This thread is NOT about leechers being good or bad. I made this tread because I did some calculations and I thought someone might find them interesting.

Well I have thought about this, because I really don't like leechers (aka. people-who-haven't contributed-anything-but-have-won-gifts-themselves). I have been wondering how many percent of SG members actually contribute anything to this site, so I've done some rough calculations, and here are my results. Note that these calculations are based on high-school -level of mathematics, so I'm not sure they are 100% correct. And since these numbers change constantly, I'm just going to use rounded numbers. And I haven't taken developer giveaways into account in these.

You can see the amount of members in SG and the amount of received gifts at the bottom of this site. Let's say we have 208 500 members and 187 500 received gifts. If we assume everyone who has contributed something has only given ONE single gift, that would make 21 000 leechers (208 500 - 187 500). That's already a pretty big amount, 10% of the total amount of SG members.

HUGE EDIT: I've gotten some additional information from cg (thanks a lot), so I'll be hugely adjusting (removing) my calculations. I've been informed that the amount of people who have contributed one or more gifts is 35 873 as of now. And since there are users that create an account but remain inactive with it, the amount of current SG members is not a reliable figure. So my previous calculations were overly exaggerated. By information provided by cg, 78 198 members have been active during the past month, and 23 400 have created a giveaway. So I really can't make any reliable calculations on this issue.

So yeah, I just thought I'd write this to give you something to think about. What do you think?? If you find something wrong with my calculations, please tell me. I'm not all that good at math.

PS: I will hate anyone who comments only to say tl;dr. Don't comment if you don't have anything worthwhile to say...

PS 2: It seems some of you are getting upset since I'm using the word leecher. I just use it because it's shorter than person-who-hasn't-contributed-but-has-won-gifts-himself/herself. I can't even fit that into the thread title, so I changed that into non-contributors.

PS 3: I though this might be some interesting information. But this thread seems to be attracting much hate.. I'll close this thread if it gets too hateful

PS 4: I'm going to close this tread since I've realized how difficult it is to make these calculations reliably, and there's no point in spreading possibly incorrect information.

12 years ago*

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Pretty sure only like 10% or so of the site actually give doesn't away. Doesn't really matter though to me, they don't have money/don't want to. As simple as that.

I have more problems with people who abuse the systems to act like they gave a lot.

Also on a somewhat related note to leechers you might find this interesting.

12 years ago

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Thanks a lot for the link, that was really interesting :). I'm not trying to spread any hate around (even if I don't like leechers myself), I just made some calculations and I thought somebody might find them interesting.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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if you do not like leechers just make giveaways for contributors.

12 years ago

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I started gifting only after I won something.

It did make me feel a moral obligation to give back to the community.

Give new leechers a chance, unless they don't bother to thank the gifter when they win. Those guys could be permabanned and I would rejoice.

12 years ago

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I am too greedy and selfish to buy something and then give it away, but I shared some CD-Keys and DOTA2 (yeah, I am one of those magnificent spammers) gifts I got for free... Won 3 gifts (what's interesting, at least for me, all of them in 2 week span) Am I human or a leecher? :P and here, another of my free cd-keys ;P

12 years ago

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imo, the main idea of this site was that people who can afford buying games, give away games to those who want to play but cannot afford to buy a game. sounds good to me. but still, since $50 (? - not sure) barrier was lifted, too many fakes appeared.

12 years ago

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1.) Screw you and your elitist attitude. The site doesn't need you or people like you.
2.) OH HEY, I noticed you've won more then you've contributed, you are a leecher my friend.
3.) Why do you even CARE? I mean, the point of the site is for people who want to give things away can in a quick and easy fashion. All this back and forth about, "Waa x won this many times and I haven't won once!" or "Look how much I've given away, I FUCKING DEMAND YOU WORSHIP ME AND MY GIFTS!!" is bullshit and needs to stop.
4.) This topic has been BEATEN TO GOD DAMN DEATH already.

Yes, Im mad.

Also, inb4 witty remark using some combination of #1.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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all of it. this guy is totally right

12 years ago

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Just for your information, I didn't intend to spread any hate towards leechers with this thread. I just did some calculations and I thought somebody might find them interesting. I don't think anybody has done calculations like these, so your fourth statement is definitely not correct. And I'm intending to restore the balance and make more giveaways in the future, don't worry.

12 years ago

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When I give away something I couldn't care less who it goes to as long as I get a thanks.

12 years ago

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I used to until I started seeing more people with their account locked down and SG isn't force syncing. That bothers me. I don't care if someone gets their entire library from me on SG. In fact, that is kind of awesome. I have been giving games even before SG to people who wanted them.

Then there are those who are taking what they are given and ignoring the TOS.
This really, really pisses me off.

12 years ago

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I would love to contribute more, but I just do not have the ability to do that at this particular moment ;)

12 years ago

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The exact number is 35,873 users that have contributed one gift or more. The percentage of contributors has been increasing over time.

Edit: Why is that? If we look at active users in the past month, 23,400 of the 78,198 users have created a giveaway at one time or another. Therefore, if a user has contributed, they're twice as likely to remain active. For a site that's open to the public, 1/3 of the active community sharing gifts comes as a shock. I would have expected 1/10, or 1/100.

12 years ago

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Thanks a lot for the accurate info, I'll add that to my calculations :)

12 years ago

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You werent that far off with your assumed 171.000 "leechers". xD

12 years ago

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Why is this important for you?

12 years ago

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It's not all that important to me, I just made some calculations and I thought some of you might find them interesting.

12 years ago

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My pocket is tighter than a virgin. Spending money on games is out of the equation (with exceptions for when I save up for the summer sale as you can see by my profile.)

12 years ago

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I dont really care if there are people who want free things only, i was one of these when i first started using this website (and i think you all started using steamgifts because it has free games).
Anyways, the number that cg wrote is really small compared to the amount of gifts and members...

12 years ago

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Came for hidden giveaways, was disappointed

12 years ago

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I can confirm you, the first day I joined this lovely community, I made a BF2 giveaway, my profile can confirm that!

12 years ago

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As a typical lazy interweb user, I demand a tl;dr version.

Now, seriously, what's the problem with "leechers"? I think we give away games here for fun. We have some assholes, like those idiots demanding specific games, begging or complaining because they "never win anything", but I don't think they're the majority

12 years ago

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I don't really mind the so called people-who-hasn't-contributed-but-has-won-gifts-themselves, heck, that's all fine. BUT! Of course it's fine as long as they enjoy the game they win. I actually came to sad realisation due to your thread. Just made a quick look at people who won the handful of games I've given here. You could say that only 2 out of 18 played the games I've gifted them. Noticed two that haven't even activated games I gave them yet and other 14 haven't even launched theirs or played for less than hour. I will not stalk them on nights forcing to play of course, some may have ... backlog issues or stuff like that and hopefully will play their won games in the future. But I am still sad over those stats.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Marumisu.