IS W10 good?
I'm still waiting before deciding...
Two months later
Still waiting a bit more...
Six months later
Reviews are mixed, I'm not sure...
One year later
Well, DX12...
Two years later
Yeah, I think I'll go for it...
Three years later
Oh look, Windows 11 has been announced. Welp.
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I liked Windows XP back in ye ole days, but Windows 7 easily beat it.
Still not sure what to think of Windows 10. It looks okay, but I don't know if "okay" is good enough to convince me to leave Windows 7.
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Believe it or not, but "free" is the last factor for me that would affect my decision whether to switch to Windows 10 or not.
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Ah, makes sense now -- you don't own Renegade Ops, Just Cause 2, or Sleeping Dogs.
Those are the games that got me to finally upgrade to Win 7. 7 is good. You'll be used to it within a month or two after installing.
(Not sure if the newer iteration of Sleeping Dogs still requires it though.)
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Officially this is the last version. They just going for updates, maybe renaming it later.
And if you have a legit Win 7/8 you can upgrade it for free but only during the first year so i suggest to not wait that long if you want to use this opportunity. But give it another month or two for the neccesary patches for Win10 and for the games that are currently bugging/broken under it.
Also (for AllTracTurbo and others) don't use XP please. It won't even get basic security patches anymore so some things can get into your computer regardless of antiviruses.
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Nah, the best way, is my way - keep good OS as long as possible. I have sepnd my sweet time on XP, now I doing the same with 7. Not to mention that 10 is an absolute no go for me so when I will finally have to change OS I will look for something else :P
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I prefer 7 over 10, but from 8.1 it's an improvement imo,
I miss Aero
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I don't care about aero or visual themes. In fact they annoy me (that's my desktop ), but I will buy a new windows when games will only support DirectX12 and up.
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Well they failed to take advantage of the opportunities every time and they did a big mistake with openGL 2.0 - true, a couple of years later Nvidia switched to scalar hardware and it was proven that 3d labs had in fact good ideas, but back in the day they were seen as a failure. They also lost ground with ati 8500 and missed their biggest chance when Vista came out. Oh, also, from my point of view, openGL would gain ground if most people would actually understand that releasing Linux software compatible with all distros is not that hard.
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Yup. Will stay on 7 as long as possible. Doubt Win10 will become any less spywarey though. Back in the day, Operating Systems were designed to empower their users. Nowadays, it's all about disempowering them, locking them in, analysing [snooping on] their activities, and trying to sell them shit.
Good fucking times :(
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Using it on both my pc and laptop. Not much to complain so far
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If you're using W8, do it. If you're using Windows 7, well, it's debatable. There are a few W10 specific issues (Final Fantasy XIV has some hitches on W10, but that's the only thing I've noticed) but nothing to make it not worth upgrading given the overall improvements of 10 in performance at desktop and improved interface.
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Interesting. My problems have decreased somewhat since the W10 launch, so I wonder if they've patched things, but I had a rather nasty stutter the other day. The only other games I have stutter like that in are (for some reason) Source engine games, but that's been going on for years and seems to be a bit better than before (after 3 hours or so of CS:GO since W10, I've only had one hitch).
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Depends you've got at the moment. If you have windows 8.1 then yes you said definitely go for it. 8 had a horrible UI and 10 fixes that.
However if you still have windows 7 then i'd stick with that. I still prefer the UI on that and the new features don't really warrant an upgrade in my opinion.
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How does Windows 10 play with programs, games and other things of that sort, for example I have 100 some games on steam... And I honestly just game on my PC, I have hesitated updating because if I were to update to Win 10 and have tons of my games being unplayable since they could potentially be incompatible I'd be suuuper bummed out! Thanks for responses!
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Alright, thanks for feedback, I might just consider updating then. I had no clue about the Windows 8 compatibility mode, but I'm sure that would solve any problems that should rise.
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I tried liking Ubuntu. I even considered replacing my laptop's win8 with Ubuntu. It's just so difficult tho - so I'm keeping it as my second OS for now. Mostly because at the time (a few months ago) I couldn't install steam because of some stupid error, and after multiple attempts I just gave up. Then, as I was using it for my dev work, I realized my Bluetooth mouse wouldn't connect because Ubuntu 15.04 doesn't support Bluetooth 4.0. Eventually just gave up on it for some time. Will probably revisit it in a year or so because I really like the ui.
P.S.: i still dont understand why i need to set my resolution to 1280x1024 on Ubuntu while my laptop has a 4k screen and windows works fine with that resolution. Some Ubuntu windows act up with flashing bars, etc.
