Since this Steam Holiday Sale isn't the most interesting, how about a thread of the worst decisions you've made purchasing games in your time on Steam.
I'll start. Purchasing 3 copies of Afterfall Insanity 2 days before it was given out for free. >.<

9 years ago*

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Blade Symphony...

9 years ago

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The closest I've ever come to regretting a game purchase was when I bought a second copy of Superman 64.

But I still don't regret it. I'm not sure I can explain exactly why on this site, but I can tell you that I opened up the cart and swapped what game was inside it with another game. And no, not to rip off a rental store or anything - I still have both games.

9 years ago

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Starbound. Biggest disappointment in my gaming time.

9 years ago

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Nexuiz was a broken piece of trash that never ran. I pre-ordered it. ;_;

9 years ago

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Arma3 cant run it playable with my AMD CPU -.- fuuu u intel lovers and shit optimized games -.-

9 years ago

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Infestation survivor stories

9 years ago

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X: Rebirth, Total War: Rome 2, Tropico 5.

There's a few more, but these come to mind first.

9 years ago

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WarZ, luckily it was refunded

9 years ago

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The Hitman Collection...
I am always like YOLO and then its total shit

9 years ago

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You don't like any of them?

9 years ago

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Buying Dark Souls for $26 on release, not because it's a bad game but because by the time I got around to playing it, it was already $5 during sales.

Buying Hitman Absolution in a drunken stupor. It was only on sale a couple days later and yet again I rarely played it.

Marvel Heroes founder pack. The game was rather poor at release compared to what it is now, considering what I got in the $20 pack it definitely wasn't worth it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Verdun: I loved the idea but the camping simulator is not for me..

Age of mythology: This game did not pass the test of times and it was buggy for me.

Syberia 1-2: Thought they would be as fun as the longest journey.. I was wrong. BUT i havent touched the second one yet since i "must" finnish the first one before i head on to the next!

Gorky 17: Graphic bugs and the only fix i found is to minimize the game over and over untill it goes away... I love the game but i have a feeling i would be better off buying old games from gog instead of steam >>

Nether: Not a bad game but not a game for me.. Especially since not a single one of my friends plays it.

9 years ago

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Worst purchase I've made on Steam would be buying old games on steam instead of GOG. Worst purchase in life would be a season pass to Disney World in Orlando when I lived in Orlando. A lot of obnoxious pricks go through that place and self-entitled people think that they are all that.

9 years ago

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Civ5, L4D2, CSGO. First because I should've just waited for the real complete pack because I haven't played it much and the other two because they bore me.

9 years ago

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Dragon Age 2 is the biggest disappointment I can remember. I know there are people who enjoyed it, but I felt cheated by the huge mutation of the franchise: DA:O was an epic RPG with tactical elements, deep detail care, and accurate translation in my language, DA2 was an action game with RPG elements, repetitive and poor level design, and quick-made translation.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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What's wrong with Risk of Rain? You didn't know that you were going to buy a rogue like game?

9 years ago

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Definitely games that I bought & never could get to work right like Galactic Civilizations and Gothic.

9 years ago

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Valve Orange Box, Gone Home and Antichamber

9 years ago

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The Orange Box? That surprises me. Not that everyone needs to like it, but still surprising.

9 years ago

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Yeah, I just can't get into it..

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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CoD:Ghosts retail, because I've bought it to play with friends on day1, unfortunatly it had a mandatory requirement (>6GB Ram) so in the end, neither of us was able to play it on the first day. On top of that, no one of us was able to play it smoothly and many didn't like the game at all. To sum it up not only was a bad purchase, but an higly expensive one. Luckily I've learned the lesson and by watching it on my library, I remember to never again purchase a game blindly, not at that price.

9 years ago

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For me it's CoD: Ghosts as well. I played BO1 and BO2 Multiplayer for 260 and 150 hours. I quit Ghosts after, like, 20?
I hated this game.

9 years ago

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Hipster Waifu Tranny Airbending Simulator 2015.

9 years ago

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Well, I've been playing RPG's since I was a kid. Zelda, FF, Xenogears, Chrono Cross/Trigger, Baulders Gate ect... For years people said Skyrim was the ONE game you have to play before you die. I'm almost 11 hours into it -- I hope it's the one game I forget I played before I die at this point. =-P

9 years ago

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+1 Skyrim is horrible compared to the past ES games.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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ShadowRun online, Loved the original on my SNES, even ShadowRun Returns wasnt bad, but SRO is a disaster

9 years ago

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Day One: Garry's Incident :-/

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by DemonDyl.