Do people blacklist a lot for no reason
Why would you create an Anti-Vegan GA Group anyways?
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Because the site had too many Anti-LGBT groups, and the OP wanted to be original.
(Though, as far as I know, the OP didn't actually make any offensive statements in that regard (prior to this thread), limiting the matter to just a casual comment in the thread title. So in a sense, it is a bit of an over-reaction, but it's an understandable one, if only for how entirely unnecessary a reference and clearly rude a sentiment it was.)
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Sooth could you be more specific? I dont think that you know what anti-LGBT stand for .It is a movment to combat pedophiles, zoophiles , femi nazis , SJW and not harmless gays and lesbians . There are even a lot of gays in that movement. I think that you just meant outdated (and in my opinion not important enough even for being noticed ) anti-homosexual movment which just consist of people against homosexuals .
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Well, as SG has taught me, they're clearly all SJWs- so why isn't it called anti-SJW? :/
Also, it's the philophiles you really have to worry about. Loving things like that is just wrong.
Philophile: Someone who enjoys loving things, or is enamored with the concept of love itself. :P
Basically hippies.
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sunlikely already had it right
Being a vegan just means you don't eat animal products, being an anti-vegan isn't just some declaration about you personally eating animal products, it's also actively caring that other people choose not to eat animals, which is super stupid and lame.
It's the difference between deciding what you do and trying to decide what other people do. You think someone being vegan actually means they're some imaginary third thing where they actively wanna stop you from eating meat, which might be true of someone who is also a vegan, but not what defines a vegan, as most probably don't give a shit what other people choose to do, cause that would be super stupid and lame.
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What's to argue? Someone calling themselves anti-vegan is specifically doing it because they care about people being vegan and want to piss and moan about it, but someone calling themselves vegan might mean the same pissing and moaning, or it might mean they don't give a damn what you do. It's just a weak analogy.
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Except I'm not angry or a vegan or an anti-vegan either?
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No. Cause I'm arguing that your analogy sucked and why it's wrong. I also said that someone who calls themselves anti-vegan is just dumb but that's an opinion beside the point I'm arguing, which is your analogy is bad and objectively wrong.
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What don't you get, a Vegan is someone who doesn't eat animal products and an anti-Vegan is someone who hates another group of people because they choose to believe in something different to them...
One is someone who cares for animals. the other is an intolerant jackass.
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I beg to differ. Every vegan I've seen were anti-meat-eating.
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Maybe only Canadian vegans are fucking judgemental pricks who would prefer to torture and kill people who eat meat than to let them eat meat. Not even kidding.
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What people think of others doesn't bother me much - everyone is entitled to their beliefs and opinions. The biggest issue is when a person belittles, disrespects, or insult another person or another person's opinions or way of living. I tend to respect other people even if I disagree with them, as long as they don't attempt to force their ideology on others.
Not all vegans are assholes, and as a matter of fact maybe I've only met asshole vegans simply because they are the ones who don't shut up about being a vegan and that they are far superior to other people for being so. Even if it's in the minority, if one person in a group of people happen to be an asshole and they are a loudmouth as well, that's the only person you'll remember. A bad apple spoils the bunch.
What I'm trying to say is; it's not that I don't respect vegans. I just dislike assholes in general. :P
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Exactly my thoughts. Live as you want to live, and let others live as they want to live. Everyone's happy at this point.
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Why would anyone even be proud to be German?
Crap people, crap government, crap cuck country.
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Poland, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland.
Just to name a few.
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... I think you're the only one who classifies Hungary with Austria and Switzerland. If you like corruption, stolen EU moneys, being laid off because not symphatizing with the reigning party, way underfunded healthcare, education then maybe Hungary is not crap. Otherwise, it sadly is :(
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I'm pretty sure that the conditions are still far better than in major part of the world, because people often focus only on bad sides and totally forget about good ones.
For example, I'm from Poland, I could be more happy if our healthcore wasn't that bad in some ways, but at the same time I'm happy that I can go outside without a fear of suicide bomber targetting my train or subway.
