Recruiting 7 people to add to my WL.

Why 7 exactly? Well, title says it all. Actually nah, i'm joking. I've added 13 people to my WL, some of which were recent and am looking for 7 to make it 20.

Now the real reason (why you might like being part of these 7 slots).

I do have plans of giving away a game per week to my WL people only. This will last untill the end of this year. So that's 7 GAs (by coincidence, starting today.
The games being given away will be all based purely on RNG, the winner of the first GA will get to choose a random number from 1 to 100 through steam chat and one additional secret criteria (which i can't reveal).

Now, how to be part of these 7.

-Just comment what you fee like (jokes, information related to topics of interest for me such as gaming like a game that is not popular but you sincerely liked and want to share, images/gifs/memes, up to you). I do evaluate avatar, name or comment itself. You don't need to be spot on with all 3, if you land on 1 of these, you are good to go (possibly). If i get too many entries that i like, i might have to resort to RNG again to pick for me. If i get very few entries that i like, i will use RNG to decide for me again on people that were not selected by me.

How to not be part of these 7.

-If you blacklisted me, you won't be joining. There is no time for you to turn around and be part of this right now. However, i am willing to consider a redemption for potential future events i might do down the road. It all depends on how life goes. You can approach me however you like for this redemption (steam profile, chat, random message on a random GA of mine, up to you). Why i am saying this? One of the people i have on my WL is one such case, i got BL'd and i BL'd in return, then we came to an agreement recently.

-If your account joined SG after the date of this post.

-If your intention is to make a profit from giveaways. (eg: not activating and trading them for money, if you got "not activated wins" recently, you are automatically declined).

I do not care about your level, your ratio or if you won duplicates before (it happens, been there, done that).

Now, comment away. I will be closing this by friday the latest (to give new people a chance to join in on the GA during the weekend), or earlier if i get too many applications too fast. People being added to the WL, will be a permanent add (only way to be removed is if you BL me, but that will be on you).

EDIT#1 (first WL GA, ends this sunday 8pm, GMT0):

EDIT#2 List of winners:

5 automatically get added, the last 2 were selected via randomizing the same list twice using random org. Winners are position #7 on the list, group 1 (#6 is the winner, timmyfromspace), group 2 (#4 is the winner, lockcjwen)


This took me a long time to review and get it over with, 3 hours and 30 minutes to be exact. Checked avatars, names, comments, links, checked them all! I did not check steam profiles.

I am willing to archive this topic for future reference, so people that did not get selected here, will automatically enter in future chances, i will notify you whenever this occurs and if you get lucky enough to be selected. However future events might have twists, dark ones infact... But fear not, with dark twists, there is a small chance to shine big! (this is a hint of what is to come later on, date has yet to be decided though). So do not delete your comments if you want to continue to be part of this longterm.

There are more things i liked in the topic but i could not list them all, otherwise majority of people would have been selected for list randomizer, i do like cats, dogs or pets in general, i tried to limit myself on those for example, otherwise it would have been easy wins exploiting the same weakness.

3 months ago*

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Here's the game in process of development and it even has no steam page atm. But the trailer seems to me very perspective:

3 months ago

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NOT COMPETING but saw this comment by chance

"(In-game footage dated April 2024)
The progress trailer will be updated several times a year so you can track the progress of the DISTORTION in real time"
No update since

3 months ago

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Unlucky 7
Unlicky 7
Lucky 7
I guess it's clear what comes next in the sequence of weird groups on SG .... So, who wants to join Licky 7?

3 months ago

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only if its 7 licks to get to the center of the tootsie pop

3 months ago

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Or the ice cream cone!

3 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 months ago*

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3 months ago

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I just watched Deadpool 3. It was like a movie for nostalgia but in a nice way.

3 months ago*

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A man was trying to teach his young son the evils of alcohol. He put a worm into a glass of water and another worm into a glass of whiskey. The worm in the water lived, while the one in the whiskey curled up and died.

"All right, son," asked the father, "what does that show you?"

"Well dad, it shows that if you drink alcohol, you won't have worms."

3 months ago

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I like Golden Sun... if you can't tell off the steam avatar which... will never change.

3 months ago

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Wow, I never did notice until you mentioned it thought it was Link. Now I probably can't unsee your avatar.
Colour me ashamed since the two GBAs were my favourite games back then. Now I can't remember a lot of the details unfortunately.

3 months ago

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Thanks for the chance of joining your Lucky 7 squad

3 months ago

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i like the vibe

Merci pour cette belle chance šŸ€

3 months ago*

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a cool WarioWare game where you play as the skelebros!

3 months ago

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Hot take!

Saints Row (2022) is really not as bad a game as the reviews suggests...

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3 months ago*

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Bite Night - indie comedy horror game with one of the best endings.

3 months ago

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thanks for chance

here is a small funny cartoon joke:

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3 months ago

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What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?

