I've seen a growing trend of this now. Both in the forum and in giveaways.

I'm talking about smarmy comments like "I hope the winner plays it", or forum posts crying because a winner hasn't fired up the game yet and it's been a whole four weeks.

I don't really see the point of this kind of comment. If a person activates the game, then they are going to play it. Why is it anything at all to do with you when they play it, or how they prioritise their spare time? It isn't your business at all.

From my perspective, I'm at work half the week for starters. Then I have gym and dog walking. I get less gaming time than some, but more than others (e.g. parents). Point is, some of us have more time than others to actually play games, but we probably all share an equal amount of love for gaming.

Another thing to consider is that some of us are completionists. There's a reason why the games that I really enjoy have between 50-120 hours invested in them. It takes me weeks to get through a game a like. As a result of this dedication (and the dreaded steam sales), I naturally have a backlog of games that will take me a long, long time to get through. I don't believe in just firing up a game for 5 minutes and dismissing it, I give each one a fair trial; it's thanks to that mentality that games like "the binding of isaac" end up being in my favorites list, whereas they'd otherwise end up being uninstalled.

I really don't see why it matters when people play a game they have won. I find it especially rude if they (like me) are contributors! Come the day I win a game, I will play it, but please don't tell me when I should play it. And if you don't like that, then don't give game away.

1 decade ago*

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I definitely agree with everything you're saying! I have a pretty big backlog of games, but that doesn't mean there aren't new ones that I want to buy/win/play! I intend to play every single game I get, even if it takes me the rest of my life and I should be able to do it at my own pace. A game isn't nearly as fun if you're being pressured into playing it. D:

1 decade ago

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If I don't play a game I won is because I'm busy playing others at the time. For example, I won a key from the 2000 copies giveaway of Dwarfs and also got Dawn of War II, and the only reason I'm not playing them it's because I'm busy with Fallout 3 atm. Will play them sooner or later.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by silkst.