Scroll to end for TL;DR

First and foremost: I am aware this topic might be very sensitive for some people. My intention is to speak in general and I will not pick out individuals in my topic. The point is to get, if you want, a comparison to my numbers, as well as to get some people to think about winning and giving in general. I will, although, be comparing to myself, for statistical purposes and I am going to be discussing and criticizing my own behavior. I'd be glad if you let me hear your thoughts on this, or provide your own statistics.
Please note: This is - and cannot be - in any way representative. However, I feel that I am a kind of "across-the-board" giver, with a diversity of all kinds of giveaways and a certain amount of gifts and time passed. My observations are heavily influenced by subjectiveness, although the statistics I provide have been collected in the most objective way possible.

Before we start: I've been here for 2 years and seven months. I've sent 251 giveaways and won 69 in the same time. I registered here with the intention of giving games away because I got tired of always reaching out to people and raffling keys on forums. One forum actually had me suspended for a week after I raffled a steam-key for Far Cry: Blood Dragon. But as much as I like to give, I want the person who gets the gift from me to play and enjoy the game. I understand that this cannot happen everytime, as "thing get in the way" or opinions change - I myself haven't played all my wins and don't plan to play some games anymore, but I'll get deeper into that later.

The breakdown is this though: The more I spend on a game, the more I think the game should be played and appreciated by the winner. In the meantime, I had several giveaways i spent double-digit-amounts (currency: euro, just in case you misunderstand) and that haven't played or even thanked me for the gift. There was a thread just a few months ago, where people were posting how many of their wins they've played etc. The general majority was so devastatingly low I couldn't believe my eyes. Simultaneously, some people with 40something wins and less than 4 hours of playtime across all the won games, mostly farmed for cards only, were even stating that "they've played all of them"..and so on. Needless to say, I was bothered by that, but I couldn't - by rules and human decency - point their, sorry for putting it that way - hypocrisy out to them. So I just let is slide for the time being.
Anyway, as I never even once in my 251 giveaways I've even gotten feedback from the winner. Of course there was the "thanks", but never the "Hey, I've just completed this game I won from you and I wanted to thank you again because it was awesome" or anything. The latter, I've done myself a few times, but I stopped when people actually gave me a negative response to me telling them I'd just finished their game...

Alright, let's break the numbers down now:

Ended 2 years ago:

Category: Amount: Percentage:
finished 100% 1 1,5%
finished game 7 10,8%
played - didn't finish 19 29%
farmed for cards 4 6,2%
didn't touch 30 46,2%
didn't activate 2 3%
private profiles - can't check 2 3%
bundled 50 76,9%
non-bundled at time 15 23,1%
total 65
Other notes: 5 group, 2 permanent suspensions, 1 confirmed scammer

ended more than 1 year ago

Category: Amount: Percentage:
finished 100% 3 5,9%
finished game 2 3,9%
played - didn't finish 3 5,9%
farmed for cards 17 33,3%
didn't touch 26 51%
didn't activate 0 0
private profiles - can't check 0 0
bundled 31 60,8
non-bundled at time 20 39,2%
total 51
Other notes: 36 group GAs, 1 permaban

Of all the total of my giveaways that have ended more than 1 year ago, only 3 games were played more than 30 hours, less than 10 were played for more than 10 hours. Around 20 of those titles really left me scratching my head why the winner bothered to enter and didn't play them yet. The approximate amount of money spent on these games for giveaway purposes only was: 170€, counting only receipts for non-bundle games.

Ended less than 1 year ago

Category: Amount: Percentage:
finished 100% 2 2,7%
finished game 1 1,4%
played - didn't finish 10 13,5%
farmed for cards 24 32,4%
didn't touch 34 46%
didn't activate 0 0%
private profiles - can't check 3 4,1%
bundled 55 74,3%
non-bundled at time 19 25,7%
total 74
Other notes: 21 group, 6 private, 1 permaban, 1 with only 1 entry

Ended less than 6 months ago

Category: Amount: Percentage:
finished 100% 1 1,6%
finished game 4 6,6%
played - didn't finish 3 4,9%
farmed for cards 19 31,1%
didn't touch 32 52,4%
didn't activate 0 0
private profiles - can't check 2 3,3%
bundled 38 62,3%
non-bundled at time 23 37,7%
total 61
Other notes: 17 group, 5 private 1 permaban, 1 hacked all achievements

Due to the shorter amount of time passed, even less people have touched the games. The sad thing is that some giveaways I explicitly asked people to join if they were going to play soon-ish, which was ignored til date. I also did more expensive giveaways, spending an approximate amount of 260€ during that time, again counting only games I've solely purchased for giveaway-puropses, meaning I don't count bundled I kept 1-2 games from and gave the rest away.

