Its a fair rule. If there is a problem with the user, take it to Support.
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"Who else thinks the rule on calling people out is stupid?"
So, about that second ban...
rules have reasons to exist ya know.
Welcome back anyway lol.
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yeah, there is no written rule, however, there is an unwritten one to be respectful towards support/mods as they keep this free service going and don't even get paid for it.
I neither agree or disagree with the calling out rule as there are plenty of positives and negatives about the rule. although since it is a rule i choose to follow it out of respect for those who set it. Its much like saying someone's choice to like a game more than another is stupid. instead of criticizing, its better to learn what makes them like it more and discuss why your opinion is different.
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I disagree with the rule, not my ban. I broke said rule and got what I deserved. I've been a mod on other forums before, and it's not an enviable job by any means. I certainly respect them, but that doesn't mean I can't disagree with a rule though.
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I was more referring in response to "i saw nothing in the rules stating i couldn't disagree with the site's rules" and "who else thinks the rule on calling people out is stupid" as it can be misinterpreted as offensive towards those who set the rule.
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If you've been a mod on other forums before, and still disagree with the "no calling out" rule, you must have been a very terrible mod..
The rule has a very simple and good reason for existing. This site has strict rules governing certain behaviour. Hence, it's easy for there to be plenty of people who butt heads occasionally. If they air all their grievances in public, it can lead to shitstorms of negativity and argument, often unwarranted. What if person <a> in an argument doesn't tell the full story? What if person <b> then has a very negative light cast on them unfairly, but still gets people harassing them on Steam, spamming their profile with comments, adding them to bitch at them, or whatever else?
The place to sort things out with others is through PMs, and support tickets. It's supports' job to sift through the details of an issue in an unbiased way. It is far too easy to sway the members of a public forum. Did you happen to notice the site has 414,229 members? -_-
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You can obviously disagree with a rule but I don't think declaring that it is stupid on a public forum would do anything but invite another suspension.
Oh,and my condolences to the forum community you moderated before since you can't even grasp the purpose of this rule..
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Disagreeing and explaining why is one thing. Calling it stupid without a single explanation is another.
I strongly recommend that you make your own website/forum or be a mod on one, something with a thousand people on it at least. Then you will understand the difference, both at a respect level and a management level.
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You can disagree with them but try to do it on a civilized manner or well. It won't come out well.
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well too bad its your first ban, with that attitude.
i bet you are one of these guys that are starting to call out people without any reason
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To elaborate, it's about false alarms. If you call out someone innocent, it may cause drama and their reputation can suffer. If they did break the rules, they get suspended anyway, but with added unnecessary, snarky comments on forum from other users.
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so if someone says underneath a giveaway "lets analyze this word a bit now .. shall we... GIVE-AWAY! i am glad we did.."
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Yes. Because you yourself admitted in your support ticket that you assumed it was a fake giveaway and were commenting on that. If you think the user doesn't understand properly, then actually explain. What you said was just a waste of bytes.
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i still don't agree.. its entirely different than calling someone "fake fake" ur **** fake.. then just hinting out something out of the lines..
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Pretty much what falcone said. F33l, your comment still doesn't matter. New people just don't understand the sarcasm that 80% of this community retains in their comments. So if a new user has sincerely made a legit giveaway even with owning a few games, and the community members keep making GIVE-AWAY hints and all, might make 'em feel sad and not donate in future. You feel(the iron-e) that a giveaway is fake, hover over to support. (This took me 3 suspensions to actually learn, but worth it lol)
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Just because you probably didn't read the FAQ doesn't make a rule stupid. It is actually one of the more sensible rules here, especially with some people here thinking that a bad offer is a scam or trading with cards is trolling.
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It's normal
""This is a private website, the use of which is a privilege, not a right. We can revoke that privilege and any time for any reason we deem necessary."
There is nothing further to discuss. Do not reopen this ticket, or else we will extend your suspension length for wasting our time."
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funny story, i once got suspended for doing exactly what you just did here... saying the rule was stupid. i didnt BREAK the rule, i didnt encourage OTHERS to break the rule, just expressed an opinion that the rule was silly... that IS apparently a rule in itself and you CAN get suspended for it, so better remove it before a mod sees it and gives you another suspension.
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To have calling out be a suspendable offense requires appropriate context, is how I feel about the situation. The rule should be clarified to that purpose as well, which beggars the question of when the FAQ thread is fixed and site design as a whole isn't new-user-hostile and has step-by-step tutorials.
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It's not stupid at all.
There are some people that have been called out in the past and they ended giving their games, it's up to everyone to check if they really wanna join the giveaway or think it's fake, no need to call out the giveaway creators at all.
Points are free, it's not like you lose anything anyways.
