Heya guys!

Having done a few puzzles here now I got inspired to try to create one of my own and as I work as a musical composer myself I gathered why not create a puzzle based on musicals.

Now bear with me that this is my first ever puzzle so it is very possible that I have made some common beginner-mistakes in the creation. Please let me know if there are things that aren't working as they should.

I also decided to not have any hints at all in the puzzles. Instead you are free to ask me either here or on Steam if you have any questions and I'll give you hints that way instead. Since this is my first ever puzzle I do not really know how hard – or easy – it will be either. Then sometimes I guess it is hard to figure out what is hard or easy for others no matter what... :)

Anyways – the puzzle is in 4 levels with 10 questions in every level. For every puzzle you complete you get a link to the next puzzle. All giveaways end January 31 00:00 CET and they are all Level 1+.

The giveaways are as follows (All giveaways Lvl 1+):
Puzzle 1: Among the Heavens
Puzzle 2: The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition
Puzzle 3: Planetary Annihilation
Puzzle 4: Mass Effect

Here's the link to the first level: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/eyb5whWU

Congrats to the first ten solvers:

  1. Dafolie
  2. FelipeMassuia
  3. Darkacola
  4. DavidFCG
  5. HanaDyad
  6. kederijan
  7. Chezzz
  8. inminditrust
  9. darky28
  10. cams02

Good luck!

8 years ago*

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Have a bump!

I'm not into puzzle giveaways sorry :[

8 years ago

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The only thing I want is Mass Effect and it's the last reward. :(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You'll get there!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This is hard, i hope Jesus Christ Super Star or Tommy appear some time :P

8 years ago

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Can you make P2 Q6 a bit more specific. i know what and who they are talking about, i'm just having trouble finding the right answer D:
edit: nevermind, got it, lol

8 years ago*

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1 hour later and i can't figure out Q10. Well, this is infuriating.
At least i had BOBBY and saw Neil Patrick Harris.

8 years ago

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There is one specific person other than the composer himself who worked on all these musicals! Look around on what kind of jobs there might be in the creation process of a musical and you'll find it! :)

8 years ago*

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Stuck on Part 2 Q10. Such a person doesn't seem to exist. :(
Was also about to mention Q6, but just solved it. Thought I already tried that before.

8 years ago

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There is one specific person other than the composer himself who worked on all these musicals! Look around on what kind of jobs there might be in the creation process of a musical and you'll find it! :)

8 years ago*

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The closest I can get is finding someone who did 3 out of 4. Tried various spellings but failed.
This guy needs to work harder so he can be more easily be found on Google. Clearly he was a bit lazy. :p

8 years ago

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He's out there. He does have a Wikipedia page ;)

8 years ago

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This helped. Solved!

8 years ago

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Awesome! Well done! :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, I too am finding this hard, I have been on the Internet Broadway DB (http://www.ibdb.com) , comparing the two production credits, and they list nobody who has done both 1 and 3. There are quite a few who have done 1, 2, and 4, and even plenty who have done 2, 3, and 4. But I am really struggling..

8 years ago

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Take a look again at IBDB and these 4 musicals - He can be found there - I just doublechecked. :)

8 years ago

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Also stuck on Q10. But 3 ppl got it already >_< i can do this!

8 years ago

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I saw that you got it! Nice :)

8 years ago

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yeah, now to get Puzzle 3 >:D

8 years ago

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Part 4 is impossible.

8 years ago

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You can do it! :)
Feel free to ask me some stuff on Steam or if they are not too specific in the Planetary Annihilation Giveaway! :)

8 years ago

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Solved! :)

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Congrats! First solver! Well done! :)

8 years ago

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Could you explain P4 Q5? I can't understand what is asking, what number of people?

8 years ago

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Amongst the creators of the musicals that are correct in P4-Q3.

8 years ago

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I'm still confused. Even Q4s wording confuses me which I solved by a lucky guess.
There are 4 people involed in total? All of them worked for the 3 musicals? 2 of them joined the pop group and the other 2 created a musical together?
But the 3 musicals are very recent but the pop group is old. @_@

edit: I still don't understand the questions but I also solved Q5 with a lucky guess too. XD
(It helps that I love one of the songs from it :D )

edit: I think most of Part 4's wording is confusing.