Grand total

Category: Amount: Percentage:
finished 100% 7 2,8%
finished game 14 5,6%
played - didn't finish 35 13,9%
farmed for cards 64 25,5%
didn't touch 122 48,6%
didn't activate 2 0,8%
private profiles - can't check 7 2,8%
bundled 174 69,3%
non-bundled at time 77 30,7%
total 251
played total 56 23%
not played total 188 77%

Methodology - explanation:
Finished 100%: Self-explanatory: 100% of the achievements without hacking and the necessary playtime (cross-referenced). Note that there were some games that were really easy and fast to complete to 100%, so it doesn't necessarily mean the playtime was very high.
Finished game: Has unlocked the indicating achievements and has the necessary playtime
Played - didn't finish: Winner has played the game, but has not completed the story - achievements again as an indicator. In every case this was less than five hours, in almost all cases of those it was mostly less than 2 hours before the game was "abandoned"
farmed for cards: When the winner has zero achievements, game has cards and winner has according playtime to have farmed the cards. You usually unlock 1 or more achievements in less than an hour on most games, so this is a fairly accurate indicator. For games that had cards and no achievements to indicate, I put them into the played - didn't finish category when there was this kind of uncertainty - which likely results in the stats provided being more positive than they actually are.
didn't touch: means 0 minutes of playtime
didn't activate: Self-explanatory
private profile: Self-explanatory

To be noted here is that I didn't provide the statistics for bundled/unbundled games seperately. Unfortunately, most unbundled games were left unplayed, contrary to my expectation that people rather play unbundled games than bundled games. In grand total, about only 25 of the games with any indication of that the winner has played them were non-bundled, the rest were bundled at the time of giving them away. The maximum playtime observed by a winner was 40 hours. Less than 20 winners played the game for more than 10 hours.
DLCs were treated as normal games/wins and were categorized accordingly to their basegame being played or not.

The comparison to myself:
I usually only enter giveaways I am convinced I want to play. Lately, I haven't been entering a lot of giveaways due to the fact that there aren't so many games out there that genuinely interest me. For example, over the course of the last 7 days, I entered 41 giveaways.
I, to date, have won 69 games, with the majority over the course of the last 12 months. In similar fashion to above, I will provide the numbers, although I won't make a difference between farmed for cards and didn't touch, as I've always farmed the games for cards if there were some. Since I've only won three giveaways that ended over 2 years ago, so I'll start with the "over 1 year ago category"

Ended over 1 year ago

Category: Amount: Percentage:
finished 100% 4 22,2%
finished game 2 11,1%
played - didn't finish 1 5,6%
didn't play: 11 61,1%
bundled 14 77,8%
non-bundled at time 4 22,2%
total 18
Other notes: 3 GAs with 1 entry, 1 with 10000 copies given, 1 DLC, 1 private

Ended less than a year ago

Category: Amount: Percentage:
finished 100% 5 17,2%
finished game 2 6,9%
played - didn't finish 3 10,3%
didn't play: 19 66%
bundled 18 62%
non-bundled at time 11 38%
total 29
Other notes: 16 group, 1 private, 4 with 1 entry. 1 DLC

Ended less than 6 months ago

Category: Amount: Percentage:
finished 100% 2 9,1%
finished game 3 13,6%
played - didn't finish 1 4,5%
didn't play: 16 72,7%
bundled 7 31,8%
non-bundled at time 15 68,2%
total 22
Other notes: 2 DLC, 1 certain win.
Amount: Percentage:
finished 100% 11 16%
finished game 7 10,1%
played - didn't finish 5 7,2%
didn't play: 46 66,7%
bundled 39 56,5%
non-bundled at time 30 43,5%
total 69