Sofishticated. šŸ¤£

Three elephants jump out of a plane. Two hit the ground and one hits the bum tiss

3 months ago

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I just google number 7.
"In biblical numerology, 7 symbolizes completion or perfection"

3 months ago

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No need to consider me as I only enter for games I truly want to play eventually but a weird, little known gem of a magical realism adventure game is Kentucky Route Zero. Oh and if you like excellent puzzle games, The Room series are stunning and a lot of fun to puzzle over.

3 months ago

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Hmmm ok, a game I loved and not a lot of people know about - UNSIGHTED.
It was my first full CV GA two years ago, and it still saddens me to see it went unplayed.

It's a top-down action game, with a focus on Souls combat (both melee and ranged, although the focus most definitely is on melee and parrying) and Metroidvania elements (progression grants you powerups that unlock new paths). There is also RPG elements like upgrade and tech trees, and some light crafting. And you can get unique perks by helping NPCs around the world.

What sets it aside is the time mechanic. Everyone and everything in the game is dying (including you). The only way to keep alive is by gathering a finite amount of vials that extend a characters life. Want to use it on yourself and have more time to explore the world? Sure. Wants to spend it on an NPC? Go ahead, but you don't have enough to save everyone, so you'll always have to decide who to save, and when. It's incredibly tense, but works great on a narrative level.

My first playthrough was without the time limit, and once I knew my way around combat and the map, I played again with the Timer on. It's a completely different experience.

Anyway, it's super polished and more people should play it!

3 months ago

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Care for a TV show recommendation?

I highly recommend Ted Lasso and Reservation Dogs (Rez Dogs).


Ted Lasso is a show about (broader topic) english soccer. I don't give a shit about soccer.

But it's such a wholesome show, really great comedy (i don't like comedy, but the humour is great) and it made me more emotional than i thought. It's also just feel good / wholesome show imo.

I stumbled bout Reservation Dogs, when i searched a similiar TV show. It's a show about some young native american shitasses in a fictional city, which do some crime / "gang" stuff to fulfil their dream to go to California.

But the show shifts topic a lot, anyway it has also great humour and also deals in a great and subtle way with emotional topics like grief or sometimes happier topics.

I really like the characters and also the native american background / references. One protagonist always sees a goofy warrior spirit, a rather clumsy native on a horse, which guides the protagonist in a really cryptic way, but it's always funny, haha.

Also huge respect to one of the main protagonists, which did this statement at the Emmys:

"Woon-A-Taiā€™s crimson face paint was worn in recognition of the silent epidemic of violence against Native American and Indigenous women across North America."

^- the actor himself has a native background

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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meh. too depressed for this. gl for everybody else.

3 months ago

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get well soon!

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Highly recommend you give this a try if you like crepes - either cook it yourself or make someone do it for you ;)

3 months ago

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I offer myself as a willing sacrifice to the gods of RNG!

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3 months ago

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You thought the WL was "full" and now there is a bit more space that you want to fill.
Reminded me a lot on picture 1.

CAT (Picture 2)

I hope you take the bait (picture 3)

And yes, this is a small "story" ;-)

PS.: A great game that isn't very known is Faeria. In the direction of the TC game "Magic the Gathering" but it have much more tactical/strategy possibilities. Well worth a look.

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3 months ago*

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I like playing games and try to play my wins, ever so slowly. Hope you find your lucky picks! :)

3 months ago

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Thanks for the chance!

I thought this was pretty interesting/impressive:

3 months ago*

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Wayfinder is a game that had a terrible Early Access launch last year and a short and rocky life as a microtransaction-riddled "MMO-lite" to the point where it was eventually taken off storefronts and it looked like it was the end for it, that it would become yet another failed "live service" game to add to the graveyard of gone and forgotten live service games that came before. Despite all its live service flaws, it had a lot of really cool stuff going for it like the beautiful visual style courtesy of Joe Mad, fun combat, cool game world, and interesting characters, so it was a real bummer to see it possibly go away forever.

But then, very surprisingly and fortunately, not too long after the delisting the devs announced that they had made some massive fundamental changes to the game and pivoted it into an offline co-op ARPG, free of all the negative features of a live service game. This came in the form of their Echoes Update, which made the game so much better in every way, it was truly amazing. They ran this new version of the game, which came as a free update to all previous owners, for a few months as a sort of beta to iron out any bugs etc. up until their newly announced official 1.0 launch, which happened last month.

I'm really happy that they managed to salvage this beautiful little game in such an interesting and in my opinion revolutionary way, now it will live on for everyone to enjoy and appreciate. Unfortunately the game hasn't taken off like it deserves to since the 1.0 launch, but if the devs keep nurturing it in the loving and caring way that they have been and the Wayfinder players keep spreading the "word of mouth" about the very cool new version of the game I'm sure it will eventually. I highly recommend everyone to check Wayfinder out, it is legitimately a good game now.

3 months ago

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I have two 7 in my nick name, i think i'm an ideal candidate for one of this 7 slot :P

why in your nick there is this number 9860? Which means?

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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I'm interested in becoming a part of your "lucky 7" whitelist. I know that RNG hates me, but I'm still gonna try :)

3 months ago

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Closed 3 months ago by zeus9860.