So a short while ago, War of the Human Tanks got (re)bundled. Had my eye on it for a while, thought the concept was nice (turn-based battleship with RPG stats? Yes please!), had "Very Positive" reviews... So I got myself a copy, downloaded it (lot larger than what I expected), and pressed "play".

Several VN-style dialogue screens later... I quit and uninstalled.

Don't get me wrong, I get that it may tickle someone else's pickle, but it just wasn't my cup of cake. Come to think of it, I've had several similar experiences with other games:

  • Legend of Dungeon, which wasn't nearly as fun to play as it looks (I prefer a LOT more interface)
  • Skyward Collapse, which kinda looked like a fun turn-based god-game... except that I can't make head or tails of what to do.
  • Mountain, oh boy. The reviews sure did make it sound like a lot of fun. But after so long waiting for something to happen, it has yet to give me inner peace.
  • Redshirt was initially fun. FUN! Except the game drags on for too long for my taste. And "repetitive" doesn't even begin to cover it.
  • Survivalist had lots of promise. Couldn't tolerate the really old (style?) graphics though.

So what about you?

9 years ago

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Have you had a similar experience of games not being not as enjoyable as you thought it would be?

View Results
Way too often. Damn those deceptive videos and screenshots!
Once in a while, usually when I'm high. Everything looks like a good idea then.
Never, I'm a connoisseur. I know everything about a game even before I press "Install"
*Solanum tuberosum* L.

They all lie about their games. Yes.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Resident Evil 6

9 years ago

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Yes. RE6 is also known as "CALL OF DUTY: Zombies".

RE6 is a first person shooter, kill all the zombies to get to next part. Hence the CoD moniker.

9 years ago

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First person shooter? Err... No.

9 years ago

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You mean Quick Time Event 6? That game is garbage, i had high expectations for it, but i was disappointed at that shit. Full of quick time events.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Dragon Ball Xenoverse

9 years ago

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WHAT??? I am sorry I guess I am confused. I do not like fighting games. When I bought this game from the videos and screens I knew exactly what I was getting. Just surprised to see it listed here.

9 years ago

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The game starts good but once you start thinking more about attributes and such it starts to fell short... how else can you explain that I do same dmg with ki bursts regardless if I have 30 or 60 in ki burst skill on same enemy . Add and the fact that ally AI is dumb as hell so only way to beat all PQ is with 2 more friends/players . Add and the notorious PQ 47 with goku's family and spamehameha. The more I play, the more disappointed I am in it. It's lie missed opportunity in most aspects of the game...

9 years ago

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Ultima 9, the game had a great plot, that was brutaly mutalated to make a shipable product when Origin ran out of money to pay its programmers.

9 years ago

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Not to mention chock full of game-breaking bugs!

9 years ago

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Oh dear, have to agree with you on Legend of Dungeon.
Backed the kickstarter. Very disappointing. It just wasn't fun. Visuals are deceptively beautiful but the game was very shallow.
I think a younger audience would get more out of it though but even then there's better stuff out there.

Bump. :)

9 years ago

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Ah, Kickstarter, the graveyard of hopes. That explains quite a bit.

But then again, some fantastic games were born there too.

At least it's not Greenlight.

9 years ago

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Indeed. I think LoD did run through Greenlight though.

Kickstarter is wonderful and horrible at the same time.
Can probably include Planetary Annihilation, Akaneiro Demon Hunters, Castle Story & Sir You Are Being Hunted to the list of disappointing kickstarters. Probably a few others but I can't remember any more off the top of my head.

9 years ago

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Let's not forget Legends of Dawn. That game had so much potential, but it was broken to the point of being unplayable.

9 years ago

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Not gonna lie, never heard of that game. Looking at the reviews, seems like a good thing I haven't. :)

9 years ago

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The Batman series: I could never enjoy the combat system. The graphics and atmosphere are fantastic, it just felt very monotonous hitting the same buttons all the time, as you make all the enemies lay there, unconscious.

Ziggurat: Had pretty good reviews and seemed like a 3D Binding of Isaac, but got boring very quickly.

