Odd that you would feel it has no meaning; it seems to me a fairly concise, descriptive word and whenever someone uses it I immediately know what they mean. I can even look it up in the dictionary and--sure enough--it means exactly what the context would suggest.
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I am totally interested in this. Where / how do I sign up?
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PM AgeOfArmageddon or pop by in chat anytime. Our chatroom usually has at least 3-5 active around the clock.
e: this goes for OP too.
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Maybe you could check out this group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/gottaplaythemall
Basically the same premise but slightly different rules.
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I can't even try and play the games in my backlog due to exams...good luck to you though sir
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It is. I meant that you could ask the group admins if you feel like joining, I believe they're pretty active on the SG forum.
EDIT: I don't know if non-admins can send invites for private groups. If it's possible and you want to join, then I could send you one.
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meh... sometimes you buy a shirt, and you dont really end up liking the shirt, or you just dont find it goes with the rest of your look, but you dont stress it and just wear it to wear it. Sometimes you buy that extra side or yogurt with your meal, but then you dont feel like you want it and pass it to a colleague. sometimes you get show passes but dont use them all.
But for some reason, when it comes to 'extra' or unplayed steam games, we feel like we have somehow screwed up royally when we have unplayed games. I have felt this way too. but i care less and less and see it more as just one of the few things you can buy, not use, and you havent actually wasted any real resources in the production of it (not money, but, as in the shirt, cotton / labor / transport, cost of food production on environment, etc etc)
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I can follow your train of thought but in my case I don't even play some of the games I really want to play. I look at my list and instantly feel as if I have nothing good to play.
Then when I see a game on sale that I'm mildly interested in I feel as if that one game is the game I've been waiting for, spent my cash and don't even bother installing it, as if the act of buying the game outweighs the actual playing of it.
This is a circle I'm looking to break and the only way I see to do that is by playing the games I already spent my money on.
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I do mostly the same thing, except that I do play the games, I just don't give them anywhere near the amount of time they deserve.
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I'm in exactly the same situation. I read gaming news and rumors, get hyped up for upcoming games - grab them usually at the first sale and instead of playing them I continue hunting new games :/ I guess I'm addicted more to the idea of playing games than actually playing them.
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Problem with that is that collectors collect the stuff they do because there is some value in the act of owning it on its own. Rare stamps or coins are worth something, and by that I don't necessarily mean money per se. The feeling of satisfaction can lie in the fact that something is rare or that you as a collector had to go to some lengths in order to obtain it. For games on Steam none of these things are true. The games aren't rare, in fact there's an unlimited supply. I didn't have to do research or take a 12 hour drive to get it, I just clicked a button. I can't hold it or show it to a friend. The only worth a digital copy of a game has is in the entertainment that game can provide. So by just buying games and never playing them I feel that I am, in fact, throwing away money.
I hope I didn't bum you out :) Late response because I had to take some time putting this into words. Hope any of it makes sense
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I have a similar problem. I think around 70% of the games I have unplayed/played for a couple of minutes. They're not bad games, I simply don't have the time and when I do, I rather play some multiplayer game with friends. It's also partially due to me only having a laptop at the moment, I'll try and change that when I get my desktop PC.
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I'm trying to do this too, but I'm also an achievement hunter, so I play longer on a game to get achievements, so it's quite hard for me to do that, but I'm trying my best ^^
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You should check out Steam Completionist
I think it will be helpful in your case
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ooh, nice site btw good articles and BTM is for sure quite hard, I gave up myself because I died a LOT ^^
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Do you have a link to your attempt? I might write about it in a second We are many if I find enough projects
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A new post on Full Steam Ahead
A Game of Thrones - Genesis - Postplay
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You make it sound like playng a game is hard work. Well it is but common
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Let me quote myself from an earlier reply :
"It's weird actually that I have to force myself to do something I really enjoy, but for some reason gaming can seem a task."
You are right of course, gaming isn't hard work, but at times it feels as if it is, otherwise I wouldn't be doing this.
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I like this, keep it up! I'm glad to hear your breakdown of GoT!
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I should do something like this, i have so many games i haven't even touched yet on steam. I get a bunch of games during sales and end up not even touching half of them.
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330 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by aquatorrent
4 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by hbarkas
22 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by spodamayn
207 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by anditsung
9 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Calibr3
1,176 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Bum8ara5h
41 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Axelflox
132 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Masafor
241 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by Empory
37 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by Orionid
142 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
12 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by RePlayBe
50 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by MilanoMagiik
23 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by AceBerg42
I've been struggling with a phenomena many of you will be able to relate to : my Steam library is full of games I've never played or even installed. I call this my Steam backlog.
To remedy this I started 'Full Steam Ahead', an effort to play those games that aimlessly fill up my games list and started a blog about my effort in order to commit myself to the cause.
I figured there could be some people on Steamgifts that would enjoy the posts so here goes nothing :
A Game of Thrones - Genesis Preplay - Postplay
And Yet It Moves Preplay - Postplay
Blocks that matter Preplay - Postplay
Red orchestra ostfront 1941-45 Preplay - Postplay
Bad rats: the Rats' Revenge Preplay - Postplay
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD Preplay - Postplay
Dear Esther Preplay - Postplay
Galactic Civilizations I : Ultimate Edition Preplay
Help me decide which games I should play next
We are many
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