I just woke up from an afternoon nap and I'm feeling sick about myself.

So I was on a random mission that I don't remember much about, and killing people along the way.
I killed one guy in particular from the back with a knife, Battlefield style, then dropped him.

Then I proceeded to unzip my pants and peed in the guy's gaping mouth, but I still had lots of piss left so I peed all over him.
Thankfully, there wasn't any pee on my bed when I woke up.

Should I be seeking help? I'm just saying this here because I'm freaked out and don't know what to do.

EDIT: More confused than freaked out, but still kinda freaked out a little bit. The weirdest dream I had before this one was when I was swimming in apple cider, but that was kind of a happier one.

EDIT 2: I suppose I was really freaking out about the whole peeing business. Now it just seems silly.

10 years ago*

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I've done worse in my dreams. This is a natural consequence to playing Battlefield games too much.

10 years ago

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Too much My Little Pony my dear friend.

10 years ago

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That is a "weird ass dream"? I've had way worse. But I enjoy the hell out of weird dreams.

10 years ago

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Have you been playing Postal 2 lately?

10 years ago

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I last played it on February.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This remembers me of Duke Nukem, maybe you played it too much.

10 years ago

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Never played it before :P

10 years ago

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That's seriously... weird. I never had a dream in which I kill someone. The only worst thing in my dream was falling of with my bed to deeeeeeeeeep something(Was too scared so I woke up instanly lol)

@Edit: Give yourself break from games and read some books(I recommend fantasy genre but It's up to you). Maybe this will move your brain towards something else than killing lol.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Dreams tend to be very weird, nothing bad on it.

10 years ago

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As long as it stays as a dream, nothing to worry about :o

10 years ago

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Still a lot better than mine. I find that in most of my dreams, I don't wake up until after I die. And when I do wake up, I'm soaking in sweat and my heart's pounding fast.

10 years ago

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That sucks, but it's happening to me lately.

10 years ago

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The worst was when I was stabbed to death with a giant pair of scissors in an elevator.

10 years ago

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Well, next time dont fart in there.

10 years ago

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It's just another weird dream. They tend to happen every once in a while.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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Sounds like typical online FPS behavior to me.

10 years ago

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Chillax brah, it's all good. i once dreamt that i was lying on my back in the middle of the street and a black cat was constantly trying to attack me, so i started kicking it in the face, obviously!!! Then the moon turned disc-shaped and flew into my chest (obviously) I looked down and there was a huge dark hole in my chest, with a black mushroom growing out of it. I stuck my hand in the hole and it got covered in this thick tar like substance. I then woke up and was amazed the whole week through with how amazing and mysterious the human brain is....obviously.

tl:dr: fucked up dream, would dream again, +1, thumbs up, \m/

10 years ago

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Dat dream is the best I've ever heard LOL

10 years ago

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Dreams can be very weird sometimes. I don't think I've ever killed or peed on someone in my dreams, but they're for the rest always screwed up. Like, seriously screwed up. Nothing makes any sense. But it's just a dream.

10 years ago

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It's a dream. Maybe if you had recurring dreams that trouble and stress you out, you could consider seeking psychological counsel or something.

Also, were you needing to pee badly? When I dream about peeing it's because I totally need to go in the real world lol, luckily even though I relieve myself in the dream it never translated to the real world.

10 years ago

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That's how we all first discover our fetishes. It's quite normal.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Dreams are weird, messed up, and scary.
That's why they are dreams, I had a similar dream, Not peeing in the man's gaping mouth though, just felt like an FPS game.
Went outside a tank, starting shooting everyone, then I started peeing randomly near the bodies o.o I was like, "This isn't real ofcourse, ohshit I will pee myself in real life."
Then I woke myself up. Thankfully there wasn't pee on my bed either, weird dreams.

10 years ago

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i once drempt that my friend got seriously injured somehow, couple of days later he was in a car crash :( lucky it wasn't

10 years ago

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Well, I've been getting killed a lot in my dreams lately. Mostly by loved ones.

But I don't think a dream is weird as long as it doesn't have nazi hippy guys, who listen to Cannibal Corpse 10 hours a day and kill people with flamethrowers just because they think it's a fun thing to do.

10 years ago

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Had a dream that I killed my friend as her family watched and just said "Oh. Okay then"
Felt weird for a bit til I realized I had way worse happen in dreams.

10 years ago

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had a dream like this once, Killing my best friend and nobody bats an eye x)

the weirdest dreams i make are those where you loose teeth, nothing more scary for me x)

10 years ago

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The weirdest type of dreams is the kind that you dream about something not far from reality and it happens in the near future. Now that is the most fucked up thing you could dream off.

I used to dream alot of things related to death of other people i didn't know about when i was 13-15 mostly and for some reason something related to those dreams usually happened, mostly in the news.

I had a similiar moment with my dog, but it wasn't a dream. I thought to myself while looking at my 10 year old dog sitting in the couch "Boy, you are getting old buddy", and to my surprise he got ran over 90 minutes later and died 15 minutes after the moment in my arms. This is probably the most fucked up moment in my life. I did care for my dog, and i was constantly afraid of loosing it one day or another, since i was a kid i kept imagining myself growing up with it on my side untill his 15th anniversary, it didn't happen and my last thought about my companion was about how old he was. It's fucked up, right? At least i was there in his first and last moments in the family and prior to this i played quite alot with him. Which only happened like once or twice a week 'cause i was busy with school.
I grown weary and cold towards people since that day, the fact that some asshole ran over my dog and didn't stop to apologise, if only i was there assisting the moment, i would make sure that asshole would get a fair share of the turmoil he caused that day.

10 years ago

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Oh man... I feel so bad...
I had an old dog who died a few years ago. I loved him, and it was a shock to me. At least he lived a long, happy life (17 years), and he died of old age. I can't even bear the thought of losing a dog the way you did... :(

10 years ago

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Now that you mentioned it...i think i had a dread a few days ago about being suspended on SG, and no, i'm not kidding you.
I should actually open a support ticket to see if it wasn't an actual suspension that got canceled or something :|

10 years ago

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I just had a dream about me being stalked by a serial killer in disguise, and then I jumped from a cliff to suicide because I was too scared. Funny thing is I didn't die and ended up avoiding things like in this game.
Yesterday I had a dream that I accidentally killed my twin brother (and I think I actually cried a little). Plot twist: I don't have any brother.

Dreams are weird :l

10 years ago

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"Gaping Mouth"

10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Wingflare.