So here's the deal:

In an effort to help a friend Ichibi because his slots were all used up, I volunteered to create giveaways for Mystica: The Ninth Society, he provided me with 10 steam keys which and few requirements which I followed.
It must be for Ichibi's group, lv0 aka no other restrictions and 1 week of duration.
So, I've found an old thread here on SG forums where some users claimed you'd get maximum profit :P for creating gibs up to 5 keys each, because SG would take 10% CV of each new key after the 5th, so, quilty as charged, tried that instead of doing just ONE for 10 keys, plus wanted to try how many slots would be used up.

Now, the first batch of 5 keys went well, 8 entries (I'd had done it public gib, so we wouldn't have to worry about entries, but oh well, it's done..), and the 2nd batch, the next 5 keys just got 5 entries, in which 2 winners were picked up (100% chance of win, remember?)
turns out these 2 users also wanted to try their luck on the other giveaway which only had a 12 hs window (I thought they BOTH ran at the same time, I messed up, sorry) so now both of them have messaged me about this little mess, and here we are, SG community.

Possible solutions, until and / IF Support manages to see this (and the ticket, either one of these) and sheds some light into this mixup..

Voting poll is PART joke part serious, please vote with helping intent, alright?

What do I do? a friend of mine you know him surely, has a bleeding heart and mind bending puzzles/riddles suggested me to create this topic in an effort to get some good answers and suggestions, also that WE can get better and more coverage regarding the issue as if I contacted friends one by one. Another shot would have been Delta's huge knowledge about SG, has been very helpful but I've been annoying enough already XD

Best possible outcome for these 2 multiple winners SGTools rule thing and my -yet- spotless account? AKA what the heck do I do with the 2 hopefully unused keys, the 2nd giveaway center of this dilemma?

Unfortunately I'm not able to reach out Ichibi, he's without internet access so..
His group is also kinda left out in the blue..


Le di una mano a Ichibi y su grupo hispano, cree 2 sorteos de 5 claves c/u y ahora tenemos 2 usuarios que ganaron en los 2 sorteos.
Normalmente se sacarían 2 ganadores nuevos, pero como eran 5 claves y solo entraron 5 personas, tenían 100% chances de ganar y no hay mas nadie a quien elegir!

Les pedí a estos 2 usuarios que no usaran las claves de su segunda ganada, no revisé bien así que ellos mismos me contactaron.
Ichibi está desaparecido porque no tiene internet. Lastima que de 100 y pico de usuarios del grupo solo entraron menos de 10 :P

Esto es para pedir consejo y ver cual es la mejor opción acá, no joder a los 2 usuarios con la regla de SGTools de no tener multiple wins.
Tampoco quiero borrar el sorteo porque perjudico a los que si ganaron bien y ademas me queda una marca roja en mi perfil y pierdo slots de sorteos, nada ideal hacer eso.

Bueno, eso es todo, espero a ver si soporte o alguien sabe que hacer.
Saludos y gracias!

8 years ago

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What to do in this case?

View Results
Untick & delete key from giveaway status?
Untick & leave it alone?
Create yet another giveaway using those 2 keys from previous selected winners?
Deleting the entire giveaway will possibly screw both winners and leave a nasty red marking on my profile. Want this?
Do nothing, know nothing, become Jon Snow-- err I mean await for support to respond?
Potato salad kickstarted successful!

That's what you get for being greedy with CV. :P

8 years ago

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Thanks for that. Deserved. Now how can you help?
First and last time I do Mr. nice Samaritan then. I'm now a better man than I was before, learning curve, learning curve..

8 years ago

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Hm, sorry if I sounded a bit rude before, didn't mean to sound condescending or moralistic. ^^

8 years ago

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This can be fixed by cg. It might take a while.

8 years ago

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Fixed how? do you know?. We have time, I think.. :P

8 years ago

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you create Support ticket, mod adds t to cg queue, when cg has time he modifies a GA in database changing it to 3 copies GA. Ive done it before and I am now waiting on one GA for it to happen. But it takes a lot of time. 1st time I waited like 3-4 months and another one is taking almost 3 months now as well.

You may also ask support to delete finished GA and solve it this way, but you will lose the CV for the 3 copies as well.

8 years ago

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So if you don't have enough entries you just write to support and wait for CG reaction, so there won't be "less entries than copies" mark on your profile? xD

8 years ago

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if you have less entries than copies there is no problem, because not all copies will get distributed. Problem happens when there's too many rerolls - so when GA is ending there are more entries than copies, all copies get winner chosen, but then due to rerolls number of entrants fall below number of copies. You make 10 Copies GA and have 11 entries, 10 winners get chosen, but then 4 of them say they want a reroll. You can only poractically reroll 1 winner, because there's only one guy who wan't chosen in GA original ending time, what about 3 others? They cannot mark as received because it would mean multiwin, they cannot mark as not received, because you gave then the key plus it would be punishing you (you end up with red not delivered GAs on your profile) while you did nothing wrong - it's not your fault they didn't leave other GAs when they won the game for the first time.

