So they finally listen to to customers and people still bitch, stay classy people.
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People are always copying from one another without asking. Happens in the media all the time :)
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Cause everyone is a bunch of whiny little children with no sense.
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DRM is not good. Ever. Fucking say 1 advantage of DRM.
Also, did you just called everyone at a bunch of "whiny little children"? Lulz.
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Sir,I'll try to keep this as politely as possible:
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Did i was talking to you? did you call me a fanboy? No, I don't think so.
Here on side about DRM all most people have butthurt about DRM, sorry i just don't get it. I've got my own opinion, i'm not saying that everybody has to have the same opinion, but calling me fanboy or troll becouse that i like how DRM works on Steam and i don't see nothing bad in the future on consoles? This is ridiculous.
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That was one of the most retarded sentences I ever read in my whole life.
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I don't say that DRM it's greate but it gives you something in return. With out DRM you don't get option play-your-games-from-anywhere and "family share". For me that option was great, and not only from me.
One quote from kotaku:
"With the family feature, I could buy a game in Dallas. I could then play it with my brother who lives in Oklahoma City even though he hasn't even bought the game. Or he could play it by himself without me. That's so far beyond the capabilities of sharing a disc with someone in my immediate area that the two aren't even comparable."
Not all my firends live near me, so a can't share with them games i have...
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Yes, that was bad. That was the worst idea in this whole thing, there should be a on line activation after you buy game, like on steam. But still i don't have problem with internet, i've got broadband from 10 years, I'm using internet on my smartphone, so form my point of view i don;t see the problem but i know there's many place where internet connection is a problem so i can undestand how bad idea was 24h check in.
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You very clearly have no idea what you talk about. DRM doesn't give you ANYTHING - its a fancy words for setting restriction rules on customers' software purchases. Once upon a time DRM was called copy-protection - the difference is that DRM can restrict you in other ways than just copying. You can think of it as Extended copy protection.
DRM-Free means technically you can do every single thing you please with the games you bought including sharing/selling/loaning/etc. physically and/or digitally. Its all on what the license allows you, but to repeat it again - technically you can do anything with DRM-Free soft.
Pro tip: Do your homework before commenting if you don't like ppl laughing at you.
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I don't have cave, but i see that for you cave=home, now i understand why you are so afraid of always-on, and you need offline mode, in cave there is no internet connection. I hope that in the end you will find a real home and you will be able to leave that filthy cave.
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Sarcasm is either a dying art form, or doesn't translate very well onto internet forums judging by some of these replies :)
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Umm.. I think, from reading what you say, that you don't understand what DRM is, or you mean something entirely different from DRM. What the hell does "you have nothing to DRM on Steam" and "nothing to DRM on Xbox" mean? You can't "DRM" something. It's not a verb. It's not something you do..
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As someone who never wanted a ps4 or Wii-U until the XB1 announcement, I still dont believe that this isnt going to come about eventually.
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Good for them? It's only because they've been lambasted from just about every corner of the gaming community and press.
It was a ballbag move, and was treated with the contempt it deserved. It's shameful that they even considered pulling this stunt, and their U-turn is due less to them being "good guys" and more to the fact that that their accounts department staff have been going through several pairs of underpants a day.
They've been backed into a corner, and took the only commercially viable route out.
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I think PS4 was going to do same but after all that whining about XBOXONE they just saw opportunity for huge market share and decided that instant cash from selling consoles is better than long term small incomes through on-line games distribution (which will also occur).
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Im sure Sony prolly was going to have similar restrictions .. But after hearing the rumors of MS they decided to wait it out ...
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Nothing like an internet-wide shitstorm to force a company's hand.
Still won't be buying a 'bone though...
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have fun missing out on gears of war, halo, and dead rising 3. just bc i own a pimpin pc doesnt meen i dont want my console games
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gears of war, halo, and dead rising 3
I have enough generic shooters on the PC, what's your point?
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Well, I hope it's too late for them. I never liked Microsoft. Because, you know, they did it only because they saw DRM won't give them enough money. They are not doing it for us, gamers.
And they still use dirty techniques like making fun of people playing Wii U at BestBuys. It would be nice if people just stopped supporting M$.
Oh, right, and it's still a spying device.
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wii u had demos at specific bestbuys.
xbox sent people to pitch the xbox to people in line for the wiiu
and i guess generally hijack the captive crowd for xbox(like spam in person, sit and listen or lose your place in line),
and some of those were allegedly recorded to be directly bashing on the wii or making fun of people playing it(but i could't find those) lol
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Anyone notice that final point on link 2? Region locks dropped? That's some pretty huge news there. Granted, it's not as great as if it were PS4 dropping region locks, but not having to worry about if America will see the next ___ is pretty good.
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Interesting. Will there be an alternative system in place to enforce differential regional pricing, or will we really see a truly open market for games?
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The alternative system will probably be something similar to what Steam does, just have different regional pricing on stores since they're planning to rely so heavily on digital sales this time around. It'd be really weird if a major console didn't have a region lock. Hell, even a bunch of PC games have some kind of lock (I've heard from sources that are totally not my own personal experience that most of Illusion soft's games have a lock)
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If this is true, it will be amazingly funny. All the talks about family sharing, a need for a always connect device, and the "power of the cloud"... all those things, backtracked. All their bullshit exposed. I dont know if they have the balls to this. But I hope they do.
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I can guarantee you with 100% certainty that it is simply not happening. No freaking chance in the world. PS3 had "family sharing" too, for 5 accounts, but thanks to publisher pressure it had to be limited to only 2. No way in hell they will let this pass without drm.
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well they already destroyed their reputation - i hope nobody will buy their shit, even the try to implement such a drm was a pity
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meh, no matter. good americans have nothing to fear from being listened to anyway(and prism don't spy on foreigners, that'd be wrong). you'll quit your whining when you hear how many bombings and rampages were stopped by kenect mics when they thought the xbox was turned off..only traitors and terrorists complain about being monitored.
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this, but ill get a xbox one for halo and gears just like i always do. huge zombie fan so dead rising 3 coop ftw
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I think it is funny, but also is a very good thing. Even if it took a major backlash to cause the policy changes, at least they are doing it. Not just good news for xbox fans, good news for everyone. Sends a message that just because you are a huge company you can't force shit on people they don't want or like.
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Sounds good , but still , not going to buy Xbox One , If I will buy next gen console , it will be PS4
Even though I owe xbox 360 and I really used to the xbox 360 controller , I played a little in friends house on PS3 and the controller feels really good , reminds the old ps2 I got :3
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So apparently they are realising its a terrible idea Link 1 Link 2 as website crashed, I wonder if this is a little too late. Edit: Their FAQ has just changed, its official. Edit: Here is an Official announcement
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