So, all in all, I, unfortunately, am not much "better" at playing my wins than the people who've won some games from me. And to be honest, of the 46 games I didn't play yet, I easily actually won't play 30. Counting, I plan on playing 12. That is not to say that other's would've played it. I am seriously contemplating requesting re-rolls and providing the keys for those wins I don't want myself, but this means unnecessary work for staff and the giveaway creators. I will continue playing the games I've won (like my most recent wins, I plan on starting Hitman today or tomorrow, the flame in the flood simultaneously to it, waiting for my best friend to play Killinf Floor and Victor Vran with me... and so on). I also am waiting for certrain DLC to either be purchased by me or to release (just cause 3 for instance) so I can complete the game to 100%. All in all, I don't think I'll ever actually play more than half of my wins to date. This has led me to actually feel bad about myself and bad for the giveaway creators, although I have played the majority of then-unbundled games. On the other hand, I'm not certain if a different winner would've actually played the game in the mean-time.
On the other hand, I'm not bothered by the majority of bundled games won by people not being played. Especially if they're of the "cheap" sort (meaning non-BTA, non-AAA and so on), which makes up most of my bundled wins. The amount of games I actually feel bad about not having played yet shrinks to around 10.
Regarding playtime, I've spent a lot of time on some titles, surpassing the 40-hour-mark on 5 games, with a good dozen of other titles getting my attention for more than 10 hours. Just for comparison, I've given away plenty titles that easily can be played for that long.

What bothers me the most is that some of the most expensive titles, as well as titles of great quality (big-point-titles, if you will) remain unplayed after a long amount of time. The general observations I've made checking all winners was this:

  • the higher the amount of games owned, the less likely the winners were to play the game
  • the higher the amount of wins, the less likely were winners to play the game
  • observing just my winners, it didn't matter if a game was bundled or non-bundled to be played or not
  • the prospect of winning a "great" title (i.e.: AAA, bundled-AAA, highly-positively-rated title) is more important than playing it. In fact, higher-budget titles were those that were left unplayed more often than any other category of titles.
  • I didn't notice any real gap between group giveaways and public giveaway being played or not played.
  • There is, from a giveaway-type-restriction point of view, currently no type of GA that really ensured winners playing it, leave alone requests in the giveaway-description.

What I'm getting at:..
is the fact that most of us win just too much. Some people have always tried to restrict that, but failed. I personally feel the most effective way would be to limit the amount of maximum points per day drastically, as well as the amount of point-regeneration. Just for measures, from what I could observe, around 50 points are regenerated per hour. If done right, you can easily have 500 or more points to spend a day. The current system also allows us to "store" our points in big-point giveaway, so the excess amount of points we have at one point can actually be banked for the future, in theory leaving us able to amass thousands of points on some days. I know this was requested once (less points) and was met by most users feeling points shouldn't be restricted. I've also seen higher-level users request more points for themselves - leave alone the fact that as a high-level user (say 7 and up) you usually have access to so many groups and giveaways, that you literally can drown yourself in wins. I know, some people give a lot, too. But, in my honest opinion, steamgifts shouldn't be the place where you give a game away to win a game. It should be the place where people should be given the chance to win games they really want to play - this includes people that may currently not have the bucks for an AAA-title, don't want to buy a bundle for just one game, and so on. Instead - and this is again just an observation made by myself and the portion of users I've checked in the past - most of the wins are amassed by a small fraction of users.

In the end though, probably nothing will be changed and we all will keep entering and winning games which we oftentimes won't play. I'm no exception to that, as I've proven. It led me to include the poll.

Before i forget: Here's giveaways from the current HB monthly you all likely won't play:
Edit: sorry I had to remove the Wasteland 2 giveaway...

PLEASE don't leave any uneccesary comments. I want to keep track of the discussion if it emerges and I know you wanna say thanks - keep it to yourself for the time being, but you are welcome to thank me if you should win.

We all win too much, I fell we should have less points given to us. Also, should I request a reroll for games I won't play?

I'd be happy if we could discuss this as civilized, friendly and neutral as possible. Thank you, have a nice weekend.

8 years ago*

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Does Steamgifts provide us too many points and should it be limited? Should I reroll wins I won't play providing the keys to them?

View Results
Yes, re-roll. Yes we are provided too many points
No, don't re-roll. No, we're not provided too many points
Yes, re-roll. No, we're not provided too many points
No, don't re-roll. Yes, we're provided too many points
Don't care / potato / cat-gif

I don't think reducing max points and point recovery would change the mindset, so I don't think that's a good solution. Also, i don't think you should ask for reroll, precisely for the reason you pointed out. Many of us are in the same boat as you, and many of us have felt the same as you do. Even I have written a topic about that in the past... I've been able to play more games since, even if it's not as much as I'd like. :)

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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decent sample size, really appreciate the effort you put into gathering the numbers & formatting the post.

