Can't wait to see the comments of butthurt fanboys in /r/xboxone
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Personally, I actually expected this. I honestly think (and have heard others think this as well) that they may have done this on purpose, to show that they "really listen to their fans". It would also explain why they've never really shown or properly explained the supposed drm they were going to have (or maybe they have, but I haven't seen it).
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Haha! And boost Playstation 3 pre-orders in order to lull Sony into a false sense of security :)
Top trolling, Microsoft.
<3 the 'bone
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Or alternatively make themselves look like the shame-faced playground bully who has finally got his comeuppance after being caught dishing out one beating too many to poor little snot-nosed Johnny Consumer.
Also, showing clear and gross ignorance concerning your target market is never a good look, and no amount of backpedalling can ever give you a second chance to make a first impression...
You'd surely have to be something of a dribbling simpleton to see Microsoft as shining armoured heroes, or champions of consumer rights in this whole sorry affair.
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I think they could have found an acceptable way to merge the new drm scheme with the old disc drm. If they were able to detect used discs, they would have been able to deactivate games remotely. Everyone could have won.
Change the 24h online requirement to a please insert disc to keep playing if you are not online and done.
I suspect they were testing the system and couldn't get it to work. How would they even recognise that a specific disc has been used? Print each with a unique serial somewhere laser legible? The cost of that...
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Which still means having each disc pressed individually, because now it does not have the same sequence of zeros and ones.
Only other thing would be to make the drive capable of burning into the disc at a specific spot, but every each way is hard.
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They don't burn the data to discs individually. That takes too long for mass production. The discs also do not stay legible as long. They create a master, often called going gold (though they are afaik not made of gold). They then, for lack of a better term press/mould the disc thousands of times.
If they include a file that differs for every user, that means they would have to create a different master disc for every copy. Why? The sequence of 1s and 0s, the actual data on the disc, is no longer 100% the same.
This is how these things are made. They create a master (or several) from which each subsequent copy is made. The contents of each disc has to be 100% identical.
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My faith I had in Xbox One is now restored. Now if they made free online play (I know there's no way in hell that will ever happen because they're Microsoft) it would be greater than PS4 in almost every way and would be guaranteed to get people to buy it. But I guess I now want it instead of PS4 because I've never needed to play online on the 360 to have fun.
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I think this is great news and I don't think it's too late. The systems aren't even out yet and early pre-orders will only end up representing a small percentage of the total consoles sold over these two systems lifetimes. Not only that, but because supply is unlikely to meet demand on Day 1, this will really be more about staying power than anything else.
All that being said, I'm still not getting an XBox One anytime soon. While their DRM policies bothered me, honestly, it's the $500 pricetag that made it undesirable.
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I'm honestly pretty pissed about this because they had to get rid of Family Sharing. That one of the best fucking features gaming has ever seen. For me, having used game DRM and all didn't affect me, because I don't sell my games on and Family Sharing meant I didn't need to let a friend borrow it. So fuck. There goes one of the best things we had this generation. I hope this patch is optional. I'll take all the DRM in exchange for Family Sharing.
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The sharing of games will work as it does today, you will simply share the disc. Downloaded titles cannot be shared or resold. Also, similar to today, playing disc based games will require that the disc be in the tray.
So not only is family sharing out but now you have to keep the disc around even though the game is installed on the hard drive.
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But, you can just give your disc to a family member anyway. Therefore you could still share any game.
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Yeah, but if I wanted to let, say, someone five thousand miles away play a game in my library, can't really do that any more.
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I was replying to the other guy. What I meant was, if you are still allowed to share digital games with family members, then you can share any game, Disc or digital.
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They explained it in enough detail to make it awesome.
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Im sure they could have worked it another way, like if you are the first person to activate the game you can share, if its been registered on a 2nd console the ability for family sharing is gone. In reality it wouldnt have been that much different then it was.
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Oh, a dollar sign where the S should be! That's a wonderful jibe! Can't believe no-one's thought of that before!
