The Alienware promotional mass giveaway essentially rendered all Shadow Warrior Special keys/gifts worthless, as I just learnt… after more than two days. (Sorry, I am so not interested in anything that has anything to do with Alianware…)
I have two Humble Bundle gift links for it still, which I cannot give away here, as 10k free keys naturally locked it down from giveaways. While we have seen freebie games opened up again or removed from bundle list after enough people cried about it loudly, especially if they were not in the "cheap" category (cough "IwantfullCVforTalosPrinciple" cough Aliens cough… sorry, I just seem to cough a lot), I don't really see this happening with this amount. Or at least in any time soon.

I don't want to use another giveaway site and it is a tad too expensive to just drop on
So, here is the deal: I need two people who would actually like to play the game. As in, install it, start the campaign mode, and finish it. I know, alien concept for modern FPS games, which only exist so people can play the multiplayer until next week's release, but call me old fashioned who likes to play shooters without a bunch of obnoxious mentally challenged 12-year-old kids spouting random swear words they saw on the internet.
It has 73/81% on Metacritic and 92/94% on Steam; it is way too good for a standard action/FPS to waste on yet another game hoarder or some random guy who farms off the cards and goes back to playing CS:GO/Dota2.

So, I don't know, convince me somehow that you'd like this game to play it. Having a profile where the games actually played (not just farmed) ratio is over 50% and that includes quite a few shooters would be a really great start, I guess… but I am open for most anything (including bribes, because, again, I'm old-fashioned).

7 years ago*

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I own the game, finished it twice on different difficulty settings. To me, it was one of the best games I played that year.

So don't give up, you can find people who will actually want this, and that will play it!

PS: obviously I'm not entering your giveaway since I own it already :)

7 years ago

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Been on my wishlist since 2015, entered all the giveaways. Never won but would still love to win.

7 years ago

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just to say u can ignore my atempt to get a key since i managed to get a key from alienware xD but keep it up and i'm sure u'll find some one suitable for those 2 giftlinks

7 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by talgaby.