There is a remedy for everything except death.
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and whats wrong with bad rats and zeno clash? those are my bundled games that i use when i donate none bundles, i packed my account full of them so that i get full CV durring my real giveaways
every 5 dollars non-bundled = 1 dollar from a bundle that activates
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Disagreeing is your choice, for this is a free planet, but you are still objectively wrong.
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I didn't know someone could be this dumb. It is literally impossible to be objectively wrong on this matter. Whether or not you accept suicide as an option is purely a matter of opinion, there is no objectivity about it all. Fuck, I am having severe issues understanding how you are dumb enough to:
either believe what you said is true
or you do not understand the word "objectively"
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My friend, despite the mistaken impression an unfortunately large number of people have, there is such a thing as an incorrect opinion. If you believe, for example, that people from one country are inherently inferior to people from another country, you are indeed entitled to believe that, but you are still objectively wrong, just as you were wrong in your opinion that suicide is ever the right solution to any problem.
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Now you just seem even dumber. Do I share the racists opinion? No. So I think it's wrong, but I cannot objectively say that it's wrong just because it doesn't align with my opinion on the matter. He has his reasons, whatever they may be, and however wrong I think they are, his perspective says they are right.
I get that you are against suicide, but not everyone is as close minded as you. As I said, there are always better choices than suicide, but that does mean it isn't a choice. Like abortion, it's an option.
If you cannot understand this now, then you are too dumb for my time. Sorry.
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Very True and if you are don't try to use it to gain attention by doing it in public.
PS. Apparently he was caught scamming his audience and was so ashamed that he tried to kill himself.
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Someone uploaded the twitch.tv clip of her suicide(?) on Youtube.
Here's the link.
I believe her twitch.tv stream was shut down by an admin before we could see anything real happen though.
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From the comments I think she either she was shoving a knife in her stomach repeatedly or she attempted to overdose on pills.
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Actually I replied to you first, so you are d.ckhead #1
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I'm pretty sure that smitty werbenjagermanjensen was #1.
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That honestly makes no sense to me. Why would someone committing suicide want to get to the hospital in time and stay alive?
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I don't know, but suicide in general doesn't make sense to me so I don't expect it to
But he was saying if it caught on as a trend...
so if it did at least its more survivable than hiding off alone somewhere, I guess it makes about as much sense as anything else people do, like cutting or standing in front of a train too close to stop depending on the reasons(wanting to be stopped(razor) or i guess wanting to make sure people notice(train)) for a trend.
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You have a source for that? - edit - Nevermind, ran across one. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rk99tp
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No, she's a she. Feel free to do some reading on gender indentity.
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So what you're saying is that you didn't even browse the page I linked. Well done. Continue to be wilfully ignorant. I'm sure that will help you in the long run.
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Dude, I've seen people post a video of their dying child on youtube, as well as a woman posting the corpse of her daughter who died in a miscarriage, mummified and all, on facebook. This trend actually won't surprise me, and as disgusting as it may seem, there are far worse things done online than this, and they are actually tolerated. Still a shitty thing to do, but if it starts a trend then I won't be surprised for sure.
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It's been a little while since I followed this personally, but iirc she has some sort of metal poisoning in her heart, I think it was? Might have been shrapnel from something or other but she needed 2 operations, one being quite more critical and the second being a bit less important but still in the end necessary. She was working on some indie game and ended up releasing what she had in the hopes that people might donate a little to help her out, so that she in turn could keep on living (thus continuing game development). There was a lot of speculation but an investigation of sorts was carried out and it was stated that her pleas and situation were in fact true. I don't know how the funding ended up going since I hadn't checked back after that (being unable to do anything helpful myself). It seems now that so many have gone on calling her a scam artist anyway that her will to live is quite shot. I'd also assume then that the funding didn't go well, else she might have a brighter outlook thanks to donators to her need. More info will likely be collected once someone hears from her again.
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There were a lot of speculations how the whole story about life saving surgery was just a lie, she was actually raising money to fix a botched sex change operation. As time went by, people were more and more suspicious and Indiegogo eventually refunded everyone.
Whole thing is sketchy as hell
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Taking 'metal poisoning' to google will easily dispatch the starting comments of that thread, but yeah, there seems to be a lot of pull to both sides of the story. My information gathering ended a bit sooner than others so I could well be wrong in my perspective as well. I seem to remember a funding source stop, and then start back up after investigating. That might have been indogogo, or it could just be that they found it legit but still didn't want to let her continue through their site. The problem here being that the content was removed and finding original sources for any of this information seems a fair bit harder now, which is troublesome for the whole thing. If she truly was in a car accident and needs this higher level of help, then I hope she gets it after her current hospital stay stabilizes. And if not, then shame on her for taking this route. Solid information is hard to come by so it's a bit on faith at the moment.