When Steam has every game on the Xbox in it's library and when it's actually confirmed they're doing the game sharing, then you can tell me about it. Until then, it's pretty pointless to say that when I wasn't looking to share my Steam games or buy a new PC just to do that. Not only that, but Steam won't be letting you play a game at the same time as a friend if the rumours are accurate.
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I have plenty. However, I wouldn't be able to play ANY game in my account without kicking my friend off of it. That's annoying as hell. I also wanted things like Titanfall to be able to share, because Titanfall looks goddamn amazing and, right now at least, is not confirmed to be on Steam.
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Family share wouldnt really let you play at the same time the same game.
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Every single description I've read of it said it would. Give Family Share rights to 10 people, 1 of them at any one time can access any game in your library, regardless of if you're playing or not.
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Still $100 more than the more powerful PS4 while having a higher chance of an internal failure.
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It said somewhere you get a year free when you get the xbox one on day one. So thats another $60 off. Might be a rumor but I did hear it somewhere.
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Whys that? I thought they removed all the things people complained about.
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microsoft messed up the moment the decided to add those features in the first place i hope they can make a come back tho
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Why did Microsoft change now ?
The outrage was predictable. Outrage doesn't lead to lost sales.
What is the real reason for the change ?
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Because outrage does lead to lost sales. That image is a false analogy.
Guess who was selling more preorders in every single retailer? PS4. They changed because they were losing sales. It is that simple.
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i still hope that it will be a massive failure .... even to try such bullshit should be punished hard. And stating "we listen to our customers" god ... what a bullshit more like "we had to change it because it would be a financial disaster, because we tried to screw you"
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While I have no intention of getting an Xbox One within 2 years of launch, I do not want them to fail - their failure would only lead to more heartache, as we'd be left with two platforms for consoles that are very different from each other, which would limit the variety of games - which in turn would also limit some of the games we'd see get ported to PC, although most of these are done crappily anyway. The point is, the more competition, the better for gamers.
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Still sucks. Can only use in certain regions AND requires the camera to be connected and on.
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I imagine that could be handled at the point of purchase.
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I don't think it's fair that people are saying Sony>MS because Sony didn't make any mistakes in the first place. They had a good business model, they were trying to do things that were innovative and new, even if they were some pretty shitty ideas. I love my 360 to bits and I was very excited for the has some great features, but the more I read about it the more disappointed I felt, until I decided not to get one. All of these issues I had stem directly from the issues they have now resolved. I'm glad they actually listened. My faith is restored, I hope to get a One when I can afford it.
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Ehh, I couldn't care less about that. I don't get naked in my living room. It's the same principle as using a laptop with a webcam or carrying a camera, mic and even GPS enabled mobile phone with you. What about the big PRISM uproar in the US, that didn't really stop anyone carrying a mobile, did it? If you've got nothing to hide, it's not a problem. Besides, if MS were caught keeping tons of recordings and videos and things sourced from Kinect, there'd be hell to pay on so many levels. Tbh I think people are quick to put their tin-foil hats on over this.
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"If you've got nothing to hide, it's not a problem"
You now how much of a strawman that is, right?
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Ehh, I just think that people have more of an issue with the idea of it than actual concerns for their privacy. I don't see what MS, or anyone, has to gain from watching me sit on my couch and play games. I can't think of any conceivable use for that information that would make me feel uncomfortable or exploited in any way, even if I were to play games in my underwear. I'm not one to trust a company not to screw me over, but I just don't see how I could BE screwed over. I let the cable guy come into my house and see me sit there and watch TV, and I don't feel offended that some person I don't know is watching me do such a thing, how is this any different?
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silly microsoft please stop making consoles and get back to making better Operating systems.
Xbone go home.
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So apparently they are realising its a terrible idea Link 1 Link 2 as website crashed, I wonder if this is a little too late. Edit: Their FAQ has just changed, its official. Edit: Here is an Official announcement
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