Some people are just "special" A while back someone was mad because they spent over $100 on games "they didn't want" but bought just so they could get the achievements, so they could potentially win games he wanted.

It's just amazing how the giveaway just turned so ugly. So many people complaining like if they were entitled to something.

1 decade ago*

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LOL Fixed. :)

1 decade ago

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Thanks, have no idea how to properly link. lol

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Ooh! Thanks. Fixed it.

1 decade ago

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what an idiot

1 decade ago

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It's the reason Valve turned of the group comments in their official holiday group the latest sale. During summer people kept whining about not winning a 'one in a few million chance' for the grandprize and that it was all a hoax. O_- When I tried explaining that it wasn't because I had received something, I was instantly labeled as 'Valve employee' since i only had 13 objectives lol.

1 decade ago

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Steam forums are pitiful user wise...some of the worst forums I have been to.

1 decade ago

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He still believes the grand prize went to whoever had the most coal. He's calculating that he only got a 3rd prize only because 51 other users had more coal than him.

1 decade ago

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thats what I was about to say, hes so stupid and I'm happy that he's not happy, he's an ungrateful person

1 decade ago

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1650 coal is still very low chanse. After all at least 5 milion people had coal or few.

1 decade ago

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Valve really should have DQ'ed everyone that abused the system. I would have thought 1650 would have been a red flag for banning or something at least.

1 decade ago

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"You've got to be the most pathetic human being I've ever seen . "

Brilliant! The irony is amazing.

1 decade ago

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LOL. I was about to post his comment. Who would have guessed that someone would be so bitter, over a giveaway.

1 decade ago

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This is can you complain about winning? He should be glad his account isn't banned for having that much coal.

1 decade ago

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His 1,650 coals got him Portal 2 :D
He doesn't explain how he got all the coal though. But i'm pretty sure it was HIB + Steam achievement cheat. I saw 1 user actually paying people for their coal.

1 decade ago

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i paid.... ._.

edit : before all morons with alt-accounts ; coals was very good idea crafting/grand prize BUT after i saw a russian with 580 alt account i gave up... i sold %50 that i bought with %25 profit :O

believe me coal was best think i did on steam (until i saw alt-accounts) =)

1 decade ago

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sorry but rofl

1 decade ago

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Oh jeez why...

1 decade ago

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Actually I was quite happy, that there were people around that wanted to pay (in games or whatever). ;)

I had a fun time during the event with all those achievements and got me 2 cool (and wanted) games via trading for the coal. I've entered the final giveaway with 1 coal (and no, didn't win anything - but that didn't matter).

The funny thing is, that I already owned a lot of games for those achievements and got somewhat between 20 and 30 coals on the whole. Let's say he got around 100 coals from his own performance and some good willing friends. He still must have traded games or money worth more than 1400$ to get so much coal (unless it was a HIB abuse).

1 decade ago

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I've got 2 games from achievements, and traded my coal for 11 new games, incl. Eve Online, Portal 2, and Dawn of War 2. I had 42 achievements at the end, but only 1 coal left. Did not expect or wait for the finale, got everything I wanted during the event :)

1 decade ago

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I wish I had the link, some guy had like 600 some friends, all of which were the same name as him with a different number. was pretty hilarious, no doubt because he used a charity to verify his account like you said :<

1 decade ago

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did they do that?

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the laugh. Especially loved his post where he called that one dude "the most pathetic" person he's ever seen. XD

1 decade ago

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+1, I loled at that too. Considering he's only got what, 3 posts ;P

Probably made a forum account JUST to rage about this!

1 decade ago

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Coal story, bro.

1 decade ago

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It looks like all he got for Christmas was the coal'ed shoulder. YEAAAAAAA!!


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Wow that was bad.

I like it!

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Pure prick he is.

I would've crafted all that coal into games or coupons and give away the stuff I didn't want to others.

1 decade ago

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i sold on tf2 :P

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I love people who are stupid like this. Don't spend money on stuff you don't want for a chance to get something you do want. Just spend money on what you do want, rather than taking the overcomplicated backwards route.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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That, and you could always just send in a postcard for the achievements on games you don't have. It's way cheaper.

1 decade ago

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I don't think the postcards worked that way. You still have to complete the achievement. They probably have to give an means way of entering to some bylaw or something.

1 decade ago

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Yes, exactly. You don't get the achievement, or technically the coal, but you get the entry. I believe it's a law, at least here in the US. You know how you always hear the phrase, "No purchase necessary," in contests? They would require purchase if they could, but laws were made to prevent that kind of thing. If you checked the specifics of the holiday giveaway (I did), you would have seen the part about being able to send in postcards for entries for every achievement that gave them. That's what I was talking about. That's all. It's still a lot cheaper (and easier) than buying all the games and chasing after the achievements. I didn't bother with it, but if people were desperate enough to buy the games strictly for the achievements, that would've been the way to go.

1 decade ago

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I wouldn't say he was stupid. It's just gambling. He shouldn't be whining over his failure though.

1 decade ago

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He coal'd of tried harder.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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i got what he needs right here

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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na, this is what he need

1 decade ago

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Lol wambulance

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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that sucks for him, he had to craft, then he could have had more games haha

1 decade ago

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I wonder what that guy's reaction when the guy that DID WIN the GRAND PRIZE had only liike 8 coal.

1 decade ago

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Few days back I got an email from Valve, I won 3rd prize in the contest :). Of course I already had most Valve games anyways so... :/

1 decade ago

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Out of curiousity, did the missing ones get added straight to your account or was it put into your inventory as a gift?

1 decade ago

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Straight to account unfortunately. And the only extras I got were HL and HL2

1 decade ago

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That's actually a bit disappointing.

I have all the Steam games, but I'd been hoping to win Valve complete as a prize and give it to a friend! Turns out if I'd won it, it would have done NOTHING!!! Good thing I didn't win really :)

1 decade ago

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lol.... xD

1 decade ago

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1650 coals :O OMG!!!! How he dont have steam ban or disable, FUCKING FARMER!!!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1650 coals... seems legit.

1 decade ago

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I'm glad he didn't will the grand prize.

1 decade ago

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I'm still laughing way hard about this.

1 decade ago

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this was a hilarious read :D

take that you grinch!

1 decade ago

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let this be a lesson to you all! lol

1 decade ago

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Don't even think steam is free.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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people like that are why we as humanity cant have nice things.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Quemical.