Well, there’s this mod, In Country: Vietnam. Granted, it’s still in development, but you’ll have to agree: it has something to do with Vietnam.
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Fail of the year (I mean your lack of knowledge).
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you should watch Vietnam war movies...(if you havent already)
People indeed had a good taste of music back then...
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How come? Commies are bad, or even worse than Nazis. They've murdered much more people than Nazis did, and the Reds did it around the globe (USSR, Cambodia, North Korea, Bulgaria, Germany, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Vietnam, China, Cuba, Africa and so on).
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Yeah, well. Let's put my education aside and tell my one thing. My grandfather's two brothers and his parents were executed when the Reds came to Poland in 1944. My gradfather was the only one left from the whole family (including uncles, aunts etc.) just because he was hidden in different part of my country. Now, the commies killed them simply because they were nobility and thus "enemies of the people". Their home was robbed and turned into public school (which burned down two years later when drunken commies were celebrating the russian revolution). My other granfather's older brother was a catholic priest, who was executed in 1948 for... guess what - being "enemy of the people". So don't tell me that commies wasn't bloothirsty bastards. They were, and every single one of them deserves to die in pain. Yup, it's personal.
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So you condemn an entire ideology and all the people who follow it because of a small personal grudge?
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Yes, because that kind of stories happened all over the world.
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Exactly. Let's not forget what crimes Józef Piłsudski committed. A real bloodthirsty bastard? he was.
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Yeah, I don't like Pilsudski because he was a socialist.
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Then you are not much different from Hitler.
He Genocided Jewish because some Jewish tormented his parents.
Aside from the fact that you condemned the entire ideology and people who believe in it, not a race of people, you're doing the exact same thing as he did. You just doesn't have the power to kill all socialist or forcing people to believe in what you want them to believe.
If you are going to justify your condemnation of the socialist, then the same logic can be used against your grandfather's two brothers and his parents too. Nobility are not without guilt by your logic, and those who killed them are justified to do it, because noble were once a sick bastard.
Remember French revolutionary war ? Lower class citizen revolt against noble because noble treated them like they're not human. A child got hit by a carriage in front of her mother, but her mother almost got arrested for delaying that noble, who were going to a dance party. If your standpoint were different and by using the same logic, you might even say that your grandfather's two brothers and his parents deserve to die, because they're nobility, and nobility treated people like shit.
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"Then you are not much different from Hitler. He Genocided Jewish because some Jewish tormented his parents."
Really? Really? Suspended.
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don't get me wrong but Nazis pay for all suplies they get from villegers and i didn't heard any of them rape the ones who gave them suplies unlike russians which they didn't even pay for their suplies and rape all womens and girls in their way. + U can't do anything in a comunist country and ur rights are reserved...so i guess comunism is a way to make a family distany as a leadership and put into silence the others who are against you with some ideas!
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Yeah, right.
First of all you should stop confusing words communist and Russian. They are not the same.
Secondly, you should stop listening to whoever told you that bullshit about Nazis paying for anything and not raping anybody.
And lastly, you need to brush up on what communism actually means.
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First: Confusing? Am I the only one who know that communism was born and rise in Russia? Second: I'm french and unfortunetly i know better then you on how they were. Third: I know a few russians complaining about how social class are in Rusia...and trust me, I know what communism is!
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Yes, because it's not true. Communism was born and risen in Europe. Mainly in France and Germany.
Unless you are ninety years old you have no idea how things were back then. I can assure you nazis were not as noble as you think.
I don't trust you as you keep on confusing communism with dictatorship.
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What? Bolsevic was from France? I remember that half of Germany was under communism and the other not, but i can't remember when France was communism and mostly i can't remember how comunism was born here :|
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That's because you keep confusing things and have absolutely no clue about anything.
