So apparently they are realising its a terrible idea Link 1 Link 2 as website crashed, I wonder if this is a little too late. Edit: Their FAQ has just changed, its official. Edit: Here is an Official announcement

11 years ago*

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Seems like a dollar short and a day late.

11 years ago

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Interesting to say the least...although I'm most likely still not gonna get one. Can't afford one (or any of the other new consoles for that matter).

11 years ago

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Love it. Microsoft has a feature no one likes, people complain. Microsoft removes the feature that no one likes, people complain.

11 years ago

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People will always find a reason to complain.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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+1 they are just pc or ps4 fanboys, they dont think ms should be succesful, i meen they brought us awesome games. every1 forgets that xbox brought us halo, which was the 1st massive success in competative shooters on console.

11 years ago

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The PS4 is still more powerful and $100 cheaper. Oh, and remember they didn't remove always-ON Kinect.

11 years ago

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When the console is off, kinect only wait for you to say "Xbox On" to start the console, nothing else.

11 years ago

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keep telling that

11 years ago

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sure it will

....and angry birds needs microphone access so it knows when your phone is ringing to pause for you. 9_9

11 years ago

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"Region lock has been dropped". Can someone explain to me how region lock supposed to help a company selling games/consoles?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Some of it makes sense. I think. Thanks.

11 years ago

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Different prices in every region

11 years ago

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Sorry MS, first impression was made, you got greedy and then got scared of the reaction.

from now on i'll be giving my money to steam and maybe to sony.

11 years ago

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Man they did a complete 180 huh?

Used games, not always online, and not region locked. Pretty crazy.

Maybe far in the future I may get one.

Though I do still dislike 100$ more and has weaker specs, they lied saying it wasn't easy/possible to remove the used games/always online/region lock, camera is still always watching/listening.

11 years ago

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i wanted to make this thread, saw this just now when i got online, freaking timezones ruining my fame moments! Q_Q

11 years ago

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Well, better this than keeping things as they were. They made a huge mistake, and they are going to pay for it. As this moment, for me, the best deal is XBone, just because it already has a kinectic 2, which I would love to have to use on the PC as well. Still, I think that PS4 is better, but they should also take a step backwards with their PS plus requirement for playing online. For us, PC gamers, it's still free, but if this continues, somewhere in the future, I'll have to pay a monthly fee if I want to play in valve official servers. Or not. Gabe loves us, and we love Gabe.

11 years ago

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you always had to pay to play online with 360 before. and by giving a lot of incentives (free games etc.) Sony's online service will probably offer much more value compared to xboxlive. At least to everyone outside of the US^^

11 years ago

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I wonder if this was actually because of the feedback they received or it was some weird "any publicity is good publicity" thing. In any case, interesting.

11 years ago

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Well, if you check the top 10 on the games section of Amazon, 9 were Sony items (PS4 basic, a few bundled PS4, Last of Us, PS4 controller, PS4 games, etc.). Microsoft was probably worried as hell from the bad pre-orders, and realized something needed to change ASAP.

11 years ago

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Nice that you didn't notice XBOne is number One :P

Guess it's Sony fault they made various PS4 versions instead of one to rule them all...

11 years ago

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Well, they had only one PS4 version at first, then when their "launch" edition sold out, they started making the bundles... Which caused many pre-orders to get split. Still, the fact that they were holding 9 of the 10 is quite impressive. Especially putting into consideration that the XboxOne80 (I'm starting to like that new name) didn't have any games in the top 25 (Forza being #29 is their highest) >_>

11 years ago

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Heh, people buying console without games...
Looks like MS knows it US customers who only want TV and Blu-Rays...

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This is only their 3rd console and each of the prior ones came off the production line with huge problems - bad power supply & overheating - leading to either a power supply blowing up and/or bursting into flames or the RROD. I personally had to deal with the power supply on the original Xbox going up in a spray of sparks and tripping the breaker - was like fireworks, but in my living room instead. I've also had one 360 fixed twice and it is currently down again for a third time with RROD. I won't be buying their system at launch and maybe not for 2 or more years after - their quality control is crap and now everyone can see that their policies are crap too...