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Actually you do have something to lose... No one likes to win a fake giveaway, especially for a major game... It's an utterly shitty, and yeah, even depressing, feeling.... The lost points are irrelevant, no idea why people keep focusing on the points when they argue that fake giveaways aren't a big deal...
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I just wanted to say that "calling out" does not apply only to giveaways that people think are fake. It extends much further than that - in fact posting helpful commentary or posts in which you do not name anyone can result in a suspension. It almost entirely depends on the support member's mindset at the time.
I've only been suspended a single time (for "calling out", by saying
"Yes, begging for keys from devs to give away here is so much better than giving away tons of exploited keys."
Seriously, if that can be considered calling out, I don't know what calling out is...
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Tell me all about how only giveaways with exactly those specifications are being called out.
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well - my first GA was for a non-bundle game, which I did not have and had it on my wishlist - I was also called out for it being a fake - guess what - it wasn't. I remained on SG, but how many legit people reading how the fucktards call them liars, scamemrs, making fake GA etc will decide "well, screw this community"?
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And I personally don't care about what you think of the matter. The fact is the rule is here, you disagree with it giving your argument and I countered it. It doesn't matter if you care or not, the point is that it simply shows why your argument is wrong.
Pluss even in the case if GA you mentioned in your 1st post ends up being FAKE - it will be then dealt with by support - with or without your calling out. On the other hand if it turns out to be legit all you do is disencourage a new user from making awesome GAs. So you'r right to call out in most of the cases will not really change anything and in worst cases can only harm community. There is no scenario of in which it leads to anything good.
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Well, we do. Also, there have been multiple users who made giveaways for very high valued items they did not own that were real. Don't assume and yell about it. Just report if you think there's an issue.
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I don't like the rule at all. It seems like 9 times out of 10, if not more, the accusation is justified. And if it's not ... the accused can just blacklist the accuser. Seriously, thin skin.
That said, rules are rules. Respect and abide.
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No matter how small the ratio is, calling out doesn't help anything, so it's completely useless, and if there's chance this useless thing can hurt someone I see to reason to allow it.
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The difference here is that in this 9 cases 9 out of 9 will be dealt with by support when they turn out to be fake, regardless of you calling them out or not. and this 1 out of 10 actual legit one after being called out may disencourage a user from the whole community.
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Okay, so accuse them with the report button. It means we'll actually notice it.
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Don't forget that "calling out" doesn't only apply to giveaways. I got a suspension once for "calling out" by posting in the forums:
"Yes, begging for keys from devs to give away here is so much better than giving away tons of exploited keys."
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I remember few months back some new guy who created giveaway or giveaways in a way that was very similiar to how people not really understanding how the site works create them once they registered. As you can imagine, the comments soon turned into a cesspool doubting creator's intelligence, etc. The guy was legit, I remember Bobo apologazing for the community and I felt embarassed as it's member just having to see that.
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I find it boring too. I've been suspended for doing it once as well.
But you know, without it, some people would end up insulting the person. People are too harsh for no reason... that's why rules are needed, because some people lack respect and good sense.
In the end, we all suffer from it, as we're not allowed to make white jokes...
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I don't think it's stupid. Reasons:
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It's such a stupid rule but many ppl support if for some reason, it would be ok if it wouldn't apply to giveaways comments. 99% of the time I don;t even comment in GA's unless it's required so it doesn't affect me. BUT when some dude that just registered makes a GA for new AAA game and someone says "well this is fake" why should that someone get a ban ?
Now some dumbass will come and say "I've been here for years and I have seen plenty GAs like that and they were real" or some shit like "When I joined this site on my first day I gave 10 AAA games from my wishlist" yeah whatever just STFU, that happens once in 100 or 1000 giveaways so just STFU. I really don't see a reason for anyone getting a ban for saying a GA is fake.
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"BUT when some dude that just registered makes a GA for new AAA game and someone says "well this is fake" why should that someone get a ban ?"
tl;dr: "I didn't read the thread to understand this"
Also, your attitude is that of a massive stack of dicks. 1000 giveaways happens every other day.
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and you base it on what? Did you do calculations, or just put a random number right out of your arse? Actually I know many situations where actual gifts were called out fake. and it IS hurting community. You not calling out GA even if it turn out to be fake hurst NOONE. Here lies the difference. If GA turns out to be fake indeed it will be dealt with by support regardless of you calling out or not. If you falsely call out a new user, he sees negative attitude towards him since his first GA - he very likely may as well never post a GA again.
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Yes I pulled that number out of my arse but I'm sure it's close to reality. Also I've never called a GA fake, it's not my problem, I usually just use them to hold my points. But lots of people for some reason say or hit that it might be fake, it's not a reason to be banned for that.