8 years ago*

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Ah I see. Now let's see if I can clarify in a better way! :)

In Q3 there are three musicals you have to figure out to get the right answer.
Then for Q4 (which you got right but still I write it anyway): One of the musicals of Q3 was co-created by two guys who played in a very famous Pop Group before.
And for Q5 still looking at the same group of people (the creators of the musicals of Q3) there is another famous duo you can find that's written multiple famous musicals. Name one of them! - Ah you got it too! Awesome - I'll leave this for future reference nevertheless! :)

Edit: Aye, the confusion is a tiny bit part of it (Which I also wrote in the header of the puzzle) ;) - Feel free to ask me more if you want to! :)

8 years ago

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Need some time to think about what you wrote.
Anyway, somehow managed to solve everything but Q10 without understanding half of the questions. XD

Just to clarify, one person wrote all the 4 or 5 music? If I identify even one of them, he should be easily found on Google?
And the above questions will help me somehow?

8 years ago

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Yes - one person wrote all the music. The above questions will not help you! :)

8 years ago

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Hmmm? I was refering to "Now with all the info I have been giving you "

8 years ago

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Yep! I mean exactly what I wrote. The answer can be found somewhere in the information I've handed to you... ;)

8 years ago

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I'm stuck on P4 Q10. Instrumental parts are impossible to recognise. Can you explain, when you say "with all the information i have been giving you", whether you mean the composer we're supposed to find is also a colleague of all the composers from previous questions, or whether he/she has nothing to do with them and it's just some kind of a pun on words... ?? Thanks in advance.

8 years ago

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Well... I mean exactly what I wrote. The answer can be found somewhere in the information I've handed to you... ;)
Hit me up on Steam if you want more help!

8 years ago

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Congrats to the first nine solvers! :)

  1. Dafolie
  2. FelipeMassuia
  3. Darkacola
  4. DavidFCG
  5. HanaDyad
  6. kederijan
  7. Chezzz
  8. inminditrust
  9. darky28
8 years ago*

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Bump for P1 solved.

8 years ago*

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Solved P1 Lovely way of entertaining myself on musicals. One song really had me guessing, I couldn't remember the damn name! Hope you keep on going with this musicals puzzles.

8 years ago*

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Ah nice thank you! :)
I'm glad you are enjoying it!
I'll see if I can make a Musical Puzzle 2.0 in the future - I have some ideas! :)

8 years ago*

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bump for solved

8 years ago

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solved. possibly the best puzzle yet

8 years ago

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Oh thank you! That's very nice! :D Congrats on solving! :D
But I wonder did you finish the complete puzzle because I still only see 10 solvers in the list of Part 4? :)

8 years ago*

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Solved P1 so far, will try to solve rest tommorrow :)
Thank you for awesome puzzle. Nice to see someone who enjoys musicals here on sg.

8 years ago

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Thank you! Well done so far and good luck with the rest of the puzzle! :D
Yeah, I sure do enjoy musicals and I'm very glad there are others too - who can enjoy the puzzle! :)

8 years ago

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Solved 2nd &3rd Part :) I think I'll leave 4th for now, 'cause it seems to be most time consuming part of all :)

8 years ago

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Congrats on solving 2 more parts! :D
And for the 4th puzzle that depends.. on how much time you need...... :P
But yeah, it has been the toughest one for most! Especially the last question many has struggled/is struggling with! :)

8 years ago

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Such a great puzzle. Thank you so much.

8 years ago

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Congrats on solving! :D
And I am very glad you enjoyed the puzzle! :)

8 years ago

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4 days remaining for the giveaways!

Currently entered:
Among the Heavens: 21 entries
The Oil Blue: 15 entries
Planetary Annihilation: 12 entries
Mass Effect: 10 entries

Note that in some (most really.. well okay then... all) cultures this post is called "bump"

8 years ago

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About 2,5 hours remaining now for any last-minute solvers! :)

8 years ago

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