This group was recommended to me by the lovely Masafor, so I thought I'd look into it. Y'all seem like cool people.
My stats:
Average and Total Playtime - 29 hours per win, 42 hours per played win, 3074 hours total
Games with any Playtime - 69.8% (74/106)
Avg. Achievement Percentage - 33.3%
What do I need to do, in order to meet this group's requirements, if I'm not already there?
By the way, I'm not as interested in joining giveaways, as I am making giveaways for others. I want my gifts to go to folks who will play them. I was told this group is the best one for this.
Thank you in advance for your time, I really appreciate it. 😌❤️
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As for my favorite SG win? I really love Terraria. That was my first win, and one I tried the most to get. I entered every giveaway I saw. And considering how I wasn't able to buy anything off Steam, the giveaways were very much appreciated.
I love exploring every nook and cranny in my worlds, and getting every bit of loot I can find. Combat prep is also a great deal of fun. I rather enjoy putting down health/mana statues and setting up a timer switch on them, then putting down minecart rails, so I can refill health and magic while I dodge any attacks from certain bosses. I also sometimes swap the rails out with platforms, because bosses like the Temple Golem are better faced off against with that environment.
Another favorite thing is attempting to clear out every block in hell, and turning as much magma as possible into obsidian. I use pumps to move liquid around the map, then combine water and magma in an area which doesn't evaporate all the water.
It's also quite enjoyable to make mini biomes for fishing.
I'm hoping to eventually get a 100% for it, if I can manage the time, and can get a bit of help. Though I think the fishing quest will kill me. lol
Gemini Rue is also a good one. Its ending made me think about who I am, why I am who I am, and how my memory affects and doesn't affect these things. It was quite an experience. I loved it so much, I went back and completed its achievements. That's a mark of a great game.
I can give more examples, if wanted.
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Oh, I haven't played Terraria. Sounds fun but also sounds like it takes all the time in life @_@
Gemini Rue is one of the games that I consider very good, and one of the best in its genre. For me it has a sort of Blade Runner feel but with own twist. World setting feels deep and consistent, characters are wholesome even if there is not much known about some of them. These references to Cowboy Bebop. And this rainy city..
Played it 2 times myself too, with a few years between walkthroughs.
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Terraria certainly does take a ton of time to 100%, but I intend to do so eventually. I just need to figure out how I'm going to do it. Whew. It's a toughie.
I played through Gemini Rue twice, once without commentary and once with, and it stayed engaging from beginning to end. I love it. The achievements were even a good fit for this game, which means a lot to me. I hated how Inside The Gear expects one to wiggle its puzzle pieces around for a good several minutes in each of its 25 levels, in order to get all of its achievements. It was tiring. Even now, just thinking about it is draining.
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Hello, I would like to join the group.
I think I qualify, I've beaten/completed 47 out f 69 won games, and I've got more than 25% achievement completion in almost all of them.
Here's the link to my BLAEO profile
I don't think I'll be using it much though, I have my own Excel file to track all the game's I've aquired, their HLTB completion times, and the dates I got and beaten them in.
As for my favourite SG win, I'm not sure. I've won many great and high quality games here such as Sniper Elite 4, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, or Valheim, or something like Barotrauma that I played with my friends for hundreds of hours, all of which makes it quite hard to decide.
I think really my choice would be Oxenfree. I don't usually play these casual "walking sim" indies, but I saw giveaways for this and thought "that's interesting I guess" and joined them. I've won it as part of Playing Appreciated so couldn't say no to playing it.
What I got though was not what I expected. The characters were great, relatable, and well voiced, the story intriguied me and the mystery kept me going until I was finished. Such a short and simple game, but it really dragged me in as soon as I started. I replayed it immediately after finishing to see different dialogues and choices (the few the game offers you) and plan on doing it again in the future, if only to reach 100% completion. It's not the best game of all time or anything, but it went far above my expectations for a casual walking sim.
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Hello, I'd like to join the group.
