Just tell her, is not a very big deal I think, but depends of your mother mentality.
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+1 My little 16 year old sister is suffering lack of iron in her blood because of this.
Don't make the same mistake kiddo,
make sure to get good fats as well as protein and consult a trustworthy dietitian.
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It will sound a bit shitty, I know, sorry in advance, but do you think that 14 is an age where you can decide something like that for yourself? :/ Maybe at least ask a doctor first? A dietologist? We're supposed to eat animals and animal products, you know. Just check the food pyramid. Again, I'm sorry about my comment, but that's what I believe and I'm a food technologist.
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basicly they tell you what you can find on the internet and take shit ton of money
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What? xD Not really. Maybe you're thinking about dietologists, but they're also not into searching the internet in order to help you.
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I've never heard of a dietologist. But I don't know what country you are from. If they are the same thing as I think, it's a nutritionist.
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Maybe they also called them dieticians? I don't know, but many people use the term dietologist. I'm from Greece.
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It's more like a generic term. Food technologists can become many things, like become dietologists, food microbiologists, do organoleptic control, care about food safety, etc. I'm mostly into food safety, because that's where I got my master's degree. So, I'm mostly into HACCP, ISO, checking the production line, and such things. A food technologist can even give his signature in order for a business related to food to open. There's food microbiology, food chemistry, food process, organoleptic control, etc. There are like a million things to do when you're a food technologist. xD
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Yes, sadly, it will seriously affect you. :( You will want to eat healthier, but when you find out that every food that exists is unhealthy, then you will have a problem choosing what to eat. :/
And a food technologist black humor joke (don't read it if you don't like black humor): Food technology is about choosing whether to get cancer from pesticides or get cancer from mycotoxins (because if your food has pesticides, a lot of them are carcinogenic - if they don't put fungicides though, many fungi produce mycotoxins, which are carcinogenic).
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I don't think a lot about diets. I stopped eating some things (for example, I'm trying to avoid nuts, which even though have a lot of important nutrients, they have a hell of a lot mycotoxins), but in general, I still eat some shit from time to time. :P
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I didn't know that mycotoxins are an obvious thing. o.O In general, mostly dry foods have mycotoxins, which are carcinogenic (especially Aspergillus flavus makes some really dangerous mycotoxins). Some other tips:
Avoid eating too many big fish, because they absorb much more heavy metals than the small ones.
Shellfish should be avoided eaten raw, because they're one of the most often type of food poisoning (which can probably lead to death).
Never let rice cool in room temperature, because that way, the spores of Bacillus cereus can grow and poison you when you eat that rice. (it's called fried rice syndrome - it's not only about fried rice though).
Actually, it would be more helpful to tell me about what thing exactly you want to know more about, because you are probably talking about diets, but I'm talking about food poisonings. xD
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Nono, carry on. I wanna keep stalking the super interesting info you're giving. :P
(Heck, my awkward shyness and antisocial-ness are the only things keeping me from adding you on Steam and asking you a bunch of questions related to why some foods give me a headache and how soon I should expect to die from my terrible-ass eating regime. XD )
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Hehe, no need to be shy or antisocial. xD My name is Alexander. What's your name? :P You can ask me anything you want, don't worry. I'm not a know-it-all guy, but I know some things. :P
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Almonds. Pretty much every time I eat as much as a handful I feel like my head will explode afterwards. Pistachios also seem to make me feel ill if I eat too many.
Occasionally fried eggs or very rarely chicken meat could also cause me a light headache. And I've been suspicious of fish ever since I noticed that every time after having canned mackerel I feel sick.
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Why didn't you tell me too? ;_; Maybe you are allergic to them? What other symptoms you have? Can you do me a favor? Boil some almonds, remove their skin, and eat them. Do you still have headaches? I think you have a problem with a protein. I want to see if, when the protein breaks to amino acids, it stops giving you headaches. You should also consult a doctor. But please, do that and answer me. :'(
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I know it's needed, but not in the steamgifts forum ffs. xD
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You should act as knowledge angel among mases of unbelievers!