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Like that the overwhelming perception of people in the US (and some other places) is that the struggles against Nazism in the 40's and 'international terrorism' since 2001 were right and just and worth fighting. The flipside of that coin is the perception that US involvement in Vietnam was expensive, protracted and ultimately pointless. I'm not saying I agree with this view necessarily, they're complex issues - but it's probably just easier to sell people games where you kill Germans wearing swastika armbands or arabs in keffiyeh. They're easily identifiable 'bad guys' as opposed to Vietnam where it was often difficult to determine exactly who the enemy was.
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Vietnam war was not all that complex. USA got involved because they didn't want to lose western presence in the region after French were thrown out.
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They are not confusing something, true it was not that big of a international effort as in WW1 WW2 Axis of Evil etc. and the fact that America conceded to the NVA by getting its POWs back and pulling out of country. but the Commies were just the same. Stalin killed millions of people, other countries if you belived in any religion you could be killed, not to mention deaths and imprisonment of millions of "political prisoners"
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Here we go again. With millions killed and millions rotting in prison there would be no one left, yet amazingly there were people, and population was even slightly growing.
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if you have over 200 million people, you can off a couple mill and your pop will still grow. your confusing something.
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There was about 147 million people in 1927 and about 197 million people in 1941.
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and there were more civillian deaths than millitary deaths in the soviet union alone in WW2.
and Total Soviet losses in the postwar 1946–91 were 26.6 million (13.5% of the total population of 196.7 million).
so im sorry i was off of 200 million by 3.3 million
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i said other countries. so China did not kill Tibetan Monks?
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Yes, and there is nothing wrong in killing democrats and other socialist scum.
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Yes, and there is nothing wrong in killing those blood-sucking oppressive tyrannical noble.
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but he did. there are conservative estimates that he caused the death of as high as 20 million people. he did his great purge, his repression of people caused a famine which took 6 million lives and there were over a million killed in the Gulag from 1921-1953.
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You know that those just came up after the USSR fell even though past soviet leaders were anti-stalinist?
Probably because that would show it was not being a perfect system?
Also, wouldn't everyone deny it if it actually did not happen?
But I guess I better keep my mouth shut. It doesn't really look like this is a debatable thing to you.
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According to a 1993 study of archival Soviet data, a total of 1,053,829 people died in the Gulag from 1934 to 1953. However, taking into account that it was common practice to release prisoners who were either suffering from incurable diseases or on the point of death,the actual Gulag death toll was somewhat higher, amounting to 1,258,537 in 1934-53, or 1.6 million deaths during the whole period from 1929 to 1953.
and the Famine which i speak of happened in 1932-33 before the Nazi invasion.
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the 1 million was in the gulag from just under Stalin's rule. there is a estimate that there were 20 million just under Stalin rule.
"Historians working after the Soviet Union's dissolution have estimated victim totals ranging from approximately 4 million to nearly 10 million, not including those who died in famines. Russian writer Vadim Erlikman, for example, makes the following estimates: executions, 1.5 million; gulags, 5 million; deportations, 1.7 million out of 7.5 million deported; and POWs and German civilians, 1 million – a total of about 9 million victims of repression.
Some have also included the deaths of 6 to 8 million people in the 1932–1933 famine among the victims of Stalin's repression. This categorization is controversial however, as historians differ as to whether the famine was a deliberate part of the campaign of repression against kulaks and others, or simply an unintended consequence of the struggle over forced collectivization.
Accordingly, if famine victims are included, a minimum of around 10 million deaths—6 million from famine and 4 million from other causes—are attributable to the regime, with a number of recent historians suggesting a likely total of around 20 million, citing much higher victim totals from executions, Gulag camps, deportations and other causes. Adding 6–8 million famine victims to Erlikman's estimates above, for example, would yield a total of between 15 and 17 million victims. Researcher Robert Conquest, meanwhile, has revised his original estimate of up to 30 million victims down to 20 million. In his most recent edition of The Great Terror (2007), Conquest states that while exact numbers may never be known with complete certainty, the various terror campaigns launched by the Soviet government claimed no fewer than 15 million lives. RJ Rummel maintains that the earlier higher victim total estimates are correct, although he includes those killed by the Soviet government in other Eastern European countries as well."
the 20 million plus was During the Whole of the Soviet regime. " Total Soviet losses in the postwar 1946–91 were 26.6 million (13.5% of the total population of 196.7 million)" i have not changed the facts are you perceiving them different?
