I am intending to get a new computer in the near future, but I don't have a clear idea of what to buy.

It all resumes to: - Intel vs Amd

  • Nvidia vs Ati/Amd

For example Amd has a CPU with 8 cores and 4+ Ghz but people still prefer Intel's i7 that has 4 cores(8 virtual) and lower frequency. Why is it like that?
For the video cards, some people recommend having just 1 Nvidia one instead of 2 Ati ones. Is this true?

I want to hear some reasons or opinions from those that had experience with both brands form any of the 2 categories.

11 years ago*

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I recommend you get i5-3570K or i7-3770K, + Nvidia geforce GTX 670 2GB or Radeon HD 7970 3GB< more recommended ( price is same aprox), very good thing. Nvidia is best for gaming, AMD is good too, ( here is these case I suggested you, AMD is better but only because have 1Gb more than Nvidia, but if you compare an AMD to Nvidia with same memory, Nvidia will win), compare if you like: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/GPU12/372,

Note: The latest Nvidia GEFORCE GTX 690 is a monster!!!!! compare it too any GPU, even to best AMD GPU, GTX 690 will brutally defeat it in games, but cost around 1000$ xD

11 years ago

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Зачем предлагаешь процессоры под разгон??)

11 years ago

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i7 has better performance. And it's made for gaming

and i prefer Nvidia than Amd

11 years ago

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The i7 is not made for gaming, it is made for extremely CPU intensive tasks beyond gaming. It costs too much extra for the performance.

11 years ago

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Because Ghz and cores doesn't make it a better CPU, its more about architecture, when will people learn.

11 years ago

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I honestly depends on how much you are willing to spend and how "future proof" you want the system to be.
For a more lasting cpu/gpu i would go Intel/Nvidia in my experience they generate much less heat and last much longer.
For choosing what cpu you buy make sure the motherboard you get supports the cpu socket. An I5 or I3 would in all reality be enough for
alot of games that people play today. As for gfx card i would go with a 660 or better.

ATI/AMD hardware i have less experence, both the gfx cards shit out within a couple of years and the cpu i had overheated like a mother F*** with upgraded thermal paste and cooler fan, ZERO OVERCLOCKING...**

But some tips for picking out hardware:

  • Make sure parts are compatible.
  • Make sure to look at reviews, saved me form buying horrid cheap cases b4.
  • Look around, don't be afraid to use multiple locations to purchase your parts find the best deals.
  • Upgrade ability, don't be afraid to plan possibly upgrades down the line
  • if your going the prebuilt route also look at coustem builds such as iBUYPOWER Cyberpower Digital Storm
11 years ago

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A 660ti is slightly overkill running at 1920X1200. Don't use with anything smaller than 24".
Don't ever bother with multiple cards if you don't know your parts. Overclocking does the job well enough.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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For gaming, Intel processors far outshine AMD FX processors. Because games nearly never use more than 4 cores, the FX series (which is actually only 4 cores with hyperthreading enabled) cannot incorporate hyperthreading. Also, the processing prowess of Intel's processors are much better, so even if an FX run at around 4+ Ghz, it's power would still be lacking compared to an i5 with an 3.4ish Ghz. For gaming, i5 is best for performance-price ratio.

As for graphics cards, I would just pick one based on pricing. AMD 7800 series cards improved a lot better after that one driver update, and from a pricing standpoint, are much more competitive. Nvidia's 600 series cards also consume less electricity (around ~450 watts minimum psu), but for some like the 660, the 192-bit may struggle later on. Just browse around sites like Dealnews and find one that is on sale and works for you.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by SoulSylver.