To the Moon: Everyone raves how it's an emotional journey and you should definitely play through it--I honestly thought it was pretty cheesy and never gave it a chance.

9 years ago

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I played a little of Asylum, looked like a great game, but the FOV plus purple-everything gave me headaches after an hour or so, so I quit.

To The Moon is a nice little story. Not the GOTY overhype everyone seems to consider it to be, but it's nice. You should give it a try, especially since it's short.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago*

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i can honestly say i never had a more emotional gaming experience than To The Moon. if you ask me - yes, it's a masterpiece. and i can't wait to get the next Freebird game.

9 years ago

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Played A Bird Story? I think it's a bit of a dud. Not full dud, but compared to TTM it falls flat.

9 years ago

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sure, played it on release day. it's ok, it's a nice experience. but you're right, it just doesn't have the emotional impact of To The Moon. not even close.

9 years ago

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Riding with you on Batman, damn I can never get into them and you have nailed it its the combat.

9 years ago

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try to give zigurat another go, every once in a while the DEVs have been adding new chars, rooms and enemies to the game. The game is becoming better and better.

9 years ago

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Black & White: Interesting concept, you're a god who has a giant creature, and you need to take care of this creature, while battling other gods and making sure that your worshipers do well. Actual game was nothing like what 'ol Pete promised, and it got really repetitive.

Fable: Pete again, this game was once again nothing like how it was promised, and the reviews of the time made it sound like there was actually a lot more going on than it actually was. The game was a relatively simplistic ARPG with a shallow morality system. Might have enjoyed it more if I had not read the reviews and got it in my head that the game was anything like what Pete had promised.

Sonic 4: Episode 2: While I've heard a lot of bad things about the first one, most of what I had heard about the second one was good. The problem here is that it often felt like whoever decided on the moveset had not communicated with the level designer(s), so the new moves often made the levels far too easy (including the last boss, which was a joke).

Donkey Kong Country: Local gaming magazines gave it the best score possible (100/100), something that they had never done before, and called it the perfect game. What we got was a really easy game with 3D models that did not mesh well with the background. It was not terrible, but it was far far from the perfect game. My young self was so disappointed with the game that I sold it a month later (and got several games that I still own).

Sinking Island: From the maker of Syberia comes... a rather bland game. There is a lot of just walking back & forth, trying to look for people, and the reactions people have to the situation is not very realistic/believable.

9 years ago

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Played Black and White and I thought it was the bees knees; granted, I was like, twelve, so my taste in games was probably rather meh. I wonder why no one tried to do the genre again... oh wait, someone did, and it tanked. Even ol' Pete tried it again with Godus, but failed to deliver. So sad.

I think I would have liked Fable... if only I can get over the FOV nausea :-\

9 years ago

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I was not much older when I tried it, but I had read the hype articles and the reviews, so my expectations were really high. I had also played some of the previous games that ol' Pete had made (Dungeon Keeper, Theme Park, Magic Carpet, Populous), so I knew that he could make good games.

If you want a good God-game, check out Populous 2, it's probably the best of the genre.

9 years ago

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I played the sh*t out of Black and White...'s first two levels? The promise of trainable animals were really good, but oh boy, they were clunky as hell, even at that time's standard. They eaten a person? Yay, favourite food forever, no matter how hard you slap them to discourage that behaviour. You want to teach something to them? Meh, after the 20th time they still don't give a darn about it, they go to sleep or to eat a human. (I treated them generally well, so they should have listen to at least a little :( )

9 years ago

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And then, during the second half of level 2, the take away the animal, and you have to play without it for a large portion of level 3 (which was really really boring). So during a decent portion of level 1 you don't have an animal, then during almost half of level 2 and most of level 3 you don't have it, and this is a 5-level game where the animal still is the main draw.

