I can't think of anything to add to my steam wish list, so I want suggestions from you magnificent bastards. I have no preference, but I do have exclusions:

  1. No puzzles. I already have enough puzzling to do here. :P
  2. No anime. The anime me is dead and long gone. :3
  3. No horror. Reality is already a nightmare itself. :/
  4. No free to play. Just no.
  5. I will not accept any Assassin Creed or Roller Coaster Tycoon game suggestions.

Current wishlist(Jan 12)
-Assassins Creed II, Brotherhood, Revelations, III
-Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
-Civilization V
-Total War: Warhammer
-Fallout 4

P(M)S: Participation will grant you white list permission to a future gibaway sometime between now and March 17th(St. Patty's Day)! The reward will be worth 20 USD! Lvl 0+!

★★Closed! Thank you for the suggestions; I added some games to my wishlist. Expect a new thread in Off Topic for the giveaway link in the future. I will look over the replies again and maybe add more games. ★★

9 years ago*

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Assassin Creed or Roller Coaster Tycoon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

9 years ago

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I haven't used my blacklist yet. Maybe I will. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

9 years ago

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you mean whitelist ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

9 years ago

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Sci-fi/space themed roguelite.
It's been in development for like 10 years, and it's still being updated.
And all of that made mainly by one guy.
It also has quite a few mods like UI options, items, weapons etc made by the community.

If you like games like Isaac, FTL and Asteroids (the arcade game) you'll love this.
Also, you can download the main campaign from here for free!

9 years ago

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well... Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/102500/
http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/2600/ vampire bloddlines
http://steamcommunity.com/app/236430 Dark souls franchise
http://steamcommunity.com/app/241930 shadow of mordor
http://steamcommunity.com/app/225600 blade simphony..this is games i played and i think you will like them. Maybe star wars game too

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Vampire the Masquerade: Blooodlines is an evergreen classic, i could recommend for anyone. It does have a few "scary" areas, but overall it's more of a dark adventure game.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is another great game, offering multiple solutions to every path, lots of stuff to do aside from the main plotline, and overall fun gameplay.

Mass Effect Trilogy are tactical shooters (aka, cover-based combat), with strong rpg elements, and an immense amount of sidequests, in a world you can enjoy exploring. If you don't already know them, at least see some trailers to find out if this might appeal to you.

Terraria is a great side-scroller platform/building game, working much like a 2d-minecraft game, but with loads of different possibilities and more reason to progress (not quite as sandbox as minecraft, but you can still build amazing structures or intricate traps or whatever tickles your fancy)

9 years ago

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Some at the top:
Titan Quest (w. expansion) (if you like that check out Sacred Gold, too)
Remember Me
Mini Motor Racing Evo
Space Pirates and Zombies

Good, if not outstanding:
Whispering Willows
Galaxy on Fire 2 HD

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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A couple of games that may be different from what you're used to but great!
Dungeons of Dredmor - Really fun and the skil trees are hilarious http://store.steampowered.com/app/98800
Papers Please http://store.steampowered.com/app/239030
Deponia series (on sale) http://store.steampowered.com/app/292910
Little Inferno http://store.steampowered.com/app/221260

9 years ago

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Yea I'll second Dungeons of Dredmor, it's a good roguelike on the highest difficulty settings and permadeath on.

9 years ago

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Basically the real sequel to the original X-Com games.

Project Zomboid

A hard isometric zombie survival game. Still in early access.

9 years ago

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Scribblenauts Unmasked
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
A Story About My Uncle

9 years ago

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i'll just leave some of my favorite games here:
Borderlands 2 (FPS-RPG)
Starbound/Terraria (RPG, sandbox, exploration)
Faster Than Light (great/new gameplay mechanics, rogue-like)
The Binding of Isaac (probably the best rogue-like)
Garrys Mod (lots of different minigames, you might need Counter Strike Source for some textures)

9 years ago

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How have you not played Rust.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I would recommend "7 Days to Die". It's a great game to play with friends. Not sure about your no horror rule. At least I wouldn't call it a horror game.

9 years ago

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Castle in the Darnkess is fun for a platformer ignoring the spike deaths you come across eventually. Some equipment findings and fast-paced. Fairly cheap too. http://store.steampowered.com/app/262960/

9 years ago

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Since you already have added Civ5 I could recommend some more action:
Broforce: http://store.steampowered.com/app/274190/

9 years ago

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Pretty sure no one mentioned this game : Assault Android Cactus

Really really fun twin stick shooter.

9 years ago

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At this point, I'm sure you've read all the obvious ones. I'd definitely recommend Fallout (all of them, just all of them), Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the Mass Effect Triology, and Borderlands (again, all of them), but they're obvious ones. So what might have gone unrecommended?

Already played the older Fallout games, want something in that vein? How about Underrail?

Well, if you like an open-ended, surreal, not-quite-horror story with good visuals and a very interesting story to think about, I just played: Stray Cat Crossing. It's short (2 hours or so to beat), and strange, but it's definitely thought-provoking if you're into that. Still, that's borderline horror and puzzle-y, so let's see...

Tales of Zestiria is great if you love old-school JRPGs, particularly action oriented ones (as in, not turn-based).

Maybe you're a fan of old-school Megaman (X) games, particularly the idea of co-op Megaman? 20XX might be of interest to you, though it's still in Early Access.

There's Recettear, if you like cute things and shopkeeping, and weirdness!

Hopefully one of those might interest you.

9 years ago

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Hey there,

You have a great game still that shows no hours played: Total War: Shogun 2. Get on with it!

Would further recommend:

  • Mark of the Ninja and Dishonored (cause you like Assassins Creed like my friend and he really loves these). Other's maybe: Splinter Cell, Deus Ex, Thief, Styx.
  • Darksiders & Dark Souls (do not consider it horror, though it's both in a dark style).
  • Skyrim and Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor: games I played for the most hours. (+Dark Souls II).
  • Any game by Double Fine - Little Inferno, Costume Quest etc. because these are some of my favorites on steam! However, I guess you may consider Little Inferno and some others as puzzle games :(

Also anything else in my library is pretty cool, cause I have great taste... B) DISCLAIMER: I like puzzle games :D

9 years ago*

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Paint it back? I'd link it but can't access that right now >.<

9 years ago

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This game has "+500 hours of gameplay." Buy with DLC


9 years ago

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Witchery 3 is awesome!

9 years ago

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You could check out the Batman games, Arkham Asylum is my favourite

9 years ago

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resident evils, dark souls games and just cause 2

9 years ago

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Want a solid cyberpunk RPG series? Try the Shadowrun games. My personal favorite is Dragonfall. Returns is weak but it might be worth checking out just to see if you like the gameplay, but the story is lackluster. It's one of the best cyberpunk game series out there until Cyberpunk 2077 comes around.

If you want a more classic RPG, try playing the original Deus Ex. Cyberpunk not really your style? If you like the nuclear apocalypse, the original Fallout games, the STALKER series, the Metro series, the Wasteland series, and Underrail are your best bet.

Want to be a cyborg ninja that cuts up highly trained soldiers and giant robots? Try Metal Gear Rising. You don't even need to be familiar with the Metal Gear series to jump in.

9 years ago

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Shadow of mordor , it plays like AC.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by HappyCakeday.