People like to criticize bad things - I fall into that trap as well, but at the same time I'm glad I wasn't born in like crapload of other, very often much worse countries, and I have even more respect for people coming from them, as they had probably much harder life than I did.
TBH anybody coming from Europe, regardless which part of it, should be quite happy with their life. East has public government problems, but at the same time West has it's own immigrants problem to deal with, and I'm not sure if I'd exchange my safety for better living conditions - probably not, I like my country. It's not the best, but it's not the worst either, and I can find very many positive things in it - don't even attempt to tell me that situation in Hungary is worse, I won't believe you :3.
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I don't know that now I should say that you're wrong, or that you're right, Poland is shit as well :P
Jokes aside, it's Austria and Switzerland that makes the comparison just CRAZY in my eyes. Of course, we have internet, safety, some kind of healthcare and education which is better than likely most in Africa or certain parts of Asia, but even if the whole country would change mentality here, we would be still decades after Australia. Also, I'm sure they also have problems and would be possible to find them by living there for a while, especially on the politics level it's hard to see a lot of problems from the outside.
Hungary is worse, you at least have Konrad to entertain
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Anti vegan isn't opressive, it's just immature.
And I don't really get your second example, I'd feel like people wouldn't be happy with nationalism of anti religious freedom countries.
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Vegan group = against an idea or concept (eating meat)
Anti-Vegan = against a group of people (people that don't eat meat)
If he had called his group "Meat loving group" there wouldn't have been an issue, but now he's excluding/discriminating a group of people. I'm friends with a vegetarian, while I'm a meat eater neither of us try to convince the other as we respect each others ideology, so a vegan doesn't necessarily mean someone who hates people who eats meat or vice versa.
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I read it, your reasoning is still flawed. I don't care if someone is a meat eater/vegetarian/vegan, I was trying to point out the flaw in your supposed logic. Your assumption is that: vegans = meat eater haters, which isn't true so your reasoning is flawed. You are of course free to believe whatever you want.
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The reason why OP got blacklisted isn't solely because he made a group that goes against a certain believe, it's because he was discriminating a group of people. Therefor your reasoning for him getting blacklisted is flawed. Ad hominem arguments aren't a good way of proving your point either, especially if they're incorrect since the person you originally said it too wasn't a vegan. I'm not here to start any drama though, I was just trying to give you some insight, let's just agree to disagree.
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And you seriously don't understand why some people would dislike that ?
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Then call it a Meat lover or Carnivore (Omnivore) group.
It's always better to be pro something than against (unless you're the NRA).
Also in my country the rate of real vegans is at approximatly 2% so obnoxious vegans are not on my list of top concerns :D
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Someone being Pro Anti-Vegan is the best of BOTH worlds! >:D
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a place of refuge against ppl who refuse to eat meat
Yes, because the people who are least likely to consume your flesh are the ones you clearly need a safe haven from.
Hate to tell you this, but even with what I assume is your habit of walking around in a fruit hat and a leaf skirt, you're still showing more body than plants (and I'd expect you to be more concerned about your flesh than external vegetation anyway). Also, that hat looks ridiculous, so anyone attacking you for it is really just doing you a favor anyway.
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Vegans are hostile against people that eat meat, that's why. ;_;
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It's not that hard to understand I was joking, right? Right? :(
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It's apparently easier for most to villainize a group based on faulty information and the actions of a minority of that group, than confront the fact that your approach to things may be in any way flawed.
Which is especially bad when all the legitimate science, history, or similar information on a topic points in a singular direction..
Though in the case of meat-eating, the chemical effects meat has on the brain do provide addiction-inducing reactions which shift perspective favorably toward the act, so in a sense the extreme negativity toward non-meat-eaters is one of the few hate-mentalities with a comprehensible basis.