9 years ago

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I played the sh*t out of Black and White...'s first two levels? The promise of trainable animals were really good, but oh boy, they were clunky as hell, even at that time's standard. They eaten a person? Yay, favourite food forever, no matter how hard you slap them to discourage that behaviour. You want to teach something to them? Meh, after the 20th time they still don't give a darn about it, they go to sleep or to eat a human. (I treated them generally well, so they should have listen to at least a little :( )

9 years ago

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I can't believe I forgot one of the biggest recent disappointments of them all:
Thief: My expectations were already rather low for this one. People said that it was far more linear, the AI was worse and the stealth less satisfying than in the previous 3 Thief games. But I was not prepared for how much worse they were. Also, let's introduce bugs (and more bugs!), getting stuck in the level geometry, getting stuck in windows (due to bugs, not level geometry), getting stuck in windows (due to level geometry and not regular bugs), getting stuck in barrels, getting stuck in loading screens, getting stuck in walls, getting stuck in animations and getting stuck in doors. All of these of course forcing you to re-load. Oh, and I almost forgot, getting stuck in out of bound because some walls were not solid and due to poor testing of the levels the developers had not fixed this and seem to have had no intention of fixing it despite it being more than a year since launch and I can't have been the only one who found this spot which was very easy to find as it just required me to walk towards a wall when stealthing in the tutorial/introduction level. Yes, the game was bad, really bad, and it was not the funny kind of bad, it was just the sad kind of bad that happens when someone tries to push a game out the door half a year before beta testing is over. Mix in uninspired level design, very obvious "points of no return" that just feel gamey, inconsistentencies between the cutscenes and the parts where you play the game and a Garret that is about as unlikable as Itchy from Star wars Holiday special and you have what's one of the most, if not the most, disappointing game of all time.

9 years ago

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Well, once in a while.

  • Sid Meier's Civilization : Beyond Earth. There is simply nothing really interesting in this game. Yes, this game is "good" but not what I expected from Civilization series, really a degradation from the previous game. The game is bland, boring, and have no appeal to me, not to mention the high price tag.

  • Total War : Atilla. The videos and the trailers really appealing about the prospect of Atilla conquest, but there is no such pressure in the game. Not to mention that this game and Rome Total War II have so much DLC and so much units that don't fit to the history of the era.

  • Evolve. I have no comment regarding the DLC, but the game gets repetitive and boring after playing it few times. Still a good game, but of course falls short of what I expected.

  • Galactic Civilizations III. A favorite of mine, but still fell short of my expectations. But for this point I think I expect too much from them. GC III is a great improvement from GC II though. My main pain point is balance issue, like ships fitted with all sensors to detect habitable planets in early game. Also bugs where we can't delete custom races. Also inability to use certain ships for certain tasks. The campaign is not good enough, fells very bare and boring. Still, a great game.

  • Tropico 5. I hate multitudes of DLC. I hate having to pay $1-$5 just to get a single building or gets few mission that are not that good anyway. A lot of good things get removed, such as funny banter between advisors, campaign promises, and much more. The only notable addition is the warfare, which I think is great, but still, falls short of my expectations.

9 years ago

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  • Ye, was rather hyped for Civ Beyond Earth since I played the hell out of Civ V, but the general consensus seems to be that it's lame. I am now waiting for a good sale on Endless Legend instead.
  • Tropico 4 had the same problem of Kalypso's DLC-mania, but I 100%-ed that game (effing loved it!) so can't really complain. Prolly I'll just wait for the complete edition... which will probably mean nothing, since Kalypso added DLC looong after they released The "Complete" Tropico 4. Those wankers. Still good games, though.
9 years ago

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Yes, though I got Tropico 5 (they have a sale few days back) I will not refuse any kind of DLC, until they have the complete edition. It falls short in my expectations because I think Tropico 4 is better. Yes, the warfare is fine and good, but it doesn't add much to the game. Not to mention that there are less micro-management now (you can't set wages for a specific job, etc.), people still going to shacks despite high availability of housing, teamster still not efficient enough, etc. The only appeals I found in Tropico 5 is the constitution system, but it does not add very much, unfortunately.

Civ Beyond Earth is a good disappointment, as I pre-ordered it few days before it is launched. The price is steep. I bought that mainly because I see how good Civilization V is, and how I love space-related games. Yes, it is my fault, I don't see Civilization V without it's must-have DLCs like Gods and Kings. It is not a bad game, just a game that is not interesting. There is no feeling of "just one more turn..." like I feel when playing Civilization V. The construction system is confusing and boring, you have no feeling of accomplishment when constructing a wonder, and a few more are my major gripes.