But really, if people who knows-stuff won't stick to the rules, random people will think it's ok to say that bacteria are immune to antibiotics or that "3 sec rule" is solid truth ;P
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Maybe not that obvious, but I've learned about mycotoxins while reading about different types of mold Tho I had no idea, that these toxins are present even in food that isn't moldy. Is there any way to prevent/remove it from food? especially nuts ;_;
Damn, I didn't know about rice. Another thing I'm doing wrong D:
And I will remember to cook my shellfish if I ever am stranded on a remote island in the middle of nowhere :D
It's really hard to tell what I know and what I don't xD I've learned on my biology lessons, I've read some articles and books... But these ^ were exactly the type of information I wanted to get so thanks :D
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Fungi aren't always visible. When they become visible, then you have a hell of a lot fungi on your food. xD As long as you have fungi on your food which can produce mycotoxins, then they will if their environmental conditions are good. Just remember this: It's all about water activity (aw). When there's high water activity in your food, then bacteria thrive, so fungi can't compete them. When there's low water activity, then bacteria can't grow, so fungi thrive. So, whenever you see food where bacteria can hardly grow (like dry foods), then it will probably have fungi. It's not like all fungi produce mycotoxins though and as long as the mycotoxins aren't in high quantity, then they won't poison you. xD But no, you can't remove mycotoxins (or any toxin), no matter what you do. Processing the food (like, for example, baking a food) won't harm them at all. Washing the food very well may remove a small amount of them, but still no, nothing you can do. :/ Just avoid them. Usually, when they do checks for mycotoxins in nuts, they are usually extremely above the legal limit. xD And as I said in another comment: Food technology is about choosing whether to get cancer from pesticides or get cancer from mycotoxins (because if your food has pesticides, a lot of them are carcinogenic - if they don't put fungicides though, many fungi produce mycotoxins, which are carcinogenic).
Yeah, rice is really shitty. :P Full of Bacillus cereus (no, it's boring to use italic, MSKOTOR -_- ). If you don't want to eat it all after cooking, remember to warm it again whenever you want to eat it again.
Don't forget not to eat too many big fish per week. It's a common problem actually. :/
Yeah, shellfish are really dangerous. Avoid the raw and undercooked ones. There are four types of shelfish poisoning: amnesic, diarrheal, neurotoxic, and paralytic. IF I'm not wrong, the two of them are deadly (remember the IF, because maybe only one of them is deadly, I'm not sure). Better get the ones from category A production areas. Japanese have so many food poisonings all the time because they eat everything that the sea has. Bleeehhh. :S
It's just that I would like you to ask something specific, because general things are, you know, too general. :P
Oh, a nice tip, by the way. I've learned some time ago that microwave popcorn is dangerous because of diacetyl, which is also present in some flavored e-cigarettes, and it can cause the popcorn lung disease. That's just a random tip, don't hate me people. :B
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Too bad I cannot remove toxins once they are produced, I was really hoping for some neat tricks :3
I know that any toxin must be in right amount to cause poisoning but still the news about nuts saddens me :< I need some time to accept it (like I finally accepted the fact that overwhelming majority is infected by herpes virus. Earlier I was so scared of getting this lol).
What actually do you mean by "big fish"? Tuna is big, is salmon big as well or just, erm, medium? :D I still have nothing to worry about, though, I rarely eat only sprats and herrings.
I had to google the last part. I thought you're trolling me lol. Once again I've learned new things, thank you :D
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Big fish means, well, big fish. xD The bigger it is, the more heavy metals it will probably have. xD Yeah, tuna is obviously a big fish. You should just eat mostly small fish, like sardines, for example. There's a limit of how many big fish you can eat per week, especially if you're pregnant - I think the limit is 2, but I'm not sure. No, I wasn't trolling you. xD You are welcome. Feel free to ask me again (Zlia too).
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Well it's not totally correct, as you have thermostabile toxins, which can't be removed by heating them up and thermolabile toxins which will disintegrate after heating. Mycotoxins are thermostabile, and most of bacterial exotoxins are thermolabile.
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True. As I said, I don't know that many things. :B But I know that mycotoxins are heat resistant, just like algae toxins (I was mostly reading about fish, fish eggs, and shellfish). :P
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But the spores are the ones that survive the heat, germinate, and produce the toxins in room temperature.
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True, true, I can believe that! :O When you educate yourself with something, it changes your perception about it.
