I feel sorry for the Wadjet Eye
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And not the fault of all the ballbags who tried to take advantage of their generosity, and snag heaps of keys to trade later on?
Sure, sure...
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Well yeah. Those people were absolute dick weeds. But that doesn't mean that it isn't their fault for making that mistake
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If you'd paid even the slightest bit of attention to anything, you'd know it wasn't their fault at all, but BMT Micro's. GG NO RE. Nice victim blaming skillz.
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Derp derp let's give away steam keys for free and set no limit! This can't possibly be abused! Yeaaaaaaaaah their fault.
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Why would wadjet have no say in how their game was distributed?
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Except the part where it was abused came from the time after it was over, jackass. No-one was meant to be able to access that link. Hence, BMT Micro's fault. GG. NO. RE.
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If you could link me to some evidence of it being BMT's fault that would be nice. I would very much like to read up on it.
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That is not what I am saying. I am saying that Wadget had to specifically agree to give their steam keys away right? I understand that BMT should have removed the page but still.
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They did agree to give a certain number of keys, then they asked BMT to turn off the key distribution. BMT was careless and only removed the link to the page and not the page itself.
How exaclty is Wadjet responsible for BMT leaving a page where people could get free keys after being told to end the offer?
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Please tell me the finite number of keys they agreed on then.
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I don't know how many they agreed on. All I know is that once the giveaway was over, BMT did a shitty job of cutting the access by just removing the link but leaving the page active.
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They certainly did. I would never disagree with that.
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Uh... It can all be found in the link on the opening post...
BMT neglected to remove the keygen.
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Totally Wadjet's fault. I agree.
As I said in the other thread, all the ladies out there...make sure you don't drink too much. You might get raped and it'll be YOUR OWN FAULT.
Same exact mentality. And it's a bummer, because someday, we all end up on the wrong end of the perp/victim rope. Suddenly it feels a lot different.
Mistakes are made, but I've lived long enough to know that a lack of responsibility where it belongs, and excuse making for criminals and wrong doers is not the sign of a mature individual. And rarely one who even takes responsibility for their own actions.
I'm sorry you can't see the responsibility where it should be. Fault is not the same as a mistake. There is a hefty distinction here.
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Oh stop getting so nit picky. I just don't feel like giving pity to them for making a reversible mistake. They will remove all the "stolen" keys and their game will have gotten plenty of publicity from all the people feeling sorry for them.
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Since I have no idea what you actually think, I can't see how your post was in any way helpful. But I guess you're defending victim blaming?
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Was it BMTs fault that WEG provided the wrong keys in the first place or are we all ignoring that bit.
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That was fixed within an hour, with zero damage done to anyone. Now you're just looking for more excuses to justify your shitty victim blaming.
Here's the thing: You can't. Get over it. Stop crying.
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Who the hell even cares?! Lol. They are removing the stolen games anyways!
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Thanks for proving my point, not that it was needed anyways.
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I just can't understand why people are getting so worked up over this. Did the dev make a mistake? Yes. Was it reversible? Yes. Were other parties involved? Yes. Should people be getting so fanatical one way or another? No
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So why are you so desperately clinging to justify your blame then?
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Desperately clinging to justify my blame?? All I ever really said was that the dev DID make a mistake. That was the only beef I had with all of this. You guys are the ones that don't get that for some reason and seem to think that I am blaming everything on wadjet.
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First of all, you did put all the blame on WE, check your first comment in this thread. You were called out on it, and even after correcting yourself you can't let it rest and you're fighting against everyone else who thinks otherwise.
Sorry dude, I like arguing and stuff, but I find the lack of actual arguments from your answers disturbing. I'm outta this, have your way with someone else.
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You see you just sound more ignorant by quoting me. Yeah, yeah it is kind of their fault. Yeah, yeah it is their own fault for making that mistake. My view on the subject hasn't changed. You are just really bad at interpreting it apparently. The only people I am fighting in this thread are the people who can't even grasp what my opinion actually was. Like you for instance.
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Mostly because I stated my opinion on the subject and people misconstrued it completely and then attacked me for it. I also decided that I have a beef with you having a beef with me having a beef.
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No, that one was Steam's fault, or are you ignoring all the people who've already explained this so you can blame WEG some more?
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Acceptable. :D Anyway, you did post something new about the situation at least. That's more than most people on this forum manage.
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yeah, like the hackers who use mods in games or cheat codes...those kind of hackers :p
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Gotta agree with some parts of this post. Specifically "no hacks". People who abused a link are "hackers" now? I guess if you know how to turn on a computer you can be called a hacker nowadays...
