When you set out to make Faerie Solitaire - what were your major goals? Did you achieve those goals? If you had the opportunity to send back some piece of information that you have gained from the process of making Faerie Solitaire to yourself prior to setting out to make it, what vital words of wisdom would you give yourself?
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This is a great question. You gave away so many copies! I'm sure it was to gain awareness of your development team (liked you on Steam and Facebook and had no liked you prior to your giveaways) so that's one out of hopefully the hundreds of new contact points you received!
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A side-effect of being generous. None of the giving was explicitly about marketing but more that I asked for a bunch of keys realizing I could give them away, and hopefully make a bunch of people happy. :)
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The major goal with Faerie Solitaire was to create a game which was commercially viable and genuinely fun. A lot of things in its development were done specifically to be as appealing as possible (I can explain the specifics if there is interest). That said a lot of heart and love as a gamer myself was put into making it. Much of the design was made to be as intuitive and user-friendly as possible. The game took nine solid months to make.
Even with our intentions we still made many mistakes in the development. There was a lot of content cut from the game. Wisdom? I would tell myself to focus on what matters most and that is the core gameplay. We wasted about a whole month adding in mini-games (Quests) to the game. They turned out to be more annoying than fun. I learned a lot from developing FS and I've learned a lot more since, but a lot of that learning and knowledge I feel is stuff which has to be internalized by making mistakes. What is important is learning how to learn from mistakes and to not repeat the same mistakes over and over. My biggest mistakes in the past were making games which were not fun and trying to make too big of games. Doing both with a project means you spend a lot of time making a big game which is not fun - time wasted. Now I spend more time making sure a game idea is fun before I commit, and I try to only focus on the fun parts of a game. I can go on and on but like as a developer we have assumptions of what should go into a game, but those things are not necessarily what makes the game fun. Work is not fun. Pain is not fun. I try to limit both of those in my games, but still some creep in. So if I could go back and talk with myself I'd say to make smaller games and focus on just what makes the game fun.
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I've got two questions
a) How many people have 100%ed (aka. earned all the achievements) Faerie Solitaire?
b) (Please be as sincere as possible) What do you think of the current state of the videogame industry?
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a) If I told you the exact number it would reveal the number of copies sold to anyone who can do some math. The public stats are here: http://steamcommunity.com/stats/FaerieSolitaire/achievements To answer your question based on those stats it is very likely only 3% of people who have played FS on Steam have 100% of the achievements.
b) There has been no better time than now to be a game developer. The industry will continue to evolve and grow and those who adapt will profit. That said I'd make more money not making games, so I choose to make games and not make as much as I could otherwise.
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I'm 90% 27/30 myself, I'm going to get 100 someday!
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Excuse me mister, no begging.
Don't want to end up like the other guy, do you now?
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What is your current project your currently working on?
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There are a few projects but the most active one is Faerie Alchemy. It is in public alpha right now and is playable here:
Here's a preview of what is coming next feature wise. None of that is final art but you can get an idea. I can even answer questions about this although nothing is guaranteed to be in the final version.
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FS2 will be released next year if I can help it along with a few other games which have long been in development. FS2 will likely have DLC support (not 100% sure) and each DLC will be worth the price or will just be free. I want to implement more Steamworks features into my future games.
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This is awesome news to here. I'm definitely buying whatever titles you have out next. I am a sucker for steam achievements.
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Are you happy with the current sales number of Faerie Solitaire? If you don't mind vaguely disclosing it to us, around what ballpark (like 10000+ or 15000+ etc) has the game sold?
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Before it was released on Steam I was happy with how much it sold - everything from Steam has been a nice bonus. It was originally released in 2009 on the Casual portals and only released late last year on Steam. I don't publish numbers publicly. We make enough to keep going but it's not always easy and we are absolutely not rich, but it is enough to continue making more games without having to get other full time jobs.
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That's great to hear! Sadly with so many competitions in the current gaming climate, not many indie small developers have managed to sell enough copies of their game(s) consistently to quit their day job, so for having achieving that, you can say you and your team have "made it". Congrats! :)
I wish you all the best in your future endeavor. Merry Christmas to you, your family and all your team! :)
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We do not publish release dates until a game is for sure coming out in the next few days. FaeSaga won't be finished for a while.
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It will still be available from our site DRM free. What I mean by Steam exclusive is we are targeting the Steam audience with its development and will likely launch it first on Steam to give it the best chance of it getting into the top charts there. FS has never broken the top 20 on Steam. I'd like to finish a game which can do that.