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Why would famine victims be included? Do you consider people who died in Haiti earthquake in 2010 victims of Haiti government?
Why do you keep on garbling statistics? Those twenty millions you're talking about perished in a five years span due to misfortunes of World War II.
You also avoid noting that being a victim of repression doesn't mean being dead. Most of victims were in fact not shot to death in secluded parts of Siberia.
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the famine was caused by Stalins lack of being a good leader. if he were to abide by the true nature of Socialism the famine would not have happened he oppressed people so much and took everything that they starved to death. a forced famine and earthquake are two entirely different things. and remember that Soviet Russia was not just Siberia? how many people were killed under soviet rule in Poland, Georgia and all the other satellite states of Soviet Russia. you dont need to be shot to be killed, remember Nazis did not shoot all those Jewish people you think the Soviets would? no, just by putting people in a position to die is a cause to be a victim starvation, beating, torture,
and i understand there were a high death toll in WW2 but these are numbers from repression totals. if you figure in the WW2 deaths estimates go from 20-60 million.
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Everything had gone wrong in the Oblonsky household.
The famine was cause by large-scale crop failure combined with aftermath of World War I, Revolutions, Civil War, Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War. Regardless of how the government handled the situation it was not motivated by political ideology.
I gave you population numbers from before Stalin rose to power up to the beginning of The Great Patriotic War. Despite all your claims it increased by fifty million people. And after the war was won - surprise - it decreased by twenty five million people.
Total numbers of repression victims are high because people count them as they please.
I don't know what you know about Gulag, but it was a network of prisons and they were used as such. You can's just say that every inmate was incarcerated for political reasons. Most of them were your regular thieves, murderers, rapists, counterfeiters.
You can't also just count everyone who died during Stalin's reign as a victim of his repressions, nor everyone who was tried and convicted disregarding their alleged crime.
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The soviets killed far more people than the Nazis. They had work camps like they had. Gulag. They deported people left and right that they didn't like. Fathers separated from mothers and their children. They were usually sent to die. Whether by a bullet or in work camps. But because they were on the winning side of the war, only because Hitler betrayed them. They actually were working with them in the start.. anyway.. because they were on the winning side they are considered the "good guys" now. So as you see. There really is no "good" vs "bad". It's one side against the other and who ever stays on top is declared the good one.
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None of what you just said happened. Or rather it did but your "knowledge" about it is totally corrupted.
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nazis did their thing for <10 years soviets over 50. dont you think they could have racked up more...
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true the nazis just did it worse. but it's still all bad
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It's not what I think, it's what really happened. And what happened is that Stalin's crimes were overly exaggerated for whatever reasons.
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Stalin was so bad that he was killed by rat poison. by his own people and only the brain washed mourned. most of the country rejoiced.
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Don't rely on your school system and russian sites only for knowledge on this Jengon. Trust me. Read more and widely. It doesn't matter if you deny it or not, but it did all happen. Like all my grandmothers brothers were shot because they were working on a newspaper that had an article on soviet crimes. It was a horrible time. Start with wikipedia.
Mass Murders under soviet regime.
and go from there.
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Don't rely on your school system. It spread hatred for communism just because, often exaggerating real crimes and not noticing crimes of other political systems and ignoring overall geoploitical situation.
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Nah. We didn't have that. Actually the part that talked about soviet crimes was very small. Can't fit everything in it. Focus is largely on the crimes of Nazi Germany. It was the grandmothers and people who survived the soviet era that you heard the things from. My own family has had many people sent to gulag. Some never returned. You are seriously brainwashed by your country and I can't really be mad about that. I mean look at North-Korea. The difference is though. You have the internet. Use it. Read about it.
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I do, unlike you. You don't know she situation in Russia today (newsflash, Stalin is blamed for pretty much everything you can imagine), nor do you know anything about USSR.