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the main thing is that it's important to compensate. Vegetarians are at serious risk of not consuming enough of vitamins B12 and D3, Iron, Creatine, Taurine, and Docosahexaenoic acid. and for those who think a single daily vitamin pill will do the trick, balance is important. Lack of balance between vitamin d, vitamin k, calcium and magnesium leads to increased risk of heart attack or stroke
And veganism is even worse
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Thing is that every time you decide your diet, your health is at a great risk, so that's why dietologists are so important. Now, about vegetarians, it's true, they are missing many nutrients. Pills don't really help. Some of them don't help you at all, because you can't even absorb their nutrients 100%. Also, vitamin B12, for example, is a water soluble vitamin, which means that must be consumed every day (while people have a storage of fat soluble vitamins, there is no storage for water soluble vitamins). Now, tell me, how the heck will they consume it every day? xD And some plants, even if they have the nutrients you want, they're not that absorbable, while these nutrients are more absorbable in meat products.
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Aaaww, thank you, thank you, I appreciate this! ^_^
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but is taurine not one of those things that we overproduce in our bodies? Cats can't produce it, that's why it gets added to cat food (and due to synthetic production of taurine for cat food, it's cheap), but unless there's something wrong with you, more than enough of it should be produced in your own body
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Taurine is produced by the body and is also consumed through fish and meat. (also through supplements and energy drinks)
A fairly large number of people don't produce enough taurine on their own, and vegans have significantly less taurine than people following an omnivore diet, the average level in blood plasma is 22% lower, and in urine 81% lower ~yes, I used wikipedia as a source
Taurine deficiency, though not common, does exist, and can cause heart and vision problems, as well as muscle abnormalities and reduced endurance.
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actually - yes. This is how people checked if somebody doesn't have diabetes back in time xD
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You make it sound way worse than it is. Frankly, everyone is at risk of deficiencies. This has very little to do with consumption of meat vs. vegan vs. vegetarian but everything to do with a balanced diet. Judging from the little set of people I know, vegetarians and vegans are far more aware of their diets than the regular meat eater.
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from the people I know, vegetarians are no more or less likely to be knowledgeable about diets than non-vegetarians.
note that I use the word "knowledgeable". there's a lot of misinformation around
But yes, I agree, the big issue is one of balance, and generally it's possible to receive sufficient nutrition from a vegetarian diet. It just takes more work.
I do always ask people why they're vegetarian/vegan. No real reason, usually no judgment, just general curiosity. Answers range from the clever to the mundane, from justified to hypocritical. I did judge a girl who "doesn't want to hurt animals" yet still had several leather purses
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Dingbat is right. Creatine especially. Studies have shown that an ideal diet is predominantly vegetable based, but with small amounts of meat and/or fish to provide creatine. Studies showed improved memory and cognition over pure vegetarian. Creatine also helps with muscle health (you know... like your heart).
Remember: we're built as omnivores. While some of those things aren't essential or exclusive to meat, they -do- help us live at an optimal level.
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it's a little easier as an omnivore. eat meat or fish, fruit and vegetables, and bread.
yes, that's a gross oversimplification, but, just having a decent balance of those, which is essentially a mainstay of the western diet, gets you pretty close
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Are we supposed to love someone of the opposite gender as well?
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No, no, no, no! :O I never said that! Don't get me wrong. I'm not homophobic! I'm not bigoted at all. Everyone is free to love whoever they want. I'm saying that, as a food technologist, stopping the consumption of meat and meat products is something dangerous, if not deadly. It's possible though to do it, but an advice of a dietologist is needed ALL THE TIME!
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Now we are on the same page. =)
I just found your We're supposed to eat animals hard to believe.
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It's not hard to believe. I just think that the food pyramid was wisely made and we should follow it faithfully. Our teeth aren't like this in order to chew apples. :P Our teeth are a carnivore's teeth. Evolution defined us. We are what we are! :P Wanna became a vegetarian? Do it, but don't think you'll become healthier this way. Even if you do a simple diet, to lose weight for example, you must ask a dietologist. If you don't, then there's a big risk of PERMANENTLY screwing your cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, etc. Diets aren't something you just search the internet to find. :P
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That's obvious, because we're omnivorous. Our teech aren't exclusively for meat. We bite with the front ones and chew with the rear ones. But you're losing the point. I said that to show that our teeth can't be a vegetarian's teeth. xD
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so far
You answered your own comment with what you said. It's obvious that not all vegetarians will end up with health problems. With a help of a dietologist, I suppose it's possible to live a healthy life, but not a healthier life than the life you would have when eating meat.
