hey guys,

i need a Rust steam gift!
you can have my bf4 and my Guild wars 2 account :)

PM me or add me on Steam:

max payne154


1 decade ago*

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no trading here and chances are, you'll go to support and complain about getting hacked so you can get your account back.

1 decade ago

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Also, pretty much every TOS says no to trading account

1 decade ago

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INB4 you get the game and accounts.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Lol i wan't Rust so bad, does anybodie know of a giveaway?

1 decade ago

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else where: I dunno
here: probably but you most likely can't join it since it's either going to be group or private as there's no public ones right now

1 decade ago

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Rust isn't even good, why does everyone want it?

1 decade ago

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A) It's not as good as DayZ but I've been reading that 1 found 1 bug on Rust, while on DayZ 50.
B) I've been looking for 7 days to die and Rust gameplays, and I liked Rust so much.
C) Using a rock to chop wood from a try is just awesome :P
D) I like how rides work, 2 guys can easly defend their base from like 5-7 dudes if it's well builded and has traps.

I can point more, but well, you have to like survival games.

1 decade ago

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add you on steam ;>

1 decade ago

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its a present for my brothers bday. but no one want to trade with me xD

1 decade ago

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trading accounts is not allowed, and you cant trade ANYTHING on this website.

1 decade ago

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It seems you're ignoring every warning thrown at you.
Close this thread, go somewhere else to trade, and have something other than accounts to trade with before you get suspended/banned.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by feymes.