EDIT: Had one friend go through 9 Xbox 360 units in one year and another friend go through 7 in a little over a year; MS just kept sending them refurbished units...

11 years ago

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Didnt they offer free repairs for RROD though?

11 years ago

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Their machines broke fairly quickly, so yeah, but some machines (like mine) lasted 2+ years before they red ringed and they weren't repairing those for free...

EDIT: ...and free repair meant, send us your unit and we'll send you someone else's repaired old busted ass unit back instead.

11 years ago

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Im hoping that they can just make sure the CPU doesn't over heat this time, very simple to do.

11 years ago

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Honestly, between the power supply in the original and the GPU coming loose - I'd prefer the latter; if I had left that old Xbox plugged in and powered up while I was out, I could have come back to find my house in cinders.

11 years ago

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I bought mine with the gears 2 bundle and still works fine and i used it a lot (55 games :D ) but one of my friends changed it at the least 3 times, 2 for rrod and one for the E74 error D:

11 years ago

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But we will still have the evil kinect watching us XD
Even like this I'm not going to buy one.If I will buy any console, it will be the PS4.

11 years ago

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always listening. and if you turn off the mic it reads lips. and if you disable its language parser it records your lips to watch later when you've turned language comprehension back on. don't think you're safe if you turn your back, it'll use reflections.

11 years ago

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it isn't as simple as covering it with black tape, is it?

11 years ago

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I won't be preordering any console. There is not much point until I actually see which one is better.

11 years ago

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Well I hope everyone remembers that MS showed their true colors by implementing such a stupid DRM in the first place. If they had no competition that DRM would not have been removed. Vote with your $.

11 years ago

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(buy wii. no drm, free online backwards comparable indie friendly and can play used games.

11 years ago

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They won't. If they really do go back on it, people will forget all about it. Business as usual.

11 years ago

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doesn't matter, have PC

11 years ago

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Nothing has ever convinced me to buy a console up to this point and, for as long as console games continue to be "stripped-down" versions of what PC games are capable of, I don't see that changing any time soon.

11 years ago

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splitscreen and multiplayer maybe?! a lot of games i know have those features on console and lack on it on pc sadly :(

11 years ago

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Multiplayer is on pc.....

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Definitely matter, bunch of games that will never be released on PC, don't wanna wait for emulators.

11 years ago

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I also go to reddit.

11 years ago

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erm ok? lol. This isn't from Reddit if that's what you are insinuating, I cant stand that website.

11 years ago

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Bitch please...

11 years ago

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Too late Microsoft, too late.

11 years ago

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Too late, they are already doomed.

11 years ago

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The announcement (the official one) does not mention removing the region lock other than refering to it as a disc region lock, but it didn't mention removing the region lock on the console itself.

Either way, it's still overpriced for its capabilities (which according to what i've seen, have been nothing but smoke and mirrors, as the games were running on computers), they still tried to lie their way out (saying that Online was a must requirement, mentioning the resell system), and have all around bullshitted their potential customers (the -get an xbox360 if you don't have an internet connection- phrase was sad).

The damage has already been done though.

11 years ago

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Holy shit, so it really is true!? Sounded far too good o_O There is still the problem of forced Kinect wich means for me, that I won´t connect the console to the internet, thus degrading its usability and value.. but the Xbox One just gone up from "I´d not even take this garbage for free" to "probably gonna buy one someday".. just when I was convinced their marketing-department is run by sony-spies ;)

And another great thing about this: Whenever some smartass says something like "complaining never changed anything", you can slam this story in his face ^^

11 years ago

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Complaining changed NOTHING. It's Sony selling MUCH more preorders that changed everything. It's $$$ that change world, always $$$.

