Says their a little girl, but profile pic is on an old man......ILLUMINARTY
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Well. I can't play horror games (and I don't know why, I love horror movies though) like Amnesia or Outlast but Half-Life is absolutely not a horror. You can kill every a**hole that scares you and it's great. Anyway it's classic and must-play at least once... a month
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Play in the day light with people home, that might help, its not a horror game but has creepy elements.
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Nope. I think there's only one or two jumpscares in the game, but you can easily miss them since you're always in full control of Gordon.
Ravenholm can be creepy at first. I stopped playing for 2 or 3 days after I read things about it, but I was not scared at all when I finally played through it.
Aside from that, I can guarantee you that it's a great game. Play Episode One and Two after that, and play Half-Life 1 if you haven't.
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Pfff... scary. Nope.
Play, Cthulhu Dark Corners of Earth if you want a scary game. That game will also kill your fear to scary games. About half life. The story is really cool, there is no scary stuff there. The game is pretty fun :>
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There might be some 'jump-scare' moments if an enemy suddenly pops out or something (some people can be very susceptive to that) - but no, HL2 is not scary.
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Ravenholm for me is more depressing than scary. And the scary moments are mostly just jump scares, startles. I'd say go for it. Also, it is a great game, but not the best game on PC ever. It really doesn't compare to masterpieces like Bioshock, F.E.A.R, Deus Ex, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Max Payne 2, Grand Theft Auto 4, S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Shadow of Chernobyl, Mass Effect or Spec Ops The Line. But comes pretty close indeed, same tier as Biosock Infinite, Metro Last Light or Unreal 2 The Awakening, I'd say.
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I think Half life 2 is defo among the best SP games, it does compare imo
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Yeah, I am not the biggest fan but do see it as a really well done game.
Half Life 2 is for sure better then Grand Theft Auto 4, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and Spec Ops The Line at least, the others can be argued.
Honestly why would HL3 be so desperately wanted if it wasn't really good :-P. Not sure what masteryoda120988 is on....
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I never said it wasn't good, it's great even, but it does lack some things: first of all, the story, it's in no way bad, but it isn't all that great either. It most certainly doesn't compare to GTA IV or Spec Ops The Line. Also, I know how many people absolutely love Gordon Freeman, but..HE'S A FUCKING SILENT PROTAGONIST and silent protagonists are a BAD IDEA. I mean, even a blank sled with no character traits whatsoever like commander Shepard, the protagonist of a game where he's out-shined by ALL side characters manages to be more interesting and compelling than ANY silent protagonist. You just can;t give any sort of dimension or reliability to a character if he doesn't fucking speak. Not to mention it's absolutely ridiculous when people speak to him and then continue their ideas as if he had actually answered to them. Also, his journey through the world(an absolutely fantastic one which is probably what I enjoy most about the game) is more abut the world itself than about him, he's like a guy going through a roller coaster: fun as hell, nut nothing life changing. To go over average, for me, a game needs to make me feel that the character I'm playing actually undergoes some significant trials which he has to overcomes, not be a fucking careless super-hero completely detached from the rest of the world. That's why Jack works so much better, even though he's a silent protagonist too. Because his journey through Rapture is one of self-discovery. Not to mention extremely well defined characters like capt. Martin Walker, Niko Belic or Max Payne. Seeing them grow with the game alone is worth more than ANYTHING HL 2 has to offer. So I'm sorry, but you're both wrong. Great game, NOT a masterpiece. And a game doesn't have to be one for it's sequel to be highly anticipated.
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My problem with silent Freeman comes from the fact he's highly trained retard that jumps on talking people - and they are retards too because they still talk, even when they have shit-covered shoe in their mouths.
In HL1 it worked because you could answer all those monologues with bullet to the head. You can't kill Alyx in HL2, so you're forced to play in one style.
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Silent protagonists are freaking great idea.
See: that's what opinions are. You have one, I have to opposite.
And what's a "blank sled"? You mean "blank slate", right? ;-)
I don't mind your opinion, but stop the "you're both wrong" self-righteous asshattery. If you don't want to come across as the typical internet asshat/troll.
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No..just no, silent protagonists just serve to make you look like a psychotic ass-hole that while people talk to him jumps on their furniture and throws potted plants in their faces. Only 2 silent protagonists ever worked: one's B.J. Blaskowictz who was portrayed as being the OSA's "final solution" to the Nazi problem, an unstoppable killing machine who let his guns to the talking, kind of like Arnold Schwartzeneger's Terminator. The other is Jack from Bioshock who's lack of verbal expression contrasts very strongly with the crumbling atmosphere of the ruined city he has to explore and the dreadful feelings of anguish it inflicts on the player. Why the hell do you think Bioshock Infinite doesn't have a silent protagonist? Cause in a place Columbia it would have been fucking STUPID. The same way I felt when Dr. Clyner, Breen, Mossman, Eli, Alyx or Barney talked to Gordon.
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You serious? GTA4 had the most boring main character EVER. Return to Castle Wolfenstein, same, S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Shadow of Chernobyl, oh yeah that one had a GREAT character.
Rolls eyes
Yeah keep saying I am wrong, go away troll.
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Not scary but one of the best games i ever played.
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i got scared so much when i played the ravenholm level
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There are a lot of FPS games which managed to be 10 times scarier than even the Ravenholm chapter(not to mention than HL 2 as a whole) First one that comes to mind is Doom 3. Then we also have The Suffering, Biohsock(the first one cause the second one's a joke), F.E.A.R(of course), Metro Last Light and even S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Shadow of Chernobyl. Like I said, Ravenholm is more depressing than scary and the scares it does have are actually just startles.
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Yes... but not that bad. The stupid poison headcrabs freak me out every single time. I think it's something to do with the noises they make and how they're darkly colored and small and like to jump at your face and will put you in serious danger if there's anything else around at the time.
Over all though, I'd say play it, it's certainly not the scariest game around by a long shot ;p
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Not scary, but the Ravenholm part is scary, more in the glaucous way.
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Short story for you...
So im looking at my Steam libary and im searching for something to play. I find Half Life 2. I do some resarch and I found game have like 40 scary moments (Whats up with that Ravenholm ?). Now the problem is that everyone says its one of best games ever created for PC and im just afraid to play it and yes I would like to play it. (Yes im lil...)
So my questions is: is Half Life 2 that scary ?
EDIT: OP just found those Stalkers, G man creeps me out.
EDIT 2: Im ready !
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