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if its life threatening hospitals are required to do the surgery if you show up in the emergency room(thats why half the campaign for obamacare was total bullshit. nobody was going without care except through ignorance of that fact. nobody was being turned away from hospitals who needed treatment because they couldn't pay. nobody. it doesn't and can't happen(certainly not for anything obamacare/medicaid would cover at any rate)). trouble is some people don't know this. Not like he needed a kidney in rare supply, just needed something removed before it became too toxic. No hospitals turn you away for that sort of stuff
(uncle is a surgeon and he complains all the time about how "2/3" of the people(well he tends to say "illegals" but thats just where he lives and to be fair some of his patients have had trouble remembering which name they gave him when they checked in and end up signing a different one on the way out, or 2 in the row had the same insurance card and neither was the real Garcia but thats all irrelevant) he operates on can't or won't pay, but he still does it and only complains afterwards. you need your appendix out it or a dead rotting toe removed it comes out, payment is discussed afterwards) Of course hes one of the few at this hospital who don't try to pass them off to somebody else so thats why he gets so many uninsured, but even the others would do it if nobody else could. Maybe they threaten to(actually its illegal to threaten to send to collections for some retarded reason you have to jump directly to actually doing it) send you to collections later on and it shows on your credit rating if you don't pay, but not like they'll hunt you down and put the metal back in like in Repomen.
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I have been following it since the beggining.What happened was chloe(which incidentally is not her real name) was asking for donations for a surgery to remove a piece of metal that was left there after an accident.She put up a game called homesick along with a donate button(Unfortunately at the time direct download links where spread,and she got very little).During her campaign Indie stone decided to donate the procedings from project zomboid for 3 days to her,and also Mike Bithell (creator of thomas was alone) did the same thing.
Unfortunately some suspicions were raised about the genuinity of her claims and after getting in contact with her,and finding the real cause of her asking for money,indie stone decided to take down her campaign and give her time to act,and decide if she wants to tell the real reason for her operation and do another campaign and ask for money for the real reason.In the meanwhile all the previous proceeds were donated to another cause(Doctors Without Borders).She then came out explaining that what she wanted was a sex change operation,but that she felt really overwhelmed about all this and that did not like how indie stone managed all the stuff,you can read her recent post here...After a short while indie stone reiterated and posted their reasons here
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If I'm reading this here right, along with what I've already read elsewhere, this might come to mean then that both sides are actually true. In that there was an accident, and her life is on the line. But this secondary operation- the one that she feels she needs in order to feel human, may be a sex change operation. Perhaps something about the accident is making such an operation more difficult than it might usually be. I'm unsure how to really take it aside from that I wish them well regardless, and hope that going forwards being a bit more truthful about intent will make things better for all the involved parties.
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"She put up a game called homesick along with a donate button(Unfortunately at the time direct download links where spread,and she got very little)."
How the **** does that work? She gave out the game for free with a donate button, but the game was then circulated elsewhere and people were somehow unable to find the donate button? Did someone hack the game to remove it?
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not necessarily, could be personal issues with somebody who did it.
sure it solves all your problems....and creates a ton of new problems for siblings, parents, friends, any random loved ones you had. some of them probably get pissed to deal with the sads.
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That's like saying anyone who says "Oh my God" is a religious freak.
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Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
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...how is it similar?!
"People who suicide should burn in hell." is a clearly religious statement.
"Oh my God" is a very common expression often used by non-religious people because it's something you constantly hear when growing up and it becomes ingrained in the mind and hard to remove even after you realize it's a dumb thing to say.
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Was going to provide an argument, but TheGannet pretty much summed up what I was going to say.
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Fabulous argument, providing the straight facts. I can finally see where you're coming from.
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Why, I think it is the biggest privilege humans have. We can decide our own death, this means if someone wants to kill themselves they are free to do so and I see nothing wrong at it.
Don't get me wrong, suicide is bad blah blah blah... but it is non of your concern if a person wants to kill themselves be it a random person you don't know or your mother, sister or brother. If they wanna die they will know why they want die.
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Yeah sure. Suiciding is one of the most selfish and egoistic things you can do.
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/care? If the other people cant handle it they can suicide as well IMO. (sorry for feeding the troll)
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Yes, people end their lives just for the sake of it, and making someone keep living his live when they've lost all hope and can't see any point to keep doing it just because you don't want to feel sad because they died isn't selfish at all. I don't support suicide, but hearing people say that they're selfish or cowards just make me sick, do you really think it's easy to kill yourself? Try to imagine that your life has become something so unbearable that you start thinking that it's not worth living it anymore, does that mean that you don't fear death, that you don't need balls to get up and jump off a cliff?
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No you need balls to turn you back to that cliff and keep living. You need balls for that.