For me this is a little heart breaking, some people win and never touch a game that someone else actually REALLY wants and would play immediately. I generally try not to enter anything that I won't play in the next 60 days, but I've got a backlog of over 200 games on Steam anyway. If I spent money on 200+ games that I haven't played then there's little hope for stuff I get for free.

8 years ago

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I'm level 4, and empirically I'm winning about 1 game per month. It's hard to quantify that as "too many wins".

8 years ago

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Does it matter? A lot of people like to collect. To have gone through all this effort to produce this data seems like an incredible waste of time just to confirm a well known statistic among Steam gamers.

8 years ago

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I don't know. Honestly, collecting games and presenting that as an argument to win expensive AAA titles from other people for free, especially if you're never going to play seems just inherently wrong.
In the same fashion, if I were to say "Hi. I collect money. Got something for me?" most people would tell me to fuck off...

8 years ago

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No one is asking you for games. They are entering a competition. If you are giving something away, then it is wrong to have expectations in return.

8 years ago

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Yeah but the difference is, people don't go asking for games, people on here simply offer them up.

If you are concerned about it, I'd suggest creating a private Steam group that has conditions attached that reflect the games played and only give away games to people within your group. Problem solved.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I think the reason why non bundled games tend to be played less then bundled, is that they just take more time to play. I personally have 10 - 20 longer games sitting in my backlog I really want to play, but I never actually install them , because I just don't have the time and I'm already playing 5 or 6 other big games.

Bundled games on the other hand tend to be shorter (not all) and ares usually easier to complete. When I want to play a game from my backlog I check how long it takes on average to complete and if it's over 10 hours, I just don't bother with (in the summer I have two months free from school though, so then I should be able to play them).

There are also some games I entered because they look interesting, but are now sitting in backlog, right next to games that are way more interesting.

I would love to play all games I won, but if you have little time to play games (I have 1 - 2 hours a day. 3 or 4 if I'm lucky and a bit more in the weekend), you tend to carefully select the games and play the ones you know you'll have a lot of fun with.

8 years ago

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I personally don't care what peeps do with their wins. I give for my own amusement and less so for the benefit of recipient. I make gibs because I feel like it and I enjoy doing so. I will continue to make gibs so long as I feel like it. The moment that it starts feeling like a chore is the day that I stop using this site.

Besides, my time is better spent living my own life than giving a fuck how someone spends theirs. :D
I understand your viewpoint, but I find it a waste of energy to fuss about such things.

8 years ago

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I didn't play some games I bought 3-4 years ago on stem sale (yet), so....
I'm entering only GA's with games I want to try at some point someday, still didn't touch half of what I won.

8 years ago*

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SGTools is broken right now :(

8 years ago

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I must say your observation, and text is quite interesting. Kudos for you for the big work. I believe it can be turned in some real science article in economy. Your numbers are big enough to speak about the nature of the problem. Vary well done I am impressed by your work.

8 years ago

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Very interesting! (And very dedicated to from you to look into it)
Also, I wouldn't have expected anything else, like others here.

Too many games, too many bundles.
I only buy games I really want and only bundles when I want at least half the games giving away the rest.

That said, I still have games on my to-play list from years ago, like finishing Walking Dead season 1 or LA Noire.

To add to the statistic I have won 7 games, installed all of them, but played only 3 so far, finished only 1.

I always hope that the ppl I give something to are actually having fun with the game...

(I really need to play Eidolon soon, which was the first game I won.)

8 years ago

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You sir have too much free time on your hand ... i envy you :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No matter what great idea someone comes up with,there is no ideal solution for this and why it has stayed the way it is so far.

No matter how you change the points system someone will get the short end of the stick..As if you lower it what about those who do not have a lot games and are trying to win more,then they will have less odds of winning games.

Yes it could raise the odds of others winning,but it does not increase the odds of winning any given single GA.To be honest i could care less as i rarely use a lot my points now so it would impact me little.I however find i have plenty to enter and general enough points to enter.I am here to give not to win or i should say winning is just a by product of me using this site,as my main goal is try give back as much as i can.

Though as i have said before just because you have a shit ton of points does not mean you have to use them all,i know it happens point is,if a lot would show more self control that in itself would increase odds of others winning.If you look at my wins you will see that i am selective of what i win,if i entered for just about anything to win it would me much higher then what it is.I have not even hit 10,000 GA and been here for over a year,so that not even 1,000 average a month.