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+1; it was fluid, smooth, and fast. But as much as I tried and forced myself to like it...i just couldn't, some simple things that can be done easily through Windows can take an eternity on Ubuntu, such as installing Chrome or something through Terminal. On top of that many day-to-day applications I used simply didn't hold up to what Windows had office as much I tried to use Libre Office, Google Docs, and Apache Open Office - simply didn't match up to the real thing. When attempting to run Office through Wine I was greeting by loads and loads of errors. Steam worked fine but on some games, there was a performance decrease due to being changed onto a new engine, and on a crappy laptop like mine it was hard to notice. Then, when I tried to play some of my favorites through Ubuntu, compabitibility ended up being a problem. I went ahead and tried Wine to fix the issue, it worked fine, but I was left with a 30-40% decrease in performance with frame drops and lag.
On the plus side, I have never had an OS that was so smooth and snappy as Ubuntu, all i'm trying to say is I found it very hard to use as a primary operating system. I am quite sure that the Linux Pro's out there probably have an easy time doing things like this.
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I'd strongly advise against it! It's not release quality, you can't control updates (both driver and system ones). Not to mention the privacy-invading aspect of it all. The only way Microsoft will get in its thick head that it's not okay to do what they are doing, is if a lot of people refuse to use their latest resemblance of a desktop OS again (like what happened with Windows 8/8.1, but it's much more critical now).
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Either you have not used it or your miss informed and passing bad info
You do have control over updates despite what you may think
You can delay the updates,you just can not put them off forever,only up to 30 days after that they will auto download.That should be plenty of time for even those who are on limited net,or want to wait to make sure the update is working fine.Funny thing is Apps on your smart phones and tablets auto update,games on Steam auto update and so on,but damn windows auto updates and it is time to break out the pitch forks lol
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That's exactly the problem: you can delay them, I want to choose exactly which ones to install and which ones not to. Same thing goes for drivers. The inability to turn off telemetry completely (unless you're using one specific Enterprise edition) is also a big no-no.
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Let me guess, by setting a group policy via registry. Read up on what happens when you try setting it to "0" on a non-Enterprise edition. Also, a nice bonus is how the hosts file is being bypassed by Windows itself, when it comes to such critical services. But, you know, these are just minor details. Enjoy your new toy! I said what I had to say.
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Well, it's more than editing one policy. You can check the automatic tool here: and see what changes to the registry it makes. If you are concerned that the system will bypass the firewall rules and hosts anyway, just block the telemetry hosts in your router.
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OK, you block the known addresses in your router. What happens when Windows installs an update or two that add more telemetry addresses? Or if you have to install Windows 10 on a laptop and take it with you outside your carefully constructed and monitored network setup?
My point is, you are forced to constantly battle with your own OS, because it's exhibiting malware-like behavior. Is the purpose of a tool such as an OS to help me or to force me to adapt to its deliberate shortcomings?
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Then you update your rules, if you are so scared of being "spied on" by Microsoft. They collect data to provide updates, like every other software developer and there's nothing "malware-like" about it. Their team can't produce every possible error, so they have to collect data, one way or another. I'd rather provide them with some information about possible problems and have frequent stability and security updates. But that's me. Maybe you like buggy and undeveloped software.
I'm amazed that you still use STEAM, because comparing to Valve's client Windows collects like nothing. Every operation via STEAM client generates number of connections to their telemetry servers and such. Your mobile phone sends number of informations to Google or Apple. Your mailbox is constantly scanned by robots. Your internet activity logs are stored and sent to the police and government agencies. Your bank history is recorded and shared among banks, insurance companies and of course government agencies. So the Windows telemetry is the least of yor worries. But of course it's your choice, and you can hide from the world if you want.
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So the world if full of spying entities, and you gladly comply. Other people may not feel as you do, they want to have choices and decide for themselves. Why do you feel the need to attack them? Big companies behaviour can only get worse and worse as we passively accept everything they throw as us. Today Windows telemetry may not be a big issue, tomorrow it could be the way the Big Brother watches and controls us. Why do you accept anything that violates your freedom, and call out the people who don't want it?
Why should we let Microsoft get in the way of how we manage our systems security and privacy?
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guys guys guys, relax - no need to argue over this. If you don't like one or the other - use something else. plus I'm sure if the big brother needed to he'd find a million different ways to watch us. But I do agree that we shouldn't just accept all this - so I'm going to stick to 7 on my main desktop for as long as possible, maybe just upgrade my laptop to 10 cuz 8.1 sucks big time.