Of course, caring about what others do with their own lives (in ways that don't affect your own, or harm others) is still an astounding irrationality of desiring to control others. Nevermind the fact that many people are pushed into a vegetarian/vegan diet due to health issues necessitating the shift. So by pursuing an Anti-Vegan mentality (versus Pro-Cannibalism) all one is doing is shoving that in their faces, even toward those that still maintain a "rah-rah, eating the flesh of socially-acceptable-to-consume creatures is awesome (and everything else is not)" mentality.
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Yeah. And while there might be a grain of validity to the argument that we evolved to eat meat (we did, there are things we can't easily get from other "natural sources" in many parts of the world), in this day and age, if you're missing something in your food (Vitamin B12 is an issue for vegans) you can get it from synthetic sources, which are identical once they enter your body.
I'm not a vegan, but I am really trying to cut down on my meat consumption, for sustainability reasons. When you work with things like this, it's a bit hypocritical to then go and eat massive amounts of meat
Also, the anti-vegan movement based on misinformation and generalization are really no different (when it comes to the mental shortcuts we make) to what makes people think that everyone with a left-leaning point of view is a "feminazi" or that everyone from the middle east is out to bomb your house.
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Cannibalism, definition: The eating of the flesh of an animal by another animal of its own kind.
The usage I applied is correct, albeit unorthodox. The nuance is in the perspective you apply to the word.
(Note that other mammals share roughly 85 to 98% DNA with us, while birds share roughly 65% DNA with us (and fruit flies and banana plants 60%). Kind is a simple matter of genetic resemblance, so how do you define it? If the species is an exact subspecies match? If they're genetically close enough that they can still be procreated with? Or if it's a majority (above 50%) DNA match? Or by Phyllum? By familiarity of conceptualization?
One clear distinction is in the definition, which limits it to animals. So at the very least, we can be sure that the term does not apply to the consumption habits of non-meat-eaters. However, it is inclusive to meat-eaters as a whole, even if we determine that not all meat-eaters can apply the term. Ergo, even if precision is determined to be inadequate, the term is still functional- and hopefully, its usage serves to incite more careful thought on the topic of homocentric conceptualizations.
In any case, once you've stopped eating meat for long enough, it seems people typically stop being able to distinguish between 'acceptable to eat corpses' and 'unacceptable to eat corpses' (due to the removal of the chemical effects of meat on the brain), so from a vegetarian perspective, one could argue that cannibalism applies to anything that looks enough like human flesh, once cut or prepared.)
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It's not a joke, not even slightly. o.O
I explain the intent in the last line of the second paragraph. :/
tl;dr I'm saying that typical determinations on what animals are and aren't acceptable to eat rely on the same abstract foundations as basic racism does, and am thus directly relating racism and speciesism to one another. I make an argument for the validity of the word usage on the whole, but clarify that even if that argument doesn't appeal, from the topically relevant perspective of a non-meat-eater it'd certainly still have validity.
Mind you, I'm not even arguing against eating meat at any point, just against the blind "it's acceptable to eat what's acceptable, and not acceptable to eat what is not" mentality (which encourages the hostile Anti-Non-Meat-Eater outlook).
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ah okay - mine was, and that was what the reply above was about - there were a few clues provided - sorry, I did not read the lengthy reply you posted so cannot comment on that :)
way to edit your post to add more (ho hum), which I am also not going to read - it was a joke - you did not appreciate it - that is okay you are allowed to not get my sense of humour - that is what makes the world go round - I do not care about the subject matter :)
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That's a drop bear tho, the eucalyptus it's just to get high. The truth is, it eats people.
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Why would you be anti vegan anyway?
Just be happy, there's more meat for you.
But seriously, you knew youre we going to piss off some people by creating that group. Dont act surprised.
Personally, I dont care what people do or believe. As long as they are not bothering me with it. And that applies to a lot of beliefs and doings.
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Well it's an anti group so the people you are anti towards will prob blacklist. Put it this way I got blacklists from people for saying that I dislike some banned fool, just for something I said in a post so yeah people will BL for anything and it's there choice if you care about it then you gotta censor yourself but seriously fuck that noise just be you mate if people BL for it then meh why care. =p
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or maybe you still completing woodle 1 then woodle 2 ?
