Thanks. You can also join by sending a postcard.. Epic!
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I don't like this kind of "conditional giveaway." It feels too much like "buying votes," and I I don't like being coerced into something I normally wouldn't do.
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It is not conditional giveaway, because you can earn more entries by doing the steps. Once you enter the giveaway you are entered, the fact that you can choose to perform multiple steps, is just to increase your chances on winning the prize. It is up to you if you do it or not.
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Yes, that is the name of my account on the platform that offers this plugin for giveaways. It is a standard message that comes with the plugin, but I can assure you that no one will get contacted but the winner.
If you connect with Facebook you do not have to LIKE anything in order to get the first entry. Also, you can login with your email, first and last name. It is required so you can be identified if you are selected as the winner.
Isn't that how all sites work? User and password? Why does everyone have to look for all the crappiest reasons to throw dirt at this giveaway? I frankly don't understand some of the members of this community.
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It is free. You can join the giveaway only by entering your email address (which is not used for any promotional stuff in the future, so you won't get any emails from me), or by logging in with Facebook (without voting or liking anything). So it is free.
In case you want to increase your chances to win, then and only then you can complete the steps, but the initial entry (1 chance to win) is FREE WITHOUT LIKING ANYTHING.
I hope people understood now.
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I always find those "get X entries for every person that joins" annoying cause I end up doing lots of math to figure out it it's worth it. You know, getting entries for me but paying the price by having more global entries due to my friends...
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your entry goes up by 1, the global entries will go up by 2. so its x +1 / y +2 for your odds, where x is your number of entries, and y is global entries (all before adding friend). Your odds will always get better, but i think at some point diminishing returns kicks in, once you've added enough friends :P
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that is actually not that simple, it depends on how many entries you get for your friends joining, how many entries they can generate and how many people entered.
Assume you can get a maximum of 5 entries (without friends). there are currently 25 entries in the pot. I have a chance of 5/25=0.2. I refer a friend, get one bonus entry and he uses all 5 points. Now my odds are 6/31=0.19
I think in most cases you are correct, but not always... and the numbernerd in em always thinks about what those cases are ;)
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Is it? I saw it as a giveaway. As you can see, there is absolutely nothing on that page that could be promoted.
I understand by self-promotion, something like "come, see my site, join" and so on. I see if you have something to gain. In this case, you do not have to do anything, unless you want to increase your chances.
Anyway, if mods consider that this is self promotion, close the thread. I just thought that by creating a giveaway, people would be excited to join, but apparently, they are not.
I have explained why I decided to post the giveaway instead of hosting it on SteamGifts. Anyway, you cannot please everyone, no matter how much you try.
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facebook timeline posting is not self promotion?
Some kind of kinguin referral or like spammer? >> Top 1 and 4 lel
nice edit btw.
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What is referral bro? What do you see that is referral? Do you see any referral links? NO.
It is just some votes, I win absolutely nothing. I'm not a chick as you can probably see ;)
If you check i am supporting two candidates from my country. I gain absolutely nothing from that.
Check twice dude before talking. Look at the TOP 10 ;)
You are looking at the latest added. Stop making false accusations if you can't read.
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how would I know that they are just pictures scraped from someone's facebook account? Could just you from both accounts rofl.
also I didn't said that they were at the "top 10", I linked the list of participants and I'm just pointing out that they are on the top 1 and 4 spots on that page
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Well you turning this thread into crap. I mean, you can join the giveaway without doing any step, smart guy. You can just do it with your email or FB account. ;) So stop telling people that it's promoting, cause it is not. I had to put something there for extra entries right? Doh... Anyway, i`m done replying to you, cause you're just the reason why i stopped doing giveaways on SteamGifts too... The forever unpleased member that rages towards everyone that tries to offer something free... the beggar kind...
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What a joke, this is crap without mod permission. Requiring FB or any social account to inflate your votes is self-promoting, click-baiting likes is also the same with referrals. Second How would we know if you will give that game anyways for real?. With a widget? That is what steamgifts is for, to ensure legit giveaways plus without the need to ask for clickbaits for a contest nor spamming FB timelines to advertise/increase chances.
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You're making your situation so much better by arguing with one of the more known and active members of the community about the obvious "liek for geim" giveaway you're doing. I'm ok with that, there's nothing free in this world but you could at least stop bullshitting everyone that you're so kind hearted that you're doing this for free...
If so you would just make a list of people who want it and then roll, presto.
EDIT: Also, why the fuck do you feel the ABSOLUTE NEED to make a way to gain more entries - perhaps you stopped giving away on SG because it's free and fair here, one free entry without facebook and equal chances to win?
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Nice one.. I already have the collectors edition pre-ordered tho :P
Yes I actually do like D3. Some things I admit that I would have liked them to do differently on. But it is what it is. I do love the new loot system, and the Torment settings.. actually a lot harder than the old Monster Power. I used to handle MP10 ( infernal )with not much issues ( few areas I did have issues with but :P ) with my Witch Doctor. Though not happy about loosing the life-drain stuff that I was used to with the bats. Had to go back to using Zombie Bears again.. and still trying different setups.. Can not wait to get level 61 so I can try out the new skill WDs get. Hope it has some good runes too. ( Oh and the new set items.. drools One of them allows the fetishes to become permanent pets. They die when killed by enemies and not due to timer going out. There is also another set for WDs that make Wall spell very powerful. They throw up around them dealing an extra 300% of weapon damage. Could be more on that though, it might be 350%.. do not fully remember right now. )
I also play other classes but my WD was the first one I started, and still like the character. ( I have a level 60 of each class.. can not remember the paragon levels at the moment.. but I think its around 70 or so? shrug ) Still less paragon levels compared to two of my friends who are both in the 90s lol. Might be higher now.