I have 9,175 i know it been more then a year,but let just say it was only a year even at that i would still only average 750 a month,which would be even lower if we counted around the time i started.

That is about 25 entries a day if you average each month out to be 30 days which is a safe bet.So do not think that is to bad.Even if i was only allowed 300 points period and only reset once a day.I could still manage 25 a day if i kept the average around 10 points a GA and a lot days it usually is as most of the games i want are indie games and around 5-15 points.

I am saying that if you lower the points it would have little impact on me,but lowering for someone else might make it even harder for them to win and if they have never won the odds of them winning is even worse now.I would be more bothered by the ones who do GA just for the sole purpose of winning more not because they want to give,but because they want to win.

There is no ideal solution for this and i think it is fine the way it is.I find most who win a lot but give little back win crap i do not want and would never waste my points on,i surely could boost my wins just by merely enter a bunch of bad bundle game fodder,i am not here for win count though.

8 years ago*

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No matter how you change the points system someone will get the short end of the stick..As if you lower it what about those who do not have a lot games and are trying to win more,then they will have less odds of winning games.


As point generation is reduced there will be a reduction in entries as well, they may be entering less giveaways but so is most everyone else. There chances of winning a giveaway within an arbitrary amount of time (let's say a week) won't change significantly, their chances of winning any particular giveaway however will go up (which is counterbalanced by the fact they are entering less).

Yes it could raise the odds of others winning,but it does not increase the odds of winning any given single GA.

Uhh, also false? Not just trying to be argumentative here, but I just think that's wrong. The whole point is to reduce entries, there are exceptions, AAA games are so coveted that even with lower point generation public AAA giveaways will still receive a similar amount of entries (I'd imagine) but I doubt more. The whole point is that you enter fewer giveaways but have better odds in those giveaways because there are also fewer entries than with the current generation rate, how is that not better odds?

8 years ago

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I never meant they would get more entires so if i some how implied AAA games would i am sorry it is not what i meant.

"The whole point is that you enter fewer giveaways but have better odds in those giveaways because there are also fewer entries than with the current generation rate, how is that not better odds?"
Only those odds bank on every game you enter to have less people and i doubt that will be the case.As right now i hardly use all my points and i enter a lot that have low entries and yet within the last 6 months or so it has not changed my winnings despite each month entering more and more with lower entries.

No matter how you change the points system someone will get the short end of the stick..As if you lower it what about those who do not have a lot games and are trying to win more,then they will have less odds of winning games.

What i meant by that is they will be able to enter less GA with less points.As it is fact that the less you can enter over all the less chances you will have at winning.Now it may increase your odds sometimes of winning any one given GA,i do not think it is enough to warrant a points change as now your banking on every one you enter to have less people and that will not always be the case.

After all lets say for example the current points system would allow you on average to enter say 50 GA a day.New points system allows you to enter 25,you are entering half of what you use to,so that alone cuts your odds in half of winning a game.You can not tell me that fewer people entering one single GA is going to make up for that?

I would rather go with the odds of entering more to win then vs entering fewer and having higher odds of winning one given GA because less people may enter but is no guarantee,while entering more GA is a guarantee on odds of winning more often based on more being entered.I want to be clear i do not mean guarantee to actually win lol

In fact i mostly now just enter GA that are leveled 2+ and Invite and so on,and have been for about the last 4 months and since i started winning i have not seen much shift in how i win,despite having more ways to win now with less people entering.I do know if i was to enter a lot more i would win more but i am selective,so yes i still think being able to enter into twice as many GA still gives me better odds of winning then with fewer entries.

After all how does a person with no level win 5 times as much as me,when i am entering a lot more GA with lower people entering and so on,simple because they enter a lot more then i do so that will always increase your odds more then ever entering a GA with less people.If i was to increase how many GA i enter i would win more and would have more wins,how much i do not know but i do know i would have won more.

