Just purchased Trapped Dead from Beamdog on the assumption I would be able to activate it on steam. This does not seem to be the case or am I missing something? I had assumed that with it being listed on SteamGameSales it would be steam redeemable. What is your opinion of SteamGameSales and Beamdog?

13 years ago*

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Not everything listed on SteamGameSales can be activated on Steam, and Trapped Dead is DRM-Free on almost every DD (example: http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-TD/trapped-dead)

13 years ago

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If that is the case then why would it be listed on "Steam"GameSales if it is not infact a "Steam"Game? I am ok with it not being on steam, it just doesn't make much sense to me.

13 years ago

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Sort of like how SteamGifts offers a few non-steam games (Minecraft and Battlefield 3 jump to mind).

13 years ago

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I believe cg started out with only Steam game sales and then moved onto many different sites. There was no need to change the name as the community had already been built up. If you look on SGS you'll see which site the sale is on. Generally, you won't be able to redeem the games on Steam unless it's on this chart.

That being said, SGS is a great site and is a hell of a lot easier to look at sales than going to the Steam Store, GMG, Beamdog, Impulse, etc.

13 years ago

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if you long steam for your games, make sure to always check in the store website you are buying it if the aforementioned game requires steam.

13 years ago

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Some games don't REQUIRE Steam but are still Steam-redeemable. I almost made the same mistake myself, figuring that since it was on SteamGameSales it would be redeemable. Only with a quick last-minute research did I avoid making a purchase that would not have been what I'd expect. It would be great to have an indication of what games are redeemable on Steam from the site but I guess maintaining that database would be too much of a hassle.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by AndyBob.