Depending where you live, Sunday is the first day.
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According to the Hebrew calendar and traditional Christian calendars, Sunday is the first day of the week.[1] But according to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 8601, Sunday is the seventh day of the week.
But this is only from ISO so who cares...
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This was already suggested a few times before but never implemented. If you use ESGST you can fix it for yourself with custom giveaway calendar
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Haha I'm not Portuguese yet (I guess I'd have to marry my girlfriend for that so hmm let's not talk about that or my Mom's spidey sense will start tingling and she'll be on my back again) so I can fully agree, it's evil (and confusing lol)
Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
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If we applied logic to that, than first day of the week should be the day God started the creation process. But look at me, expecting logic from people.
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At least the Jews are doing it right, for them Sunday is the first workday of the week and weekend is Fri-Sat. But then we have the special snowflakes who just love units and formats that make no sense at all. They combine these two ways into Sunday being both the first day of the week but not a workday and the seventh so it's a holy resting day. Just pick one, can't have both.
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As someone who lives in a country where monday is considered the first day of the week, the idea of sunday being the first day is fankly quite unfathomable to me. Just... why the hell :D
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Quite the amusing read this thread, it usually is.
Now, I have a question, do people really find it that hard to adjust to another calendar system? Most people here speak two or more languages and they struggle to wrap their mind around this? Honestly curious, not trolling. Although I don't exactly expect much of an answer that satisfies my curiosity cos I'm not confident in how well I expressed my doubt and at this point I'm rambling and I lost my train of thought cos I just woke up and Merry Christmas everyone! I need to pee.
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Something can be both trivial to do and annoying to have to do every time for no reason. Like if you set your computer's date 1 day in the future, you can of course always subtract the 1 day but it's just meaningless extra work with no benefit. And they are not even different calendar systems, it's the same calendar done wrong or right.
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It becomes annoying when you just click a weekday where it should be and get another day instead for your giveaways to start or end on. Not like it matters in any other way for anything and even for that only if you wanted to target a specific day. But still it's an extra annoyance with no benefits, kind of like using imperial CV that's completely different for different genres of games.
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"imperial CV that's completely different for different genres of games" What? Got lost there.
But sure I understand your point, I just don't think of it being much of a priority unless fixing it to be optional is actually really easy to implement.
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Just a reference to some backwaters people still using imperial units that can be anything at all. Like how much does an ounce weight? Same silly crap with their completely borked calendar system where months are shorter than days and last day of the week is before the first.
Can't really imagine how it would be hard to do, just move all days one box backwards.
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Quote: most people here speak two or more languages.
Question: not latin usa citizen wise, which is the normal second language?
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Ok, I knowingly exaggerated, but if you look here only 3 out of the top 25 countries there speak English as their main language. Granted, the US alone tilts the scale in favor of English thanks to its massive userbase.
That said, it's not like learning a second language is going to hurt you/them ;)
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It's what I tried to say, usa and uk are not known as second language users.
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Nah, the workweek starts on Monday, but legally speaking (and tradition) Sunday is the first day of the week ( based off of the Julian and now Gregorian calander).
Those of us who are Christians go to church on Sunday (the first day) because of our belief that the resurrection happened on a Sunday. 😀
Merry Christmas! 🎄
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Not true. Sunday was never the 7th day. For those who shifted their day of worship from Saturday to Sunday, that goes back to the days of King Constantine, who was himself a Sun worshipper. One of many compromises made by Christians of that era in order to survive.
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Yes for the ancient Jews and whonot the week actually ended on Sat and Sun was a working day. But if your week starts with a Mon, then Sun is the 7th day. The only compromise here is the silly mix of both of these with Sun being both the 1st day (so a working day) and the holy resting day (so the 7th day). You really need to pick either one, can't have both and pretend to make any sense.
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I believe you are presenting a false dichotomy with respect to Sunday. Sunday is not made the 7th day just because people choose to worship on that day; it still remains the 1st day of the week. The choice of worshipping on the first day versus the seventh day is a sectarian issue that has no effect on the order of days. Therefor, it is not necessary to choose between having Sunday as a holy day and having Sunday as the first day. QED
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Yes, you have the choice to be a Christian and do it like the bible says or be a Satan worshipper and do it exact opposite way. Or be neither and do it like ISO clearly says.
Sunday is the 7th day of the week unless you live in Israel or any other country that actually has their holy day on Sat. That is literally all there is to it and no amount of nonsense will change it.
What days are the weekend in your opinion? Are they Fri and Sat like in Israel or Sat and Sun? And if you pick the latter, please explain how the end of something is also the beginning. And in logical terms, not philosophical. That's equal to saying that 31.1. is the first day of January and after that comes 1.1.
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Think of the week as a sandwich. Sunday and Saturday are the bread, and Monday through Friday are the filling. Thus, Sunday is the front end of the week, and Saturday is the back end of the week. Simple.
I do not accept your constraints, and I rebuke them as false.
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But what if I think the week is a spiral instead? Start with Thu, then Fri, Wed, Sat, Tue, Sun and Mon. that makes equal amount of sense. They are not my constraints, they are of logic so that's what you're actually trying to rebuke with nonsense.
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Ignoring the small flaws in your logic, I will build on your analogy of a spiral.