I got Endless Legend, for some reason I don't play it much (too many back logs) but from what I played it is a great game. I don't really like the combat system though, as it is army vs. army battle, where I prefer unit vs. unit battle like Civilization series. The visual of the game is really appealing, the construction system is great, you can really feel it when your city expands, each races have different strength, weakness, and the most fascinating is that each race have their own style of play and priorities/goals.

9 years ago

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Totally agree on total war Attila. I had really high hopes for that one, but so far, I only clocked 30 hours (which is a lot for some games, but very little for a total war game), of which most was just trying out the different factions. The first couple of turns are fun, but after that it just gets boring. Your sons never grow fast enough to really matter (16 years is 64 turns).

As on civ beyond earth. I have not played it much yet (like 1 hour), but so far the things I noticed is that the tech tree is really complicated, there are very little factions and I have no clue what all the resources do.

9 years ago

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Yes, faction is Beyond Earth is boring.
Yeah, United States of America is more interesting than just some corporation at space. Not to mention that while Civilization V have "iconic" units and feel to different factions, Beyond Earth doesn't play that way, each faction only have different greetings and color, but not much else.

9 years ago

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f you think attila doesn't pressure you in the game you should try using the WRE.

9 years ago

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So much Oblivion. After becoming an instant fanboy when I played Morrowind (having never heard of the series before, or played any of the earlier games until recently), I was so excited when I learnt about Oblivion.
I played it through all the way, because back then buying a game was a big investment for me, and I wasn't going to waste the money I spent, but MEH. I actually had to cleanse my palate with Two Worlds (that came out shortly after). THINK ABOUT THAT! I disliked Oblivion so much that I could only come out of the MEHness by playing Two Worlds :D.

9 years ago

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Ah, how could I have forgot about Oblivion. That game was insanely disappointing in almost every single way. Sure, graphics was nice, but the story was terrible, the voice acting was terrible, the gameplay was terrible, the setting was boring to explore and most of the side quests were boring. That's not to say that Morrowind did not have its (large) share of flaws (some of which it shared with Oblivion, like the writing & dialogue for the most part being quite bad), but man, Oblivion was the first TES game that I've ever given up on due to being really really bored (and I've played all of them except for Arena & the mobile games, yes including Battlespire & Redguard, two highly flawed games that i still consider better than Oblivion).

9 years ago

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You pretty much described all Elder Scrolls game apart from Morrowind though.

9 years ago

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I liked the setting in both Morrowind & Skyrim, and a good portion of the side quests. Daggerfall is so different that you can't directly compare it to any of the later games. The biggest thing though was that Oblivion bored me to the point where, even heavily modded, I could not be bothered to push on any further, where both Morrowind & Skyrim kept me interested long enough for me to beat the main campaigns and most of the guild/house/faction storylines.

9 years ago

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I think Oblivion was fine. Just. Fine. After it I played Morrowind. You can laugh at me - I had TONS of fun while I barely did anything, and I passed maybe level.. 6? 7? I like Oblivion, but Morrowind feels more rough, wild - the slightly dated graphics fits the harsh environment in Morrowind (province) - but the landscape is top-notch, still best of the TES series :)

9 years ago

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Oblivion was the first elder scrolls I played and I had a lot of fun playing it. But it also has its bad parts (like every game). Especially this quest that you have to ask for support in every town. And in every town you need to close an oblivion portal. It just became so repetitive at that point.

9 years ago

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Sir or Madam that is a great call, I can remember how excited I was about oblivion after spending tons and tons of time in morrowind. Then oblivion came and I was crushed. Not to your extent were two worlds would bring me back(damn that's bad). I just went back to morrowind.