Life's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward
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If a person in that situation doesn't have the balls to do that, they would still be laying in his bed the whole day, and it would probably be fear what would make them turn around if they finally tried to end their lives. I understand why you say what you say, and I think it's because you're not able to understand what a person feels when they reach that point.
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I've lived a close case. It was not the severest of all but it was a depression after all. And I know how hard it is. I'm not saying that they have to face it alone nor anything like that. But there's an exit in the end of the road. And you can get there, suiciding is giving up, throwing the towell.
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I'm sorry to hear that, and yes, I also think that there can be an end to that, but that person is unable to see that. When you're depressed, you just don't do anything, the highest risk of suicide is when people start treatment, cause it takes a long time to cure that "hopelessness", but not that long to start regaining your energy to do something, and they don't see any light at the end of the tunnel. I just can't stand people calling them cowards or sellfish, it's something our psychiatry teachers made sure we understood.
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There's almost always a light at the end of the tunnel. And living in a 1st world country I'd say that always it's there. Refusing to keep moving is surrendering.
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yeah, cause we totally aren't part of nature, and all the other animals are rainbows and sunshine and help keep each other in balance ect. foxes wouldn't just chew through all the rabbits if they could, they'd lovingly maintain balance by only tearing some of their babies apart alive(foxes are dicks). Coyotes won't spaz out and just slaughter a whole flock of sheep for pretty much no reason either.
We're new on the scene other things just haven't adjusted yet, today's key part of a stable ecosystem was yesterday's invasive species or ecological disaster. Wolves(well proto-wolf-bear...things) fucked everything up when they first came here, killed the giant pig monster and out competed the bird raptor things/ something like that anyway.
beaver dams don't destroy a creek stream or river, a chunk of a field, forest or scrub and any vernal pools in a fairly large radius either.
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erm, species....blue green.
and its us who've yet to match a 1000th of it.
Pumped out an asston of toxins the planet is saturated with to this day. killed damn near everything. Most living things you'd think of thrive on and at this point require this toxin, but back in the day it was an extinction level substance. :P
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If she was to leave behind friends and family, perhaps children? Then shame on her for the attempt. The only d.ckhead is her for being so damn selfish.
IF however, she was totally alone in the world with no family, etc.. then this is sad :(
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I consider it selfish too Corinne,you gotta keep moving forward. You leave a trail of sadness and desperation and unanswered questions behind you when you commit suicide.
Having said that it's true that if she suffers from a medical condition she should be treated.
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Yes MrC, but do you not understand that not everyone is mentally strong enough to get past that? There's also the fact that many people do not have access to any sort of help at all. Depression isn't something you can easily move forward from. It's a mental illness that is incredibly hard to overcome if you don't have the right support. Honestly, I don't think anyone who doesn't have personal experience with Depression, directly or indirectly, understands how it completely changes the way you think.
Suicide itself is a selfish act, yes, but it doesn't make the person selfish, as sicknate pointed out. If someone is so low that they're considering ending their own life, they need help, not criticism.
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I never said she was selfish. I just considered the act of commiting suicide selfish by itself. I do know that people don't have access to help and/or refuse to accept it. And I do know how difficult is to move on from a depression.
But anyways, many times is the easy way out (I hate myself for saying this) and it's always not the best option.
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Clearly, you have the moral high ground.
EDIT: There's no such thing as always because the world isn't in black and white. It's as simple as that, unless you're talking about math or science.
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You are right. But there's always another option at least. That's why these people need help and pitying them does not cause them any good.
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Who says we should pity them? I only ask that people who have little idea of what it's like to experience something like that try to understand what people who are depressed and/or suicidal are going through instead of coming to their own conclusions. I'd hardly call that pity.
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I understand it, I've experience what a depression is, not in my own flesh but in someone quite close to me. And I still say that commiting suicide is selfish.
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Hopping back in for a moment: Suicide is selfish, not necessarily the people who commit it. Everyone has selfish moments. I'm not judging people who attempt/commit suicide. I am describing the decision itself - the decision is a selfish decision.
Without going into detail, I have a strong understanding of depression and empathize with those who want to commit suicide, but it's not a thing worth doing, and it's never the only option.
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Calling it selfish is pretty ignorant
Ignorant and stupid. Those people usually have zero understanding when it comes to clinical depression.
I knew i saved this for a reason
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What game is that if I may ask, and yeah I agree...
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Yeah, the game is full of them
Im glad that people in post apocalyptic future got their shit straight
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How exactly is taking your own life selfish? Yes, some people get hurt by their losses, but that is like saying whenever you buy video games instead of donating money to the poor, you're selfish. That makes no sense. If someone is hurting enough to commit suicide, the last thing they should do is try to think in any way how they can make others feel happy. If anything, it is everyone else that is selfish. People don't help these people or try until the last second, and in the process people like you try to fill them with guilt instead of love and say it is selfish to desire suicide. You're going the completely wrong direction you should be with this issue.