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If I pull some Mission Impossible moves and break into a house it is no different than if the owner leaves the front door open and I walk in. Both are illegal entry. Just because accessing a page where the link was removed was easy, does not mean its not hacking.
Definitions of hacker
2.In the computer security context, a hacker is someone who seeks and exploits weaknesses in a computer system or computer network
3.To break into computer systems with malicious intent.
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Most people who used that link didn't know the WEG had pulled the promotion. The definition clearly does not fit because they aren't knowingly exploiting, did not know it was without authorization, nor using it with malicious intent.
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He is trying to get the keys removed anyways I don't understand why everyone is so hot and bothered about this.
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That part was those people being stupid. Steam never bans for using stolen keys unless they know for an absolute fact you intentionally stole them. People were making a fuss about nothing. People were never going to be banned for this.
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Not true at all, or I'd already be one strike towards that (trade that got chargebacked a few months later) and I wasn't even informed that FTL had gone missing from my library, let alone that I was one strike down.
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Only a school kid could directlink a customer to a KEYGEN for steam keys. The real businessman would give him root privileges.
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Good or bad PR is PR. Is Gary Glitter's PR good? No. Does everyone know about him? Yes.
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Well I'm pretty sure EA fans are quite scarce yet their company makes kinda good money. Same goes for Bieber fans vs Bieber haters.
I don't say I support what happened here, first time I see someone giving something away to revoke it later, even more such a fail with the keygen. But still, if no one had heard of Gary Glitter before, now people actually have.
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Huh? Did you reply to the wrong post here? I'm confused.
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How could you talk about Gary Glitter!!! :P How insensitive
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Haha! I can only think that he replied to the wrong post, as I was neither joking nor attempting to reveal some highly confidential secret to "anyone and everyone".
It was a simple and irrefutable example of why not all publicity is good publicity, and I understood that Gary Glitter's crimes were fairly common knowledge.
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Maybe they are just overly sensitive to child sex abuse issues to the point that merely talking about it sets them off? :P I have no idea. Whatever it is they need to get used to the internet!
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Somebody posted a throwaway comment to a misguided post, relax bro..
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Poor terminology (i.e. exploiters ≠ hackers) by RDBK and horrible analogy by Gilbert, but otherwise one of the few decent write-ups (also see Forbes article & Gilbert's blog) of this series of very unfortunate events. .
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Actually, it always has been considered hacking. There are different types and levels of hacking, this just happens to be beginner's stuff.
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Clicking a link has always been considered hacking? Woah, that's news to me.
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Not the clicking part, but the VPN and changing MAC address part. :P Even if it's done through a third party and you only have to do a few clicks, you're still hacking, although barely.
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Oh okay then. I will be right back I have to hack the mainframe. Or as I like to call it: restart my computer
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No, the game was free for a certain amount of time, and people found a way to keep getting free keys after the giveaway was over. Hence, it was NOT free at that time.
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Crazy. I skipped the free game because I intend to wait until the final chapter is out to buy all of the Blackwell games at once.
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If devs doing massive bundles/giveaways don't want key to be sold, they just have to figure out how to add a 1 week expire date on these keys. It's just that easy.
That way, legit people get them and people who want to stockpile for reselling can't really profit much from it.
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Think about how great and rich the hackers must feel, now that they have 30,000 keys for Blackwell Deception. They won't have to work another day of their lives!
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Just giving away free Steam keys is horribly naive. It sucks that it is this way, but you could have seen this coming from a mile away. It always happens.
And it's so easy to fix too! Just require a Steam OAuth login before you dispense a key. Or better yet, just add the key directly to the account that just logged in. You know, like the Humble Bundle guys are doing.
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Genuinely crious, how often do promotional Steam key giveaways use that authentication method similar to what HB is doing now?
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I thought most giveaways used the simple free Steam key method, but I've never heard of a dev getting so upset about what happens. Is it just a case of Dave Gilbert not knowing this would happen whereas "most" devs would expect it? Or did something unusual happen this time?
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^ indeed. I do think that they are handling their mistake well. I will give them that.
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I have to agree that BMT is at fault for allowing the link to be live. That was not Wadjet's mistake.
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I'm just overall shocked at everyone casting blame here in general, especially to Dave/Wadjet. He tries to do something nice. He gives away games for free. FREE. And for this, y'all want to tear him a new one. It's kind of disgusting. The dust barely even settled on this situation.
I don't care who's fault people think it is. Steam's, Wadjet, BMT. None of them deserved this. It's the as*es who exploited it, that should be flamed here. They are the only one's that were clearly malicious, and hurt the most people intentionally. Perhaps Steam/Wadget/BMT were not fully prepared for marauding horde of Raping/Pillagers, but it doesn't mean they deserved it. I want a gd damned posse put together to take those as**es out.
