
I've tidied up my whitelist a bit.
So I'm looking for a few new members.

There aren't really any. Except: Be nice to your fellow human beings.

For me it doesn't matter what SG level you have.
I will add people who give away less as well as people who give away more. So if you give away a lot, that doesn't automatically give you a advantage. I would like to say that everyone has the same opportunities. The selection is random.
How exactly random? I will use a random generator with Yes/No. Yes = Add | No = Do not add

Before you leave a comment, please check whether you are already on the whitelist.


If you are already on the whitelist, you do not need to reply to this post, you will remain on the list.

I don't want to make anyone look worse in front of others, so I respond neutrally.
If you received ✅ as a reply from me, you can check again with “Quick-Check”.
If you can fully access the giveaway, then I've added you. If you can't see it, then I didn't added you.

This process reminds me a bit of a fast food restaurant, sorry about that.

If you didn't make it, you will definitely have the opportunity to apply again in the future.
(For example, if I increased the number of members).

If you are part of my blacklist (13 people). Maybe I will give you a second chance.
If you are someone I have removed from the whitelist, I want you to know that I have NOT blacklisted you. You can also apply again.

Have a nice week everyone! 🥂

While you wait for my reply, feel free to take a look at my two trains/puzzles if you want.
You can also leave something funny if you like.





Я не говорю по-русски, поэтому в переводе могут быть ошибки.

Поэтому я ищу несколько новых членов.

На самом деле их нет. Кроме: Будьте добры к своим собратьям.

Для меня не имеет значения, какой у вас уровень SG.
Я буду добавлять как тех, кто раздает меньше, так и тех, кто раздает больше. Так что если вы много раздаете, это не дает вам автоматического преимущества. Я хотел бы сказать, что у всех одинаковые возможности. Выбор случайный.
Как именно случайный? Я использую генератор случайных чисел, в котором есть варианты "Да/Нет". Да = добавить | Нет = не добавлять

Перед тем, как оставить комментарий, пожалуйста, проверьте, находитесь ли вы уже в белом списке.


Если вы уже находитесь в белом списке, вам не нужно отвечать на это сообщение, вы останетесь в списке.

Я не хочу никого выставлять в худшем свете перед другими, поэтому отвечаю нейтрально.
Если вы получили ✅ в качестве ответа от меня, вы можете проверить еще раз с помощью "Быстрой проверки".
Если вы можете получить полный доступ к раздаче, значит, я вас добавил. Если вы не видите его, значит, я вас не добавлял.

Этот процесс немного напоминает мне ресторан быстрого питания, извините за это.

Если вы не прошли, у вас обязательно будет возможность подать заявку снова в будущем.
(Например, если я увеличу количество участников).

Если вы попали в мой черный список (13 человек). Возможно, я дам вам второй шанс.
Если вы тот, кого я удалил из белого списка, я хочу, чтобы вы знали, что я НЕ заносил вас в черный список. Вы также можете подать заявку снова.

Хорошей недели всем! 🥂

Пока вы ждете моего ответа, не стесняйтесь взглянуть на мои два поезда/головоломки, если хотите.
Вы также можете оставить что-нибудь смешное, если хотите.

4 months ago*

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Can I? I was before, but it seems like I am no more. Don't worry, I don't mind. I understand that you just wanted to clean up.

I did some giveaways recently and I plan to do more, but keep in mind that it isn't easy for me. It may not seem that way, since I got a large Steam library, but the thing is, I'm from Argentina, and Steam games here used to be much, much cheaper. It used to be reasonable to buy 20+ games at a single moment with big discounts, but there's no way now. Even with big discounts, I usually will consider buying one or two cheap games at most, and only if I really, really want them. At least, I managed to get lots of games at good prices while I still could. I never bought any game without large discounts, unless it was a game I really liked and that never gets discounted (or that only gets very low discounts.)

External stores were a lot more expensive as a general rule, even the big bundles, because of how cheap the games used to be here on Steam, but this is not the case anymore and they are actually a good option here now.

Ever since they changed the store currency back to dollars, everything became a lot more expensive on Steam. The prices of most games are actually insane for us, even many of the games that are following Valve's recommended regional prices. I did find lots of games that did so and still were extremely expensive. I only bought one or two games since the change, at most. On top of that, we have to pay a significant tax just for the currency conversion. The total tax is of 60% per purchase. This also applies to any other shop in which you can't pay with ARS. Even when purchasing in the national currency, the taxes are quite high.

I ended up rambling a lot, but anyway, I just wanted to explain my situation, because I know some people are quick to judge without trying to understand the circumstances. I know their value was low, but I did do some giveaways already. I'm just doing what I can.

