, well, still many games don't have achievements, you can assume a completion based on play time (if it is obviously longer than a possible card farming time, and especially if it is close to the average howlongtobeat times, it can be assumed it was finished, I guess).
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It did - some achievements are even called "Completionist".
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I have won 13 games, and since I joined I've change quite a bit in how selective I am at entering GAs. At this point I enter those I want and I know that I'll definitely play quite a bit (even if not for a while, but eventualy).
3 - Farmed for Cards (3 bundled, 2 from mass GAs)
2 - Tried but don't intend to play (Early Access and/or unfinished development as of now)
2 - Have not tried and don't know if I'll play.
1 - DLC for a game with 100+ hours
1 - Have tried and intend to play.
4 - Have not tried but intend to play. (1 from mass GA)
Bundled: 12, Unbundled: 1 (but given away over 10k copies)
I've given away 23 bundled games, of which I only care about maybe 3.
1 is in progress, 1 wasn't touched, and... oh wow, the other wasn't activated at all, lol, time to send a ticket
I believe there may be a solution for this issue, but I don't have the time right now to put it into practice yet. Not perfect, but the best I could think of so far.
Also, I'd like to join the Wasteland 2 giveaway, but I can't because all giveaways I've made were public :s
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I am not good enough to 100% games, But I have played all games I have won till the point where I am either done with the main part or the games get too hard for me and I giveup (currently playing the last won game.. along with few other games).
I don't enter giveaways till I am done with the game :3
I don't really bother about what people did with the games they won from me.
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Well, I just listed "100%" and "finished" seperately to point out some extra effort by users. I'm perfectly happy if the game is played either way - it's not that good an indicator anyway, as 100%ing some games is extremely easy, some others are very hard to do. I just wanted to list it as a special category.
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Sure, it's theirs. But looking at your profile, you've mostly (or entirely, can't tell) given away spare bundle games. I would never expect you to play dead bits, what I'm getting at is the fact that sometimes, you spend a certain amount of money for games - and then you of course hope for the people to play and enjoy them. Let's say you give a person $10 and he burns it right in front of you. Wouldn't you be upset even a little bit?
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I was slightly upset over some giveaway, but then I stopped worry about them afterwards. I just hope that I managed to make someone happy. Most of my giveaways are bundles games though :x
I once gave a game to someone (not a giveaway), few days later they asked me how to remove it from their account (which I did tell them how). It did upset me a bit when he asked me but... I guess we learn from our mistakes, right?
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I recently won Total War Attila; I know I'm often guilty of not playing my wins, but I made an effort to install and play it promptly (within two weeks) and enjoyed it quite a bit as a more refined Rome 2 (if a bit overpriced, considering it's basically just an add on campaign with one new feature), and then the DLC went on sale just now. :3
I don't think the 100% completion statistic is viable; I haven't even checked achievements for any of the games I've played, bought, or won in the last six or seven months at least. That doesn't mean I don't play or fully enjoy the game, but merely that I don't slave after (often very obnoxious or time consuming) achievements.
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"Also, should I request a reroll for games I won't play?"
Why do you enter for a game you know you wont play?
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I wouldn't. It's just that after a while, it appears I'll never play it at all or my tastes have changed (I used to like platformers, now I can't stand them.. see for instance, my two-year old wins for spelunky or braid.. I fully intended to play them back then)
But that's a question I'd like to ask a lot of users in general.
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I see what you mean yes, while growing older I've become a lot pickier on what kind of games I play.
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I'm not a part in your stats, but guilty as charged. I intend to play almost all the games I've won eventually (except for those early wins when I entered everything I could), but I haven't got the time to do so. Which is why I've stopped entering giveaways altogether since about a month ago, at least until I've cleared a significant amount of my backlog.
I did some checking a while ago (not nearly as detailed as yours) and found that about 60% or so of my gifts had been played (read: has playtime, includes card farming). I know what you mean when you are bothered by winners not playing the "bigger" games they've won. It does kinda suck when I gave away a game on my wishlist / spent good money buying it, only to find that people didn't touch it at all. But once I give that game away I have no control over it, so I don't dwell too much on it. Then again, a good number of unbundled "nice" giveaways I make are for my whitelist or groups I like, so all these don't matter that much anyway.
I don't think reducing points would work though. So maybe this guy A doesn't enter your giveaway because he doesn't have enough points, and maybe your giveaway gets less entries, in the end this guy B who won it might still not play it anyway. At the end of the day, you're still getting winners who don't play your games.