Father:"Oops, I left my door unlocked last night, and all those presents I was giving to all the children in the city yesterday and today were stolen!"
Spectator: "Well, that's your own idiot fault, isn't it? Your such a loser!"
Me: Spectator's, your a disgrace. Try a little respect for those with good intentions.
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Imagine that analogy, but in a world where if you leave your door unlocked, thieves will pillage your shit 100% of the time.
Obviously he didn't deserve it, but not anticipating that people would try to abuse this is very silly. You give away free things on the Internet, people will try to turn a profit. It's basically a given.
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Except that's a terrible analogy. Right now, there is no recourse for those thieves.
There is little risk for them, and no consequences the way things are setup. Wadjet is being blamed for being the victim of a crime. Again, I'm sure most folks doing the blaming also would blame victims almost anywhere.
Raped? Your fault for showing too much cleavage. Bombed at a marathon? Should've known better than to be left exposed at a major sporting event with no security in America. And so on. Always the fault of the victim.
The analogy falls apart when these fine human beings are being compared to someone entering someone else's house. When you do that, you're either desperate or crazy.
If I leave my door unlocked at my house, which I do sometimes, especially when I'm actually home, and someone comes in to steal something, they're going to end up dying slowly and painfully in front of me from a shotgun wound to the abdomen (head if they're lucky). And internet thieves are an even weaker, more cowardly breed. They'd never dare set foot in someone else's actual physical abode. They'd (99.9%) be far too frightened.
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Stop working in extremes. If you leave your door unlocked every day and put a sign on your front door saying "I trust you guys so I leave my door unlocked" then you don't deserve that much pity when someone robs your house. He was naive and anyone who doesn't believe that is naive too. I am not saying that I don't feel sorry for him. He didn't deserve to be abused for this. But I do think that he shouldn't have set himself up to be an easy target.
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Once again, victim blaming.
And I'm not working in extremes. Your analogy is highly flawed. WEG did not make free game after free game available and establish a pattern, as you've suggested.
So keep on blaming the victim. Again, I hope you aren't on the receiving end of an abuser or criminal when you let your guard down for one moment. I'm sure you won't, as you spend every waking moment in a paranoid state regarding who might take advantage of you. You trust no one, and guard against every possibility of criminal activity toward you.
If you aren't, then it's definitely your fault when a criminal or abuser gives you what you deserve for being naive.
We all make mistakes. I hope you can find it in yourself one day to attribute responsibility and take it.
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I do not have an issue with the fact that they made a mistake. I have an issue with the fact that they made a mistake that should have been foreseen. There is paranoid and there is naive. They were naive. You shouldn't be either. You should be somewhere in the middle. And if you don't believe that you are just as naive as he was.
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I am so far from naive, you have no idea. But I also believe in holding responsible those that commit ill acts toward others and not blaming the victim, no matter if a mistake was made.
Victims almost always learn a lesson (sometimes positively, sometimes not), if they make a mistake. They don't need it pointed out by excuse makers like yourself.
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Then I hope he learns his lesson. Because a mistake was made. Yes I do think that the exploiters should be held responsible before anyone else but do I believe that will happen? No.
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Let's try with a more fitting example (If you can imagine that their is a magic bar with endless supply of drinks):
Dev goes to a friends bar (BMT). He is happy and wants to do something for the nice people out there. He climbs on a table and says: "Next Round is on me guys!" Than goes to the mens room for a sec.
What normaly happends: Everybody orders something. They thank the Dev and get into talking. Nice Evening.
What the internet people do: Everybody starts to fill their backpacks with all the liquior they can get. Then they Phone everyone they know and tell them to bring plenty of buckets and backpacks. That way they can later sell all the fine booze themselves or trade for other nice things. When the Dev comes back and asks to stop taking the booze and just take the DRM-Free Bear instead they complain. because no steam-Drinks are worth nothing(NOTHING!). Then the Dev says "Screw you" Let's close this bar-promo for good. But the bartender leaves one fridge open. Resulting in everybody getting more and more booze out.
There you go. Of course you should know that the internet and gamers are a bunch of greedy jerks. But blaming someone for not thinking of you all as greedy jerks is just great.
P.S.: I already owned the game. But I did try get one key, Because I thought this is nice and maybe i could give it to a friend or familymember. Even after I knew that I could get more than one key. Guess what: I still only took 1 KEY. Because I am not a f..... greedy a..! I also just took one free game from GMGs-Voting. But I guess because of some idiots we truly can't have nice things.
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I would definitely agree with that example more. My only issue is that he shouldn't have assumed that it wasn't going to be taken advantage of.
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