Sorry, my poll sounds more like a shakespearean line.

So, my Dilemma is I have always given to anyone regardless of giving level... and, that has hurt me sometimes with people not choosing received or even having some people choose "Not Received" when the key was sent to them through steamgifts.. so, I kinda went to the extreme and now I don't give to anyone unless they have given at least 1 game and received positive feedback. Is this the correct thing to do? or, am I just being a dick and cutting out 90% of the good people who haven't given a game yet.

What do you think?
What are your rules & motto when it comes to gifting and who you gift too.

--Free random game key for your thoughts: NAEMJ-DZI8E-DTG2V

8 years ago

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Is it better to give to people who give then give to people who do not give

View Results
Give to those who give
Give to those who do not give

Where is the option "Give to whoever you wish and don't worry about what others think about it"?

8 years ago

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didn't sound very shakespearean-ish =P

8 years ago

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I mean, if you wanna be overdramatic, drink poison, and get stabbed, that's really another topic..
For the current one, Budgie's approach seems the most reasonable. :P

8 years ago

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I'd like to avoid both the poison & the stabbing. lets save that for the books

8 years ago

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You won't avoid stabbing, chicken is always on hight alert D:

View attached image.
8 years ago

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So true. :X

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8 years ago

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despite not being maybe direct advice, not nice thing to say to someone....
but I guess I am oversensitive bla bla bla

8 years ago

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+1 :)

8 years ago

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"Give to those who give"(Bump)

8 years ago

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I tend to give to people who are on the same level as me, they are more active and click on "recieved" faster hahaha (at least than lv zeros who come here once in a lifetime)
But on the other hand it's nice that there are some people who are giving to lv 0s, because I personally would never start using sg if I never win anything, I mean I would think it's one of those scam sites hahaha

8 years ago

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I guess I shouldn't be too choosy. as, I agree.. I would of never joined this site or given if I hadn't received anything after my 4 months of entering giveaways lol

8 years ago

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I gave away several games before i won something. I regret not beeing more picky on who i gave the games to.. Seen a lot of people with super shitty ratio winning my games.

8 years ago

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yep, some just give a trash game to be lv 1 and then they start to leech hahaha
anyways I usually blacklists the ones who don't say thank you after winning xD

8 years ago

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Just make giveaways for higher levels. I've discovered that its easier that way, and that any hassle with re-roll or marking wins is understood by contributors much more so than leechers, at least from a personal perspective.

8 years ago

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I put level 5 on my giveaways , and even then i kinda feel that i still stumble upon ppl who i dont really want to win my games >.>

Its totally up to you , but if you dont feel satisfied with the ppl who are winning your stuff like that , crack up the level and see if that makes it better ( spoiler it wont really )
But having lvl 1 as mandatory minimum seems the least you can expect from people .

Even then tho , there are people who gave away 1 game back in 1976 and won ~ 55674 games since then :)

8 years ago

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Damn 1976? What were we giving away a DOS Key for Pong?

I think I am even to far in the future for either of those.. oh well

8 years ago

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I like to mix it up, but whatever, to each his own.

8 years ago

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Give to those who play

(I personally usually set at least a level 1+ requirement on my GAs - although that is quite easily gained these days, so I have started default to 2+ more recently...)

8 years ago

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It takes… patience to do public, region-free, level 0 giveaways, because the quality of the user base is inversely proportional with the registered user amount. (It is not something specific to SG, it happens to every large group.)

Nowadays, we have at least 5 digits worth of users who use automated scripts to enter anything (if you are lucky, they at least use some filters).
The amount of available points has quintupled over the past 2 years or so—thanks to the much bigger amount of giveaways created within a given time frame—giving people an almost perpetual amount to enter almost everything indiscriminately, whether they are actually interested in it or not.
The secondary half-legal (or pretty much illegal) market also makes it lucrative to just steal keys from here and immediately resell them. They get a 5-day suspension, so what? (Yes, technically you get perma'd after repeat offences, but I had a reroll denied with a guy with like a dozen inactivated keys, because he managed to spread those out in time well enough, it seems.)

I still do them though, but I do need to take breaks from it from time to time. It wears you out eventually and it takes time to gather enough strength to try to delve deep into the mire of level 0 again, hoping that you find a few people who registered here in hopes of getting some decent games on public raffles to play.

(Also, as strong as it may sound, if you really are American, you could pretty much avoid 80-95% of the problematic users if you switch to making North America-only giveaways. No, this statement is not politically correct and you would still be limiting your giveaways; but you can avoid the overwhelming majority of rule-breakers that way.)

8 years ago*

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"Give only to those who give" could translate to trading. I know, in most aspects we actually trade gifts - christmas, birthday, anniversary...

A lot of people say you'll only have trouble giving to people who haven't given anything, but that's not my experience. There will be more people who don't know how it works, so I always add the winners on Steam if it's their first win. That's a good way to meet happy people :)

On the other hand, often when a winner is high level they will have 500, 1.000, over 9.000! games, and you just know the game will be nothing more than a +1.