All you know about it is that your relatives were put under arrest. You have no idea what was going on anywhere else in the country, or why was it going on, or why wasit going on this way and not other.
I'm sorry, but it is you who is seriously brainwashed to hate something you have no comprehension of and to repeat other people's words because you have none of your own.
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What does the current Russia have to do with its past crimes? There is proof of what happened in the past and nothing can change it. I can go outside. Find the first old person and most of them have a horrible story from the soviet time. Putin is working the angle that "Stalin's crimes weren't as bad" really hard right now. So I feel sorry for you going along with it. Also they weren't put under arrest. They were dragged out of their home and shot on their knees while their family was watching. This isn't a question of hate. It's a question of truth and you're denying it.
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Like I said you know nothing at all. There is no angle of "Stalin crime's weren't as bad". IF you can see form wherether you are that just means that brainwashing and propaganda machines are working great in your country.
There are proof of Stalin's crimes. I've never said he wasn't a criminal. But if you actually go and read the documents themseleves, not the boo story your first old person tells you, you'll see that numbers of victims are greately exaggerated.
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So, you're a conspiracy theorist, eh?
There always have to be documents to put any thing in motion and there is no point in forging such documents.
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Dude. My country is in the top 20 of Press freedom. Truth is valued above all else here. Everybody has a voice. Let's compare that to Russia.. there is no point, since it isn't even in the top 100. Do you realize that talking someone who actually witnessed something is considered primary source? Documents are a secondary source. Lack of documents doesn't prove that nothing happened. Talking to someone who was deported, had their family killed or they simply died cause of famine is a far more reliable source. You really think they would just document every mass murder? Really? Never. I say never tell someone that they don't know anything when you yourself are so blinded by what's around you.
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Oh, the arbitrary ratings, of course. You still haven't named your paradise on Earth though.
Talking to someone who was deported can reveal only his personal side of the story and nothing more. Their very personal involvement makes them an unreliable source.
Documents are primary source for any serious research. There is no lack of documents, and yes, such decisions as ordering a mass murder leaves a paper trail.
You're not just blind, you're ignorant. You're unable to objectively evaluate given data. Instead you pass judgements based solely on your prejudice and stereotypes.
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So when there are 100 people for example that all say they had their family killed, but a document by the killer says that didn't happen, you disregard all the witnesses? Cause we all know documents are above all else. I'll do something now and write down I didn't do that. Means I didn't do it. What stereotype youre talking about? You are talking about mass murder of millions of people as if it didn't happen. You do realize that someone had to write the document and that someone works for someone with an agenda and it's not smart to write down all the bad things your agenda does. This is why eyewitness accounts are usually above all else.
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You keep changing rules and putting words in my mouth. You are clearly the one with an agenda and you're so blinded by it you can't even read, let alone think.
There are documents about mass murders, deportations, incarcerations, behind-the-scenes struggle for power. It's just that number of victims is not nearly as high as you're told by your free press in your mysterious country.
Regimes that commit crimes against humanity in the main don't see them as crimes and don't feel the need to conceal it to a degree where they forge top secret documents.
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You are right. Was tired yesterday. We get a lot of Russians here who praise Stalin. So I did force a stereotype on you. I instantly jumped to the conclusion that you regard him as a good figure and try to justify his acts. When in reality you're just saying the numbers are smaller. Actually the point of free press is that there isn't just once source that tells you what to believe; you have a choice. Yet in the end even if the numbers aren't more than that of Nazi Germany they are still in millions. It's not conclusive what you're saying either. The research is still on going. So when Putin says "it wasn't that bad actually, ignore soviet crimes, hurr hurr" and then you get hundreds of Russians who visit sites that have anything to do with becoming free of Soviet occupation saying "we saved you and you should be grateful" I might feel offended. I just saw you as another guy glorifying Soviet deeds claiming they weren't as bad; Look elsewhere. Sorry about that.
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I always remember what some school teacher said : i cannot teach history, it changes too often.