FYI: That is also like saying someone in a wheelchair is selfish for taking up 3 bus seats. It is quite ridiculous to say someone is selfish for doing something they would otherwise wish wasn't an issue to begin with.
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No, it's like saying that someone who didn't like walking anymore and cut off her legs is selfish for putting herself in a wheelchair.
(Also, duh, buying things for yourself instead of using the money to help people is selfish. That's a pretty globally accepted concept. Most people do selfish things - including me, of course.)
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So everyone out there saying that what she did was selfish or something in the words, you can all go "put your penis inside your butt" (for those getting offended with "fuck yourself").
You are not in her world, you don't see what she sees, you don't feel what she feels, you don't think how she does, because you don't know her pain, so you have no right to judge people, she needs compassion and friends around her, which from my point of view, she doesn't.
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While i may agree with you,I just can't agree with people using scurrilous language.
Aggressiveness just asks for more aggressiveness,and that kind of attitude is what turns away most people or makes them use the same language,and then everything goes downhill from there.
Telling me to go fuck myself is pretty different from saying I may consider having sexual intercourse with myself.
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Thanks for being a prick. I don't care about the message. You lost me at the fuck yourself line.
I'll continue to hold my views on the matter until some civilized person wants to discuss.
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Interesting you think that message was meant just for you. Also, calling someone else out for being uncivilized, yet calling them a prick...double standards much?
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Not for me but I said that commiting suicide is selfish and I stand on my ground. And hey, he's being a prick. Don't try that double standards bullshit on me.
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Is it selfish if you believe its the best thing for the people around you? That's what the majority of people who commit suicide think.
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I agree with that, but they aren't selfish by committing the act.
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Unless I have choosen poorly my words I did not call the person selfish, but the act.
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Its a bit unclear that's what your saying, and although I'll agree with you that the action can be selfish, I believe that it not always the case.
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I really don't. If you could please enlighten me I'd love to hear one. Seriously.
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You are not in her world, you don't see what she sees, you don't feel what she feels, you don't think how she does, because you don't know her pain, so you have no right to judge people, she needs compassion and friends around her, which from my point of view, she doesn't.
that's a little contradictory ^
not taking sides but I will say that my mother's side of the family went through a suicide, my mother and at least one of my aunts (that I know of) have been on anti-depressants their entire adult lives essentially because of it, it's caused so much pain and hurt to my mom's family I can't even describe. i'm not saying whether it's right or wrong to do something that is selfish, but I am saying that it is selfish despite what you may think.
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its dangerous to go alone. Take this metaphorical medal and wear it
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I agree with both arguments, it IS selfish to commit suicide, but at the point where you're thinking about doing it, you probably don't think it through.
I myself would NEVER even think about suiciding because I myself think it's selfish, after reading and hearing a lot about suicides that happened because some in their environment killed him/herself and I'm pretty sure if they knew that would happen, they would've never done that, so it was selfish, even though it wasn't meant to be.
And also there are some moments, I have some thoughts about the bad things in my life, but then again there are so many good things you will miss or experiences you haven't experienced yet.
Also I know one guy who tried to kill himself and he failed and now he sees himself as a big fool back then, because at this moment he thought it was the best for him, because he was selfish and he even admitted it by himself.
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I agree with what you say, but this just doesn't give her the right to stream a suicide attampt on twitch.tv and maybe scar as much people as possible (even children maybe) in the process. I would never say a suicide is selfish, but streaming it is "inconsiderate" (for those who get offended with "dickmove")
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Not really, for instance the Catholic church preaches that if you commit suicide you'll go to hell.
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They preach plenty of crap but their catholic family members still say after they will see them in heaven yadayadayada(I have seen this personally). Even the preacher at the funeral reassures even though it was a suicide they will go to heaven so suicide=hell is a very loose teaching not that I care. Giving some false hope to your child like heaven is a terrible thing to do.
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You clearly don't know much about the Catholic religion.
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I didn't say I knew you, I simply said that one can infer from your lack of knowledge about the way the Catholic religion works that you don't know much about it. I'm not going to even bother responding to your "assumption".
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I was Catholic up until only a few years ago. Go troll someone else.
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Because the entire Catholic church is determined by one funeral.
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Well then the religion doesn't promote suicide, its people who disobey the religion.
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Last reply was dumb, got confused.
From statistics I have seen, religious people tend to have a lower suicide rate. If that's not good enough for you, I don't know what is.
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If you disagree ...
