Some people are just "special" A while back someone was mad because they spent over $100 on games "they didn't want" but bought just so they could get the achievements, so they could potentially win games he wanted.

It's just amazing how the giveaway just turned so ugly. So many people complaining like if they were entitled to something.

1 decade ago*

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so funny!

1 decade ago

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People should be happy that they are winning something.. Athleast it is better than nothing.. Some guys are just retarded.

1 decade ago

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Haha love these tears. Thanks for sharing, OP.

1 decade ago

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It's like buying $100,000 worth of lottery tickets and expecting to win first prize, you may win something, but you still have a much less chance of getting top prizes.

1 decade ago

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I didn't win a main prize, but i did win L4D, THe Sega Genesis COmplete collection, and some other random game from crafting and achievements. Plus I got to buy A crapload of awesome games that I wouldn't have otherwise thought of playing, so I feel like a grand prize winner myself.:D

1 decade ago

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I used to be a coal farmer like you, until I took an ARROW in the knee.

1 decade ago

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I just hope that the guys who did win the major prizes only had a few coal from doing the achievements and/or trading.

1 decade ago

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Grand prize winner had 7 coals. So this was lols.

1 decade ago

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Brilliant :D

1 decade ago

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He should have used his coals to craft 235 games.

1 decade ago

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games & coupons, your point remains though XD

1 decade ago

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Mainly coupons :P

1 decade ago

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Maybe he left it to the last day... >=|

1 decade ago

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I had nearly jack worth of coals until the very end, which also sucked.

1 decade ago

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"It's just amazing how the giveaway just turned so ugly. So many people complaining like if they were entitled to something."

^this. It was so sad watching people rage when I thought valve was doing something great. so few game companies seem to truly care about the customer anymore (more directed at the larger companies, indie developers are lovely people by and large), whether they profited from promoting lots of games during the giveaway & coupons or not is irrelevant to me, the fact remains that people got games for free and the chance to save tons on the ones they didn't.

Wish people would shut the fuck up and try to be thankful and nice for a change.

1 decade ago

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ungrateful bitch, maybe he should have given me his games if he didn't want it. He should be happy he won since only so few people did

1 decade ago

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If that thread hadn't been closed I'd have replied with how entitled it smelled in that thread. 1,650 coals, coals he could have used to craft possibly good shit, and he's complaining because he WON SOMETHING. What the fuck.

1 decade ago

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facepalm He's a moron, lets all move on.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I only got about 8 coal during the entire event. I knew my unlucky ass wasn't going to win anything so I traded 4 of my coal for Killing Floor. I'm glad I wasn't stupid like the people who were coal farming.

1 decade ago

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Good deal good sir :) KF is awesome

1 decade ago

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I actually ended up with some games I didn't want, but ended up looking for trades like crazy for about four days, when I temporarily had like five different games most of which I hadn't even heard of before, some of which I was kinda interested in trying out since I could get them for free, but I was also looking very actively to trade them away to get games I wanted or more coal. I even tried playing middleman to get more out of some trades.

Then I decided, the heck with this, I'm outta here. Thereafter, I only considered trades for games I actually wanted, or I traded for more coal. I even gladly scrapped TF2 weapons to get coal. I ended up with like 35 coal, and won nothing, but I knew that I would almost certainly win nothing and didn't care. I'd rather have the minuscule chance of winning something I wanted (be it Portal in the Valve Complete Pack, or 5 or 10 things from my wishlist) than get games I didn't want.

1 decade ago

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1650 coals...


1 decade ago

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Meh, I've seen 1000+ coals gotten legit. That was for fail SCIENCE! though.

1 decade ago

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hahahaha what a *** retard :D

1 decade ago

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Wow, just wow.
It sure is amazing how there are people like this in the world.
That makes it more fun though, thanks for the laugh.

1 decade ago

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LMFAO what an idiot. And then he says "You are the most pathetic human being". Bitch please, then what the hell are you supposed to be?

1 decade ago

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It's like the guy on a game show that wins $5000, a new car, and an all expense paid trip to hawaii who still complains because he didn't win the $100 bonus.

1 decade ago

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Except this guy won the 100$ bonus and is complaining he didn't win the 5000$, the new car or the trip to Hawaii.

1 decade ago

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True. If he's so mad, I'll gladly take the prize off his hands. I have a friend who would LOVE to receive that as a gift

1 decade ago

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i wanna complain too, why didn't i win the grand prize with my 3 coals ? :p , it's a leftover from when i crafted the rest of my coal :p

/sarcasm , if somebody did not realize that this is a sarcasm.

1 decade ago

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XD That was too funny. I crafted coal 3 times and got valve coupons everytime XD He should be thankful for winning something

1 decade ago

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me and my missus had 11 or so coals between us, I bought her a little game pack, for £3 and I did most of the achievments that cost nothing to do. I gave over my coals to her so she could craft them.
only one go, but meh, might as well.
She got portal 2, giftable, and gifted it back to me, as it's not her type of game. between us we got 3 valve % off coupons as well, the 50% one I used on portal, I've played it to death, but never legally owned it until then.

I felt they deserved my buisness, little as it is.

1 decade ago

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All that agricultural endeavour and no reward.

His subscription to the Farming Times will not be getting renewed any time soon.


1 decade ago

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1650 lumps of coal? You would be litteraly erased from their membership if they noticed, you don't even deserve a third price..

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Quemical.