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Well i dislike shit also but the good far out weighs the bad and i love gaming and i want to be part of gaming, i think it is the best OS since XP but all my opinions...
Do not use Windows 10 if you dislike it so much because of one stupid thing like updates....but you pointed out thee is no way to control it,so i point out there is...
Now you come back with you do not have 100% control over it,though i never said you had 100% i said you have control over it,your the one that went on about you have no control when you do,having control and full control are 2 different things i never said or implied you had full control,i just said you have control and pointed out what you did have control over.
Funny how little control people have over there phones but they are perfectly okay with using them with the built in gps that can be used to locate you,and the other things that track what you do and how google sells your info to the highest bidder,and so does face book and so on.....yet your crying afoul to not use Windows 10 because of updates?
Also i am sorry to say your the minority in this as millions have migrated to windows 10 so i would say the numbers show people are not that worried about updates and privacy which even most of that can be turned off,more then google will ever give you,i do not see them giving you an option to opt out of having you details sold to target ads and so forth,time to throw out your phones,they track you and so on.
Bottom line is your not being forced to use it and your pushing your propaganda on here to not get Windows based on not being able to select what updates to install and privacy that is not any worse then what others do
The privacy thing has been taken for a ride that it should have never been on....might want to adjust your tin foil hat
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You make me sad. If you don't have control over your phone that's your problem.
Overall I agree, you can't use something without paying for it [be it cash or privacy]. On the other hand lets not make it seem like you don't have a choice here, ok?
"Bottom line is your not being forced to use it and your pushing your propaganda on here..."
Full Disclosure: I got Win10 on 2 laptops and Win7 on my main CRITICAL machine.
Full Disclosure 2: As for FB [and similar] you'll have better luck with Steam.
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That's a nice... long reply, considering I partially agreed with you, just not with the way you presented things.
It seems as though you thought my reply was by @Domazo and answered for whatever.
BTW, if you want to block updates in Win10 search for KB3073930 [it's just extremely harder than in previous versions of Win].
EDIT: Just to clarify, you can block an update only after it installed, you uninstalled it, then used the 'KB3073930' file for blocking it [needs to be done for one update at a time].
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Well fair enough,and i am sorry you are right i did reply to the wrong person,,i guess i should stop using the forums when i am tired,lol
Though i do want to say thank you for not being rude about it and just pointing it that i went back and read what you said,for the life of me i can not see how i got it mixed up,but it is what it is lol
I will just delete that post,it was a bit long anyhow,and it was just me sharing my thoughts it was not meant to start anything and what not....
And i am not to worried about the updates,i was more worried about my cap until i seen that you could delay them so i am fine with that,thanks for the info though :)
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No need to delete the post, it can still be useful for some.
Unfortunately, I don't see how delaying can help you much without having the ability choosing** - or at least limit by size - which updates to install. If you're on a data plan that can ruin your month instantly [and I doubt your ISP will care much for "it's MS fault!"].
**at the very least make sure you've disabled p2p updating outside of your own network.
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Delaying can help if you have a cap or slow speed,so you can choose a good time to download it and and chose what to download,you just have to install them within 30 days it may not be the choice you want but it still a choice.I can decide to install the say 1gb update tonight,then install the other updates say the next day or later when i am not using the net.
Some people have slow internet and may not want to spend all day downloading a file and using up all there bandwidth,if you can delay it then you could say pick a time to download it when you will not be using the net.
Also if you have a cap,and you get charged for going over that said cap then yeah a update could end up costing you.As say you have a cap of 50 gigs and you download a 40 gig game and allow your self 10gigs the rest of the month and you eat some that up surfing the web,and watching some videos,then bame a 1.2gb update comes out and your at say 49 gigs with a couple days left and it auto downloads it,now your isp charges you say 10 bucks for going over.This is just an example not me saying updates are big and what not,but still these are reason why delaying them can be useful.
You also still have the choice to choose,i delay my updates because i have limited cap but i have a free zone with no caps...anyhow i can pick which updates to install and i can pause them if need be,so i can chose which ones to install and when,just not in the way your talking about,but you are still able to choose,so no i do not think it is pointless as you still have some control over them and not everyone has fair access to unlimited faster internet where this may be an issue,or have full time internet for that matter.