9 years ago

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Vanilla Skyrim. Don't get me wrong, I think it's an amazing game! However after Morrowind and Oblivion I expected Skyrim to be kinda the same experience as Oblivion, but with updated graphics. Well the game looked better but:

  • Ridiculously short guildquestlines. After like 1 mission for the Companions you are invited to the Circle... wut? In my opinion the only guild that was actually ok in terms of length was the Thieves Guild (with all sidequests getting fences in every city). I actually consider all of Oblivion's guilds to be better and more memorable than Skyrim's.
  • Journal of Skyrim is useless. It's impossible to play without quest marks since the journal entries help you in no way. As a direct consequence, many sidequests lose their depth compared to the other titles, since they are mostly variants of 'Fetch this, kill this' quests.
  • Every city is extremely small compared to Oblivion. I'd rather have a few more loading screens while traversing the city (like in the Imperial City).
  • Etc etc

While Skyrim also did some things better (Perk System, Combat, Magic System, Levelled Dungeons/Loot slightly improved, DRAGONS!) I didn't enjoy it as much as the older titles. With mods Skyrim turns into another game though, which I really love!

9 years ago

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I actually didn't like the magic system in skyrim. I prefered it in oblivion where you just pushed a button and it would cast a spell, instead of needing to get rid of your shield to be able to do it.

9 years ago

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Skyrim was a huge disappointment to me too, but for other reasons. RPG's and simulators are my two favorite genres. I'd never heard of the Elder Scrolls games until after Fallout 3 came out and everyone was calling it Oblivion with guns, so I had to look into this Oblivion game. I ended up buying Morrowind and Oblivion during the next Steam sale. I was already in the middle of another game and don't like playing two story heavy games at a time, so I just played through the beginning "tutorial" parts of each explored a bit. I thought it would be neat to have your skills level up as you use them rather than the traditional model of gaining XP and spending skill points after leveling up.

Things happened, and I never got around to playing Oblivion. I bought Skyrim at release and it was my first experience with TES, and probably my last. Every character starts with the same skill levels and can do anything. There is no character building. After playing a while, I hated the skill system. It just reacts to how you play and there is no character development. Some of the skills require grinding to level up. I went for a light armor, archer and single handed with shields character. I hit level 50 with only one skill maxed, smithing.

When I was dungeon crawling I would sneak, get one or two shots at an enemy with a bow before it charged me and I had to pull out the sword and shield. During combat, the best way to not take damage is to not get hit. With enemies using 2-handed weapons, it's easy to see them winding up and just move out of the way. My light armor skill was the lowest skill because the only way it levels up is if you absorb damage with your armor, and I wasn't doing that, I was dodging or blocking. I really wanted the perk that made wearing light armor weightless when worn.

When clearing out a wizard camp or something, all that was left was a skeleton archer. It could barely hurt me at all and my health regenerated faster than it damaged me. I figured this would be a good time to level up light armor, so I stood there letting a skeleton beat on me. I left to go make a sandwich, came back and ate my sandwich while watching this skeleton shoot me while my light armor skill slowly leveled up. I finished my sandwich and was still only at 98 armor skill. Then the "what the hell am I doing" moment hit, I quit.

That was only one of many "wtf" moments that caused me to quit. Each time I eventually come back to the game after a while determined to just ignore the stupid things and finish the story, but the story is so boring that I get tired of it quickly and stop playing. I keep going back to it from time to time for short periods or to try out mods, but I have yet to finish it even though Steam says I have played it for 600 hours.

9 years ago

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Mass Effect
The story is surely intriguing, but the gameplay is just bland. Especially the combat is really bad. I know that one day I'll get into it, but it surely made it onto my 'I expected much more from it' list.

Two Worlds
The magazines were hyping the game so much and once it came out I grabbed it at once. Worst decision ever. An empty world with bad voice acting and lame enemies. It's amazing that they dared to make a sequel (and that it got better...).

9 years ago

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  • y-y-you don't like scanning for minerals? ;__; but yeah, ME2 pretty much improved it on all aspects.
9 years ago

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The game wasn't horrible to play, but after it got so much praise and me having just finished Dragon Age 1 & 2, it just didn't meet my expectations. If the combat and the vehicle controls weren't so bad, I would certainly have played through it. Exploring planets was quite fun (even if most of them were boring), but again the main game mechanics just felt so awkward that I couldn't get myself to play further.

