I'm trying a new thing - Create giveaways that start a day or two later.

9 years ago

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What do you do with your Bundle Leftovers?

View Results
Trade them for other games
Trade them for TF2/CSGO keys or cards or Gems
Give them to friends
Create a Giveaway
Let them rot till you find use for them

Either give them to friends.. or drop them in SG steam chat.

9 years ago

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  • Use them up without keeping track of which I used where.
  • Keep bare keys in a spreadsheet with game title, sometimes remembering to delete them when I use them.
  • Keep detailed records of service, appid, title, source, acquisition date, key or link to game, status, and notes in a spreadsheet.
  • Keep regularly updated detailed records of service, appid, title, source, acquisition date, key or link to game, status, and notes in a spreadsheet, backed up regularly to both onsite and offsite storage.

(...and when a bundle site account is compromised, I still lose all my keys in that account. <sigh>)

So, now that you know all that, what do you do with all your DRM-free titles?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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GAs for my fav giveaway group, Bundelicious.

9 years ago

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I tend give them out to people/make giveaways out of them as quickly as possible... because otherwise I lose track of stuff too easily. I don't want to accidentally give someone a used key or something (it's happened - I replaced it). :/

9 years ago

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Give them to friends
and /or
Create a Giveaway
Let them rot till you find use for them :)
I don't trade them at all. If I have a game I don't really like AND I don't know any friends who would be happy with it, I just make a giveaway for it - somebody will be happy to win it. Good/better/enjoyable games goes for friends if I know they would love it, or I'm in need of coop partners :P Or I just wait, until I can decide if I'll choose option 1 or 2 :)

9 years ago

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Honestly, I tend to forget I have extras. I redeem the things I don't have immediately, and usually forget to archive the ones I haven't used.

If I know I have extra keys, and assuming no one on my friends list has it wishlisted, I'll typically just drop it in a forum. That way I don't really have to worry about whether the key was already used.

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Give it away to someone on my friend list that has it on their wishlist or randomly pick one if none do.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Mostly give them away.

9 years ago

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I gift my extras to friends who have them on their wishlist ... the ones that remain after that I try to create giveaways for.

9 years ago

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I don't have bundle leftovers.
Do you even steamgifts?

9 years ago

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Bump for last hour!

9 years ago

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I make giveaways

9 years ago

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