Also, if you are just getting into the game.. Wizard is the easiest class right now. Barbarian a close second. Demon Hunter has some high damage but currently is very squishie. ( though some of the new items they get in the expansion.. can easily make the DH powerful enough to not be as worried about being squishie. ) Monk is.. well. That one is a class you will either hate it or love it I think. Have not played it since the loot system change though. Witch Doctors.. are a bit odd.. so I would say try it, you might like it.. or you will just go right back to playing a wizard :P
The expansion is not out yet so I can not say anything about the Crusader.. but apparently it is supposed to be a melee with high damage but low protection. ( Thought this was odd.. but think about this, its melee, and does not get the bonus damage reduction the Monk and Barbarian get for being melee classes. At least from the last time I checked the information they have out for that class. So it might end up being something akin to the DH.. High damage but squishie. )
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Well there are a lot of new things in RoS, such as Nephalem Rifts, which are something like the Torchlight Dungeons, where each dungeon is randomly generated and you have to clear all the elites, and also, there will be Bounty runs.
Auction house is removed, which is a good thing and the new loot system makes everything a lot better.
Also, I will create a crusader cause I see it as the Paladin in D2 :X
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Yea I admit I got a little bored of it too but since the new patch I started to like it again.. Not sure if you played it since the recent patch ( the big one that changed difficulties and loot system, and so forth. )
If you have not I would say give it another try. I can not say much about the expansion of course as I have not played it yet ( Obviously ) but I have looked up some of the new items that will be in the game.. Especially the level 70 gear.. just makes me want to play simply for those items :P
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I wouldn't mind joining the giveaway, but I don't own D3.
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Well it is not for Steam, it is for, but you can add it as a non-steam game to your library, if you wish.
Yes, it is the 39.99 Eur expansion Pre-order. There is a big discount on the original game is at about 19.99 USD / EUR on the official site.
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In order to participate to the giveaway you will have to CLICK the LIKE button on both of the pages in the giveaway.
And you seriously ask if this is advertisement? Really? I disagree with people saying that its all fine because they can win something for free. Its not free, even my like is worth something. This is not selfless, its a cheap way of advertising.
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If I understand well, you are advertising on SteamGifts a "giveaway" which does not take place here, and concerns a DLC for a game which is not on steam. You also ask people to enter with an email ou FB account, and you also want to see people "completing various steps in the giveaway such as referral links and more.". All this "in order to be a fair giveaway", and of course motivated by your will to "giveaway for the SteamGifts community". It's a joke, or I'm missing something ?
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OMG. Let me explain again.
First of all, I did not say that SteamGifts' giveaways are not fair, I only said that I wanted to give everyone a chance to get multiple entries by referring friends or by completing various steps.
Second, you can enter the giveaway WITHOUT completing any STEP, just by using your email. (or your FB account, whatever you choose).
Third, Yes it is an expansion and No, it is not for Steam. (But i highly doubt that I am the first person that gives out games that are not for Steam). I saw Elder Scrolls Online and other games on SteamGifts forum too.
Last but not least, completing the steps give you more chances to win, but it is up to you if you want to complete them or not. You get 1 chance for entering the giveaway (with your email) and extra 1 chances for each step you complete. (Referring a friend gets you 5 chances).
What is so hard to understand that you do NOT HAVE to like anything in order to participate? You can simply enter the giveaway (like on SteamGifts), by clicking a button and entering your email (since there is no login system, there has to be an ID for every entry right?).
I hope this clears everything up.
So, to sum things up:
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It's as any of the bundle sites raffles. Promotion of the site and an attempt to hoard facebook fans/followers. Once you're honest isn't so bad that they do it. Freebies are always nice.
Anyone missed it? And of course is not exclusive for sg members, where's that stated?
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I did not say that it was SteamGifts exclusive, I just said I wanted to give something back to the gaming community. It's actually pretty logic to ask for some extra steps for the extra entries right? Otherwise, how would you grant the extra entries and to whom?
People just need to chill a little bit and stop acting like they are saints and get off their moral high grounds.
If i wanted to promote my site I would have added a LIKE button for the GameRobo website right? That would be a logical step, but i didn't. I decided instead to promote two of the miss participants that are from my country. I am supporting my compatriots (is that such a bad thing to do?).
All in all, I am glad that there are still people that appreciate the fact that I am giving away a copy of RoS free of charge.
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I have an extra copy of Reaper of Souls that I am willing to giveaway for the Steam Gaming community. In order to be a fair giveaway, I have hosted it on my website.
The reason why I chose to do this, is because of the fact that each participant can enter the giveaway multiple times by completing various steps in the giveaway such as referral links and more.
Visit the link below in order to enter the giveaway.
I hope this post is not seen as an advertisment, but as a giveaway.
Good luck to everyone.
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