The Alienware promotional mass giveaway essentially rendered all Shadow Warrior Special keys/gifts worthless, as I just learnt… after more than two days. (Sorry, I am so not interested in anything that has anything to do with Alianware…)
I have two Humble Bundle gift links for it still, which I cannot give away here, as 10k free keys naturally locked it down from giveaways. While we have seen freebie games opened up again or removed from bundle list after enough people cried about it loudly, especially if they were not in the "cheap" category (cough "IwantfullCVforTalosPrinciple" cough Aliens cough… sorry, I just seem to cough a lot), I don't really see this happening with this amount. Or at least in any time soon.

I don't want to use another giveaway site and it is a tad too expensive to just drop on
So, here is the deal: I need two people who would actually like to play the game. As in, install it, start the campaign mode, and finish it. I know, alien concept for modern FPS games, which only exist so people can play the multiplayer until next week's release, but call me old fashioned who likes to play shooters without a bunch of obnoxious mentally challenged 12-year-old kids spouting random swear words they saw on the internet.
It has 73/81% on Metacritic and 92/94% on Steam; it is way too good for a standard action/FPS to waste on yet another game hoarder or some random guy who farms off the cards and goes back to playing CS:GO/Dota2.

So, I don't know, convince me somehow that you'd like this game to play it. Having a profile where the games actually played (not just farmed) ratio is over 50% and that includes quite a few shooters would be a really great start, I guess… but I am open for most anything (including bribes, because, again, I'm old-fashioned).

7 years ago*

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its ok

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hm, could be. Okay, I only leave the part meant about the Americans then. =)

Repetitiveness is part of FPS games. Console shooters are essentially: go to this cover, shoot spawned enemies that stay in perfect range to shoot them, move to next cover. Not that classic FPS games were more complex: start level, run around like a headless chicken until you find enough switches to find enough keys to find the last switch that opens the last door that exits to the next level. I guess FPS players just accept it as part of the genre.

7 years ago

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It's like statistics - they can quite accurately tell you tons of info about some communitiy, but they can be totally misrepresenting single people from that community.

7 years ago

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I just played Sniper Élite Iii. The killcam, seeing bone and limb get torn, never get old

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Ironically SW gets a lot better after the first few hours.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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C'mon CS is way more repetitive, you just cant rush B on Shadow Warrior!

7 years ago

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You can rush (b)loody demons though

7 years ago

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I would play it - but I will be honest and tell you that it wouldn't be until christmas time - as we are way to busy prepping for our christmas craft fair in Lincolnshire at the moment :( - so really have no time to delve into any game fully at the moment - as such, probably best to pick someone who would play it straight away :) - nice idea though :) - also my major played games are not on steam (uplay AC games especially - so time played is not an accurate yard stick imo :)
giggle - although my one AC game on steam has 1,551.7hrs played (now that makes me look very sad indeed)

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Good idea, thanks. =)

7 years ago

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Personally, I only play FPS, RTS, or any game, for the singleplayer campaign. I just find it more enjoyable. However I admit I'm feeling like a minority. I recently played wolfenstein New order and Old Blood though Family Sharing and I loved them, specially New Order

7 years ago*

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So, is this an "application"? :) I see you just started out Wasteland 2, so I'm not sure. ^^'

7 years ago

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Basically, you play your fríend's games, if you trust them enough. Better RL friends. I don't own wasteland 2, but I am playing it because I fríend has it

7 years ago

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I understood that part, I was asking if you are asking for this game as well or just agree with me on that some people can only enjoy the SP aspects of many games. ^^'

7 years ago

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Oh. Yeah I'd be interested in the game, :)

7 years ago

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I probably Look like a collector because of my Indie Gala Games so I won't be able to convince you.

Anyways the game looks really cool so Take my bump ;)

7 years ago

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Not to naysay your approach, but wouldn't this make more sense to bring up once the Alienware giveaway actually ends (and you can more clearly see who still has need of a copy of the game)?

Either way, I feel you on the game's valuedrop- I bought my copy of it retail. :'P

7 years ago

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Keys are almost out and it seems if somebody had enough levels there and wanted it, already got it.
Good point though. I feared I will forget it by the time it officially ends. I'm the kind of person who has troubles telling anyone what they did earlier that day, let alone what happened days ago…

7 years ago

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It hits level 3 at noon (whatever time-zone they're basing in). If keys are already low, I figure it'll be less than an hour after that before the keys are all gone, given how easy it is to reach level 3 [especially as you start at level 2 to begin with].

