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I just got my Backburner today :D Will git it a try.
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i think reflecting pyros are more effective than backburning pyros
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nope asfaik there's just the backburner with higher airblast costs. best pyro equipment in my opinion is Degreaser, Flare Gun, Axtinguisher
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Degreaser, Axtinguisher and standard shotgun for me.
Degreaser & Axtinguisher for killing most people, shotgun for retreating scouts & other pyros.
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That's an ok loadout that has nice item synergy, but with the nerf the old puff and sting isn't so good anymore (and that tactic was only ever really a pub thing I think, which doesn't mean it's useless but something to consider).
The new (or one could argue it was always) melee for serious pyros is the powerjack. Doesn't seem that incredible the first time you see it, but the movement bonus ability gives the pyro a tool to do what he's best at - flanking and getting up close before opponents notice. If the situation is right, and you can pick off say an unsuspecting solo sniper with the powerjack, the kill will give you overheal just in time for when you charge into the back of the rest of the opponent's team. Obviously in situations like this the Backburner then becomes lethal, but I could see why people would want something a bit more efficient at deflection blasts and/or has other benefits. I used to also normal shotgun or reserve shooter it (when I got it), but have really recently got into the flaregun and its auto crits (90 damage + afterburn per) of already flaming opponents. Gives the pyro a bit of long range pot shot ability too, which he lacks with other loadouts.
EDIT: Shout out to the garden rake (back rake?) as well. That's a decent melee for pubs in small maps. Obviously despite how good it looks as a melee, you have a flamethrower for close range stuff, but the benefit of more heal from health packs is very handy. The negative in reduced rate of medic healing isn't that bad in pubs given the general lack of medics and co-ordination in general.
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what about a defensive build? for pure defense purpose. the pyro defending the engi's set up, using the Degreaser (or the normal flamethrower) to blow away every projectile, spy checking the whole area, and using the Homewrecker to help against zappers.
i really thing that the pyro can be used to fill every position, offense, defense and even support-ish (breaking Übers with the air blow is awesome)
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thats why i love tf2. in my opinion the most tactical fps
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but a better question would be: what is the best tf2 server? i haven't played for a long time and it seems like there are only free to play people around who have no idea how to play... does anyone know a good server with skilled players?
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I play on a 24/7 Dustbowl server (just do a search with a filter of "Brutus" and you'll find it). There are a lot of people that regularly play, and since it's a 24/7 Dustbowl server, even a skilled player will likely have problems as people on this server know the map better than most. It's a fun challenge, and I recommend it. (Sometimes it is full of random inexperienced players, but generally it's pretty good)
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Flying Guillotine + Sandman the bane of all Heavies.
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However, this combination works horribly on indoors maps like ctf_turbine and cp_junction.
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the initial weapons are all OK. if u play with the initials u probably will be cool.
Pyro maybe a change increase efficiency cuz u want to deflect / airblast ppl and shot them (100% minicrit) or melee(100% crit)
Scout- main weaps are OK
Demo - main weaps is the best
Heavy - main weaps are OK
Medic - main weaps weaps or ur a crap
Sniper - play skill, weaps almost no matter
Solder - main rocket launcher (u can make lots of loadouts but the main stuff works OK)
Spy - deadringer, rest is up 2 you. If u play with pyros u prob want the ice knife to avoid being detected
eng - any thing work. so many ways to play eng.. U can go with minisentry and pompson 3000 and u kickass, u can camp with a wrangler and u kickass, u can do wtv u want as long as ur good with it.
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most people, i guess, forget that the loadout is secondary in tf2, it depends on your team. and you should orieantate
your loadout to the team. i always have the feeling that people think its about kills and who has the "best" weapons. there are no better weapons, just other tactics can be used with different weapons. in the end its all about teamplay and well picked classes. no team needs 5 snipers or spies...
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exactly, most the non-intial weapons break the teamplay, like losing stickys on demoman, lose invencibility on medic uber.. stuff like that. Thats why I said this kind of loadout. As I mentioned pyro for deflect cuz its the only way u can make urself team-useful other than killing (not counting removing burn from other players)
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a spycheck pyro at a sentry who can also blow away stickies is sometime not a bad idea
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Are you guys kidding me?! Stock is the best loadout 90% of the time, with the odd situational weapon. There are very few items that are a straight upgrade. The Ubersaw comes to mind. The only class that I use non-stock weapons on is Pyro (Excluding Melee).
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In my opinion there is no "best loadout" in TF2, the game is pretty balanced it depends on playstle, the situation etc.
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Just weapons for your favourite class, not hats or miscs.
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