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I don't own faerie solitaire, however i'm now purchasing it only because you post here. I think it's awesome you're involved in this community and are willing to field questions, and participate in giveaways. I encourage everyone to pick it up. you can't go wrong with it currently being 80% off too. Thanks Pkeod
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I hope you enjoy the game! Thank you for your support. :)
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it's really cool that you guys are doing all these giveaways.
I'm buying a few copies to gift out to support you.
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Agreed, very generous. I hope you get a few new customers for your next game out of those that win.
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I'm not certain if you would feel comfortable answering this question as it relates to a competitive product, so feel free to skip it if you wish. That said, have you ever played and if so do you have any thoughts on Fairway Solitaire and where your product improves on it or could stand do adopt some of it's strengths?
It's relatively similar in play style, though the mechanics of it certainly differ to some extent in implementation and the atmosphere is completely different.
I'm quite looking forward to Faerie Solitaire 2, and will definitely look at anything else you bring out.
I'm glad to hear it's been successful for you as it's truly an excellent game, and there really isn't anything else at all like it on Steam. It can be difficult to get people to really take a look at it and recognize it as something more then just the typical bland Solitaire everyone has long been familiar with but rather something truly unique that takes the basics of solitaire and presents truly unique and compelling.
This topic reminds me I should pick up a few copies to gift around. For the hours of play someone can easily get out of it, it's a ridiculously good deal when it's on sale.
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Big Fish Games actually got a patent for the mechanics specific to Fairway Solitaire, although if it is enforceable is questionable. It's sad that they were able to patent parts of a solitaire variation which is very old. See their other patents here. I don't like patents nor software patents specifically. I've made stuff which would be able to be patented but do not want to involve myself in that system. Truthfully when I die I'd like all of my work to go into the public domain, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that in the right.
I would say that Fairway Solitaire does many things which I would not do such as randomly punishing players and using less than fair gameplay mechanics. It's still a good game and has its merits. There are a few games which use the same up/down tri-peaks/golf mechanic. My game is not perfect but I think it's a better game than the others - at least based on my goals with making games.
Faerie Solitaire 2 is everything good about Faerie Solitaire but better. We have another solitaire game in the works which has the same improvements implemented but has a more hardcore/Steam friendly theme hopefully and will be ready sometime next year.
Thank you for your support! :)
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I've always been into making things, and I still do. Around 2000 I started making games just because I could. I made many , many terrible games, but learned a lot from each one. Here are two games I had been working on before FS which I consider failures:
If you want to make games (I would not recommend it unless you have love for it) then accept that you will fail a lot before you finish something worth selling. If you never give in then success is inevitable.
I make games with faeries just so people get given a hard time from their Steam friends for playing a game with faerie in the name. :)
The truth is it just happened, and now I want to make more games with Faerie in the name. It's hard to pick good names for games (so many obvious ones are taken), and I can build a brand by putting Faerie in the name of my games. Eventually people to recognize a game with Faerie in the name as probably being by me, and people on Steam will maybe be less forgiving as some of my future "Faerie" games will be a little more hardcore. I feel sorry for devs 10+ years from now because they will have to be super creative with how their games are named. But it's the same thing for books or movies, and sometimes people will use the same name for different products and be able to get away with it.
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Only for open this topic to ask questions about your game
I added subsop to my list.
But as I read your responses I want to know more and more.
I am currently buying FaeSaga =D
Thank you very much for responding.
You have earned a loyal follower =D
(I did what I could with my English =P, sorry for that)
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It only lets you go so far... but there is at least 3 hours worth of content in the game. :( Eventually I was so depressed with how bad the game was that I just quit it and that was the last build I made. Looking back I know how I could made RoE and PDOM better games, and that knowledge will help me to make better games in the future.
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As I was playing FS, I always had the nagging suspicion in the back of my mind that the wizard(?) from the beginning was an evil guy and the player character an unwitting participant in evil guy's plans via the wand(?... it's been a while since I've played) the player character was given. So many faeries falling wherever he was at! Was this ever the case? (I have beaten the main game, and hopefully I'm not misremembering the story... still have four achievements to go though!)
I forget why I bought it, but it definitely surprised me with how well done it was. Thank you and your team for the game! (/researches a bit... A-ha... got it in an "Indie Fantasy Pack" last winter when I wanted NyxQuest... which I've barely played! :P)
(Also, saw your post on Reddit via a Steam friend who recently picked up the game. Good stuff! :) )
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(You should probably edit your post to say there are spoilers in it. This forum needs a spoiler tag..)