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I read some of the your thread, as it is very detailed, but overall I agree. It is something that people don't realize or just don't speak about. It's one of those topics that causes controversy. Leechers, regifters et cetera. I have the same mindset on my giveaways, some of them are just giveaway fodder. Cheap bundles, cheaper games, stuff I wouldn't even play myself, so I don't check the winner's profile every hour, because... Even when I tell myself that I'd like to see someone enjoy it, I can't expect that to happen when I wouldn't enjoy it myself. Spending full price on non-bundled games and high tier bundles is a different thing tho.
After I've overcome the first phase on Steamgifts where I just wanted to win for the sake of winning I got very picky about the giveaways I enter. They are games I am highly interested in or wanted to play for a long time and even tho I actually wanna play them I sometimes don't. It's not that I don't care for them, but that I just don't play as much anymore as when I was a teen. I am on Steam for a year now and I already got over 200 games. Not just my wins, but a lot of games I've been gifted outside of Steamgifts and of course games I have purchased myself.
I felt guilty for not playing those games someone generously purchased for me, so I even made a list of my wins and made a tight schedule on what I should play next. I got very unhappy with that method tho. I didn't play what I wanted to play at the moment, but just sorted my playlist by won and gifted games. I knew exactly what I had to play next after I finished the current game and the next and so on.
After a while it felt like a chore and I couldn't enjoy the games as much as I wanted to, because I told myself to only play one game at a time until it's finished. Otherwise I wouldn't allow myself to play anything else except for multiplayer games.
So I simply stopped doing that.
Still half of my wins are untouched and even more of the games I've been gifted. I know that I will play them, I know that I wanted them in the first place and I know that I appreciate the giveaway or gift, but noone can tell just looking at my recently played games. So people just have to assume or, in case they're reading this, believe me when I say so.
Enough about me tho. To approach the main problem there are just too many variables.
Yes, some poeple just win 'cause they're greedy. Yes, some people win, because they collect video games on Steam for their e-peen. Yes, some people only want the cards.
On the other hand some people actually care for the games, want to play them, are interested and have the time and drive to pick them up.
And my personal experience ranges from absolute shit to overwhelmingly positive. One winner won two games from me simultaneously and 3 copies each as a gift in his inventory, because he did check his list with thousands of Steam keys, but forgot his inventory. Told me he's a trader and collector... But I also saw people that started playing the same day they won and finished it shortly after.
For a group I checked members' behaviour from time to time and even saw one guy that didn't play a single game he won, only idled for cards and spent his time with Adventure Capitalist and free-to-play Clicker games.
That's why I stopped giving games away, after a while the good feeling of giving faded and it turned into frustration and stress. I would spend a lot of my money, that I don't have much of, and people don't give a shit about it. Don't comment, don't thank you and don't even play the games.
But that's just my pessimistic view on things. I said that I consider every won game and gift valueable and will play it, but noone could tell just by my profile. So I am sure that I think wrong about many people myself that might have the same attitude as me.
So... Steamgifts is full of shit, that's for sure, but take the video game culture as a whole. I remember a time where I saved my money for weeks or months so I could buy a game and then I would play it over and over again. I remember when I wanted to get Dead Space and had a post-it on my door saying "DON'T SPEND MONEY!" so I would save more money for the game. I had to import games to get them uncut or just to get them at all, since they wouldn't be sold here. Nowadays you get these huge sales, where games cost almost nothing compared to the full price. Video games are so popular that you get bombarded with new titles every week. Steam makes them so easy to get, that you sometimes don't even think about the fact that you might not even be able to play them time-wise. Just think about the aspect that they're not physical copies. In 6 years or so that I had my xbox 360 I collected little over 30 games. In SIX YEARS. In ONE YEAR on Steam I got over 200!
Aaaaand I ended up with a wall of text, I don't even know how to end this. I could talk about this for countless hours. So don't consider this a final word or anything, because I know that the game collectors will bash me for saying all of this. :P
But there you go, a quick rambling about that.
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Holy shit that's a long text, errrrr, TL;DR yeah I agree with Thallassa
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Thank you for your detailed reply. Seing somebody feel the same way as me feels sorta good after some of the rather alienating comments. But I honestly don't want to stop giving games. I would just like some here and there to be more considerate when it comes to actually snagging expensive titles. I except my main group from this, as it's rather a trade than a lottery. It's fine. I somehow have the budget, and I'm not one of those incredibly generous people. I've "only" about spent 400 - 500β¬ on steamgifts for others.
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That's what I meant with 'causing controversy as people that feel addressed will defend themselves. It's the same phenomenon you get with a thread about leechers, where the people with crazy won/sent ratios will crawl out of their holes to come up with excuses on why they win so much and don't give back as much.
