no your not, you enter giveaways you have a chance at wining the games the better the more open the game most likely the less chance of winning I have entered 2000 giveaways and won 6 take some time and be smart which ones you want to enter. the more the games and the less people entering means the more chance of you winning if you want to win.
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Each person entering has the same chance of winning. So for a single copy giveaway you're chances of winning is 1/[entrant number]. Expect your first win around 1000-1500 entries - there is a chance that you'll win sooner, or even later, but eventually you will.
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You just need to be more lucky. Try four-leaf clover or happy rabbit foot maybe.
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I generally only enter giveaways of under 1,000 entries, less than an hour until they end. Even then it can take me hundreds of entries to have a decent chance at winning one game.
So if I enter about 3,000 giveaways in a month(100 entries a day x 30 days = 3,000), I'm pretty sure to win one.
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See the link from Nonobisha. In particular (the whole page is worth reading if you did not):
Why have I not won yet?
Although some users might win on their first entry, others will need to enter a larger number of giveaways before being lucky. If you search for giveaways with a smaller number of entries, such as invite only and group giveaways, you'll have a higher chance of winning.
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entered 31k ga's, won 55, there is greater chance of winning in hidden ga*s like the ones that you can find in Puzzles/Events here on the forum and once you levelup you will be able to enter those ga's with less people that are behind level requirements
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Every 215 giveaways I enter I win a game. That number has went up since I started doing jigidis on the puzzle section, and joining giveaways that are in the discussions. Also trains.
I could get more if I joined a group.
Also, if you giveaway games you level up, which unlocks more giveaways you can enter.
Your best bet is to give away games, join groups, join discussions, do puzzles and spend every damn point of your 400cp bank.
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you expect to win something with only entering 15 giveaways? do you know how many people enter the giveaways you are entering? the chances are very low to win. look at my statistics. i won 41 games by entering 27,085 giveaways. that is 0,15%.
EDIT: if you take me as an example you have to enter at least 660 giveaways to win a single game.
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and even most of your game that you won are from either Groups or Whitelists where entries are low ...
so if you wish to win a Public Ga your Chance of Wining is reduces below 1 %
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If you don't like the odds because of high entries on giveaways you enter, then check out Group Recruitment and Whitelist Recruitment threads. Unlucky-7 is great for your first couple of wins, and the more you gift the more groups you can qualify for since many require a minimum level.
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Congrats. When gifter sends key will be at this page;
Or they will contact you and send the gift. Please do not try to contact gifter unless it was said in the description. They have 7 days to deliver according to site rules.
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What do you mean by "can't find it"?
That there're no signs of you winning anything at all, or that there's nothing in the key field?
When you win something, in addition to the "you won a giveaway" popup, the won giveaways icon (the trophy on the upper right corner) will show a red +1: If it's static, that means the creator still didn't send the gift. Just give them some time.
They have up to 1 week to deliver it, but most likely, they're just sleeping / busy / not at their PC and will send it soon.
Don't attempt to contact them during this period, as it's not only unnecessary, but also considered very rude behaviour.
Once the gift is sent, the +1 will start flashing.
If there's no key or gift link, they must have contacted you via Steam or e-mail (check the spam folder, just in case).
If you receive a notification that you won something, but there're no traces of it, you have been rerolled.
This can happen if you're suspended or broke basic site rules (not activated wins, multiple wins; obviously not the case since you're new and still don't have any), or if you win something you're not supposed to win, i.e. a DLC / banned game / "Steam is learning" game that you already own, a DLC for a game that you don't own, or a package that you partially own (just one item is enough).
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Yes it is random. Every person which entered has the same chance to win game. Less entry in a GA = more chances to win. This also mean that if you make levels (for giveaways) your chances also go up. On start the winning chance is lower and depends on game quality and GA time. I would say it can be even 1 win for 1000 entries...
BTW: My statistic is 1 win for every 116 entered. But I am on 7th level now (was on 8 several times for a periods of time, but i keep returning to 7,96 level <-- it is cursed number ;) ) and also entering some group or hidden GA.
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You going to answer my question tho dude? You can't just make a throwaway statement and not respond to questions xD
But if you're going to keep doing that then you're right, there is no point anymore, so go to the top right of the thread, click open and close the discussion.
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