Yes, I know, but I've tried the beta, it's enough for me :p
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did people really expected anything else than the usual cashcow milking from EA?
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hmm, Bethesda 30$ season pass, at least 3 DLCs, and judging from Skyrim's DLCs, they're well worth the money cuz they actually have content (maybe except Hearthfire :p), but yeah whatever floats your boat
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what's actually keeping us from visiting their HQ with a few molotow cocktails?
goddammit, just think about all the great game studios they closed down.. maxis, bioware, visceral games, just to name a few.
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no, of course not. i don't know why Mortiel wrote that. either he really misunderstood the whole thing (can't be... can't... ^^), or he just formulated it a little confusing.
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What did you await? It is EA, they do this since years. That's why I don't bother any games related to EA since 2011. EA makes you pay full price or more and spams with micro transactions.
They buy studios only to milk and backstab them. Well the studios that did this lately deserved it for letting their fans down and turning to EA... Poor older studios that didn't see it coming.
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What you wrote doesn't make any sense really. The fuck someone is in a worst situation than you may be doesn't mean you shouldn't be sad about yours. It's like saying that we should never be upset because kids in Africa die of starving.
I would be even upset if the store across raised the price of Coca-Cola from 1.50$ to 3$.
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"Saying that you can't be upset because someone has it worse is like saying that you can't be happy because someone has it better." :)
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First world problems: games for 50 and "plastic" water for 3.
And you are from ... from Greece. You know you live for my money?
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I literally can't understand what's the point of anything you've said 'till now.
Take your time, improve your English skills, rephrase whatever you tried to point out in the first place and then we can discuss.
PS: Playing that "pay your debt" card won't make me feel any worse. If you knew some basic economics, you would understand where your money is spent and wouldn't end up blindly hating a whole nation.
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You keep repeating this misinformation. The Season Pass is not for online play. It's for extra maps, from what they've said so far.
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I still can't believe that people are paying $60 for a game without Singleplayer or dedicated servers.
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then second time pay for the ability to play Online
why do you say we won't be able to play online without the season pass? this is obviously completely wrong.
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dont worry, people complain and complain but will still buy it
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I find this behavior both funny and sad at the same time.
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Me too.. I thaught it was awesome...
This $50 + $50 etc etc.. totally sucks... :(
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i guess i will just buy the base game. i did that with bf3 and bf4, and i had lots and lots of enjoyable hours with those games. no need for any extra content that will come months later anyway. and if you decide you absolutely need that content later, then you can just buy it on sale, right? :)
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But what to do with that feeling of milking you as a cow, KA? :-)
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So, they ask 60 dollars for a MP-only game, which you can have for free in the form of stuff like CS or Quake? And all the other shitty F2P and P2W stuff the other companies try to ride those two's coattail for decades now?
Whenever EA starts to get better, they just pull a stunt like this and take back the Greediest Company on the Video game Market title from Bethesda. (Well, until Fallout 4's paid mods come around, but that's still a few months away.)
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Same with the CoD games. It was Activision who actually introduced season passes and expensive DLCs. But as you said - stupid people pay and complain why there are so many additionach charges. LOL. But there is a way - just ignore the game until it goes GOTY and then buy the whole damn thing for like 10 bucks. Corporate opression system hacked :P
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I want to play Battlefront 2 online NOW! And never this fuck....
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Old News Flash: They've been pulling this stuff since Battlefield 3.
And for that you basically got a few overpriced map packs that weren't required to play the game.
So, no surprise there - there's no business sense in changing a formula that still brings you lots of cash.
The other route they could take (and do take for their sports games), is repackage the same game engine with modified assets as a full-priced new game instead of as an expansion pack. But that doesn't work well for online multi-player as that would fracture the player base, and complicate server-side maintenance.
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Or they could make a full game with everything you may need (Weapons,Maps,characters etc.) for a reasonable price but it's all about business now.It's been so long since companies were creating games not only for the sake of earning money.
You'll tell me it's a company they should make a profit and I couldn't agree more, but the current situation in the gaming industry is beyond crap. I won't recall the old times and compare nowadays with then because it doesn't quite makes sense (different times and the gaming industry was in the beginnings) however I am really frustrated that companies don't even bother to release a polished game including any feature the game may need with a good quality gameplay.
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interesting fact: 20 years ago games were at least double the price we pay today (if you take inflation into account). so the prices for base game + super-expensive season pass are about what we had to pay for each game back in the day.
i am not saying i like it. just posting a fun fact. :)
i personally am fine with buying the base game only. i just don't see me buying as few map packs for 50$. and i am sure the base game is enough fun for the price (it was for me with battlefield 3+4).
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The difference some years ago with now is vast. 20 years ago you could buy a game for let's say 20-30$ (I was playing PS1 back then and the prices were even lower) and without it being a repetitive multiplayer game you could enjoy the damn game for 1 month before you end up completing it or getting bored of it. Now the gameplay is way shorter, I am talking about SP games as on MP you can play as much as you are willing to, and most of the time it gets kinda boring (Except of course some exclusion that can offer you hundreds of hours gameplay).