I won't bother you then :D
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Well, it's literally the same as making a group called "Gamer haters". With such a title/attitude, you'll attract more negative attention, than positive.
I hope that example helps you become more aware of how logic works when being negative about something on those around us. If you called it "meat lovers/carnivores" or something along those lines, I'm sure it wouldn't have attracted such negative results or at least not so many. It's all a matter of perspective.
And being an anti-something is judging the others who don't agree with you. Usually makes people think you are a fanatic or something. That simply can't be good right? Anyway just my two cents.
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Honestly, what do you expect when you opened thast shitty thread about that shitty group?
"Oh, lets brag about the first shit I have in my mind, I'm sure the sarcastimc community of SG will follow me and laugh with me"
Of course, that goes as you actually expected and your BL went up. Now this, another shitty thread to gain more shitty and false attention.
It's either super sad or super effective.
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Technically being vegan is not anti-meat, but pro-animal, and they don't eat because according to them animals deserve better - at least this is the most common reason behind it as far as I know.
Anti-vegan is either strictly against vegans, and I think noone likes anti-SG groups, unless it's against something generally bad thing like Digital Homicide lol
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Technically being vegan is not anti-meat, but pro-animal, and they don't eat because according to them animals deserve better - at least this is the most common reason behind it as far as I know.
That's the ethical reasoning behind it. There's also the sustainability argument for veganism or at least limiting meat consumption. Meat production is quite terrible for the environment.
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There's no paradox there. What would happen? Well, breeding would slow down as fewer and fewer eat meat, until it almost entirely stops. It's not like you would flip a switch and everyone would turn vegan instantly, the change would be gradual.
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Certain breeds will die out, yes. But is it worth keeping a breed alive for the sake of keeping it alive, if it does not fill any ecologic niche, and the only thing that causes it to die out is inaction rather than something that we've actually done? In particular when it's a breed that's been artificially created by humans for humans?
It should be noted that through the history of selective breeding, many breeds have died out, due to not being favourable (not producing enough meat, eating too much, growing too slowly). And it's a process that's still going on.
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Ironic or not, but since the discussion arose... I remembered seeing article long time ago about vegetarian diet being more controversial thing than people used to believe. Probably this one. Though it's main idea unlike the title is not every plant product is more environmentally friendly than every meat product. And another wrap-up of the topic here. Though I'm not a specialist on topic, neither vegetarian nor meat-lover. Just an interesting information.
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But in terms of the Carnegie Mellon University study, what the researchers are saying, to borrow Hilary Hanson's phrase at The Huffington Post, is that "not every plant product is more environmentally friendly than every meat product." (Original emphasis.)
This part I can intuitively believe, though I've not really looked into it further. The studies I've seen have focused on comparing meat production with common grains and other veggies that are well suited for growing in the climate you're trying to grow them in. But if you're looking at greenhouse-grown fruits & vegetables, things suddenly look a lot worse for the veggies. Same with certain crops that need a lot of water, and give a relatively low yield.
Where in the world you are also matters a lot. Keeping animals in Sweden for an example is terrible. You need to let them stay indoors in heated buildings during the cold winters, while it's not as bad in a country like Spain (it's still not great, but it's not as bad as Sweden). So it's better to buy a beef from a Spanish cow than a Swedish cow, even if you're in Sweden (transportation accounts for a relatively small amount of the total energy consumption here).
So yes, it's a really complex issue. But as a rule of thumb, vegetable production is still considerably better than meat production, as long as long as you don't want fresh off-season locally grown fruit & vegetables (because then you're likely dealing with greenhouse grown stuff).
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Sometimes when people post a controversial topic, others will take it as an opportunity to see if they've broken any rules. Reports and blacklists might ensue.
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Basically every time you write something on forums you will get blacklisted. People are like that.
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Basically that. Chances of us getting into some BL's after this is 106725% .
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I did a group recruitment for an anti vegan giveaway group and the blacklists went off the charts .
I had got only 2 earlier when i had joined the site and not followed the rules but people why the hate?
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