Now that I think about it.... Dragon Age II was a quite positive surprise ;) The dungeons were over recycled, but otherwise I enjoyed the game (even if respawning enemies during the mob fights were more than just a bit annoying). It certainly wasn't better than DA:O, but it wasn't a bad game at all.

9 years ago

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Now THAT was a disappointment of mine. Finished DA:O 4 times, but DA2... ugh. Too action-y for my liking. Not enough ally gear customization, too. Story was... meh?

9 years ago

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Hmm, I quite liked the story and that you had to take a side (which eventually didn't matter, but anyway...). Yeah, the 'streamlined' equipment management also bugged me, but overall it really wasn't a bad RPG. That said there are quite a few much better RPGs out there :D

9 years ago

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I'm currently playing DA 2 (1st time) and I'm really enjoying it so far. But what bothers is that in one quest you go in a cave and in the next quest (5 minutes later), you go in a totally different cave, but it has the exact same interior. That just feels like laziness on the developers part. And the dungeons are not even that interesting either.

9 years ago

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Yep, that's what I meant with 'the dungeons were over recycled' :) You'll see that very same dungeon a lot and they put very little effort into hiding the fact that it's the exact same dungeon over and over again. It definitely is lazy to not even try to change the layout at all. Also almost every house interior is the same. It does take down the game experience, but not as much as horribly broken game mechanics. I played the game for the story and even if the they got really lazy with the locations, the game still was worth my time. DA 2 is on the lower end of RPGs that are worth playing, but it still is on that list for me :)

I'm currently playing a RPGMaker game that has really big and well designed locations, but falls apart at the difficulty curve and lengthiness. When you set through an eight part boss fight and afterwards have to listen to over 100 lines of meaningless dialogue, you look back at DA 2 and feel that the overly repetitive dungeons are the lesser evil ;)

9 years ago

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Lol, so true. I'm really enjoying it so far and that really is the only thing I don't like about it (so far). I just wish I didn't take Bethany into the deep roads :(

9 years ago

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I let her stay at home, but I was wondering what would happen... don't spoil it! I guess I have to play it again soon :)

9 years ago

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I won't spoil it. Another great thing about those games, you can play it multiple times without it being the same.

9 years ago

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Indeed :) I might start from DA:O again and just do exactly the opposite that I did last time.

9 years ago

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That would be an extremely evil character for me. :p But still got inquisition to play through as well.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yep, pretty much that ;)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Be thankful that you weren't like me with CoH 1. That game is just a mixture of two other ones, Commandos 2 and Ground Control 2. Only those games, especially GC2 were so obscure that few people like me realise that CoH was mixing the worst things of those games, leaving out the good. This way at least you could enjoy the first game of that series.

9 years ago

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I really like CoH 1, but CoH 2 was a huge dissapointment for me as well. The thing that really bugged me in CoH 2 is that there are microtransactions (commanders, skins, even missions). Plus the singleplayer campaign is not that fun either. And the AI in skirmish is terrible. You can just get a bunch of footsoldiers early on and let them stick together and completely overwhelm the AI. Although in the first one it was really a race for who got tanks first, at the end it also mattered who had better tactic sense.

9 years ago

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I very much agreed on CoH 2.
There are tons of DLC, and there are lots of great things that are missing from the game.

A really bad game.

9 years ago

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  1. Assassin's Creed 3 - it's just sooooo...damn...boring...

  2. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance - a game where you slice and dice robots with a cyborg ninja...sounded really nice in theory, but the combat was really fucking awkward and I couldn't get used to it one bit

  3. Remember Me - combat is bland and boring, as is the main character and the storyline. And I just couldn't figure out how that damn stupid memory alteration thing worked. Setting was the only thing appealing, as was the initial concept,, just no.

  4. Prototype - a nice, fun game, sure, but given what we were promised when it was fist announced, it should have been Jesus' second coming and it fell dreadfully short. Damn companies and their horrible false advertising.