However, I got to admit that the industry is making a huge improvement in the graphics section. I don't think that anyone ever believed we'll get to this point. It's been not that many years since when 3D gaming was introduced and it was a huge improvement. That's what I want and now. I want this feeling again. I've been playing games since when I can remember myself and I want to see a huge improvement in the damn the overall game, not just graphics.
EDIT: Overall the conclusion in which I wanna end up to, is that now it's kinda Quantity > Quality and that's what brings the industry, for me, in all times low.
Sidenote: Damn this no message notification sucks!
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i found this nice chart, if you're interested:
i didn't have a playstation, so i didn't buy any of those games myself. but i could swear they were more expensive than 20-30$. more like 50$ (for brand-new games, of course). but maybe i remember that wrong. what i remember is, how much i paid for amiga/pc games. i could buy two AAA games for that today, and i would still have some money left. for instance for a new cheap joystick. ^^
do you sometimes play really old games? people always say, there are no improvements in gameplay anymore. but when i start up a really old game, i immediately notice the very basic gameplay compared to modern titles. the stuff you could do with your character was often very limited. the controls were often bad compared to today's games. the game did not help you understand its controls and mechanics. they didn't have tutorials or anything. and they didn't have much content. extreme examples would be NES games. you could finish many of them in 1-2 hours. they were just so hard, that it took you way longer, and they had limited lifes/continues so you had to start over several times. so compared to today's standards, they were extremely lacking in terms of gameplay, content - and of course presentation. i think games evolved heavily since then, and not just graphically.
i recently played Onimusha 3. that game is not even that old (PS2). i remembered this game to be awesome. and to some degree it still is. but compared to modern games like that (DmC, Metal Gear Rising, Castlevania LoS...) the controls are really, really bad. it's really not as much fun as i remembered, now that i am used to better controls, better camera control and so on. yo yeah, i think we always glorify the good old games. but when we actually play them, we realize that modern games actually do a few things better. ;)
oh, and i didn't want to say all old games are bad. for instance, Super Mario Bros. 3 & World are still better than 98% of the modern platformers. :)
and yes, the missing notifications are so annoying. xD
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Yeah I remember those days well ;).
But we had the option to sell it again after completing.
I spent all my Amiga money on buying empty 3.5 and 5.25 discs btw and copy everything I could get my hands on. I had to sell my Amiga stuff half a year ago sadly. (needed the space and frankly it was just collecting dust)
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yeah, i copied most of my games aswell. but there were a few games i bought (or my parents bought them, e.g. as birthday present). i remember having Indiana Jones 4 Fate of Atlantis as retail box. I believe the price was 130DM back in the day, which would be - let me think - something like 130€ today! xD
i sold my amiga to get a pc monitor back then. i regretted it more than once, but in the end the pc was the better choice, of course. and today we have emulators, if we want to go back to some of those games for a little while. i recently played a bit of Lionheart. maybe you remember that game. :)
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We've found old ads about games. For example Hexen (the id game) cost I think 10.000 HUF (hungarian Forint) in maybe '94. With today's currency, 60$ would be equal with ~16-18.000 HUF. And out currency weakened a LOT - essentially those games were much, much more expensive as today's games, even costing more than many current AAA games.
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I really understand your point but now we get things confused. That's why I said the past is different compared to now. We can't really compare the games back then with the games now. What I wanted to point out is, that compared to today the majority of the games back then were at least decent.
As for the controls, the standards were a lot different back then compared to what it is now. It would be ridiculous for them to remain on the exact same level. :D
Now the gameplay part. I don't think that only what matters in a game is the time you'll spend in it. For instance, I played Tomb Raider for 25 Hours or so and god dammit this game blew my mind. Decent story, great gameplay in terms of climbing, hunting, killing,discovering.
Last and the most important for me is discovering stuff in the game. Nowadays, games are like "Go there (shows you with an arrow), do that, then go there, take that". All these made me stop playing MMORPG which is by far my favorite genre (Lineage 2 best game ever made! ).
Long story short, everyone has their own opinions based on their perspective but we got to admit that greediness killed the industry some parts of the gaming while improved others.
PS: I liked our conversation and had quite some time to time that long comments in English which kinda proper vocabulary :D
So I'd like you to excuse me of any mistakes I may have made ^.^
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This is it guys. I just learned this. They are to charge 50 dollars for the game see 50 Euro's for Season Pass. So all who pay the game $60 or $70 must pay another extra almost the entire game price 50 USD/EUR just for Season Pass DLC.
Read this article...
or this one:
and this one is also good:
"THANKS" EA. Worst of all GREEDY , Companies that force people only Multiplayer games and ASK big 1 month Salary for their games 1 time pay for the game then second time pay for the ability to play Online .... SHAME!
Announcing DLC content before game is even out is like telling people
" Pay us 60 USD/EUR for for the game, we will give you half of it, now pay 50USD/EUR more and we will give you the other half"
I wouldn't have complained if companies wait for the game to be released , let the people say what they want added, take their feedback and then announce DLC or Season Passes and stuff like that.
But announcing DLC pre-release and it costing almost the game's price is disgusting and Greedy act not only from EA but from other companies as well.
Unfortunately it's not just with EA... but many other companies. They are robbing people to pay for game then pay again for "DLC" stuff.
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