6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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they will never revert it, no way with 500k people signing a petition and even less with 75k...

6 years ago

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How is this bad?

6 years ago

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It will impact usage of cs:go key as trading currency, where valve don't get anything from such trades, and it will impede its usage as money assets for criminal networks. 🦄
It will impact heavy trader not paying their dime to Valve. ^^
It's not like they are going to change it back. They already took decision for advantages over inconveniences...

EDIT: Actually, even normal users doing a lot of trading won't be that much affected, they generally have a stock of keys.
But that will probably hurt bots trading at high pace with multiple users.

6 years ago*

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trading in 2k18:))

6 years ago

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The changes have been made and are here to stay, period.

6 years ago

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Won't happen. Like 10% of CS:GO players should be affected by this at best and Steam loses a lot of money from this change as well.

6 years ago

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Doubt it will get changed as Valve had to do something skins gambling, and it is not worst thing ever, so if they change it, there is chance something worse could replace it. Still whatever, signed but I'm not really sure if all people who want this reversed realise that Valve even if does reverse will do something else than, something that could be worse, because they have to combat csgo gambling sites, or it could end up bad for Valve, with this change gambling site will just have to think little to go around this, it's not over, just slowdown.

6 years ago

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But is this really a clever move for Valve? I mean, there is a clear money-making bussiness with skins trading outside of steam. Why don´t they take advantage of it instead of killing it? They could just add a fee for items that are gonna be re-traded before some reasonable time and they could also profit.

I´m not saying that would be good for us of course, but it will be wiser for valve...

6 years ago

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Steam has been killing off trading for the last few years.. I suppose they like making their money on the marketplace, and traders pretty much cut valve out.. so they have to figure a way to stifle that whole process..

Does this effect CS:go Keys or just skins?

Either way I predict a time when everything you trade will be put in a 7 day hold period.. even those lowly trading cards, because nothing says protection like putting a .05 cent trading card on hold for 7 days..

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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You funny guy, gifting changes weren't reverted despite of 10x bigger interest. And this change is not even the worst.

6 years ago

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I'm actually surprised that Valve hasn't gone all the way (yet) and made all CS GO items untradable, just marketable.
Wouldn't that solve all the problems with betting and skin sites and people getting scammed (via CS GO items) while at the same time preventing people from skipping out on Valves cut ?

Maybe I'm overlooking a problem that would arise if they did that.

6 years ago

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People would choose other Steam currency like sacks of gems, start betting TF2 keys or find other shitty ways to do so. They'd need to ban trading entirely, and that is simply not going to happen.

6 years ago

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start betting TF2 keys or find other shitty ways to do so

You're probably right. It's like a game of Whac-A-Mole. Although I could totally imagine them putting an end to item trading in general to force people to use the Market instead and only leave a few low value items like cards and emoticons tradable. Afterall they've already killed game trading so I don't really see how they profit from 3rd Party item trading. (Maybe indirectly since it raises the popularity of some games sold on Steam.)

6 years ago

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Doesn't TF2 have the same restrictions too for trading. That's what I'm told on Jim Sterling's YouTube replies with "Boohoo, TF2 trading died when they did it there... I'm so saaaaaaaad".
Gems is still good though I suppose.

6 years ago

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Unless they put this limitation on all Steam items, there will always be something that can be used as virtual Steam currency. Gems is just one example.

But still, I don't see how it really affects trading. Everything that is going to happen is just people cashing in their skins into some kind of third-party virtual "coins" and then cash out those coins at later date. This is what I'd do if I was operating a betting site anyway.

6 years ago

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There's not a whole bunch of stuff on Steam having much value though. Especially with Direct trading card prices plummetted significantly.
Unless all traders get into anime emoticons, backgrounds and cards (wouldn't that be funny) I don't see too much aside from Valve's 3 games.

6 years ago

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Gems are already widely accepted and they have only a bit less fluctuating price than CS:GO keys. I can totally see them as a currency in long-run. I accept them myself in my trading threads.

6 years ago

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Yeah I can't see gems fluctuating much considering they're pretty much bound to the price of how to manufacture gems out of backgrounds and emoticons. The only way to really raise them would be to raise the price of ALL backgrounds and emoticons to where they would pay off less than buying a bag of gems (hence 100 gems generally shift around the 0.07 mark and 0.06 is a deal with gems between 0.60-0.70).
And with the summer/winter sales generating infinite backgrounds and emoticons I can't see supply of them running out anytime soon to incite a price-influx.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago*

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Yeah basically all this change does is that it's basically harder to make profit out of csgo items,and as an average person this doesnt influence you at all. Maybe this update is the best thing that could happen to all these kids wasting their time trading csgo items with minimal profit. (in before I know you might get lucky sometimes, but seriously get a real job and you will earn way more than you will ever with csgo trading)

6 years ago

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It's like.. annoying? For the average person.
Crippling for scammers and money laundering.
They made the change for a reason.. no amount of signatures is going to revert it.

6 years ago

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Its better now, less use of annoying CSGO sites and less scammers :3

6 years ago

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I have seen a petition to revert the Steam mobile guard changes back in 2015. Well, two factor authentication still exists. Valve is solid on their decisions for better or worse.

6 years ago*

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I would sign that.
It really only needed to affect the 3 major players of scams; TF2, DOTA2 and CS:GO. Which they FINALLY done now 3 years later.

But I bet now that they actually did the right thing they would revert doing the wrong thing for 0.03 trading cards :/

6 years ago

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gambling site owners are crying now hard

6 years ago

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Why revert like the only good thing Valve did in 10 years?

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I don't have a strong preference against the trade hold itself since its mostly outside my range of activity--but goddamn 7 days is a lot.

Valve has really been going out of their way to make Steam worse these last few years.

6 years ago

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15 days of no-smartphone holders says hello! (for trading AND market)

6 years ago

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I would like to say hello to all of them as well :😀

6 years ago

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Why dont you just use an android emulator to save you from the trouble?

6 years ago

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When it was introduced I generally swapped around PC's often... which would make it difficult.
I still regularly log into Steam with my tablet from time to time to read the forums, and actually locking it with a smartphone lock would make it impossible to use that since I notice it regularly logs me out of there :/

6 years ago

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I'm surprised 100k people already signed this petition, when I saw your thread I thought it could be something signed by 200 people as it usually happens with petitions about Steam. So here's my +1 just to reward the performance.

6 years ago

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This was a good change :)

6 years ago

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Deal with it.

6 years ago

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Ho ho, huh, muhu, haha! And yet they tried to "look like they are trying to stop skin gamblers", but still utterly failed at it's core; more innocent trading sites(that are NOT gambling ones)got hurt in process, while others, like TF2 and DOTA ironically, still have no limits on tradeable limits yet, and they still believe that it will fix everything...If you really want to stop scamming or gambling addictions altogether, you have to inplement lock on EVERYTHING; be it cards, gems, items, other games inventories, e.t.c. Valve just made them to go PUBG/H1Z1/TF2/other games to move on, and they just slow innocent people down. For traders who just want to own skins/items? It will only slow them down, but won't kill them. Moneymakers who then trade freshly traded/gambled/won items to earn more money in a matter of hours/days? Now they won't be good as before.

And yet, Valve let's it's sleaze way of looking on outside, not knowing the true evil...

6 years ago

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How would it hurt trading? This only hurts gambling, since the items will now be in limbo for some time before they could enter the betting circulation again.
Also, I thought CS:GO is old news, the plebs are wanking to PUBG item trading now.

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Sh4l1k4.