Unfortunately the negative experiences overshadow the positive, so for the sake of my own happiness I stopped giving. Beside the fact that I need the money myself right now, so it's both objectively and subjectively the better way to go for me at the moment and my ratio is still alright luckily. :D
But yeah, you're not alone with your attitude. I know a lot of people that think the same way. I just wanted to shed some light on those that have good intentions but have not played their wins yet for some reason.
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Ha, I think I'm good for now. :D
Same here, won and gifted games have a higher priority than the games I bought. Since I don't owe myself anything for not playing a game I've purchased. It's healthier to play what you wanna play tho or else you take the fun out of it.
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Here ya go.
20 Won
06 Played
02 Finished
05 Finished 100% (Leona might not count since it doesn't have cheevos, but I think I did everything in it)
07 Unplayed
One of the games I won turned out to be a game I thought was another and I really do not want to play it, though. Mistakes and the obligatory win and redeem.
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I think the point is, buying for someone not to play feels like a waste, while if people actually play it may actually feel good as in a donation that finds a good home.
Though I agree, the specific amount in itself is not necessarily the most relevant factor, but it still gives a relative idea of the scale of things.
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pretty much this. I waste enough money, and I can fully understand if one or other game I've purchased for a giveaway aren't gonna be played, but it's the majority of them. And it's not just my games, it's a general wastefulness that has established.
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I don't whine, I try to get people to be more considerate, if anything. You don't put food on your plate when you're full. Neither would you eat a hungry person's meal. Why keep winning games others pay for with their money if you're never going to play it?
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I just want to say this: if people play in offline mode the play time counter doesn't add. I with my terrible internet have atleast 100 hours in MoW:AS which I won here, but on my profile it only lists about 8 hours I think. Also some of the games I won (doesn't have to be won here, could also be on other sites) I haven't touched because I am still downloading them (Payday 2 has been downloading for over a month now, 4 out of 12 GB completed :I).
EDIT: I will most likely never play 6 out of my 9 wins on this website, I admit to just having entered them because the chance to win was high (And I'm sorry for that :( ).
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I would love, love to play pc video games more often.
If I was feeling better or was well enough, I sure as hell would play more often.
One hour a day for pc is about all I can do. (not including my console gaming/handheld gaming)
And rpgs, taking 100 hours = 3 months of playing for me :/
I have been trying to get in more coop, but a lot of people just find other games to play, and abandon me, not a good feeling, but I understand that persons life/viewpoints may get in the way of completing just one damn play through.
I tried a dozen times to play Borderlands 2 from start to finish on just the first play through. 2 of the people I played with ended up moving, and just not coming back to the game. Others schedule conficted with mine (which is a tiny lie, as I'm ready to play any time I'm awake or not super busy).
Coop games started and abandoned:
Borderlands 1, 2 , pre-sequel
Diablo 2
Risk of Rain
Resident Evil 5
Torchlight 2
... can't recall, but several more
I recently installed these games to try coop:
Torchlight 2 (re-installed, got another buddy to play with)
Victor Vran
Grim Dawn
Divinit Original Sin Enhanced Edition
Rampage Knights (all ready did a little coop, pretty fun, but the game has too few content to keep us interested in for long)
Table Top Simulator (yea, I can easy find coop people, I just havent got around to learning the game and getting the mods/whatever they are)
I say the number one reason people don't play games, is they own to many.
And in truth, is is a problem, people buying more then they truely need/want.
It has become more of a mental health issue really, the 'bundle/high discount, got to buy it' or the 'collecotr/ocd', or other such thing.
I 100% blame publishers and steam. Publishers breaking their games into pieces before release... dlc/microtransactions, and steams ZERO quality control.
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I know what you mean about quality control. So often I buy a game because it is cheap and looks interesting, but in the end it's not as much fun as some other title, so I end up hardly playing it. Buying games from Humble Bundle I don't really mind, because often there is just one particular game I want and I can give the rest away (and of course money goes to charity). Green light games annoy me more, because I hate seeing indie developers trying to release an unfinished game at a too high price, and never finishing it after people have paid money for it. Imagine if, a console game were released on disc that cost full price, and just ended mid game. I think a lot of people would be pissed then and not want to buy from the developer anymore. And it makes other developers look bad too, because once you've been "ripped off" you are less likely to take the chance on another early access game even if the developer is trust worthy.
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Greenlight, some of the games/devs are truely good or actually work on their game, and have some passion.
In the begging, they were more easily spotted, the good greenlight games/devs.
Now they are over taken by the avalance of shitty greenlight games. I'm sure just getting your shitty game onto steam at least gets you a few thousand dollars. And I'm sure a lot of thse 'unreal only asset' games are made by 1 person in under a week. :/
Valve never cared about their store, only how much money they can pull in, so they allow any pos game into their store now.