11 years ago

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So if no one had complained and the pre-order numbers are the same as they are, do you belive they would have changed their system too? Nope, they would just have put more money into adertising to boost the sales. And do you think every potential pre-order had informed himself thoroughly before descided NOT to order the new Xbox? Or might there be a lot of em that would´ve pre-ordered anyway, if it werern´t for the giant outrage that kept em away in the end?

Besides Preorders are no real $$$ yet, but just potential sales.. just like the general costumer-acceptance of a product shows potential sales.. and the lack of acceptance was shown very nice on the internet.
In the end they are of course doing the changes just for the money, no doubt about that, but you cant take complaining out of the equation.

11 years ago

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Just complaining never works. If people would be buying XBOne like crazy they would say "people love what we offer". But since they spend same money on ads as Sony and people doesn't buy it they had to check "why they don't buy it" - and thanks to internet they didn't had to look far.

Besides, everyone complained about Kinect spying on people and it's still there...

11 years ago

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FOr those saying too late? .. Its really not.. lets be honest. E3 confirmation was only a week ago. EVerytime I go to local ebgames I hear people ordering XboxOne(80) or getting info on it.
Its still a Looooong time till either is released. I for one am interested in seeing how this plays out.
(for the record .. Not buying either system .. I have a 360 and looking to get a PS3 if they lower their price)

11 years ago

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Unfortunately many people have already pre ordered. Xbox has angered its fans, and PS4 is ahead on pre orders. People will try to get the same consoles as other friends/family. The online is cheaper, the console is cheaper and the hardware is more advanced. there is no reason for people to change across now. Thats my opinion anyway, obviously im no guru :D

11 years ago

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Well, the PS3 started a whole year after the X360, was expansive as hell, did some very bad marketing-stunts like the X-One is doing now and did not sell too well in the beginning.. still they got pretty much head-to-head with the X360 over the years.
The points you are raising are very true and its hard to say how much of the damage MS can recover, but I really dont think its already too late. I honestly expected them to change this stuff about 1 year AFTER the release... but as it turned out now, I guess they are gonna do fine.
But yeah, no one really knows, we will see :)

11 years ago

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And to add to what ^^ said .. Not everyone got their preorder day one. Come on now .. And also .. just think back to E3.. anyone that went there was gonna get both consoles anyways.. so assume they all preordered ps4 .. well they are all going out tomorrow to preorder xboxone(80)

11 years ago

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and I want to add something ... I know for a fact ebgames (canada) has been telling everyone when you preorder.. You can always switch it to either system before they ship .. as its too early to tell which one is the better buy..

11 years ago

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you can always step back from preorders, cause you didnt receive any product for your money yet. at least its like that in almost every first world country.

11 years ago

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nice... NOW, remove that "Kinect always connected" thing!

11 years ago

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Am I the only one that never gave a shit about the kinnect always on thing? ..

11 years ago

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If you are planning to use your console online, you really should give a shit or two. Otherwise Kinect is fine.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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The other guys explained it very well already, so not much to add here. My privacy is none of their business and I dont think anyone should feel to comfortable when this thing records everything you say and do in your living room, what snacks you´re eating, when you are home, who you´re with etc.. it all goes straight to Microsoft, the NSA, probalby their business-partners and, after the next big hacking-scandal, anybody else in the world too. I´m not sure if you are aware of how sophisticated the automation behind this is already.
You are right that its hard to escape this even without Kinect, especially if the Google Glasses will be a common sight someday, but at least in your own house you still have controll over this.. besides acceptance beeing the death of change.

As I said in my own posting, without forced online, forced Kinect is not such a big problem anymore, because I can just choose to keep the console off the Internet.. but it would be much nicer if they scrap the forced Kinect so I can use the Internet with the XOne too.

..and to be honest, I dont wanna have to fiddle with my xbox before I fondle with my girlfriend.