4 months ago*

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I can understand that I'm currently buying fewer Fanatical bundles than before because they're currently more expensive even though they contain games that were already available in cheaper bundles.

4 months ago

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Hello! May I join 🥺

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Booh! (\/)(o.o(\/)

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Is there a replenishment now? hmm I would like to try joining again

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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if(NO == YES) {

There, I fixed it for us all.

hurr de durr durr - I am greatus programmer expert hacker boio

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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let's try! / попробуем!

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Hi, I'd like to join! Thanks for whitelist :)

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Попытка не пытка :)

P.S. Why did you decide to duplicate the text in russian?

4 months ago

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Потому что Россия находится на втором месте по количеству участников на SG. Поэтому я подумал, что будет справедливо предложить свое описание и на русском языке. Сам я по-русски не говорю, так что если есть ошибки в переводе, извините :)

4 months ago

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I didn't find any mistakes

4 months ago

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Then everything is fine 😊

4 months ago

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If I ask to join and I have been accepted, is my request to join still valid as a request to join or I have to comment again that I joined so I will not be joinging again?

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Hello, can I join? 🤝

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Hey, have a nice day guys!

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Good morning, I would like to try my luck with your WL.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Hi would like to join, thank you!

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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I'll put my name in the hat... :-) 💙💙💙

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Howdy! May I join your WL?

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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It's like a Harry Potter Sorting Hat, I'm in 💙 ty

4 months ago

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If you received ✅ as a reply from me, you can check again with “Quick-Check”.
If you can fully access the giveaway, then I've added you. If you can't see it, then I didn't added you.

If you didn't make it, you will definitely have the opportunity to apply again in the future.
(For example, if I increased the number of members).

4 months ago

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😲 So I was lucky, but not lucky enough, to get whitelisted 😔 ç'est la vie ♥

4 months ago

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Hello there. Can I join? Interesting thing, you are on my whitelist already. But I forgot when exactly I added you:)

4 months ago

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If you received ✅ as a reply from me, you can check again with “Quick-Check”.
If you can fully access the giveaway, then I've added you. If you can't see it, then I didn't added you.

If you didn't make it, you will definitely have the opportunity to apply again in the future.
(For example, if I increased the number of members).

4 months ago

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Can i? :c

4 months ago

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If you received ✅ as a reply from me, you can check again with “Quick-Check”.
If you can fully access the giveaway, then I've added you. If you can't see it, then I didn't added you.

If you didn't make it, you will definitely have the opportunity to apply again in the future.
(For example, if I increased the number of members).

4 months ago

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Can i join please?

4 months ago

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If you received ✅ as a reply from me, you can check again with “Quick-Check”.
If you can fully access the giveaway, then I've added you. If you can't see it, then I didn't added you.

If you didn't make it, you will definitely have the opportunity to apply again in the future.
(For example, if I increased the number of members).

4 months ago

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Hmm, interesting. Luck is not my main skill, but a secondary one :) Let's roll the dice

4 months ago

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If you received ✅ as a reply from me, you can check again with “Quick-Check”.
If you can fully access the giveaway, then I've added you. If you can't see it, then I didn't added you.

If you didn't make it, you will definitely have the opportunity to apply again in the future.
(For example, if I increased the number of members).

4 months ago

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I would like to try my luck, have a nice day :)

4 months ago

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If you received ✅ as a reply from me, you can check again with “Quick-Check”.
If you can fully access the giveaway, then I've added you. If you can't see it, then I didn't added you.

If you didn't make it, you will definitely have the opportunity to apply again in the future.
(For example, if I increased the number of members).

Have a nice day too! :)

3 months ago

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Hello, can I join?

4 months ago

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If you received ✅ as a reply from me, you can check again with “Quick-Check”.
If you can fully access the giveaway, then I've added you. If you can't see it, then I didn't added you.

If you didn't make it, you will definitely have the opportunity to apply again in the future.
(For example, if I increased the number of members).

3 months ago

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4 months ago

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If you received ✅ as a reply from me, you can check again with “Quick-Check”.
If you can fully access the giveaway, then I've added you. If you can't see it, then I didn't added you.

If you didn't make it, you will definitely have the opportunity to apply again in the future.
(For example, if I increased the number of members).


3 months ago

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Can I join?

3 months ago

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If you received ✅ as a reply from me, you can check again with “Quick-Check”.
If you can fully access the giveaway, then I've added you. If you can't see it, then I didn't added you.

If you didn't make it, you will definitely have the opportunity to apply again in the future.
(For example, if I increased the number of members).

3 months ago

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Closed 2 months ago by Shurraxxo.