Actually I'm not going to comment on this but just wait for FS2 and everything will make more sense. There's a prequel too which explains the story before FS1 and that will be 100% free (basically the demo for FS2).
Thank you for your support! :)
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Can I have some bacon? What? You said ask you almost anything. :p
But seriously, as someone who's studying to get into the gaming industry (actually working towards a 3-D design and animation degree at the moment), what would you say is the most interesting aspect of working in this particular field as compared to other fields of work? Why did you chose to do what you do? And what do enjoy/hate the most about it?
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/me gives Kapol le sizzling bacon
My job is really fun and I get to be creative and work on interesting projects every day. Because I'm indie. If you work for another company you will very likely be working on some small specialized thing and either be lucky enough to love it or it will just be another job. I wear many hats and do a good majority of the work which goes into my games. I work crazy, unrealistic hours, but it's the life I choose willingly. It kind of just happened and I've been stuck doing it since. A few years ago I was spending more time varying the sorts of things I was doing, but then I needed money so I thought I could make games. It took a few years before I made something commercially viable. I would not quit doing this ever. I have no interest in selling my work to another company or working for another company. We'll remain completely independent so that we can continue to have fun and do the things we want to do. My team right now is me and two other coders plus some very close friends who work on various things with me.
I hate the tedious parts. Usually those are the non-creative aspects of making something where I have to repeat the same steps over and over for something. I've tried to minimize those sorts of things as much as possible.
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Mmmm... bacon... It's a Christmas Miracle!
Anyways, thanks for the response. It sounds like a lot of work. But if you're doing what you enjoy and can make a living with it, that's the important part. Plus you can do what many can't, say that you created an interactive experience. I haven't had the chance to try your game, but I'll have to give it a look. It's nice to see someone who's so passionate about what they do working on something they actually care about.
Though, as a small follow-up, I do have to ask what the tedious parts that come to mind are when you talk about them. The thing that pops up in my mind would be coding.
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Someone should buy and play Faerie Solitaire if they want a fun and long game to play which will reward them for playing. The game takes a minimum of 14 hours or so to complete, and more if you want to 100% it. It's a lot of value for your money. It is the same mechanic over and over, but the layouts, backgrounds, and music is varied so it's not so bad. If played with some time between sessions it will never stop being an enjoyable game to play.
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All future games will target: Win, Mac, Linux, Flash, HTML5, iOS, Android, XBLA/360. We can potentially target Wii and PS3 too though those require more specialized contracts. It is VERY likely we will be making games for newer consoles in the future. FS on the DS systems would be great for sure, though I've contacted Nintendo before and we're not yet big enough in their eyes to get a dev kit.
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I'm going to get 100% achievements in the next couple of days. How does that make you feel?
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I feel that you are an awesome person and I hope getting 100% make you feel thusly awesome.
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I've always been interested in the writing for games, and Faerie Solitaire impressed me with the storyline that tied together the single-player mode. Did you have dedicated writers for that, and what gave you the idea to give the game a plot in the first place?
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The story was written by a friend Tim (in the credits) and I. I kind of had a basic idea and just went with it. I regret how the story was told in FS1 because it's pretty cool just not told well - my mistake. Everything will come together and make better sense in FS2.
If you want to be a better writer I recommend these articles:
Last month I wrote 30 picture books. The first 7 days of this month I wrote a 70k word novel.
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tried it :D its a really nice game :D but i did find some mistakes ... email me if you want me 2 inform you ... email : saitekman@yahoo.com ... besides that , the game is really addicting :D i hope to see more from you :)
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If enough people ask them to include Faerie Solitaire in one of their bundles it would be possible.
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I'm not going to say because I don't want anyone to support the company who made it - they have lost my support for using ridiculous DRM and censoring their community in stupid ways among other things. The tool you make things with does not matter. FS could have been made with any tool.
What we are using now is a language called Monkey: http://www.monkeycoder.co.nz/
The Faerie Alchemy alpha I posted above is being made using Monkey!
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The majority of the game was all done by two people. Several other people helped with other specialized tasks. It's smart to hire people for things you are not good at.
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The level of polish put into PopCap's games. All of the games I've ever played. Love for fantasy. Probably any game with pets/trainable monsters that I've played. I see it as my job to play as many games as I can to learn what is good to do what is not good to do. Sometimes when I play a game I'm stuck in developer mode and I often go why would they do such a thing.
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Edit: Do not ask for keys. Follow the site's rules.
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