11 years ago

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That last part is what I was waiting for someone to say lol

11 years ago

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I don't feel comfortable about camera being pointed at me 24/7.

11 years ago

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My kinnet is pointing at me all the time .. always see the little icon in the bottom corner of myself (or whoever is in front of the TV) .. always assumed it could be recording..
Not really sure what ppl are doing in front of their TV they feel so embarrassed about

11 years ago

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It's not about what I'm doing, it is the general idea of me being recorded at all time that makes me uncomfortable, and that alone is violating my privacy, and that is a thing that I value very highgly.

11 years ago

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Fair enough.
However, the way I view it .. Cameras are everywhere. Everywhere. And everyone has a camera...
And yes, we should not be subjected to this in privacy of own house ..
Im just talking about comfort zone.
But fair enough

11 years ago

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... Do you have a cellphone? If so, you should get rid of it. It can always be listening and watching (If it has a camera). And an email address. They read everything on there. You should get rid of that one too.

11 years ago

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wrong! cellphones cam is either pointing to the ground or can view my pocket from the inside, this thing is pointing at me the whole time. and im forced to have it connected..

so no, thx! better stick to prism to catch me NS@ xD

11 years ago

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Cellphones have speakers built in. They can hear you. Cellphones can also be hacked easily. Scarlet Johannson leaked pics remember? Also, you have an email. They have every email you've ever recieved/sent stored away for whenever they need dirt on you. And a social security number. They can easily pull up all of your information and records on EVERYTHING you've ever done... ever. And a bank account... You do realize by simply having a debit/ credit card your spending habits can be easily figured out. The list goes on... So honestly, a console "watching" you is the least of your worries.

11 years ago

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That feel when I still use Nokia 3510, no any of that shit.

11 years ago

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Ok... but you still have an email account. They have all emails saved and stored for whenever they need to look at them. You probably have a bank account and a debit/credit card don't you? All of your purchases are easily tracked by them. Your Nokia 3510 also has speakers built in. It wouldn't be much of a phone if it didn't. They can hear you. Let's be real. The government doesn't need a silly console to spy on you. They have so many other things that do a much better job.

11 years ago

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Did you just activate your tinfoilhat mode?

11 years ago

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lmao xD funniest comment Ive seen in a long time.

11 years ago

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Ummm no. You didn't read about the NSA email whistle blower from about 9 months ago? If you're willing to believe the NSA whistleblower now about them recording phone calls among other things, how can you not believe that they have access to your emails?? Do you not realize that once a photo of you has been uploaded to the internet, it really doesn't go away? To this day, I can google certain names of people I went to high school with and go to image search and see a few of their facebook pics pop up. The same satellites that are used for google maps for example can also be used to track you everywhere you go once you leave your house if they so choose. The fact of the matter is that our privacy hasn't been safe for years now.

11 years ago

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it's your freaking living room man... no matter what you're doing there.. it should stay private and not be used or sold for any commercial or other purposes..

11 years ago

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What happened to that 'xbox one almost sold out' shit, eh?

11 years ago

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it never happaned

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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That was a miss-phrasing. They meant to say "One Xbox has almost sold."

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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lol * 1000000000

11 years ago

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I don't care how much you change the Xbox One Microsoft. You've done goofed. Hope you enjoy the taste of defeat.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Damn losers! seeing ps4 winning the contest and all of a sudden they change it lol ... how can you trust someone who just will just change whatever :)

11 years ago

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they didnt just change it, they listened to their fanbase and made a change for them, i consider this a major step in right direction.

11 years ago

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yes, ofc!!! are you just acting blind or you really are?

MS always gave a shit on customers opinon (see win8)! it simply was the dollars that made them turn around...

11 years ago

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Such a lie, how come we knew all about it for so long and when ps4 told they didnt have any of all that DRM shit then they all of a sudden change it after E3? thats not because they listened to the fanbase thats because they know they lost the battle of the consol!

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Silcrows.