go to this link and share your referral link to all your friends.

1 decade ago*

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too legit

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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how bout no

1 decade ago

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why not dont you have 10 friends to share the link with? (not in a mean way)

1 decade ago

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apparently , you dont

1 decade ago

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Let me explain to you what it is. I went on that website using so you will not get a referal. This is how it works:

  1. You need 10 people, then it will say unlock
  2. Click there, and will ask you to complete a survey (EXTREMELY LOONG ONE) then will download two txt files
  3. One txt file will say congratulation the other will give you a link to a website which in order to view the text you need to complete anohter EXTREMELY LOONG survey.
  4. Once you complete that one, will display the steam code
  5. Enter that steam code and will say that is invalid.
  6. You just wasted a lot of time just for that.

There are not valid, the same for get free games steam or other website, all of them are made by the same guy which get a lot of money because you complete that survey.

1 decade ago

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Way too legit

1 decade ago

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If it's legit, add funds to your account and gift me a game.

1 decade ago

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shore mate (not the first one though) second one, ill get back to yah

1 decade ago

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Stop putting your ref links here, they are all scams.

1 decade ago

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there not mate try it. it dosnt even do a survey or anything just share a link howes that a scam not even a download!

1 decade ago

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Well lets see your posting a referal link by the looks of it which is against the rules. Other than that this looks totally safe.

No worries guys he said it was 100% legit and legal.

1 decade ago

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sorry didnt know thats against rules

1 decade ago

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2 bad u going 2 be ban

1 decade ago

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A wild Banhammer appears!

1 decade ago

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I'm pretty sure you can get banned for that

1 decade ago

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Sure np. I will click your ref link...


1 decade ago

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50/20 = 2.5
17/10 = 1.7

If you haven't already realized it by this point...

1 decade ago

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Not even %99, it's motherfucking %100.

1 decade ago

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Seems Legit

1 decade ago

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Too legit for me. I only use underground operations and black-market codes.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Tombros.