Do you watch the Olympic? If yes, which sport do you watch?
Swimming, I've always loved it. Those olympic swimmers are amazing!
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i used to do badminton, volleyball and all kind of sports that people do when they were in highschool. But nowadays I mostly get myself some exercise by playing basketball. Which my body really needs after a day sitting with online learning :))))
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I just played the Google Doodle. It was actually a fun little game. The animations were really well done as well as the music. Mini-games were alright, but the adventure aspect was really fun. Kind of like playing a classic RPG or indie RPG Maker game. It's cool that you can find extra versions of some of the mini-games by doing the sidequests. And then the trophy room les you know your total progress. Took me around 2 hours in total, which is pretty great for what I had initially expected to be a little set of mini-games.
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It's based on the language you use google in.
If you want to change it, try visiting
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hi Masafor,
your blacklist wasn't an one-instace action but rather build up over time, I got frustrated every time I read your arrogant words towards the moderators, the people you called "leeches", and the way you promote your "group of friends" as the only place left on SG where people can make giveaways without problems.
With that being said, the last straw was when I saw you insulting the intelligence of a moderation person, suggesting they aren't smart enough to implement any sort of new function you mentioned earlier.
the blacklist was simply my solution to deal with my frustration. I'm gald you don't have a problem with it.
p/s: I'm scared of clowns in general >_< so that ":o)" emoticon you made in your comments made me feel a bit uncomfortable and could maybe somehow affect my emotions towards you? I'm not sure about this :)))
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Thanks for the detailed answer, that help.
The insulting of a moderation person isn't clear for me because i normaly don't insult someone.
If you speak from cg, because he is the only one that can implement something, then i never said he isn't smart enough, he "only" don't care. And yes, that he don't care, is very frustrating.
I have a good bunch of the, active, moderators in my WL and friendlist but yes my time on sg made me frustrated how things get handled. Not from that moderators because they follow the rules they have to work with but from the one(s) above them.
My group isn't the only safe place but one that i can lay my hand in the fire that all is done to stop problems before they happen or if something happen that we care to solve it as fast as possible.
And that is far more as i see in a lot of other groups.
The :o) isn't a clown You are the second that see it as that .... grmpf, it's me because i have a big nose :-D
Have a great weekend.
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from your comment I'm guessing that you're way older that me. I haven't seen a TV around for about 2 years xD television is like a piece of ancient etiquette for me now!
and yeah I get your point, it's cool to see some sport you aren't familiar with and google the rules so you can understand how the scoring works xD
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ohhh right :p especially during last year where going to the theater is literally mission impossible. I totally forgot when was the last time I watch a movie on big screen.
I do enjoy a watch party every once in a while with my close friends through the internet. it feels comfy :3
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The Doodle was NEAT! I checked it out a few hours ago and I was impressed by the art style and mini-games. This might just be the best Google Doodle yet!
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I found myself thinking If this is a steam game I would grind out all the achievements for "helping everyone"
I played much worse on steam FOR SURE. Not only are the cutscenes very high quality but the challanges are partially not that easy (looking at you DDR clone).
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As usual - great music taste!
And I was so excited when I found out about the doodle this morning, the animation is really great and the sprites are just adorable!
Edit - Nice to see someone else who used to play badminton, I think some underestimate the sport as boring but I always have a ton of fun playing casually with my friends.
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I think every sport could get quite heated up if you play it competitively. I learnt that there are also many techniques in badminton that requires daily training to master which i totally didn't ;)))
thank you for the kind words, glad you like those songs. And who can't resist a cat like thattt? QvQ
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the mascot design - Miraitowa (there is also another one - Someity for the Paralympic
Miraitowa is definitely a serial killer. JUST LOOK AT THOSE EYES. I've watched enough robot flicks and anime to know what those soulless, life-hungry eyes are after. ..okay- rather, maybe I've watched too much of those.
Moving on, the message of Someity's video is just confusing:
The idea of having a single mascot just.. shuffling out disabilities (and in many cases, I couldn't even tell what disability she was supposed to have; This was most notable in the scene where she's happily doing martial arts on a mountain cliff- which, while not bad if it was well considered in conveying a message, seems to have been included simply because Miraitowa was running around kicking everything like a maniac in his video), is.. honestly, quite perverse. Well, she's fairly adorable, and she doesn't have the murdereyes Miraitowa does, so that's good. She's clearly got a severe case of road rage, though, as evidenced in that one clip where she's participating in what I swear is Mario Kart [at the Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 (?)]:
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Speaking of the Paralypmics, there's a fair bit of controversey over how well those have been handled this year; For example:
Then again, there's been controversey over how most sports have been handled since corona, so..
Not really sure it's an issue against the disabled, so much as it is <everyone is poorly managing sports all over the place>.
Still, you gotta question running sports this past year, with so many teams or olypmic athletes having to drop out solely for the reason of management of that particular sport screwing things up [eg, teams being forced to forfeit due to the associated management not taking reasonable safety precautions in properly handling quarantines]. I'm into playing sports rather than watching them, but I gotta question the appeal of sports where the fairness and level of competition of the playing field is already completely screwed over.
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The Google doodle is awesome. I will watch some of the Olympics with my mom. She loves the swimming and gymnastics. I'm also looking forward to skateboarding. I don't get into the competitiveness though. I don't care what country the athletes come from. I just like seeing amazing feats.
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It's the first time its at the Olympics! I'm excited for it. The X-Games once had a qualifier competition near me and I went. It was skateboarding and bmx bikes. They can do some amazing things! It was awesome to see in person. Me, I can barely do an ollie.
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This game is great. Way more to it than I expected. Only Google game I can remember was a version of Snake.
Here's a GA for anyone who wanders by....
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I swear, that isn't the title of a light novel at all
Today's (as of 23.07.2021) Google doodle is a really cute pixelart game, inspired by the Olympic Games which is being hosted in Tokyo, Japan. I had some fun with it and I hope you could too!
It's kinda a bit sad to see how much Japan has prepared for it before Covid hit us all. I really enjoy this year's (though it wasn't officially used :))) ) and especially the mascot design - Miraitowa (there is also another one - Someity for the Paralympic).
Dispite some controversy about how safety it is for the athletes and the local people, I'm excited to see the competitions myself. :3
Here's a minitrain to celebrate :D I added a japanese song that is somewhat sport-themed in each GA, I hope you can enjoy them as much as I do.
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