  5. Duke Nukem Forever - need I say more? It's probably the biggest let-down in video-game history.

  6. The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings - contrary to some people here, I LOVED The Witcher, but when Witcher 2 came out, I was really underwhelmed. Turning it into more of an action-rpg should have made it awesome, but the combat was just so damn clunky and annoying. How do you fuck something like this up? This formula has been perfected all the way from Fable...

  7. Two Worlds 2 - most people said it's better than the original.. I myself never played it, but if this one is THIS BAD, I really don't want to see the original

  8. Far Cry 4 - I was expecting Far Cry 3++, but all i got was Far Cry 3 with a much blander story, Far Cry 3-, if you will.

  9. Crysis 2 - interesting story, watered down game-play, which wasn't half as fun as the first game

  10. Metro 2033 - a post-apocalyptic Ukrainian game set in the subways of Moscow? HELL FUCKING YEAH!!! It'll be like an underground S.T.A.L.K.E.R. But S.T.A.L.K.E.R was open-world and this game was a traditional, linear as fuck first person shooter. So my dreams of exploring mutant infested subway tunnels to my heart's content, like a boss, went up in flames. It was a good game nonetheless, but not what I wanted from it.

9 years ago

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You're not much too keen on AAA games, I see :P

But yeah, AC3 was... lame... I think part of it has something to do with Ezio getting such a great arc in AC2 and sequels, and we were eagerly waiting for the conclusion of Desmond's arc, then AC3 came with such a weak story.

9 years ago

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LOL, AAA games make up more than 80% of what I play... Also, most of these are good games(or at least decent). They just didn't deliver what I expected from them. Bioshock is my favorite game ever and it's the very definition of AAA.

9 years ago

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Never, I'm a connoisseur. I know everything about a game even before I press "Buy"

Fixed that for you ;)

9 years ago

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These days, I don't "buy" as much due to bundles...
And internet is so slow where I live, so deciding which to download is somewhat a bigger problem.
but yeah, that works too.

9 years ago

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It's not really the internet that makes me choose what to download. More the hard drive space is limited (40 gb of 1 tb left). And I also buy a lot of bundles, even though I only play one or two of those game.

9 years ago

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To The Moon and Gone Home are my biggest disappointments.

9 years ago

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I usually play games without any expectations, so it's pretty hard for a game to fall short of expectations, unless it just plain doesn't work (eg. one of the Garshasp games). And, I guess there was that Robin Hood game I had to put down because the gameplay was too slow.

9 years ago

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Legend of Sherwood? The Commandos clone?

Played it way back when I was younger, I remember it to be good fun. It seems to have running issues on Steam though so I'm skippin'.

9 years ago

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Yeah! Now that you mention it... I had to play it on my laptop, which has an old ATI card / onboard intel. It had trouble running on my PC's GTX780, however... I may have gotten it working after I disabled ShadowPlay, but by then I wasn't interested any more.

PS: Another game that disappointed me was Runespell: Overture. Its "Play all battles once" achievement is bugged. Completely played through it twice, to no avail...

9 years ago

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I just tried Savage Lands, and it will be the first game I wrote negative review.

Yes it is still EAccess, but it acts like early alpha

9 years ago

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You are gonna write a negative review???????????????????

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I LOVED Conviction single player, but it has a bad habit of crashing on me, so I never finished it :(

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

9 years ago

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I remember it getting a lot of flak from old fans for being too action-y compared to the classic games, though.

Also, the Fisher-Fest!

9 years ago

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Splinter Cell games are great co-op! But, uh, they use Ubisoft net code, so unless you have a perfect set up, good luck even finding each other online. Before this last year or two, nothing on PC worked reliably, and even now it only works through Uplay if it's cooperating whenever you try it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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The cake is a lie!

9 years ago

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Games published by Headup Games

9 years ago

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usually it's the opposite for me, I get surprised by how much I like them.

that being said, ones that end up being lazy/bad ports definitely fall into this category, like Castle Crashers

9 years ago

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I barely play story lined games... I have gta 5 etc, butmost of the time i fool around with the cops hunting meXD

9 years ago

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Fable 3. Watch Dogs.

9 years ago

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Agree about fable 3, game is wayyyy too short and easy. They could of made it way better.

9 years ago

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