I see musical tones as a spiral staircase with one full rotation per octave, so each step directly above or below is the same tone of the higher or lower octave, respectively. Even as a spiral, A is still A, and G is still G. :)
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There are no flaws in my logic, you're just saying that every week any certain day is 7 days later than that day of last week. The only flaw you saw was the random ordering of days based on nothing making the weekend Sun and Mon. This is equally as valid as randomly choosing to start the week with the 7th day. Trying to defend that silliness is like saying imperial units make more sense for scientifical use. :)
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No such thing, there are only countries that list the first day first be it Sun or Mon and then some countries that list the seventh day as first. Dunno what ancient Jewish sects have to do with this unless you're saying they rule the USA to enforce the laws to work like in Israel while reality does not? :P
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But if Sat is the 7th day then the week will begin with Sun as a working day as I've said several times already. You're the one who was blaming sects for any of it, not me. I am using both simple logic and ISO standards, neither of which are very sectarian in my opinion. Or were you the one clowning around by talking about it? Or what sect teaches that first god rested a day and then spent 6 days creating stuff? Since that's what the wrong calendar implies.
Having some humor in a repeating cycle of logic, sects, logic, sects, etc hardly is a bad thing.
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Sunday is and will be the 7th day unless you belong to some ancient sect and then your beliefs would make it a working day. You really need to pick one and stick with it instead of comboing both into a nonsensical mess. Bible says that 7th day is the resting day and ISO says the 7th day is Sun. There really is only one way to combo these and make any sense. Or then forget the religious part and just stick to ISO and logic which agree about it. Or then just pick only the religious part and Sun will be a working day. Or like you seem to think, be completely free to choose your own order of days every week, since it doesn't need to make sense or be a standard.
It's just as nonsensical to try to defend that completely illogical system as it is with 12h clock and dates in completely wrong order. They aren't based on logic either but some ancient people deciding to do it wrong just to be unique snowflakes and people coming after them doing it wrong only because that's how it was done before.
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Unique how exactly when everything is well documented and public knowledge? What kind of documentation are you looking for? ISO dictates which day is the 7th in a standard week while the religious documents like the bible dictate that the sabbath is on the 7th day. They don't say anything at all that it has to be Sat or Sun, those are just the days someone making a calendar chose randomly long time ago. We could just as well have sabbath on Wed and then a new week would begin on Thu. Literally the only thing said there is to have it on the 7th day of the week which for that reason can never be the 1st day. Or can you find me a quote saying it has to be any certain day instead of the 7th day of your week system which is said right at the start of it during creation.
[D] is the weekday number, from 1 through 7, beginning with Monday and ending with Sunday.
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When making assertions about what the bible dictates, I believe it might be better to use a non-secular source. Your source for ISO shows it is merely a guideline for data formatting, not an assignation of an "official" first day. :)
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I have already said multiple times that that's how it works in Israel for example. Sabbath is on Sat which is the 7th day of their week and then the first day of a new week is Sun. Nothing wrong with this since that's how it originally was. But you're arguing that sabbath should be on the first day of the week and not 7th. That still makes absolutely no sense for either case just like your asecular source. Saturday sounds much more like Saturn than sabbath day. Just like Thursday is Thor's day, Sunday is celebrating the sun and Monday the moon.
Saturday is the day of the week between Friday and Sunday. The Romans named Saturday Sāturni diēs ("Saturn's Day") no later than the 2nd century for the planet Saturn
You really imagine that's what international standards are for? They are the basis of different nations being able to function together by having things work the same way everywhere. And not have this happen all the time:
Sure there are plenty of countries using their own completely different calendar systems, but they are based on their own religions and not the bible like ours are. Edit: actually scratch that, they just stole it from Babylonians and corrupted like almost everything else.
Avid astronomers and astrologers, the Babylonians developed a kind of horoscope around 500 BCE where each day of the week was assigned to one of the classical planets – the seven non-fixed celestial bodies visible to the naked eye. These are the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
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I am most assuredly not "arguing that sabbath should be on the first day of the week and not 7th". Just the opposite. The sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday, nor any other day of the week. It does not matter how some odd publishers may choose to arrange their calendars. It does not matter that some people choose to worship on the first, fourth or any other day instead of the seventh. It is what it is.
I believe we have long exhausted this thread.
TL;DR: No.
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It can actually be considered Satan worship when you completely reverse the holy order of days and start with the last. They always reverse every Christian tradition upside down. But it must be nice for NA Christians to have a law as their excuse for doing that.
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Given that no nipple is exposed in the process, it is in fact perfectly acceptable.
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Because the site is based in North America I find it ok to use their way of counting Sunday as the first day of the week. It doesn't mean a lot to me or annoy me much. Though for me here beginning the week with Monday is the "normal" thing.
Just out of curiosity, why do suspect there would be widespread opposition to a change? I'd think a minor change like that, which people encounter a lot when dealing with lots of countries around the world, wouldn't be a big thing.
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Because the people are mostly hillbillies who shoot the man with an assault rifle if they try to change anything. It's not just weird, it's borderline retarded to keep up making your own inferior things when the rest of the world is trying to achieve superior standards.
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I apologize, I had missed that in the OP while reading all the other responses. My mistake.
Such an option wouldn't be horrid, but my preference states that I still go with the whole thought of "the web was started mostly by the US, so let's let a US website mostly stay on the US version of the calendar, but other options are available via ESGST." Also, sitewide uniformity might be a thing here.
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Yes, first you pick the foot of a random king and then measure it with the metric system to convert it to anything people can actually use to measure with. And of course remember to switch the king depending on the era and area to get even more random measurements.
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I generally consider Monday to be the first day of the week but I was looking at a full year calendar (all months on 1 page) and Monday was the first day of the week and it just looked weird. That could be because I'm used to seeing Sunday first on calendars but idk.
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