If some new user sees all the negative attitude ... well it's the internet and it's full of trolls, that say worse things than "this looks fake" if they can't handle that then they can't handle the internet :)
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"I'm sure it's close to reality" Pro-tip, it's not. At all.
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Oh, so I assume you would be totally happy and wouldn't want support to deal with it at all if we all just started to comment on your every GA and your every forum comment that people shoud be aware, because you're a known scammer? because you know, as you say - calling out isn't hurtfull, and if you cannot handle our all false accusations then you cannothandle the internet ;)
Oh and also I know that out of 1000 ppl with Panda in their avatar 999 are scammers. So I'm fine to do as I mentioned as well as all the other people? Because you know, I've done no research, but I'm sure it's close to reality. :>
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"BUT when some dude that just registered makes a GA for new AAA game and someone says "well this is fake" why should that someone get a ban ?" probably for the same reason why another person could get a ban for saying "don't be an arsehole, report and carry on" - in other words please refrain from being insultive.
"yeah whatever just STFU, that happens once in 100 or 1000 giveaways so just STFU" and this once in 1000 those comments discourage generous people from giving away games (because why give something to jerks who won't even give you benefit of doubt also often referring to you like you are stupid). Seriously, it does not cost you anything to enter giveaway and if the points are so precious to you then there is still a choice, you can spend them on something else.
Also I do not appreciate you calling me a "dumbass" just because my views differ from yours especially considering your lack of argumentation (sorry but "STFU" is not an argument). If you really want to contribute please share your thoughts on how people who used to post rude comments on "possibly fake" giveaways are the victims of bad system. Really please do, I am genuinely interested.
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I did't say you are dumbass if you don't share my view, it was directed to those that say how they have seen I don't know how many GAs that were real even if they looked fake and maybe even give an example of one of those GA from 2-3 years ago or longer. The stfu was meant for them.
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Well look at that and it's right next to your comment. I'm not saying how many or how long ago were those giveaways made (I remember reading comments in two of them and in second one gifter clearly stated that he is not going to make another giveaway for such ungrateful crowd). Still I feel like your statement includes me as it is one of my arguments for the rule being useful.
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It's like this, let the people decide for themselves if the giveaway is real or not. If they don't take the time to check if the giveaway is legit then they deserve to lose any potential points. Although usually the giveaway is removed by a mod, and the points are returned.
Why it's there? It's to avoid abuse. If you make a giveaway, and someone comes to your giveaway and starts posting comments like 'FAKE DONT ENTER!!11!', would you like it? This site relies on people giving away games for free. Some people might think the community is ungrateful and leave the site, especially the new members.
Although I do agree some people just leaves their brains behind on the internet. Even if they don't know English, who would make a site where people give you games you want for free? Common sense is apparently not so common on the internet.
Solution is simple, report the giveaway and move on. I found the mods are quick to remove the giveaways before they expire so everyone gets their points back. If you suspect a giveaway to be fake, report and move on. Let the mods handle it.
On that note, it would be a good idea if cg could get some volunteers to write something explaining in brief what the site is about in different languages and make people read it when they register (put a timer or something so they can't just click 'I understand' without reading). It would reduce some of these giveaways.
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"If you make a giveaway, and someone comes to your giveaway and starts posting comments like 'FAKE DONT ENTER!!11!', would you like it?" Why would it bother me? More chances for the few that enter LoL and when the GA would finish and the winner would get hes prize it would be like a big FU to those who said it was fake and didn't enter :)
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It is a stupid rule. Right up until the point you yourself get accused of something, then it's wonderful. For every 9 times the rule prevents someone from naming a scammer/regifter/cheater there is that 1 time where it prevents someone who didn't actually do anything wrong from being called one of those things.
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Its not stupid.
You realize the shit storm that would take place here if everyone called out everyone? If you have a complaint take it to support and let them determine everything.
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I'm not sure why we always get these kinds of threads. Being banned means you can't follow simple rules, the same rules that everyday society generally runs on. Being on the internet does not give you a right to complain about pointless shit. Download the steamgifts addon for your browser and ignore that user.
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Having been banned once before, I can tell that sometimes breaking the rules is really easy and you do it without realizing. Don't get me wrong, bans are here for a reason I understand that, but still I think you should cut the guy some slack, sometimes getting banned for a silly comment can be infuriating.
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If he got suspended by calling someone out on a giveaway, it hints at either not reading the rules or disregarding the rules. I understand getting suspended over an insult in the heat of the moment, but the rules are really easy to follow here.
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And here's a giveaway to celebrate: Huzzah!
On a completely unrelated note...Who else thinks the rule on calling people out is stupid?
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