I think the magnitute of the good deed is usually linked to the ability of the person.That's why my last good deed was only that I gifted a dude a game he really wanted to have for quite a while. I wish I could save innocent people from going to prisons but my major's literature so, that seems tough. Most "ordinary" people actually try to do what they can to bring some good to this world. At least, I'd like to believe that and I cetrainly hope I'm one of them.
It's a nice website idea actually. I'd love to be among its earliest users.
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So if it's your job and you get paid for it, you don't consider it a good deed? There are lots of people that just want to do positive things and contribute but they got bills to pay as well. My aunt is leaving for namibia next month to help reform their education program and teach children, she gets paid. imo the intention that goes with an action is more important than the action itself. You've got a lot of different types of lawyers, not all of them are defending innocent people. He uses his abilities as a lawyer in order to be a positive influence and do right, that's honorable enough for me. He still has his own life and wellbeing to worry about.
Someone who feeds a hungry person gets a reward as well. There are enough people that do it in order to redeem themselves or feel good about themselves, is it still a true good deed then? When you're not just doing it to end someones suffering. There are companies that feed the poor or donate to charity, that still contributes to their image and often has it's financila benefits also. What I'm trying to say is that imo you should be happy with every positive thing that happens, not compare the actions. You'll never know someones true intentions, hell they sometimes don't even know it themselves.
I say lets applaud everyone who tries to contribute, god knows there are enough people consumed by greed and selfpreservation already.
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That's an assumption you are making.
You don't know who else he defends or defended (that truely could be hard criminals), we don't even know if that person was truely innocent even. None of us was there nor do we know anything about the case.
While some work pro bono etc etc, might even differ alot per country, but most get paid handsomely for it and i definitely would not put it anywhere near a case such as your aunt teaching, and getting your roof and dinner paid, sure.
Getting your Porsche paid in the meantime, "doing your good deeds", somehow i don't respect that as much as giving someone money to buy food while you are starving for the next few days.
A good deed should mean some sacrifice as little as it might be, be it money, be it time, be it moving like your aunt does to Namibia, unless the lawyer did many hours in his free spare time, did it for free, there was no sacrifice.
Not saying lawyers don't do good stuff, i am just saying it's their job, and different then a good deed.
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Lugum, I never thought I would say this, but I agree with the person named "thehornyhippo". Regardless of his/her strange name, all jokes aside, thehornyhippo is not making an assumption. You mentioned we don't know whether the defendant was truly innocent or not in that situation. However, the purpose of this entire topic is for people to share good deeds and credibility is something we cannot fully achieve. An attorney said they won a trial and saved the defendant. However, we can only debate whether the said situation is considered a good deed or not. If we want to specifically learn whether he was innocent indeed would turn into an investigaion, not a theoretical debate. I do not wish to imply your questions are irrelevant. I am simply stating that in order to discuss good or bad, which, in philosophy, is one big hornet's nest, we simply cannot afford to be mired in single, particular examples.
That being said: I do believe that whether you get paid for it, does not change the fact that you helped someone.
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If hippo's were never horny, we wouldn't have hippo's anymore...(i mean look at the panda's!)
Jokes aside, he made an assumption that i think anything that is paid is not considered a good deed, that was wrong.
I just differ between a paid lawyer or someone give up their time and space to move elsewhere like his aunt.
Even if the defendant was truely innocent, personally i'd still wouldn't call it a good deed, but just a good job.
While some people always try to push their opinions through, mine should always be taken lightly, this is just my take on it, if someone else considers it a good deed, i respect that. On the other hand people working on let's say a helpdesk, helping people constantly, thus in your view doing good deeds all day, you consider that the same good deed as giving someone money, while starving himself? But even comparing a helpdesk employee to a teacher or a nurse or a lawyer have different nuances.
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The Pandas were distracted by human entertainment.
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I got a bit triggered by 'true' good deed. There is so much of that 'superiority' going around already 'being better, more good looking, richer,...) that it pained me to see someone divide positive actions in such a way as well instead of just being happy with them. So sorry if I came across a bit hostile, you were just expressing your thoughts on a topic.
I do agree that there are nuances, but if actions are taken with the right intention I don't feel like labeling anything better or worse :) <3
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An interesting question would be: does giving away a game classify as "good"? Let's say I paid actual money for it, so giving it away costs me something. Is that "good" because I made someone happy with no expectation of recompense? Or is it "bad" because the money I spent that way could probably have done way more than just make one gamer happy, and I knew that is the case and did it anyway?