Also, a high level is not a guarantee that someone follows the rules. Reporting a level 8 winner once led to suspension of said winner and their nine alt accounts...

8 years ago

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I do low level giveaways occasionally... And after couple of rerolls in a row I decide to not do any low lvl ga for quite a long time xD

8 years ago

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I run into the same problem many times but at the end of the day, it is a gift, I don't really expect anything back.

8 years ago

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I was happy to join a Universe Sandbox ² GA L1+ :P

But yeah, I always say your GA, your rules :)

8 years ago

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Give to whoever you feel like giving at the time. There's no right or wrong answer for this. I usually do a little bit of everything although especially with public ones I rarely drop below lvl2

8 years ago

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Giving to higher level users will most likely reduce troubles after. You cant know what those level 0 peasantbots will even do with your key.

8 years ago

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Give to both.

8 years ago

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One annoying thing that always happens: bulshit on great global giveaways. Watch Dogs 2 or The Witcher 3 or even any HB monthly game almost always are delivered to extreme leechers. People with not a single game sent, but years on SG.

8 years ago

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If you had a surplus of food, would you give it to people that have plenty and let it rot in their kitchen or would you give it to the less fortunate that would eat it and enjoy it? Think about it. ;) I would advise you to avoid making rules to your giveaways, but, of course, it's your call. ;P

8 years ago

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Only there's no reason to assume a lvl 0 is equivalent to someone hungry while a lvl 10 would let it rot. There's a vast amount of low level users that just win for the sake of winning and never touch anything they win and there's high level users that only enter what they truly want and will most definitely play their win. And ofc there's the opposite and everything in between with no real way to distinguish who is who until you've personally checked their profile.
Afaik there's no "games won playtime" filter on SGTools so there's no real way to "screen" this beforehand. Unless you make an invite only/whitelist GA and give the link personally to people you check out

8 years ago

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True, that's why I prefer to avoid generalizations. :P Not all high-leveled users are rich and play the games they win and not all low-leveled users are poor and don't play the games they win. Same goes about the exact opposite. Thing is that, if you see some high-leveled users that are only doing private/whitelist/group giveaways with a few entries each, would you actually say that they are giving games away to the community? Because it mostly looks like they're giving away games to their friends to get CV and leech others. :B

8 years ago

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I gift my games to everyone. But if there is a game which has a high CV I make a level restriction. Why? Because I think that high CV-gift should go to people who deserve it as a "thank you". I dont care about real CV, ratio or stuff like that. Only thing that matters for me is the level. Normally level 3 or 5. Thats not a great amount of games you have to gift and all others are normaly with level 1. The reason for this is, that I think you have to be a active part of this community and so you should go and get level 1 after a period of time.

8 years ago

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Either give public 0 and don't care about it, or if you want a more pleasant experience but still do good, you can set up invite only level 0 giveaways for forums, and then that's all. Active people will find it, and that removes a problem. Or if you would like to use SGTools, you can set up so many rules for it - like max number of won games, max level - that way you can even aim directly at people who are low levels.

8 years ago

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These days i stick to level 5+, whitelist and private group Ga's anything lower level and i tend to get stuck waiting on our over worked support system for one reason or another,not discriminating against all low level people or anything who cant afford to buy games to give away, just unfortunately they are at the same levels as a ton of bots, scammers and people who have not read how this site works.

8 years ago

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I base my giveaways on the quality of the gift. If its something cheap I do level 0 but increase the level based on the gift.

8 years ago

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You have weird ideas of games being quality or not. What I mean is: all your games are good ones in my eyes; well, except for Syder Arcade maybe ;P

8 years ago

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If you make giveaways for all levels, it is not good for all but mainly for those who haven't made any giveaways. For people who contributes it is bad because the people with level 0 or 1 have most of the entries, therefore the chance to win is significantly smaller for the few contributors. So it is on you if you want to support mainly people who haven't contribute anything or to do it for higher levels and support only people who contribute.

8 years ago

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When I feel like giving to those who have given more, I just use sgtools but it will earn you a few blacklists eventually. Might be better to hide rules if you care. If you don't care about that, you can use it or just stick to plain old standard levels. Other times, no rules and just plain invite only with level restrictions. I mostly don't care as long as the user has activated all their wins, though. It really annoys me when people have won but don't activate them. You don't have an idea if anyone is going to play your games anyway when hundreds of people are entering.

Anyway, it's your money (or at least your games) so you should be able to give to who you want without worrying about it. They essentially become free for people so nobody deserves to complain. It's not a huge dilemma. It's only a game, after all. you can also look at the stats (at the bottom) and how big the difference is between Level 0 and Level 1.. and then Level 2.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I usually do lvl2 minimum for public giveaways now, because of all the trouble I've had with lv0. 2 is pretty easy to reach, and it clears up most of the issues I had with lv0 giveaways.

8 years ago

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