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The problem here being that you're taking what is being said by a single person- a person who has no proof of their claims or connection to Chloe- and assuming it to be truth. With everything that has and hasn't been said by a number of people, including Chloe herself, I don't think it's even possible to arrive at any one single conclusion or truth. A "features editor" comes off a bit like a journalist, which Allistair claims himself to be, and we should all know a little something about media by now. I'm not saying he's right or wrong, but if you're going to say someone else is wrong then you could try to foot some proof.
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Those posts are why I had revised my original opinion to include it. I guess the higher end of the debate is whether or not both of said operations were non-vital and for matters of gender, or if it was only the second operation which she already admitted was not a matter of life or death but she still felt was vital. I don't remember where I read the exact wording on it, but she's always stated that the first was the only one that she could not live any longer without. In the post you link again she states that she is still dying, which implies that at least the first is because of a near-fatal incident. As long as at least one of them is actually a legitimate matter of life or death, then I still say that this has all gotten out of hand. If they're both non-vital as Allistair claims, then I completely understand the upset this is causing people. The operations and their content aside, I do think that when suicide becomes the topic people need to take a step back and play it safe instead of pressing matters further. It's one thing to call a bluff, but it's another to have the life of another person on your hands just because you couldn't treat them in kind.
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Lemme get this straight, reading through this thread left with me with a sense of disgust. Suicide is serious, anyone saying "So what" or "OMG HOW SELFISH" doesn't even begin to understand the mind of someone suicidal. People who are seriously trying or are going to commit suicide are usually so depressed or mentally unstable that the though of being selfish doesn't even cross the mind, so in other words its not really selfish at all.
If she is broadcasting this she is most likely at the point of not knowing where to turn for help, you can look at it as an attention grab but thats an assumption that can be false. I have not followed this story but its really depressing reading through all of the "So whats" in this thread.
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I feel like half these comments would not even be said if we were all in an actual room together in real life, people seem to let there true terrible self out online many times.
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Are you implying that I, as someone in another country, who's never heard of this person before 10 hours ago, should care? Or are you OK with me leaving this for someone closer (physically or emotionally) to the situation? Surely any one of her communities (game devs, indiegogo users, transgender people) would be better placed and equipped to handle this?
And before you accuse me of being some self-centered bastard, this morning on my way to work I pulled over and offered assistance where someone at a bus stop had lost consciousness. I wasn't needed, there were other 1st aiders already there and an ambulance was en-route, but I still stopped where dozen of other people drove by.
Do what you can; worry not about what you can't. Personally I'd prefer to believe that the "OMG who cares" posts are people's ways of saying "OK but I can't help here, moving on."
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Stopped reading here: "Are you implying that I, as someone in another country, who's never heard of this person before 10 hours ago, should care?"
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Pretty much what you expect from me? I seriously don't even recognize your user name nor care what you think of my views or self righteous rants as you put it.
What you basically say is if it doesn't happen near you that you should not care, class act. No ones telling you to run to the person trying to commit suicide, but at least show some damn compassion, seriously...
When a bomb kills hundreds of people in another country and I hear about it, sure I might not do much or anything to help BUT I am not gonna be a a dick about it, its sad, its a tragedy, I don't go "lol who cares". But I guess you can only care if it happens in your country of origin, and that is whats wrong with humanity.
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Of course you haven't heard of me, I don't go trolling up a storm in every thread.
And no, I'm saying that it's not practical for me to do anything in this situation, due to physical distance, AND/OR not being in the person's social circles, AND/OR not being qualified/equipped to provide anything they may need. Read that, and try and work out what I'm saying.
If this happened on Mars AND I'd never heard of the person BUT I was in some way able to get through to them better than others then I'd help, make sense?
If you're unable to filter things down to "Am I able to contribute anything valuable to this situation?" then you'll be paralysed by your perceived need yet inability to assist in the billions of things that go wrong for people on this planet every day.
But if you'd like to interpret that as "Not my back yard, so she can FOAD." then that reflects more on your refusal to comprehend than on my supposed lack of caring.
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"Not my back yard, so she can FOAD."
"Are you implying that I, as someone in another country, who's never heard of this person before 10 hours ago, should care?"
Sounds the same to me. Whatever...
Also look at Sinovera's and Necroblight reply, they get it. Done arguing with you...
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Well, the main problem isn't that people don't care, the problem is that people actually voice it out when they aren't forced to. They do the opposite of not caring, they hating on it or just extremely bored and insensitive, because a person who really wouldn't wouldn't even be bothered to post which would've been perfectly fine.
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There's a difference between not caring and just moving on with your own life and being disrespectful enough to post "So what?" or "who cares?" Why say something like that other than just to be disrespectful? If you truly don't care and have nothing to add to the discussion then by all means just go. That's really the only way to say you TRULY don't care. Believe what you will but someone who posted "OMG who cares" really didn't have to post that at all.