I still think is worse then all of that, companies that take down their servers for their games multiplayer component, and NOT RELEASING THE SERVERSIDE SOFTWARE.
There should be a law stating that companies have to release the serverside software and the ability for us to alter settings/run our own servers, if said company takes down their own servers.
Imagine you buy an 'online-only' game, and 4 months later the company closes their servers, making your purchase completely worthless, at this point, i think you should be allowed a refund for a non-working product.
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Scroll to end for TL;DR
First and foremost: I am aware this topic might be very sensitive for some people. My intention is to speak in general and I will not pick out individuals in my topic. The point is to get, if you want, a comparison to my numbers, as well as to get some people to think about winning and giving in general. I will, although, be comparing to myself, for statistical purposes and I am going to be discussing and criticizing my own behavior. I'd be glad if you let me hear your thoughts on this, or provide your own statistics.
Please note: This is - and cannot be - in any way representative. However, I feel that I am a kind of "across-the-board" giver, with a diversity of all kinds of giveaways and a certain amount of gifts and time passed. My observations are heavily influenced by subjectiveness, although the statistics I provide have been collected in the most objective way possible.
Before we start: I've been here for 2 years and seven months. I've sent 251 giveaways and won 69 in the same time. I registered here with the intention of giving games away because I got tired of always reaching out to people and raffling keys on forums. One forum actually had me suspended for a week after I raffled a steam-key for Far Cry: Blood Dragon. But as much as I like to give, I want the person who gets the gift from me to play and enjoy the game. I understand that this cannot happen everytime, as "thing get in the way" or opinions change - I myself haven't played all my wins and don't plan to play some games anymore, but I'll get deeper into that later.
The breakdown is this though: The more I spend on a game, the more I think the game should be played and appreciated by the winner. In the meantime, I had several giveaways i spent double-digit-amounts (currency: euro, just in case you misunderstand) and that haven't played or even thanked me for the gift. There was a thread just a few months ago, where people were posting how many of their wins they've played etc. The general majority was so devastatingly low I couldn't believe my eyes. Simultaneously, some people with 40something wins and less than 4 hours of playtime across all the won games, mostly farmed for cards only, were even stating that "they've played all of them"..and so on. Needless to say, I was bothered by that, but I couldn't - by rules and human decency - point their, sorry for putting it that way - hypocrisy out to them. So I just let is slide for the time being.
Anyway, as I never even once in my 251 giveaways I've even gotten feedback from the winner. Of course there was the "thanks", but never the "Hey, I've just completed this game I won from you and I wanted to thank you again because it was awesome" or anything. The latter, I've done myself a few times, but I stopped when people actually gave me a negative response to me telling them I'd just finished their game...
Alright, let's break the numbers down now:
Ended 2 years ago:
ended more than 1 year ago
Of all the total of my giveaways that have ended more than 1 year ago, only 3 games were played more than 30 hours, less than 10 were played for more than 10 hours. Around 20 of those titles really left me scratching my head why the winner bothered to enter and didn't play them yet. The approximate amount of money spent on these games for giveaway purposes only was: 170β¬, counting only receipts for non-bundle games.
Ended less than 1 year ago
Ended less than 6 months ago
Due to the shorter amount of time passed, even less people have touched the games. The sad thing is that some giveaways I explicitly asked people to join if they were going to play soon-ish, which was ignored til date. I also did more expensive giveaways, spending an approximate amount of 260β¬ during that time, again counting only games I've solely purchased for giveaway-puropses, meaning I don't count bundled I kept 1-2 games from and gave the rest away.
Grand total
Methodology - explanation:
Finished 100%: Self-explanatory: 100% of the achievements without hacking and the necessary playtime (cross-referenced). Note that there were some games that were really easy and fast to complete to 100%, so it doesn't necessarily mean the playtime was very high.
Finished game: Has unlocked the indicating achievements and has the necessary playtime
Played - didn't finish: Winner has played the game, but has not completed the story - achievements again as an indicator. In every case this was less than five hours, in almost all cases of those it was mostly less than 2 hours before the game was "abandoned"
farmed for cards: When the winner has zero achievements, game has cards and winner has according playtime to have farmed the cards. You usually unlock 1 or more achievements in less than an hour on most games, so this is a fairly accurate indicator. For games that had cards and no achievements to indicate, I put them into the played - didn't finish category when there was this kind of uncertainty - which likely results in the stats provided being more positive than they actually are.
didn't touch: means 0 minutes of playtime
didn't activate: Self-explanatory
private profile: Self-explanatory
To be noted here is that I didn't provide the statistics for bundled/unbundled games seperately. Unfortunately, most unbundled games were left unplayed, contrary to my expectation that people rather play unbundled games than bundled games. In grand total, about only 25 of the games with any indication of that the winner has played them were non-bundled, the rest were bundled at the time of giving them away. The maximum playtime observed by a winner was 40 hours. Less than 20 winners played the game for more than 10 hours.