My favourite SG win was Cyberpunk 2077. I entered the giveaway out of curiosity as I wasn't really hyped for the game before its release and after it came out the reviews were.... well... not very encouraging. I expected to have some fun with the game but I thought it would be just average and feel like just another forgettable Ubisoft-type of game. How wrong I was. Yes, CP77 was still a bit buggy/glitchy in 2021 and even some parts of the story feel kind of rushed but I fell in love with the world, the characters and, of course, (female) V. It was a journey I will never forget and I've been waiting for the DLC ever since I finished the game. ❤️
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Hi, I wanted to apply. I read the rules and FAQ and agree to them.
I try to join only games I want to play eventually, sometimes I get disappointed (I'm looking at you Overgrowth and how you make me feel so sick Killing floor incursion) and drop them, but it's very rare.
I don't use scripts but manually checking it seems I fulfill the requirements. Dragon Age shows no played time but I believe they changed it from standard to Ultimate edition during this time.
Regarding my wins I'm very excited about the latest one, Mafia Remaster. I really enjoyed Overcooked because I got to play it with my brother and for SP experiences I really enjoyed Valfaris and even wrote review about it. I'd like to like Rain World, it seems amazing, but could not figure out how to leave the first area.
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Hey, I've joined Playing Appreciated and I think I can definitely play games in less than 3 months. I also have checked the Rules & Guidelines and I believe I can follow through. I plan on playing all my wins and I am slowly doing them all.
As for my favorite SG win. I'd have to say it's probably Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. When I won the game, I've decided to buy the Yooka-Laylee as it was the prequel and the introduction to the series. This opened me up again to old-time classic platformers, which I've not been in contact with since Super Mario Bro's. I've enjoyed the prequel very much already and was excited to try the SG win. I've had a blast with it, although it was an tough end boss that I think it was a bit over the top. I'll forever remember that being one of the most interesting wins I've ever won. Aside from that, my most recent win, NBA Playgrounds was another great one that I really enjoyed and finished as well 100%.
I no longer join games I don't plan to play, so joining this group and others where I get to play the games and feel somewhat rewarded is a fun thing for me to do so, I want to apply and see if I can get accepted.
Thank you for taking the time to read through.
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Hi, you are currently way below our minimal requirement on department of beating wins. Which can hopefully change in future.. :3 Don't be in hurry though, there is probably a lot of good games to experience through.
I haven't played the games you told about. Heh, from 3D platforming games I particularly keep a distance =_= Glad that you enjoyed Yooka-Laylee series so much. Fascinating and wonderful in a way, this is.. These games definitely create impression of very well designed, and with a lot of warmth at that, and deserve some appreciation and love!
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We wish to gather people who have already beaten at least half of their wins.
Oh now I understand where I failed. I appreciate for reaching out. I'll be back with results, that is a promise. 😄
Don't be in hurry though, there is probably a lot of good games to experience through.
I am mainly doing 1 challenge from Play a game you won on SteamGifts and of course, I play the games I win from Playing Appreciated, and of course, my backlog of games that need finishing.
I have joined BLAEO recently, so that's one item crossed. 😀 Thank you for your answer and I'm looking forward to play all my wins and get back to you when available. I know it's required a minimum of 50%, but I'll try to play all my wins so that is not going to cause much problems.
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I've won two games from SG outside of any groups.
One of those games I'd be glad to not have in my possession.
I'm interested in your community, but I don't know what I need to do)
Thanks in advance.
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If you mean that you don't want to beat these wins, that's quite an unfortunate situation. Especially since games are not broken (don't appear so according to quick check) and you have won these really recently, which doesn't support much on department of change of heart.
The most straightforward and probably fast way to deal with the wins situation would be to beat these games. (Heh as a bonus this would give you extra motivation to not join in future something you probably will not like, and to check game info better beforehand).
We are particular about people who join PM! being already interested in only participating in GAs with games they have decided to give a good beating in case they win, and this decision/undertaking should be consistent and evident from their accounts and records of previous wins.