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Actually you can take suicide seriously and still think she was "selfish". Suicide is a choice everyone can make for themselves ( because it is your life ). But trying to drag other people into it (even as a cry of help) is unfair to those people and definitly not okay, just because " she didn't know where to turn ".
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Unfair? Life is never fair or people wouldn't turn to suicide, I don't see your point really.
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i have a friend who attempted suicide, they didnt want to end their life. it was purely an "attention grab" they had no idea where to turn for help. they were very depressed and didnt know where or who to turn to for help.
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It can be considered an attention grab but really its a cry of help more so, its a shame that some don't have people close enough in there life and have to turn to that...
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True and anonymous people are sometimes easier to talk to I would say.
It can be complicated in many ways.
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I totally agree with you, but you also shouldn't forget that terrorist don't do stuff for the kicks as well, and they have reasons for doing what they do to resort to what they do. There's no need to sympathys or justify every other person. The world shouldn't be a forgiving place for the overly weak, I sound very cold I know, but sympathy to other people doesn't solve the problem, it only can postpone it at best.
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Some people are stronger then other people, some people are followers, some are leaders, I kinda wish the world was a place where everyone could just help one another but I guess thats to much to ask for, I know I sound idealistic and do realize it will never be like that but people should at least try to make kinda like that...
Eh whatever, someone will probably post right under this point about how I am being self righteous or whatever...At least your opinion is solid and not LOL who cares, I can respect that even if I disagree.
I am kinda rambling now, so I'll leave it at that.
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You disagree? I'm not sure on what part you disagree, but if you misunderstood me, I don't side with all those "LOL" or "who cares" comments. What she did was wrong, and what people did here was expected, but that doesn't mean it justifies their act, its not like when one person is wrong it means the other is right. With theie comments they didn't show that they simply don't care (which would be perfectly fine) they showed hate on it and Rediculated something very unfortunate which is very wrong.
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Oh, just the part where you feel the weak should not be helped, I personally have known people who were very weak and with help and sympathy are now very strong individuals. I agree with everything else you said, people bashing and ridiculing is terrible. Honestly I can't say if she was right or wrong, I don't know her or have all the facts, and for people to say hateful things is crazy in this situation.
Anyways, yeah people can be cruel(Especially under the nice comfy internet shield.)
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Oh, I wasn't saying they shouldn't get absolutely no help, we are not wild animals where the weak should be simply discarded and thrown aside. Obviously when a person needs help he should get the help he needs, whether its professional psychological help or a friend or a family that need to stand by side and give emotional support they needed. I was solely talking about sympathy which might only last that long but won't bring any real solution. When a friend or family stand by your said and sincerely care for you, it is love, and not something as shallow as simple sympathy.
And I said that the world is not a forgiving place, I meant that people all around the world don't need to sympathize. Not that people closer to her shouldn't care or the doctors.
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Ahh ok, I misunderstood then, yeah I agree with all that, actually even wild animals do this in certain ways I believe :-).
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I don't have a problem with suicide. It's your life, do what you want with it. But doing it in public... Don't drag other people into it :l.
Also, lying didn't help.
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"I'm no hero. Firemen, Policemen, Janitors: Those are the real heroes."
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Quitters never win, but they can escape from even further loss. people like to say that a person needs to know when to quit. And no, I'm not suicidal. XD
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Did she try to kill herself because there was not enough funding for the game?
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We still have no evidence to say what medical procedure she actually needed and it would be nice if people didn't perpetuate these rumors.
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She is a transwoman. Also we still don't know what her actual goal was for the surgery.
And please don't describe it as "he to she", that's incredibly offensive.
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By he and she I was referring the gender, I fail to see how it could be offensive to anyone unless they overreact to it, but sorry if it did actually offend anyone.
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It's okay, I think it just comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of how the trans* condition works. It's more like she is getting the "right" body. Words like male and female work better, as those are what the physical genders are called, where as he/she or man/woman refer to how one presents themselves.
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So she wanted to be in a man's body but still be referred as a woman? I don't get it.
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No. She has a male body. She is a woman.
Like I'm a cisgendered guy, meaning I have a male body, and I am a man.
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Damn, he done a good job then, but now I understand why the voice sounded so fake.
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ok *she just so noone will feel offended. But even if I think it is fine to change what you are, people shouldn't be forced to cope with that. If I suddenly wanted to become a batman, I'm free to walk around the town in a batsuit but people still wouldn't be forced to treat me as batman.
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Yeah, you kinda missed my point. But anyway, she was still kinda damn hot, shame she had to resort to something like that.
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To be fair Batman wasn't born as Batman also but is treated as Batman.
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If you seriously thought you were batman you would receive medical treatment, most likely a long stay at a clinic followed by psychotic meds. Transgender people also seek medical treatment, instead of taking medications to suppress their thoughts though they can instead alter their bodies to match their mind.
