Me too - got my first Atari when I was about 5, been gaming ever since.
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Depends on what you qualify as mature. If I recall, I wasn't a devil-born brat in my 'child' years.
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I've definitely noticed that I can't keep up with FPS games (especially online). I'm just not quick enough. I too have got a couple of friends in their 40s who devote just as much (if not more) time to games than I do.
I think it's mainly because 90% of the people I work with are 45+ Women who tend to have quite traditional views on gender and age etc (I'm not saying all 45+ females believe this, just the majority one's I work with)
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im 25, been playing games since i was 2 cuz my sisters would play with me. i learned how to read when i was 5 or 6 thanks to "super mario RPG legend of teh seven stars"
my parents wouldnt read what people were saying for me anymore so i was forced to play the game and try reading it myself...
im proud to say mario taught me how to read ^__^
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This right here is why we can't allow the popular media to continue to vilify and stigmatise gaming. Gaming has done some brilliant things for all kinds of people.
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Lol from the title I thought OP was asking for erotic hentai vn game titles
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Both my uncle and father play games, and they're both currently over 50.
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I don't think I have grown up. Just got older. I still read comic books and play with lego as well.
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I don't have kids. Just lego. Kids would only play with it wrong and deplete my resources.
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That is so true. I watch my kids play with legos and think no, I would do this... But you just smile and watch.
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I'm holding out for a telepathy powered controller for when my thumbs seize up (which they will, I've already started with bloody arthritis)..
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The technique already exists...most uses your brain impulses to control the buttons...its the "Brain Mouse from OCZ...i dont know if it was ever really released...but the technique was there...
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It's funny cause my mother always says I should stop playing these childish video games, while I play games like Witcher 2 or so, when I was about 16 she blamed me for playing bloody games, I don't understand the world anymore :(
But actually I don't care, I'm still gonna play games, even in like 10 years, but maybe not that frequent.
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Heck, my mother is the opposite of high tech friendly and I hooked her up with Faeries Solitaire, 100+ hours in just 2/3 months.
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growing old is mandatory growing up is optional that what i always say
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Nope, lol. I'm only 12 years old although I have a really squeaky voice :(.
PS: I never get angry, im a really calm person.
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I'm only 23, but my dad's 50 and still plays a lot :) I imagine I will, too.
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I'm much much older....
My first "console" was Pong. For real. I remember when we got a deluxe version later that could play more than one version of Pong (you changed the game by flipping mechanical switches on the top, there were no such things as cartridges back then).
In theory, I'm still a gamer. At least, I still buy games (like the humble bundle today), although I have far less free time to actually PLAY them than I used to. So, I buy more than I can play these days. I guess I'm not a kid anymore, haha.
But I'm a computer nerd, so me professing to play games is no surprise, and most of my geeky friends are likewise. Video games aren't just for kids anymore, and the kids who grew up with them are adults now.
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I'm a 52 years old mom and I simply love games!
My hair is becoming grey but why should that be a reason to stop playing games?
My two adult sons play games almost their entire lifes and my husband who is almost 63 play games almost on a daily base.
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That's awesome. I actually had a brilliant conversation with a retired couple (much older than yourself) who had got a PS3 for their grandchildren to play on when they came to visit. They ended up playing themselves and got hooked on RPG's like Fallout and Red Dead Redemption, so spent the majority of their day working through games together. It is exactly what I want to be like when I get to retirement age. Hopefully then I'll get to clear my steam backlog.
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I'm in my early 30s. Most of my clan have got married and massively scaled back on gaming. They still play, but they're not hardcore any more, but there are plenty of new recruits coming in. I work from home and I still put a lot of time into games. I'm the only person in my real life circle of friends that does.
I don't think the reflexes issue (that someone else mentioned in response) is as bad as people make out. There's a guy in my clan in his late 50s and he's really good at BF3 because he plays all the time. He still has good reflexes and he has great map knowledge. I think a lot of people blame their age/slowing reflexes, but really it's just that they aren't putting in as much time as they used to.
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Ofcourse older generations always see new things odd which newer generations fancy. Wider audiance anyways that is. Gaming was pretty trivial in older days and majority weren't into this new type of media and entertainment. Just like movies were looked down upon in older days as a media.
Whether gaming makes us dumber or should be looked down upon is frankly a clear no on both accounts. It just needs to mature more to reach new heights and to be accepted by wider audiance. Specially on female side as they naturally pedal behind due obvious development cycle we have faced.
Also forgot to say that maturity doesn't play anywhere close with the age.
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Now, I'm not geriatric but I'm getting on. My hairline is receding and I have more grey hairs than I care to count. But I still love playing video games.
This seems to surprise people (admittedly they tend to be older than myself) and they often ask if I'm single (I'm not, and I'm guessing they're not asking because I'm so gosh-darn handsome)and if my other half minds I play video games (she doesn't, because she is awesome like that). I think they expect me to have taken up a hobby or spawned my own litter, certainly they seem to expect that I should have grown out of gaming.
I think people (certainly of my generation) are continuing to play as they get older, perhaps this is because we grew up playing games and just haven't stopped.
Are any of you older (30+) gamers? If so, do you often get strange looks/reactions when you profess your love for all things gaming? And if so how old are you?
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