Anything that is not played, abandoned with no effort or fast-runned makes negative impact. This is especially relevant to games that any other people may want to genuinely win and play. Considering other people of SG community is of core values of the group, whether this relates to PM giveaways or any other including public SG giveaways.
Another option. If you don't want to beat these wins, just keep winning and beating other games. This may take a long time. When your win statistics are evidently higher than our minimal borderline, feel free to apply, then we will have a look according to things I listed above.
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You don't meet our group's minimal requirements by a big margin, in fact it looks like you have ever properly tried only few of your wins on SG.
Of course, if you got interested in these principles of playing the wins, winning what you are interested in playing, looking into giveaway games more thoroughfully before entering the GA, it is never late to start following these :)
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My best SG win it`s a Hellbound!
Its all what you need?
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Can you help me what I need to do? I have a problem with language barrier
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I play all the games I have in my library, even the worst ones. I just have a lot of them and I don't have time to run them all, but I promise that I will do it over time. Therefore, you don't have to worry that I will play all the games and give you the opportunity to join you! Sometimes I have 50 new games a day - it's impossible to launch all of them.
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Yes, what she said.
In topic and inside the links there is information. You can translate all of it with google translate. There is description of our minimal requirements, for example you have to have beaten more than half of your wins on Steam Gifts before you apply to the group.
Currently you have not beaten even a fraction of your wins. Also, even though I haven't checked this deeper, it looks like achievement unlocking on some games (including wins) signalizes that you have used achievement unlocking tools, in this case we could not invite you in any case in future.
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No, I never use cheats and programs to automatically get achievements. I just have games that give 5000 achievements at once. I'm an honest old gambler. And unfortunately I have translated your words from English into Russian now, but I have not understood the first part of the sentence. What should I do with the games I won on steamgifts? Play at least half of them? I have all the new games sorted out in order. As I wrote earlier - sometimes 50 new games appear in a day. I do not share games won from this site or, for example, on Indiegala, or by sharing with other users. This is physically impossible. But the most important thing is that I launch and try to play absolutely all the games from my library, regardless of their quality and cost. It's just that every game has its own time. If I haven't played half of the games I've won on this site yet, it's not because I don't care about them. It's just not their turn in my huge list of licensed games yet. Therefore, I ask you to make an exception and accept me into your ranks. Hope for understanding
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Приветствую. Если вам все еще не понятно, позвольте объяснить. Минимальные требования для вступления в группу - не только сыграть, но ЗАВЕРШИТЬ как минимум половину ваших выигрышей на SG, а учитывая что у вас этих выигрышей не так и много, то лучше завершить более половины.
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Hello! I would like to apply to join the group. I have read the rules and am willing to follow them.
I couldn't decide about my favourite SG win, there are two games that exceeded my expectations, but in different ways. The first one is Forgotton Anne - I was expecting to play puzzle platformer, but game turned out to be more of a "choice matters graphic novel" and, despite the fact that I do not like graphic novels, I still really liked the game.
The second one is Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, I was expecting to play just a nice shooter game (and shooting part was great!), but I got much more :) While plot/story in game is very simple, the way it is told is excellent. I mean the way how narration is changing the map and how choices during play makes the game engaging.
I'm using BLAEO almost since same time as I joined SG. BLAEO (along with Playing Appreciated and pagywosg) over time determined my approach to SG and I think P!M! would be a great addition to this. I will quote my self from another conversation:
Before I came to SG I almost stopped playing, and now I really enjoy the boost I got from the community (from SG generally and from PA/BLAEO/pagywosg particularly). I'm finally playing games! Huzzah!
And if I buy something and there is no inner obligation to play the game - it will be buried in my backlog with 99% chance. Like in June there was a small spike of Fallout New Vegas giveaways. Discussions around the game were so good and I won zero of giveaways... so decided that I want the game anyway. So I bought Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate Edition... Guess what? I didn't even install it :)
Thank you in advance for reviewing my application :)
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Hello! I'd like to join. I like to complete games to 100% (if I enjoy them). I've only won once (twice, but didn't recieve one of the keys) and I've completed the game. I'll keep playing games that I win, since it's only natural to do so as they are a gift to me :)
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I had applied to this group before (more then 4 years ago) and would like to apply again.