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the western allies did much the same, its to my everlasting shame that the british empire invented the concentration camp in the boer war as a means of breaking your enemies and hitler just ran with the idea with the aid of industrial age technology, america broke all the rules of war with the nukes, and arguably dresden was a war crime, it wasnt the raf's finest hour i know that much, ill quote the west wing and say all war's a crime that neither sides innocent of in the end, hitlers pillorised and rightly so but had he won stalin, roosevelt and churchill would have hung at nuremberg for much the same crimes as the nazi high command did, i revere churchill as one of the finest leaders we've ever had but he was a right bastard at times and stalin was a butcher but in the end they won hitler didnt and to the victor go the spoils of being remembered fondly by history,
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And Belgrade lost far more civilians by allies bombing than by axis.
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Well check it out, yugoslavia was an allies country.
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ah i own up to misremembering the kingdom of yugoslavia got the blitkrieg treatment early on, shows how little play that corner of www2 gets in the west i knew about the the vichy equivelants that set up shop after the invasion i assumed it was an austria deal and them getting elected but that was my ignorance, i knew a whole bunch of partizans gave the germans trouble throughout the war in the balkans but didnt know their was official resistance at first well you learn something new every day :)
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Vietnamese commies ?
Guys i hope you do realize that there was a huuuuge difference between vietnamese commies, chinese commies, russian commies, african commies, cuban commies etc ?
You might want to check out their differences and their reasons for taking up arms before saying than commies are bad by default. You might ask yourself what you would do in the same situation.
And if you want to talk of quantity of civilians killed, in vietnam the US definitely wins. Funilly enough, the more civilians were killed or moved by the US ( bombing, defoliation, destruction of rice fields, stupid counter productive programs and policies ), the more people were becoming commies. Or rather they were joining the opposition to the corrupt useless military junta and the US.
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Okay, this branch is so huge I don't even know, who is pro-commies and who is against them. I just wanted to add, that I live in the ex-USSR and discovering crimes of the past is essential for my country. I approve that commies did a lot of crimes against their neighbors and even their own people. Entire nations were slaughtered during WW2 for "helping nazis", but you realize, that you can never judge entire nation, thus you cannot kill people based on their nationality. But what you can do, is judge people for their ideology. And communism is pretty damn bad.
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How is communism bad ? For some reason communists seem to think its pretty damn good.
Communism itself does not advocate to kill people. Some people advocate the killing as the only way for the change to happen. You do realize that communists are merely striving for a better life ? You might not agree on how to reach this goal on terms of social, economical, cultural etc changes, but that it is nevertheless the goal.
Communism in Vietnam was merely a reaction to big problems that became even worse with the US intervention, it was a hope for something better, like almost every ideology.
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Socialism itself is a great idea, but it's eaily corrupted, and for some reason, it's always controlled by a DICTATOR. Which is why things always ended up badly in the end. THe pawer of the state should not be governed by a single person, no matter what kind of ideology you believe in.
If people are going to look at how socialism or communism can improved people's state of life if it's not corrupted, they should look at Laos for example. Althought it's still a communist country right now, although not economically or technoligically advance(mainly because they encourage their people to be farmers...), it's peaceful as hell, and they have democracy (political parties won leadership by election) too, and there are several more countries that actually peaceful despite the fact that they are communist.
But no, people have to always bring those dictator up. Why ? Because of the propaganda that's why.
They accused communist people of being brainwashed, maybe they are the one who should check their own self.
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Indeed, well armed and well funded farmers with full air support secretly piloted by Soviets, and with zero domestic support for the war. It's interesting though that France and England didn't seem to mind yanks all that much when Germany came knocking down their doors.
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We minded that it took so long for you to get your arses in gear and then had the balls to take credit for fighting the "hard" part. ;)
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Sadly that is quite true. I do give a lot of credit to our friends on the island across the pond. They fought the good fight and held their ground until the yanks finally decided to show up and pitch in. Churchill was simply a brilliant and inspirational leader that they teach about in US schools. It really was the greatest generation.