And do not worry i am not looking to argue or anything either,i am just here to share my thoughts on the subject not declare i am right or wrong or you are or anyone for that matter,but just saying how i feel from my experience on the site

8 years ago*

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Well, I don't want to go through 300 some wins to see winner stats, but I have few enough wins that just by looking through my wins I know what falls into what category and I came up with

Category Count Percentage
Beat 37 50.68%
Didn't Finish 14 19.18%
Unbeatable But Played 9 12.33%
Unbeatable Barely Played 3 04.11%
Didn't Play 2 02.74%
DLC 8 10.95%

As for point generation, I'm always lobbying for change that I think is best for the community and despite the fact so people are resistant to the idea of reduced point generation there really isn't any negative aspect of lower point regeneration other than psychological. People seem convinced that more points is better for them yet on aggregate your chances to win something within a unit of time won't change, what will change is that you'll have better odds of winning the giveaways you do enter. I've talked myself dry on this subject before and you've seemed to make a strong case :)

8 years ago

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thats why i always enter games i will play when i have time and only in my wl games :p.

8 years ago

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Thallassa, how do you feel about your money invested into games to give away?

8 years ago

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I've never felt bad spending money on giveaways to begin with.

8 years ago

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I haven't won anything here but I want to keep giving games away... I joined this site to giveaway games I knew i wouldn't play, not to win games. I guess once I'm a high enough level I might be able to win stuff, but I really don't care all that much. It does bother me a little when I see so many of the users have won 100+ games and are only level one though. I'm considering raising the levels of my giveaways, or requiring winners to have 1 : 1 giveaway to games won ratio.

8 years ago

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You shouldn't give away games if you're going to complain afterwards. Your requirements above are overly puritanical imo, and bordering on ridiculous. Are you sure you enjoy giving games away? Maybe you should try trading or selling instead.

8 years ago*

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The point is, I'm not necessarily complaining about my games not being played.
I'm talking for a general problem I can see in the community, that people win heaps of games and nobody cares if they're played or not. It almost encourages leeching. At the same time, I see so many users complain bots and oh there's too many users/entries and so on, that I find it sometimes paradox. People winning and winning and winning? As I said in the entry-post, I actively feel bad about now having played some games and wonder if somebody else would've played them faster. In the same fashion I think it's pointless in winning a $60 title if you're not going to play soon, because chances are that when you actually get to play the game, if you play it at all, it will have been available much cheaper. Chances also are, some luckier/whatever user would've played it immediately and had heaps of fun with it.
And don't tell me, people don't tend to prioritize games that they're most keen on playing.
I've made some other points over the course of the thread, but I'm currently unwilling to gather up everything and partially repeat myself.
I cannot state this thoroughly enough: This thread is not about me.
I just took my given away games and my won as a sample, because the other ways would've been the following:

1) taking the games of a random user: Either would've meant calling him out, or people could've said: "you just took this user because you know his won games are left particularly unplayed"
2) I coul've taken a random sample of more users, which woul've led to people being able on calling me out on a certain bias.

It was the easiest myself as a demonstration for the actual topic as they were a mixed bag, at my disposal, I did a good number of mixed requirement giveaways accessible and have given a fair share of both bundle games and non-bundle games I've paid out of my own pocket up to 30€ a game. I've also won a fairly mixed bag.

As for my requirements here, they're just randomly arbitrary, yes. I've seen worse, but those few people that can get in if they want to have some nice chances on winning the games, as the overall join-count is low. Nice for them.

8 years ago

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What I'm getting at is the fact that most of us win just too much.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only person who has noticed this. I've been trying to scrape some time together to play some of my games, but it has been difficult. In the meantime, I have cut way back on my entries. I have set myself the following restrictions to help me:

  • I do not enter if the game has been bundled.
  • I do not enter if the game is cheap enough for me to just buy it myself.
  • I do not enter if the game cannot be played solo (i.e. I don't need other people to play).
  • I do not enter if the game is one I'm OK with never owning.
  • I do not enter If the giveaway is for a small or select group.
  • I do not enter if the giveaway creator appeals for fewer entries (e.g. "Only enter if...").
  • I do not enter if it seems other entrants want the game more than I do.

The above restrictions mean that there are a lot of games on my wishlist for which I do not enter. That doesn't bother me, though. Generally speaking, I feel have enough games, already.

8 years ago

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I only enter giveaways that I intend to play but I only played 1 of 40 games that I won... But one day...

8 years ago

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Of the 9 games I've sent, 2 have been played(3 and 4 hours), 1 profile is private and the others left unplayed(for now?).

I've won 3 games here(2GA, 1 hidden key), I've played all 3, 2 almost finished and another only for 1 hour(haven't been in the mindset for that genre yet).

8 years ago

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