Link to the former application
In the meantime nothing has changed regarding my favorite wins and the same is true for the worst one.
My BLAEO Profile can be found here.
Hopefully my approach in playing games alligns with what you want to see from your members.
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To be honest, I was curious what you use to calculate all those ratios so I don't know if I qualify for joining (probably not, because I kinda ïnsist to take all achievements in games XD).
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Not a member but just want to answer ur question
They using Do You Even Play, Bro?
As for your ratios, this is a screenshot for it here
Which is an awesome ratio, you're almost there!
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Hi, can I join this group?
Here's my BLAEO profile.
As for my favorite SG win, it's gotta be South Park: The Stick of Truth. I wasn't really a South Park fan, watched only a few episodes in my life before I played the game, but I got drawn in by the humor and the gameplay reminiscent of the Mario RPG games I used to love playing so much and the game ended up going beyond my expectations. Well worth a playthrough.
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i would like to join the group and will follow the rules.
here is my BLAEO
my favorite SG Wins is Golf It, i play it a lot with my daughter :D
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While your statistics per script seems higher than required absolute minimum for joining PM, we are still not completely sure whether enough wins have been beaten (and nothing has changed during the time of application). Btw do you keep BLAEO maintained?
Either way, we would like to see more wins to be beaten first, before extending an invite (half for starters). The more the merrier!
Wish to see you in PM in future!
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i'm not regularly maintain my BLAEO. half of never played and unfinished?
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No, evidently (more than) half of all wins on SG beaten / finished. As we describe in our info pages. You are not so far from this!
For games without a clear end, beating these could be "played a lot, content discovered", which is something that depends on each title and basically needs to evidently differ from just fast-running a fraction of content, or briefly trying and dropping the game etc.
We don't expect all the previous wins to be handled with equal care (there could be some broken/unfinished games, just horrible titles, games too hard, games a winner ends up hating etc), hence there is the requirement of only more than 50% beaten at the time of joining the group, and commitment to follow this approach in future - with the new and possibly with the rest of old wins.
Not necessary, but it would be convenient for us if you would be updating the SG wins list on BLAEO while beating more wins (at least during application).
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Hello there,
seems it is the time, maybe we can check if I fit to join PM!~
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Hello! I'd like to join, I only join giveaways of games I want to play so I think I won't have any problems following the rules.
My BLAEO profile:
Regarding my favorite SG win, it's definitely Sleeping Dogs. I enjoyed the gameplay a lot, it was pretty fun to explore the city and buy clothes to make the main character look as ridiculous as possible, and I also liked crashing the vehicles I drove because I was too lazy to properly park them. The story was really good too. I hope to 100% the game someday.
I think my stats are slightly above the requirements, but if possible I would like to know if I need to play more and come back some other time.
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hi i was away from the site for a while and i want to use steamgifts actively again.
(i plan to use blaeo again too... i hope i will... this time for sure)
my favorite SG win is Undertale! I don't believe it needs any explanations.
Thanks in advance!
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Mm, I am baffled.
To my understanding, only 2 games are beaten, which are marked beaten on your BLAEO by yourself. 1 more game is played quite a lot and beating it wouldn't hurt. Every other game is a candidate for finishing.. Games with story / campaign have a clear end, repeatable games have game content to discover and play through.
A game like Devil Daggers (with a single hardcore achievement), if not tried really a lot and out of own enthusiasm and interest, probably should stay among the games which are not counted as finished on joining the group.
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Hello, I would like to join your group. I didn't see any level requirements, are there any?
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I have a small question: are we allowed to have a really small amount of games that we'll never finish because we realized that we hate, even if it we really tried to play it? (I have a specific game that fits that, won here: Fluffy; the controls kill me, I just can't finish it, and I tried for 1 hour...)