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That forced things can be stopped if you use metered connection. Set up, say, Wifi A to be metered, and Wifi B to be unmetered. Whenever you use Wifi B you'll be downloading updates, but you can stay with Wifi A indefinitely to stop all updates - Windows only updates whenever it's a critical updates.
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Reading comprehension can be tough; especially if you can't understand what you yourself wrote.
You are right, Steam does auto-update by itself.
GAMES on Steam do not [again, need to be disabled beforehand].
P.S. You aren't the most polite person on this forums, are you?
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Steam = Windows, the base of everything in this comparison.
Steam games = Windows apps. You can't compare Steam with Windows apps
And oh, many Steam games won't start if they don't get updated.
And no, I'm not going to be polite to idiots.
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I think you do not understand fully because your not looking at the big picture ,you can stop auto updates on games,but the next time you launch it you will have to it update it if you want to play the game.And if your on a cap or slow net that could be an issues and a problem.
So you can disable it before hand but as soon as you log in to steam it check your games for updates,they will not auto update,but again you as soon as you launch the game it will update before you can play,if you chose not to update or pause cancel it you can not play that game until updated is completed,before they made this change you could stop auto updates on games all together until you where ready to updates,yet you call out how bad Microsoft update system is lol.I see no need for Steam to do this,they can easily check version of the game to make sure it is updated to the latest before allowing you to access online,and for single player games why is a forced update needed?
So again if you have slow internet or a cap that can become an issue,as you my not be able to play that game for some time,and before you say something like get better internet,you might want to stop and think not everyone has access to fair and good internet.
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Maybe it time for better internet,or something else is causing your ping issue,as my ping is the same as it was on 7 and Windows 8 and on Windows 10
Before blaming the OS you might want to dig deeper into the issue,your games may be lagging due to p2p connections like on the latest COD.
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Fair enough but i have played with higher ping then that just fine with shooters and on borderlands and that is p2p,hence why i mentioned it,p2p relies on a good connection from the host,if there is not it could cause lag and other issues i have seen it countless times on Pay Day 2 and Borderlands and even on GTA V because the host internet is not good enough to host.
Also a lot other things factor into like # of players and size of the map and so on,factor into how the ping reacts,like someone streaming netflix while your trying to play.I have played BF3 with higher ping then that as a sniper and still managed to finish in the top 5 and kill things and drive the tank without issue.The more things using the internet while your trying to game the higher the ping usually gets.
All i am saying is ping is not the only deciding factor in connection lag,also a lot times people mistake FPS issues with lag not saying you do just saying i do not know how much you know and i am just trying to help
Also it could just be your drivers not doing as well on Windows 10
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I also wanted to be clear on the internet thing i meant to say maybe you should get better internet,as i know not everyone has a choice of better internet,and i hope you fix the problem and get it to work
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People still on the whole privacy kick when google,face book,your phone tracks just as much if not more info about you and and sells it just the same lol
All well i guess they have to have a reason to hate and that is the reason for some.I have so far had no issues with using Windows 10 and i do like the no more confirm to delete files,i hate some of how it is setup but it not so bad that it ruins it.Over all i am happy with it.You can turn off most of the privacy settings,and you can change how updates work i wish people would get updated on shit before spewing out random garbage.
You can not stop updates all together but you can delay them for up to 30 days,so you can pick a time to download them if your on a cap and what not,or if you just want to update them after you make sure no issues with them then you can update them when you chose,it just after 30 days it will auto download.
Why is it when windows does this people bitch,but the iphone,android do auto updates and nobody has an issue with them.Do you need to upgrade at this point i do not see a reason to force you to,but you can get it for free so why not,and you can convert back to previous windows within 30 days if you do not like it.It pretty much uses the same code as other windows so anything that runs on 7 and up should work on 10,most not all...but so far i have had no issues running games or using apps even some older ones so over all i am happy with it.
It transfers files a lot faster and a fast OS over all and even faster with an ssd if that is your thing,uses less resources and less ram so it is leaner,i have not run into any major bugs or anything so i would say at least give it a try.
I also must note i am on Windows 10 Pro though that should not matter should be the same for other os.i just have Pro so i can add more ram
Just a quick edited i did vote on the poll as Windows 10 is good imo,but updating is up to you but again i say why not you can try it for 30 days that should be enough to decide and you can get it for free,as there will come a time when it will not be and will cost you about 100 bucks to updates.And seeing how millions have already jumped aboard i do not see Microsoft doing another OS for some time,there plan for this one is to just keep evolving it instead making new editions.
