Some people are just "special" A while back someone was mad because they spent over $100 on games "they didn't want" but bought just so they could get the achievements, so they could potentially win games he wanted.

It's just amazing how the giveaway just turned so ugly. So many people complaining like if they were entitled to something.

1 decade ago*

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rofl the winner of the grand prize won with 7 coal, it would have been sad if this guy won instead

1 decade ago

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somebody must send him grand prize winner id :) just for trolling :D

1 decade ago

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I too farmed coal but i crafted mine i got around £500 in games 8 copies of skyrim , 2 valve complete packs and loads of other crap it was alot of fun. Friend and i worked together.

1 decade ago

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O.o 8 copies of Skyrim?!

1 decade ago

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So you were one of THOSE scum lol :P

1 decade ago

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Amazing. And you haven't created a single giveaway here. Not even one from the "crap" games you got.

jbrown87^ nailed it, lol

1 decade ago

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What an idiot...he would get shitload of games if he crafted the coals , what a noob lol

1 decade ago

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Just like SteamGifts, nobody reads the rules...if he did, he would have known that like every other contest in America, it was "no purchase necessary". He could have gotten way more coal just by sending in postcards.

1 decade ago

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i hardly got 7 coals in the whole christmas thing.

but i had a blast playing with friends through the achievements in the games i already had.

i had 3 friends with dungeon defenders but our lvl was too low to do the christmas map so we tried it like 3 times and decided to level up a bit mroe and finally we did it, was so much fun!

i believe the guy who won the 1st price had 7 coals only

1 decade ago

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As long as there were more than 1650 other entrants with at least 1 coal each, his chances of winning were less than 50% anyway. But really it's probably in the thousands, each with probably an average of 10ish coal. So...Yeah, his chances of winning were actually preposterously low.

1 decade ago

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This is even more amazing, since the winner made it with only 7 coals :)

1 decade ago

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Probability understanding fail.

1 decade ago

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XD Here I used my only coal and got a game called Race 7. I never expected to get anything great, I did however trade my Valve coupon for a l4d one and now own a game i've wanted.

Honestly, if you're going to bitch you won something, then don't try. Can't be first place all the time.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Quemical.