If the answer is yes, then check if I'm eligible to join, 3 months to finish a won game seems fair.
Almost all of won games are favorite (well, that's why I joined the giveaways after all, right?!), but I liked the most Ryse: Son of Rome (maybe the fact that I watched Spartacus series too made me like it even more).
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Yes, this can happen and is alright as long as amount is minimized as much as possible. Which is your case, I believe. Regarding this particular game, I can see that it is removed from Steam store and abandoned by devs.
I haven't played Ryse, trailers look epic ;3 If the story is written well, must be a great journey.
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It is a linear story, but indeed, was a really epic journey!
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I meet the requirements and would like to join this group to possibly win some games. I'm new to steamgifts and haven't won anything yet, but I can tell you about another giveaway that I won. I went to a local trivia game night last year where the winner won a key for PartyHard. It's become one of my favorite games lately. It's about a guy who wants to sleep but people party too loud so he goes on a killing spree. It's an arcade style hack and slash stealth game and I usually play it in 2 player mode with my fiance. We've beat it on his account (through a shared steam family) and are running through it now for a stream since we wanted to replay it. I liked it so much that I bought the sequel and can't wait to play that one together.
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Oh, I loved Party Hard, too. Unusual mechanics :3
So you have already won a re-playable game which will require a lot of love to be considered beaten. Lets see how it goes. We need a lot of time to follow your account in any case because you are a new user.
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I finished the story of Party Hard tonight and I've got half the achievements. I'm working on getting the rest of them, but holy crap they're hard XD
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Hello, I'd like to join the group.
My favourite SG win has to be the first game I received, Dungeons 3. Attempting to manage traps, troops and room types is always a fun challenge since each mission gives the formula a little twist, more importantly (for me anyways) I've found myself laughing way too often at the character's purposefully bad meta jokes.
About game completion, I currently have beaten 3/6 games, the other 3 being: Dungeons 3 (slowly making progress, missions are just looong), Golf gang and Just Die Already (both party games I'll play with friends, but I don't think can be "beaten").
Since cases are judged individually I hope these 2 party/sandbox games won't lower my beaten % too much for you.
Thank you for the attention.
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I would like to join the group both to try some games but mostly to host some giveaways. I haven't won any games so I can't fulfill the beaten game requirements but would I still be able to join if I just hosted giveaways?
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We try to be very careful with taking people who have not yet won anything atm since we had a couple of broken promises in that regard.
Option of joining as a gifter only and reapplying later as a full member could work if you are fine with this for now.
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Sorry for the late reply, I've been off steam gifts for a few weeks. I'd be happy to join as just a gifter as that's what I'm mostly interested in anyway. What would I have to do to make that happen?
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Playing Matters Recruitment Topic v3
Playing Matters is a group that values playing wins from SteamGifts. We hope to create a respectable and dependable platform to unite friendly and passionate gamers.
Our group is not so much about making giveaways, but about enjoying what we already have and sharing fun with like-minded people. We aim to create a friendly and enjoyable atmosphere in our group.
We fully encourage fun little chats to take place in our group giveaways. Additionally we have our own Discord server for our members to make new friends and enjoy each other’s company while also enjoying our wins.
Before applying to join our group, please make sure that:
How to apply:
If you meet the requirements mentioned above and want to join, reply to this topic stating that you are applying to the group and tell us a bit about your favourite SG win. It doesn’t have to be much - maybe a sentence or two.
Creating a BLAEO account is not required but we’d still like you to post the link to your profile if you have it, whether you use it actively or not.
We will have a look at your profile(s) and contact you in due time.
We hope to see you among us. Have fun winning games and playing them!
Please don’t send friend requests to mods or admins.
If you don't receive a direct reply within 7 days, your application is likely under consideration. Also, if your application is rejected please don’t allow this to break your spirit. Instead use it as a motivation to discover and enjoy new games among your SG wins. Who knows, maybe your next favourite game is right around the corner.
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