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It'd be expensive as hell, probably dangerous and you'd have to find somebody crazy enough to do it to you, but at our current level of medical technology you could totally make yourself into a batman....you'd most likely lose the function of your hands(what with having your digits extended into wings and all) and the wings would only be decorative of course(you'd need pecs like beach balls just for gliding) but...
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Someone born physically male who presents as a woman.
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I just took a screnshot of your comment and im going to send it to Kotaku and share it with everyone on tumblr and any other media outlet populated with social justice warriors . Your days of opressing minorities are over, mister!
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and find nothing but the piles of false articles started by the obama administration and liberal media? Transfat really isn't a thing, but how many people have a gaschromatograph to prove it? They needed a new boogy man, a monster to lurk in everything we eat so we would surrender our freedoms to control our diets to our "betters" giving a foothold to control everything else. Google is in on this shit.
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It is. lol. Is as simple as getting a fatty acid and instead of having the double bonds in Z configuration they are in E. That's a trans fat.
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Shhh. If he can't see it, it's a conspiracy to control the population.
Like god.
Oh wait, I bet he believes in god.
(disclaimer: he could be being sarcastic, in which case none of all this applies. Hard to tell without the usual interpersonal cues.)
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I love how you actually thought I was serious and also immediately connected it to religion somehow. you're funny.
edit- shit...it was this thread? did I accidentally bump it?
(well since its bumped anyway...any news? is this person ok? it sounded like she was at first and had only staged it as a result of and to divert attention from some scam being uncovered(which is probably still quite true), but then it got cloudier when more info was posted, like the actual suicide attempt instead of initial reports of only a threat to do so, and the method used changed to be more serious ect)
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Just because you "take it the wrong way" doesn't make it not offensive.
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it does if you're not an idiot out to pick a fight(and/or american(synonyms in this context)). Its like how people got pissy about this commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-DV69NWc8k because omg racist undead only dumber.
His intentions and meaning were clear. The guy asked what the starting physical gender was and what the goal was. Implied nothing at all derogatory about the process and did nothing to say "she" wasn't whatever gender she chose to identify as. Gets a lecture on how offensive he was being by saying "he" instead of "a human who possesses a penis" and "she" instead of "vagina bearing individual of unspecified gender" when describing physical characteristics.
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I'm sorry you don't see the racist implications of a white man murdering black people in an area of the world known for white people coming in and murdering black people in real life.
I was "lecturing" the kid so maybe they'll know the phrasing to use to possibly not insult someone identically down the road.
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Should probably have read my whole comment. There is real, documented cases of "white" civilizations going into Africa and murdering people indiscriminately.
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read and intentionally disregarded, history is a bloody long thing, everybody's gone everywhere and murdered everybody by now. It'd be next to impossible to find a matchup that couldn't be connected to some old bitterness. And they're japan, they didn't know it was that big a deal any more than you or I know not to show a samurai fighting a Korean.
theres an even more recent documented history of Muslims doing that and for some reason black people love them. Its irrational by definition, you can't predict or figure out this stuff it has to be taught(which it shouldn't be is the thing)
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yeah, but even Australia doesn't get that it is or why its still quite as big a deal here as it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxcvlskexzc
They didn't see it as a white guy and a black group, they saw it as an Auzie in the wrong side of the stands, in a big group of Jamaicans....the opposing team in the big playoff. They don't have and weren't aware of the black chicken thing here either. and they didn't predict the hate when Americans saw this.
And did you know that Japan vs Korea thing was still such a big deal there? We aren't in a bubble either afterall.
RE5 got released with only a small hiccup,
I own a game with among others a choice of both Japanese and Korean playable characters with identical move sets. this is because the game almost couldn't get released at all in Korea, they had to re-skin the samurai to a Korean fighter, Japanese version didn't have the Korean, American version got both. So in some ways its even a bigger thing.
If other people have to cater to your irrational bullshit and racial hangups you have to cater to theirs, shame on you for not knowing about the japan korea thing you terrible terrible person. You're being racist by not knowing enough to treat a japanese man and a korean man as Japanese and Korean (who must not be mixed or seen to do violence to eachother for fear of racist backlash) instead of as people.
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It would have been better to just not set that particular game in Africa at all. Especially when they started with the horrible "tribal" setting. That game was just kind of gross overall.
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the lore in the first game pegged Africa as the origin, they had to go there eventually.
...I would probably have avoided the tribal thing too though since it is modern africa. machetes broken bottles and AKs(swung like clubs obviously, zombies aren't smart enough to use a gun right) would be fine, no need for spears and warpaint.