DLCs were treated as normal games/wins and were categorized accordingly to their basegame being played or not.
The comparison to myself:
I usually only enter giveaways I am convinced I want to play. Lately, I haven't been entering a lot of giveaways due to the fact that there aren't so many games out there that genuinely interest me. For example, over the course of the last 7 days, I entered 41 giveaways.
I, to date, have won 69 games, with the majority over the course of the last 12 months. In similar fashion to above, I will provide the numbers, although I won't make a difference between farmed for cards and didn't touch, as I've always farmed the games for cards if there were some. Since I've only won three giveaways that ended over 2 years ago, so I'll start with the "over 1 year ago category"
Ended over 1 year ago
Ended less than a year ago
Ended less than 6 months ago
So, all in all, I, unfortunately, am not much "better" at playing my wins than the people who've won some games from me. And to be honest, of the 46 games I didn't play yet, I easily actually won't play 30. Counting, I plan on playing 12. That is not to say that other's would've played it. I am seriously contemplating requesting re-rolls and providing the keys for those wins I don't want myself, but this means unnecessary work for staff and the giveaway creators. I will continue playing the games I've won (like my most recent wins, I plan on starting Hitman today or tomorrow, the flame in the flood simultaneously to it, waiting for my best friend to play Killinf Floor and Victor Vran with me... and so on). I also am waiting for certrain DLC to either be purchased by me or to release (just cause 3 for instance) so I can complete the game to 100%. All in all, I don't think I'll ever actually play more than half of my wins to date. This has led me to actually feel bad about myself and bad for the giveaway creators, although I have played the majority of then-unbundled games. On the other hand, I'm not certain if a different winner would've actually played the game in the mean-time.
On the other hand, I'm not bothered by the majority of bundled games won by people not being played. Especially if they're of the "cheap" sort (meaning non-BTA, non-AAA and so on), which makes up most of my bundled wins. The amount of games I actually feel bad about not having played yet shrinks to around 10.
Regarding playtime, I've spent a lot of time on some titles, surpassing the 40-hour-mark on 5 games, with a good dozen of other titles getting my attention for more than 10 hours. Just for comparison, I've given away plenty titles that easily can be played for that long.
What bothers me the most is that some of the most expensive titles, as well as titles of great quality (big-point-titles, if you will) remain unplayed after a long amount of time. The general observations I've made checking all winners was this:
What I'm getting at:..
is the fact that most of us win just too much. Some people have always tried to restrict that, but failed. I personally feel the most effective way would be to limit the amount of maximum points per day drastically, as well as the amount of point-regeneration. Just for measures, from what I could observe, around 50 points are regenerated per hour. If done right, you can easily have 500 or more points to spend a day. The current system also allows us to "store" our points in big-point giveaway, so the excess amount of points we have at one point can actually be banked for the future, in theory leaving us able to amass thousands of points on some days. I know this was requested once (less points) and was met by most users feeling points shouldn't be restricted. I've also seen higher-level users request more points for themselves - leave alone the fact that as a high-level user (say 7 and up) you usually have access to so many groups and giveaways, that you literally can drown yourself in wins. I know, some people give a lot, too. But, in my honest opinion, steamgifts shouldn't be the place where you give a game away to win a game. It should be the place where people should be given the chance to win games they really want to play - this includes people that may currently not have the bucks for an AAA-title, don't want to buy a bundle for just one game, and so on. Instead - and this is again just an observation made by myself and the portion of users I've checked in the past - most of the wins are amassed by a small fraction of users.
In the end though, probably nothing will be changed and we all will keep entering and winning games which we oftentimes won't play. I'm no exception to that, as I've proven. It led me to include the poll.
Before i forget: Here's giveaways from the current HB monthly you all likely won't play:
Edit: sorry I had to remove the Wasteland 2 giveaway...
PLEASE don't leave any uneccesary comments. I want to keep track of the discussion if it emerges and I know you wanna say thanks - keep it to yourself for the time being, but you are welcome to thank me if you should win.
We all win too much, I fell we should have less points given to us. Also, should I request a reroll for games I won't play?
I'd be happy if we could discuss this as civilized, friendly and neutral as possible. Thank you, have a nice weekend.
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