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Yeah I guess you're right. I personally did not make that choice because of wanting to live healtier. I do not think that your age should be a problem when making this decision though. You might have to be a bit more careful because of puberty but I do not know anyone who suffered from health issues because of vegetarianism/veganism. You have to do your research of course.
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its no big deal i turned vegan look at me lel :p same guy eating different shit no bigge
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Maybe you should ask in reddit or tumblr, or some more specialized forum.
Have you spoken to your doctor/nutritionist about what it entails?
If you prepare your own food it's fine, if not, you should consider what the extra work for her to cook a special second meal for you would be.
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...and life on Earth is not sustainable if we continue eating cows at our current rate. Especially the average rate in the USA, but everywhere other than Asia it's unsustainable - and they are catching up!
Though for what it's worth, I can't imagine never eating beef again.
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On the scale of 1 to 10 of bombshells that a 14 year old could drop on a parent, wanting to be vegetarian isn't going to be on the upper end of the scale.
Does she currently prepare all your meals? If so, you could use it as an opportunity to start preparing meals together. It could be like a bonding experience. And you're going to want to be able to prepare your own food if you're serious about being vegetarian. You can't rely on being able to get good prepared meals out there.
Oh and as others have said, research your diet properly. You need to put a lot more of the right stuff in to ensure your body gets what it needs.
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Cheers for the decision mate.
I have been a vegetarian my whole life. No one in my family believes in killing animals for food when there are alternatives available.
Its hard to just tell you how to tell your mum, but if you wanna talk about it, add me on Steam.
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It would depend on what her views on the topic are (and how strong they are), but try just talking about it to her, chances are she'll understand. You don't have to be absolute about it. Try asking how she'd feel if you gave it a try. Ask her if she would be okay with you trying it for a week or two, or a month. If she is cooking for more people, running parallel diets can be tricky at first. Offer to help out.
Basically, ask nicely, listen to what she has to say and present your side of things. If acceptance seems difficult, compromise. This is your mom - she wants you happy. If she has concerns (about your health, feasibility of it etc.) do some research and try to dispel them. Show her that this a decision you have thought about and that you are willing to be invested in making it work, and stopping if necessary.
Don't present it as rejecting of things so far - it's just trying something new.
As in most potentially difficult conversations, do your homework on the topic, listen to the other side and work towards a solution.
It'll be fine. Like Malorn said, she'll most likely understand. She might try to dissuade you if she is opposed to the decision, but it's not an attack at you. She's just being mom.
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I have been a vegetarian for a very long time now and since then my parents have been mocking me for it. But they do respect my decision and they never force me to eat something I don't want to eat. My brother mocks me heavily for it but whenever I go to visit him he always takes me to restaurants that have lots of vegan/vegetarian options (even when he can't find something to eat for himself in those restaurants even though it isn't something I particularly want from him).
You just have to talk to your mother. She is your mother and she loves you. You just have to come clean and explain your mother why you want to become a vegetarian. I am hopeful that your mother will at least respect it.
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It's not like you're going to tell her that you're a murderer, she'll most likely understand and accept that you want to stop eating meat if you explain it to her. No need to be afraid, the worst that can happen is that you'll have to make your own food, which isn't really anything bad either, it's just good to know.
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Just tell her: “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, the whole world would be vegetarian.” or “Veganism is not about giving anything up or losing anything; it is about gaining the peace within yourself that comes from embracing nonviolence and refusing to participate in the exploitation of the vulnerable”.
From my own experience I can tell you that eating vegan (my case) is the best thing in the world. There is absolute NO argument against eating vegan, or becoming vegetarian. Why people get angry with or say it's dangerous is only because they don't want to hear the truth or they like it too much themselves (this is okay, because it's really hard to change things that you have been conditioned with as a child).
“I choose not to make a graveyard of my body for the rotting corpses of dead animals.”
― George Bernard Shaw
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but for some reason I find it quite difficult to
Try to think harder on this one, because like most here, I can't see a reason why this would be difficult. Once you can answer this question it will be easier for you to decide on the right tactic.
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You are not the only one. It seems to be a trend in this discussion... ;o)
Something I found on the web:
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