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Can't help to butt in if you just called me a kid. But I'll lay down the card, if someone chooses to overreact on something it is their choice, noone owes you anything and shouldn't change the way they phrase out things if someone else chooses to overreact. And look up what racism is, saying a black person steals stuff because he is black is racism, saying a person had a dark skin isn't racism. Making a game about white people killing white people where it actually happens is ok, but making a game where as you say white people go and kill black where it actually happens is racist. I think who is being racist is you. Racism is being biased about a race, not saying facts.
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That wasn't the part of the comment that didn't make sense.
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But I'm still amazed at what freaking hypocrite you are, can't even express how much I'm pissed at you right now. You go off complaining on something I said that is absolutely in no possible way is offensive but you still chose to overreact on it and then just go off saying something which is actually offensive for absolutely no reason.
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After being told something you said was offensive, you should not go off and say "well you were overreacting." It makes you look like a total asshole.
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Saying facts making me look like a total asshole? So after a run where I finished last my coach comes and says that my speed isn't that good an I need to train and I'll tell him that it is offensive calling me fat, it isn't overreaction? And it makes me look like total asshole? holy freaking shit, what the hell did you expect when you said what you did after all this? you really are a piece of work.
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Oh wait, you mean that calling someone specifically a "kid" when you have absolutely no idea of his age is absolutely not offensive and people who feel offended about it are just overacting. But mentioning the previous gender of a transgender (not even in their presence) is offensive as hell without even over reacting. Again, you really are a piece of work.
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You have a fucking problem seeing racism and discrimination where there is none. It's people like you that are worse than racist,we have to achieve equality and for doing so we don't need no bunch of overzealous fucking morons reminding us at every single step that killing fucking black zombies in a videogame is racist. You are full of fucking bullshit and I'm feed up of you and your fucking kind. I haven't had any problem with anyone based on their race, religion or gender nor have I never discriminated anyone for that. But seriously you guys make me sick.
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Again, it is not even a little racist, the one racist here is you, because you say its one thing when you kill a white zombie but its a different thing when you kill a black zombie, is essentially saying that white and black are different is another different other than just their color, that they should be treated differently. You say it's not good because its relating to bad stuff that happened to black people? I don't see you complain about WW2 games where terrible things happened to white people. Racism is particularly bad because of negative stereotype or treatment, it is bad due to overall different treatment (whether the different treatment is bad or not) based on their race which is exactly what you do. And I didn't get mad about you calling a game racism, I wouldn't give a crap if you thing the game is racist or not, I got mad about your the other thing.
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And it seems you avoid to reply to my argument, saying that it doesn't make sense but not even saying what doesn't make sense, awesome.
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I was referring to the circle logic of "Well maybe you're the racist here" logic. It's fucking stupid, and the same argument actual, bonified racists use to justify hating liberals.
I'm not saying you're actually a racist, but you're getting really angry at me for saying a game where you kill a shit load of black people might be just a little racist.
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Again, it is not even a little racist, the one racist here is you, because you say its one thing when you kill a white zombie but its a different thing when you kill a black zombie, is essentially saying that white and black are different is another different other than just their color, that they should be treated differently. You say it's not good because its relating to bad stuff that happened to black people? I don't see you complain about WW2 games where terrible things happened to white people. Racism is particularly bad because of negative stereotype or treatment, it is bad due to overall different treatment (whether the different treatment is bad or not) based on their race which is exactly what you do. And I didn't get mad about you calling a game racism, I wouldn't give a crap if you thing the game is racist or not, I got mad about your the other thing.
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It seems it is she to she, at least that's what praha claims.
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its like describing somebody for a sketch artist and being afraid to specify race least you get jumped by somebody for using the wrong term or noticing. end up with a pale black guy instead of an asian because you kept saying "can you make him a few shades lighter."
Praha is making language a barrier to communication by being oversensitive for no reason
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I know, but if a shitstorm can be avoided then it should be, no need to do something (if you can easily avoid doing) if you know someone nearby going to overreact.
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The people here saying suicide is selfish have obviously never been in a position where they seriously considered suicide as an option. That kind of thinking helps nobody.
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well it depends. if someone is just alone and does it quietly, then its none of anyones business and i have no problem with what people wish to do with their own lives. but if that person is responsible for, say, a child, or if their suicide act harms others, then yeah, thats pretty selfish.
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Still, it is pretty shitty to describe someone who is contemplating suicide as selfish. Especially if that person is taking care of someone else. Suicide doesn't happen just because somebody is lazy or self centered. There is very often a root cause, something that they really need help with overcoming.
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Most of the time it is a selfish act, you are ending your life regardless of the effect it will have on those that are still alive.
Not saying we should be insulting people who do attempt it though, most of the time the person needs help in some way and attacking them will only encourage their negative thoughts.
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At the end of the day it's her own damn fault for lying; she brought this upon herself. She's alive btw.
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Is it a spontaneous attack of randomness or I'm missing something?
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Yep, a game dev tried to suicide on twitch.tv clicky.
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