Basically, just saying to give it a half day (or wait till tomorrow, if you want an easier-to-remember option) ^.^

7 years ago

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I'll send them out on the weekend no matter what. It is not a "first come first served" kind of offer, I am curious what responses I get.

7 years ago

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Righto. ^.^

7 years ago

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Well, I guess I'm not elegible regarding playing time.
Easy to explain due to the actual game rig that I'm using (Pentium 4 @2.4).
At the moment I'm playing old games like AC brotherhood.
I like FPS a lot but not multiplayer, solo campaigns are much better in my opinion.
I'm getting a i5 next month and then I'll be able to play the games on my library.
The trailer seemed to be nice, so I'd like to play it.
One thing is for sure, once I start I'll only stop when I finishe it.

Regards, and Nice giveaway by the way !

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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It is an impressive list. That CS:GO play time is a little frightening, but the achievement list is impressive. And I see I'm not the only one who had issues with Ada's Sneaking Around missin in RE6 Campaign 4 Episode 5…

Just out of curiosity, how come you never started Red Faction? Based on games played, it should be right up your alley. :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Try RE5. Much better for co-op as it is purely action and the level design doesn't suck. And as a bundle game it is also dirt cheap on trade forums and the black market.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Then definitely try to hook your friend up with it. It may be a dreadful Resident Evil game, but a great co-op shooter that managed to completely avoid turning into a tired Gears of Wars clone like RE6 did. To my knowledge, it is generally a lot easier to get people to play it in co-op than RE6 (lets face it, very few are interested in playing RE6 in general), especially after the first 2-3 chapters, where it shows that it is not just a corridor zombie shooter.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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One of my Steam friends has 95% Avg. Game Completion Rate and about 100 perfect games, including quite a few FPS (from a library of 280 games). He doesn't own this game and may be interested. I can ask him...

7 years ago*

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The funny part is that I could answer: "thanks, but I'm the one who offers the game in the first place" to those stats. :D

7 years ago

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Yes, you two have surprisingly similar stats...

I didn't get hold of him yet, but for the record, this is his Steam profile.

7 years ago

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Hm, although there is at least one game which makes me somehow skeptical I have to admit that 95 % is impressive. Couldn't reach that number so far (since I have a few games "dragging me down")

7 years ago

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I've been contacted by Yirg, and I'm surprised that my friend brought me into this! I can confirm that I'm interesting in playing the game you have to offer, Talgaby. I've got the time to complete the game and take on the achievement challenges. On the other hand, I have about 4 other friend recommend me this game via steam chats and reviews.

7 years ago

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This is what this thread is for, to find people who would appreciate and play this game, after all. While there is some overall tone of having some large job interview here, it is more aimed at just talking and learning a few things about a few people. ^^
I'm glad he mentioned you, because you also look like someone who'd like this game, true. =)

7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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I'm not looking for the game, already own it. Wanted to throw my two cents in is all. It's a pretty fun game, it does get old after a while, but it has some pretty good one liners and is worth playing all the way through. Doesn't really take all that long, took me about a day maybe two if I remember right. Bit of a game to blast through and have a nice wild ride for a bit and then hop off and onto the next one. Then blast into it again just for the fun of it.

By the way OP, got any games you think I mind find interesting? Always looking for new ones.

7 years ago

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I may have a few, but depends what you're looking in a game: action, interesting mechanics, story, exploration, puzzles/thinking, platforming/agility challenges, overall ball-busting difficulty?
I am a narrative/gameplay oriented person, and I usually recommend these days Remember Me for action-adventure with great narrative, or Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Grey Syndrome for casual game (it is a hidden object game that also happens to be a better serial killer thriller than… pretty much any film in that category in the past decade). But these are just my two go-to games when I want to recommend underappreciated gems. =)

7 years ago

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I'm an RPG lover for the most part and story is always a good thing, though I tend to enjoy most games unless it comes to sports games.

I have Remember Me and it is an awesome game, I need to get around and finish it so badly. Gonna have to look into BoC because grew up playing hidden object games and haven't played one in forever.

7 years ago

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If RPG, then Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, Fallout: New Vegas, Stick of Truth for cRPG.
Fallout 4, the Van Helsing games, Grim Dawn, the new Gauntlet for ARPG.

7 years ago

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Thank you, will have to look more into Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, and Grim Dawn for sure. Big Fallout fan so I already own all of the games, along with Van Helsing I and II and got Gauntlet so me and a friend could play it. Not a big South Park fan though, tis a cool game, but not for me.