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Greatest Generation? Ya'know Hitler was included in that right?
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I leave any judgement regarding Hitler to the reader. Consider though that he almost united Europe (and the world?) under one regime. He instead ended up destroying both Europe and the fatherland in the process and killed millions of people.
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Zero domestic support for the war ? Industrially ok, but those farmers and their food did come from Vietnam.
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Actually there is - Casualties of war, Full metal jacket, platoon. But Casualties of war is the most critical of them
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Born on the Fourth of July, Heaven & Earth, Platoon (all three by Oliver Stone), Apocalypse Now (Redux), Full Metal Jacket, Good Morning, Vietnam (not too biased, with the VC thing, but not really critical either).
I would say these are pretty big Hollywood movies.
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I did see a game in the Steam sale called Men of War: Vietnam. Never played it though.
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I wonder why there is no game about Philippine–American war, or banana wars (yep, it's a thing)? Even Korean war seem to be overlooked by game developers.
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Yeah, you wont find many triple A fps's set in the Vietnam war because most FPS war games are American. They don't want to look like the bad guys and also don't want to show a war that they lost (on the battlefield). America only "won" that war because of tech, dropping bombs on innocents.
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did the same thing in WW2 there were no smart bombs there.
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Not to mention the fact that we don't want anyone looking too closely at the Tonkin Incident either, cause that would really make things awkward :P
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Medal of Honor (2010) is about Afghanistan, and some more games.
Same for Iraq, although I doubt these category listings are complete.
Isreali/Palistinian conflict even has games: PeaceMaker, Wings over Isreal.
Korean one even has some games on steam, like Theatre of War 3: Korea
and Rogue Warrior
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I know, I just want to bring in a game actually made by Vietnamese...they actually do not make a lot of games in general.
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it is pretty much, theirs an argument that americans "assisting" against north vietnam was just the last chapter in western policy in vietnam, same argument that ww1 had a halftime break then started back up as WW2, wars dont spontaneously start they have reasons whether the warring sides share them or not history bears it out
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Because Vietnam wasn't a war ? Americans killed thousands just because they had different views on communism.They raped,murdered and wounded thousands of civilians for years, had a couple of acts of war and called it THE GREAT VIETNAM WAR.
I don't want to play a game where I murder thousands of communists who did nothing against me ...
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I actually wrote about it but deleted it later.They forfeit because of ther intentions were about to be revealed.USA couldn't even assassinate a guy successfully ...
Well, I'm still waiting for someone to RAGE against me ...
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They didn't actually do that because of the communism, they did it for more mundane reasons.
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COD I and II never talked about it either. Nobody wants to develop a game including Rape during the liberation of Poland by the Soviet or how at least 100,000 German women were raped during the occupation of Berlin or the My Lai Massacre. It is not only harrowing but also greatly condemned by world.
Instead, we have video games about men who run unrelentingly, almost rarely encounter civilians, and able to maintain his sanity after so many shellshocks....hooray!
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Because most people wouldn't want to play those games. Those are harrowing events. That's not to say games can't portray them sensitively, but it would take a very talented development and writing team and it would be a minor indie game rather than a major studio. People generally play games for escapism, not to be reminded that humanity is a collective bag of dicks.
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That's... that's still a war. Just because you think America were the bad guys doesn't make it not a war.
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As far as I know, there's no definition of terrorism that involves two and a half million people slugging it out.
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Okay. Well, now that you've educated us all, I'll get on a Change.org petition to rename it the Vietnam Terrorist Incident then.
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War is a situation where 2 or more sides has political conflict that they can't solve on a table.So they send troops to clash on the battlefield.As far as I know, America didn't even had a political conflict.They just attacked Vietnam to prevent communism from spreading.They lost 58.000 soldiers, North Vietnam lost 1,176,000.That's not war if you ask me, it's just massacre.
But you know, it's just my opinion.I know I look like a try-hard American hater but yeah, I kinda am.I don't like that country or it's government.I don't want to offend their people though, I'm sure most of them would agree with me on this war.