Such things keep me up at night. Well, not really, but they would if I was the kind of person who allowed quandaries to keep them up at night.
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Your gift could have many positive effects aswell, be it a genuine feeling of happiness or (very far fetched) inspiration for something significant. Butterfly effect works in any way possible. I think it comes down to the receipient here - do they acknowledge you´ve tried to make a stranger happy, or do they consider it as granted.
The most pointless thing would be gifting refrigerators to Ice Station Zebra. They already have all the cold!
And at this point i´ll rather stop thinking about it before the analogy extends to +1k games steam librarys..
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I genuinely think it's interesting stuff. As such, it's not really overthinking, unless something important wouldn't get done because of it. Don't worry, I'm still doing giveaways. :-)
Knowing the difference between doing good and doing what you think is good is good -- I think.
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Hmm... I haven't done any good deeds recently. The opportunity never came across I guess. I helped a lady in the supermarket that couldn't reach a higher shelf; I took care of a baby; gave my advice to a friend of mine(not that I'm some sort of a wise man but there are situations that you just can't help); helped building furniture... Yeah this is all I can remember for this month, but I don't consider all this to be a deed, just small favours.
But it's still a good idea to make that website, it is nice to share the good experiences and is a motivation for those who haven't done anything recently.
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When a literally crazy old man came knocking at my door in the middle of the night a couple weeks ago I let him in for a bit to warm up and try and get him oriented so he could get home. It is -30 C around here so it is practically a death sentence to leave someone mentally unstable to their own devices outside at night.
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I am a relatively poor, yet generous guy. I regularly buy and give little things to people without being asked. I also usually help a friend cleaning up at her work after closing hour. Then just the usual, helping my mom at anything, just want her to feel good :)
Never ask for anything back, so when someone does on their own accord, it's an even more welcome surprise.
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But you just said you did something good.... so... You just bragged xD
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With all the shit going on in the world bragging is what I want to hear. People that hate bragging have nothing to brag about themselves and they don't like seeing people happy.
I mean all he did was define a good deed and say he does them but won't be specific...
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What do you mean, with all the shit going on? The world has always been this way. It's crazy, yes, but that is how it is. Just the normal craziness going on, nothing extraordinary, the same business as usual.
And don't be too quick with your judgement about others, people are different, and so are their reasons, for putting themselves out for others for example, and how they see themselves and handle it.. Don't just fixate this only on something superficial like bragging.
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I didn't say present shit only. I just mean shit in general in the past, present and future.
Well if he wants to put down other people for sharing good news and deeds then keep it out of the thread. Most people are happy and successful enough to like hearing good things happening. Trying to force his beliefs on people is horrible. The OP just wanted to hear and share nice things why can't people just let it happen...if you don't want to brag then don't but don't stop people doing it.
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Why...who..what? Who is putting down other people? I don't see anyone. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, and is allowed to engage and participate on threads like this one here, and free to share this opinion with others. No one is forcing beliefs on anyone, or stopping anyone from doing anything, you're projecting a bit here, no? It's perfectly normal and reasonable to disagree, and to express such things.
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Because people have instantly labelled this thread as a pat on the back/bragging when it was supposed to just be a place of nice stories and news. Disagree all you want I don't care
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Well that would be calling out, read the site rules.
Well stop replying to me then in you don't care.
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Nice... good deflection, I'll give you that. Always great if you can hide behind the rules. Nothing I can do about that. Nevertheless, you're still projecting. Just a friendly word of advice.
And, again, no one is against sharing nice stories and news etc. here...
Maybe you just misunderstood that slightly.
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I always try to compliment people.
The other day I noticed a girl got her haircut and she was really quiet and shy so nobody talked to her. I told her I liked her new haircut and she did a big smile and said "nobody has noticed but you. Thanks"
Made me feel happy to make her smile:3
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Doesn't mean you can't ask her out as a friend. See a movie, have a coffee, go shopping. You know, make a new friend.
Or even have a backup in case your boyfriend breaks up with you. :P
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Well I have been doing that... I moved country so I'm making new friends cause I know nobody here xD
I'll just hope for a new boyfriend. I'm not attracted to girls lol
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I've looked at many girls so I'll take that as trying. I'm not attracted to them.