7 years ago

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If you are searching for additional (to talgaby) recommandations for cRPG's:

  • Shadowrun Dragonfall has interesting lore and some nice decisions to be made
  • Underrail is a good indie project with interesting character builds. I should return to that one at some point
7 years ago

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I love Dragonfall, trying to pick-up Returns just to have all three actually.
As for Underrail, will look into it as well, thank you.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Frankly, I liked its combat system more than the one in Arkham. Liked the Batman games, but Remember Me felt more fluid and tactical, where I didn't have to somersault every second punch because the computer wanted to gangbang me.

7 years ago

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I picked it up because I watched a bit of it and wanted to play. Turned out that I loved it and the combat was fun for me.... Ever growing list of games I must finish continues.

7 years ago

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This reminds me Shadow Warrior really is one of the games I should get back to and finish.
Or at least to play more and see how many silly messages I can get from the fortune cookies.

7 years ago

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I love FPS & really wanted Shadow Warrior so was going to ask to be in the GA, then I read that the free keys are for level 4 now on the Alienware promo.
As I am level four I now have a free key of a game I really wanted to play.
Thanks so much for the info as this would have passed me by.
Good luck with the GA too.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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Are you sure about this game? Asking in general. Your gaming list is geared towards the adventure/action portfolio with some tactical and RPG in it. This one is an oldie-style FPS with little story and focus on flashy kills and typical action-hero one-liners for "story". :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I'm good thanks.

7 years ago

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I'm not sure if I'm eligible, check my profile. If you think I'm eligible then sure I'll enter, if not then I want to enter but I'm not allowed to do so :/.

7 years ago*

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It's not a giveaway in the sense how the site does giveaway. I'm looking for someone who can appreciate a little repetitive but fully action-oriented FPS and is actually the type of gamer who plays their games to at least to reach the end credits before moving on. It is not a raffle, I will choose two people who I think will play and enjoy this type of gameplay from what they say and from their previously played history.

7 years ago

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I didn't meant "enter" as GA, but I can't find a better word to describe "if I don't fit in the requirements to be considered for picking, ignore my comment. If I do fit in the requirements, then I'd like to be considered for picking".

7 years ago

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NVM: Got a key.

7 years ago

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It is like Borderlands?

7 years ago

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No. If I have to say something, I may say it is closer to Bulletstorm. Borderlands is a looter game that happens to be controlled similarly to a first-person shooter, but by category it is closer to Diablo. This game is a semi-linear first-person shooter where you use the standard FPS arsenal plus a load of melee-style attacks to kill vast number of enemies for the sake of killing vast number of enemies.

7 years ago

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Shadow warrior 2 on the other hand...

7 years ago

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The sequel seems to be more borderlandsy with looting guns and upgrades for them but have to wait for it(which is killing me) and to see it with my own... eyes.

But first one is Run-Gun-Fun FPS with upgrades for the weapons you get during the campaign.

7 years ago

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not sure if i'm still on time for it but here i go xD well i do love shooters i cleared borderlands 1 and 2 several times, as well as i did for other shooters like spec ops the line the darkness 2 among others.... besides that why should i get one of your precious keys? well u can go to my steam profile and check under wishlist tab that the game is there and not from a couple days old xD thank you for your time

7 years ago

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Well, i wishlisted this game quite some time ago as it look neat and i am a katana enthusiast :D i played the 1st one (though i sucked at it) and i did enjoy it, made me remember the good old BLOOD game), and i do love shooter (but more the solo one, not so much things like COD)
Anyway i won't lie, i may not have played 50 % of my games, especially since i used some code in my browser find in steamgift somewhere wich added every free games on steam on my list lol but i think its quite close

7 years ago

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i would totally play it, i even played crappy games like deadbits to the point i finished them, cant say i well play it on certain time or whatever but i would give it i go if i had the chance to get it

7 years ago

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If only I had something worth trading for a key. I'd give it to my friend, since I like to be a nice guy (on the occasional solstice) and get him a game or two.

7 years ago

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Dude, I would shake your hand if you chose me!

7 years ago

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+1 to what you're doing. Hope you'll find worthy people. I still need to return to it. Won it from Elunes, but didn't play much yet...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yeah, I will stalk instead.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I'm not sure if I'm eligible, check my profile.

I like old action games like Quake also Borderlands. I will playing Shadow Warrior but i am stuck in the game and i have no clue what to do. English is not by best. A longtime before i played and stoped playing Shadow Warrior because i have not the best harware for this game but i like that char and his humor and the bloody things in that game.

7 years ago

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Not exactly FPS's - but most of my 90 hours on Skyrim was spent swordfighting, and the most fun I had out of the 84 hours in New Vegas was Shishkebab-ing. I love sword combat, that's what I'm interested in Shadow Warrior for... The straight FPS element would be secondary for me!

7 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by talgaby.