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Well i am not a huge fan of windows myself,but i love games,if i did not game i would just use some form of Linux,but still all in all i think Windows 10 is the best Windows since XP.
I just find it silly that so many use privacy as a reason to not use Windows 10,i would be more afraid of my phone that has GPS and other things that could track you.I mean i understand people being concerned with privacy but your not being forced to use Windows 10 so i do not see how Windows 10 really effect it when you can chose not to use it just the same as you can chose not to eat bad food to avoid being sick instead eating it then blaming the place it came from.
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I'm not switching due to numerous privacy concerns, a lack of content that I want, the addition of content I do not want, and a number of various other changes that dissuade me from switching. I don't like the direction Microsoft is taking Windows and do not trust Windows 10 to be what's best for me. I will be switching to Linux before I switch to Windows 10, and I will be sticking with Windows 7 Professional Edition until I switch to Linux.
If you want to switch to Windows 10, then that's your decision. Millions already have. I'm not, though, and would strongly advise against doing so.
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I don't use Facebook for a number of reasons, including privacy concerns. I do use Google products and even Google+. While I understand that Google is also a company that presents major privacy concerns, I recognize that I am in an unfortunate position where I either choose the least evil or withdraw from the popular social networking sphere. I've chosen to stay with Google as the least evil, despite my concerns. Meanwhile, I do not trust Microsoft and I do not support its direction as a company. I would rather use a ChromeOS than Windows 10, and I'd rather user an independent Linux operating system than either of those.
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If there would be easy way of disabling it people woudn't make fuss about it (you can just change it to basic option in which you still don't know what you're sending at MS servers). Fully disable is possible only in enterprise edition.
Like even if you disable Cortana, Win10 still send requests to MS servers (after typing something into search field in menu) which are responsible for processing cortana function and so on. And adding MS servers to your firewall filter will protect you only in your house (to the time they won't change their's servers IP or add another ones).
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I tried Windows 10, it was nice and all, but in truth all the extra visuals was unnecessary for me. I downgraded back to 7 after using it for about a week.
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The download process was done quite easily, although it isn't as simple as upgrading to Windows 10. What I did was throw on Vanilla Windows 7 onto a USB drive and then boot into it, and then transfer all my files to Windows 7.
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I'm loving it. Had no problems at all for any game so far. Feels faster. Looks extremely beautiful. And the GUI is extremely practical.
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How do you feel about built in keylogger that will send your passwords to microsoft?
Its just xbox one shit all over again. What you expect from company that wanted to force your camera on to check if youre not showing movie to more ppl that you have license for?
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dude, 95% what you showed on that pic can be disabled via thirdparty programs\registry tweaks, also only insider version has keylogger. Also you can remove 99% of the trash crapware thats included in win10 (i don't even have appstore installed anymore lol)
TL;DR: learn to google.
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Damn another Anti-Microsoft person......
Just to be clear i am not a Microsoft fan boy i do hate a lot there things....but please do not pass false info
Learn the truth before you try and spread lies and scare people into not getting something you dislike just because you hate it,and now your passing off bad info to try convince the masses to join your cause.
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+10. What is really annoying in this scaremongering crap it's the fact it is spouted by people using Apple, Google, Facebook, etc. products laden with spyware. Do you use Chrome? Google spies a lot more on you than W10, but hey, idiot script kiddies on 4chan who have no idea what they are doing with scanning tools will scream (wrongly, for the fifth or six time) how Windows is bad. They tried to spin the same idiocy about Windows 7 and look where we are now with it.
And for the record, I do care a lot about my privacy, so these mudslings discrediting real privacy issues are doubly annoying to me :(
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Really,your pic is your proof?
Are you serious,it points to Anti-Malware that turns it self back on after awhile to help keep you protected,first Windows does not do enough to protect you,now it does to much please make up my mind what it should do.
For the record i have not time it but i have turned it off and awhile later it was still off when i went to turn malware thing back on.Seems like with most malware sometimes it is a bit over protective and blocks legit.
It also points to Auto update and refers to We'll part of updates about auto restarting yet just above that there is an option to schedule the restart,another fail..also you can delay updates so you install them later and restart when your ready.
That Key logger is for windows preview only,so they can see how people use windows and so forth and is fully disclosed before installing it.
You should really get the facts before trying to spread this propaganda....
Again another person spreading half truth because they hate on them so much they will post random half truth to try convince the masses why it is a bad idea.
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It has been a lil of time since Windows 10 release and i wanna know if its worth changing to W10 , wanna know your guys opinions !
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