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I mean I'll just go shove my tits in a gay man's face and ask him if he's still gay...
I am physically, sexually, intellectually and emotionally attracted to my boyfriend because he is a man. I like men. Always have liked men. And will forever like men. I don't know why you want me to be attracted to females so badly...
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I mean I'll just go shove my tits in a gay man's face and ask him if he's still gay...
Well, depends on the quality of your tits, I guess? Do you want the professional opinion of an expert? :D
[..] And will forever like men. I don't know why you want me to be attracted to females so badly...
I don't want this, actually. I just like to challenge beliefs and opinions, out of principle :)
Just be careful with words like "forever", "always", "never", etc. because predicting the future is a futile task..
But good for you that you feel certain in your relationship, that is something valuable. It's pretty normal to have doubts, and that makes things complicated, so it's relieving to have something you can be sure of.
And personally, I'm actually very much in favor of traditional relationships and marriage etc. :)
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I don't know what you are asking but thats creepy...
Why would you want to change someones sexual orientation?!?!
No, I don't want to be careful because careful is boring.
Not very traditional to have a "backup" lesbian is it... lmao
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I don't know what you are asking but thats creepy...
Creepy? What the actual fuck? Don't throw such words around unless it's actually clear what you are complaining about. That would be nice, thanks.
Why would you want to change someones sexual orientation?!?!
Reading comprehension?
I don't want to change anyone. I clearly said this.
Not sure what you mean with "backup" lesbian, but okay. Someone hurt you before or something?
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You were literally talking about the "quality" of my tits. Then said you were an expert... You also told me to look at other females closely... that's fucking creepy. Why would you even say that...
You want to "challenge" my beliefs of being attracted to males and males only. That is disrespectful and pointless. I would never try to "challenge" a lesbian or gay man and say "just try looking at their sexual organs more" you should try it...
I thought you and BHTrellis188 where the same person so that was my bad.
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I thought he gave up so I was happy... But nope he is still talking about tits, lesbians and projecting...
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Okay sweetie, listen up.
Now I'll ask you for something.
Please read this comment thread here again. From the beginning.
You mentioned your tits here first. You brought this into the topic. Why?
I don't get it, it's completely pointless here. Completely irrelevant.
And yet, you brought your tits into the conversation.
So please, please don't blame me for that, okay.
And you should always look closely, that's just some universally good recommendation. It always helps, in all walks of life, no matter what. I don't see why you have a problem with that?
And how you missed the part that it was basically just joking around?
And you're wrong about my intentions. But I'll take the blame for that, it's okay. I have the habit of typing first and thinking second, and I should choose my words better. But then, English is not my native language.
So let me explain this again. It's about challenging beliefs and opinions, not challenging your (or anyone else's) sexual orientation. Primarily, it's about challenging the notion that something like sexual orientation, or rather, how I would prefer to phrase it, feelings of attraction to another person, is something that is set in stone. Inevitable. Because it is not. Is that a bit more clear now?
I don't know why you were upset in the first place, to be honest. Or about what we're fighting/debating here, because you maybe had the impression that this was some kind of personal attack. Then let me clear that up as well: It was not.
Oh, and that part about being an expert?
That is totally true, though.
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So happend that I am one of not many people on my year that understand statistics and do well with using various tests. For the last year or two many people at Uni asked me for help with their projects that involved statistics. I delivered and got rewarded in many different ways: mostly alcohol and chocolate :)
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I came across an old lady at the grocery store on Sunday. While chatting with her, I learned that her appartment building burned down 3 months ago and she lost everything. She was still trying to put together a semblance of furniture set in the (very modest) appartment she has moved to since the incident. I gave my kitchen set (table and chairs).
Delivered it to her yesterday evening.
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There's a lot of negativity and bad things in the world. Don't know about media in your countries but in mine maybe 60% of articles are about bad things.
My coworkers are not shining with positivity either.
So few months ago I tought why not create website where people could write what good deed they did recently.
I'm not trying to put pink glasses, but it's much more cheerful to read about how someone saved someone than that someone killed someone.
Before making website I thought I should test it on forums. and this is first forum I'm testing it.
What good deed you did recently?:)
everything counts. Small favors too. You don't need to save man's life to say that you did something good. Helping elderly go to other side of the road it's good too
P.S. please no trolling
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