8 years ago

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Make GAs for bigger groups, don't have problems like this. Hue hue yes, it's a joke

Looking on number of small groups out there, CG has to have lots of work D :

8 years ago

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Even if you did 10 separate giveaways for the same game, you'll start losing 10% after the 5th one anyway...

8 years ago

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Yes, that's what I understood by reading the rules.

8 years ago

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Yes, this is what it means. So the whole dividing thing was for nothing.

8 years ago

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You can't delette this GA, as other GA winners would have to agree on this (also means loosing 3 spots and CV). And there is no way to put extra people to enter GA, which already ended.

If you showed keys you can't expect them to be fine. So no more GAs with them. If not - I'd make another GAs for working keys, and multiple winners would just mark their keys as not received.

8 years ago

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the problem is then GA creator may get into problems for having undelivered wins history

8 years ago

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Well maybe if you're in some kind of strict 1:1 groups. Never was in them, so didn't though about it, as they might want to have "purest of the pure" users ;P

You'd have to have shitload of unreceived gifts to make it suspension wothy

8 years ago

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suspension worthy? sure. but blacklist worthy? people will BL you over 1 undelivered GA without wondering what was the reason behind it, will jump to cnclusion that prolly what happens the most times happened - you did not deliver. or is it group-rejection worthy? Let's assume you have 1 spot left in your group. You have 2 people willing to join. They both have same profiles - same level, same real CV, same % of bundles/unbundles, but 1 person has clean history and another has history of 5-6 undelivered GAs. You pick up the 1st person.

8 years ago

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BLs are far too small to BL everyone for one or two undelivered gifts. Besides it requires lots of time to do, as you have to enter profile and point with your mouse at certain spot to see stats. It's not easy to see like ratio or GAs for small groups with few entries. And people are terribly lazy.

And I never cared about small gifts-exchanging groups, so didn't think about it at all :P So this may be a problem if you want to be part of this sort of groups. General / WL groups don't work like this.

8 years ago

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even if it won't earn him tens and hundreds of BLs, just a few - then it's still the fact that he got onto a few of BLs because of something that was in no part his fault. Also the fact that ypou personally don't thing something is important, don't care about it, are not intrested in it etc does not mean everyone else think the same. I know that I personally would care a big deal about having "Not Received" at my profile. I may not care about deleting GA, or losing CV (at evel 10 I don't care about CV anymore anyway), but it does not mean that I don't see that for someone else what is an option for me for him is not. Also what if now it's just thing on your profile that like you say does not matter but in a year or two there is extended SGT or something else and it uses filters like "You have delivered all GAs" and suddenly something you saw as not important becomes important.

8 years ago

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cant he asked to delete the second giveaway? - as the two winners seems to have won the first as well, they should aggree with it so i dont see any problem? and if the ga creator needs more giveaway slots (cause he will lose some), he still can ask the support to get more.

8 years ago

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but besides his GA slots he will also lose CV, winners will lose +1 from their profile wins (also all 5 winners would have to agree on GA deletion, not just these 2), plyus if he's in ratio group he will lose 3 ratio he got fairly for games he did deliver.

8 years ago*

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EDIT: my english is bad^^
my fault

8 years ago*

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i have had it happen myself you can ether ask support to change the Ga to only have 3 winners in which case you'll have to wait several months for the admin to come do it for you as the regular staff cant do it,or do what i do and just let the winners use there keys and request the whole Ga be deleted.

8 years ago

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Wow thank you guys (and gals) for your comments.
Agreed, it's not ideal, far from it, but be that as it may, I don't want to screw anyone and I deff wont like to lose CV, it's pretty hard as it is for me to get it so..

Valid points here, awesome :)
Both users agreed aka promised they didn't nor haven't used the second key they won, but the question is this:

  • If I make 2 more and use those 2, either works for the new winners OR it doesn't and I have to provide 2 more keys. (trusting the winners don't redeem their keys on alt accounts or trade or regift, thus their SG acc remain without the game. Yes it's far-fetched but doable)
  • If I do like above, what happens with the 2 wins (and winners) from this particular giveaway? meaning SG is expecting 5 winners, each winner must claim their game just once. If did that on the 1st one, but leave things as it is on the 2nd one, then what?

What a mess I'm into! If only I'd have known this before hand :P

8 years ago

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Yeah that'd work! It's you!
So how exactly did you do it? a support ticket? I sent one already but for only one of the winners, should I do for both, shouldn't I?

Thanks, you pretty much nailed it! XD

8 years ago

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Let me get this straight: I come here to these depths seeking for help, guidance, from those whom are wiser, more experienced than me, even create a poll, even then I add a potato option, and surely enough, despite best efforts and proper thanks, I got 3 more blacklisters, I'm not complaining, I'm merely stating the facts: SG has -in more or less equal parts- those who gladly help and those who just want to see the world burn.. err I have a friend here that would like to say something, I think some of you out-there can relate:

FYI, it's a joke! I have to make this blue crystal clear (failed breaking bad pun, move along) most of users I've found on the internet tend to get offended real quick real hard, so what you do it's your business, k? XD

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8 years ago*

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