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If you think war is only about politics, you have a very, very limited definition about war. It's about politics, resources, land, religion, ideology, literally every minor issue you've ever had with any other person, magnified onto a national scale.
Also, America wasn't the only one fighting in the war. While the maximum death count is registered to the communist forces, the minimum death count actually has the anti-Communist forces higher. As for the wounded, the anti-communist forces had twice as many, and we're not talking about splinters here. It was a massacre on every side.
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And what word would you use to describe killing 1 million Armenians in WW1 by Turkish goverment? Or 500 years of captivity for almost all Balkans nations by Ottoman Empire. USA isn't good at all, but you are worse.
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There is no such thing as Armenian Genocide.Turkish government did some retarded thing, A LOT actually but they never commit genocide.Armenians needed something against Turkish people to use it against us so they came up with that genocide thing.It's an obvious political move but hey, believe what you want.
And I really don't care what Ottomans did, I'm not Ottoman.Armenians are more Ottoman than Turkish people if you ask me.
Well this thread started to deviate from its purpose.I'm okay with arguing about this stuff but we need another thread just for this purpose.
P.S. You obviously have no idea about Turkish people, I'm pretty sure you've never been here.Talk some foreigner who were in Turkey about Turkish people, I don't think anyone would say bad things about us.
P.S². I'm not offended by your comment but seriously, how the hell Turkish people are worst ? What the hell did we do to be worse than USA ?
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And that's where I draw the fucking line. Suspended.
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Why? He was only defending his country from what the other guy said? If anything the other guy should be suspended too for his comment which was actually towards Turkey, I'm not from US or Turkey but this is clearly unfair, I get that you said to cool it but if someone said my country is worse than theirs I would stick up for it as well.
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Because this was posted after the warning I gave. While ralenceftw came this close to a suspension, it was only after building on what came before. If he stayed silent, he was fine. Posting (and a genocide denial at that) after I'd posted a warning to cool it off with the discussion? Not okay.
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There are a lot, and they are pretty much all old now.
Now try finding some Korean war games - that's a short list.
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Homefront ! Too bad it took 3 hours to finish it ...
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I'm actually going to re-install good old BF Vietnam, because it's the only good Vietnam War game that I can play right now. I just wish EA would re-make it, mostly so that it would have better graphics and new maps.
Edit: I can't find it anywhere! D:
I'm seriously a bit sad, it was my first real PC game and now it has just dissapeared completely.
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Then you have to play shellshock : nam '67. It's an old game, but I loved it, because of the setting, and the ability to collect the weapons that enemies drop ( you literally make a collection of them, officers of high ranking have different versions of pistols, etc.)
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I remembered it as a full retail game, but according to Wikipedia we are both right. Apparently it started as a total conversion called "Platoon", it was then picked up by Infogrames who paid for it to become a professional-quality standalone game (which became known as "NAM").
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Battlefield Vietnam was the first "real" computer game that I played, and I guess that really made me love the Vietnam War setting. I'm just wondering why there isn't more games like that. I know that they made the Vietnam DLC for Bad Company 2, but I never played it, and well... it was just a small DLC.
I wish there would be more games that would be about the Vietnam War, and they would be balanced, I don't want to just play as some American supersoldier who destroyes the NVA forces. Maybe EA and DICE will create a new Vietnam War game someday? They did make BF1943, which was like a revision of BF1942. I hope that they make the same thing with BF Vietnam. Games set around today and the near future are getting a bit old in my opinion.
Edit: Need to tell what exactly I mean.
Needs to be balanced, so it would need to either be a multiplayer game, or it would need to have a campaing for both sides. I don't want to only play as an American supersoldier.
CoD: Black Ops 1 did have parts set in the Vietnam War, but there wasn't a lot, and you were a supersoldier.
Vehicles would be great, too.
I'm not really looking for a game like this because I don't think there is a new-ish game that does all this, I just want to talk about why there isn't one, and how likely it is that someone will make a good one sometime soon.
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