Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Watched SW: The Empire Strikes Back for the umpteenth time, but first time on blu-ray. Forgot how terrible Boba Fett's voice was since they changed it from the original to the dude who played Jango in the prequels.Jason Wingreen was the original voice actor, and his chillingly professional demeanor helped make that character so popular in the first place.

9 years ago

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Last Passenger (2013) - Pretty nice movie for a low budget flick. A maniac hijacks a train with a few people on board. Nothing special but was better than expected. 6/10

Getaway (2013) - I have no idea why this flick has such low score on IMDB. There's a lot of plot holes and it's pretty naive but there's a lot of action, it's intense and just interesting in general. I liked it for what it was. 7/10

Freezer (2014) - Another movie with tons of stupidities and plot holes but this one was pretty interesting as well. Good acting is also worth noting. I enjoyed it. 7/10

In The Blood (2014) - Bad movie about a couple who goes on holidays and then the male gets kidnapped and his spouse has to save him. Naive, stupid, boring, predictable and poorly executed. 3/10

The Zero Theorem (2013) - Good movie starring Christoph Waltz. It's kind of a mind fuck and not many things make sense in it (unless you interpret them in your own way of course) and I like such flicks. Also great acting and interesting vibe. Good watch. 7/10

The Mule (2014) - Very good Australian flick. It's about two guys who go to another country for a while in order to smuggle drugs from it but only one of them ends up doing that. He gets caught and for a few days he's being held in a hotel by the police who try to get him to basically shit the drugs out lol. Like I said, very good movie, recommended. 8/10

9 years ago

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Taken 3, although I actually enjoyed Liam Neeson's Clash of Clans commercial more.

9 years ago

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IMO one of the greatest movie ever made.

9 years ago

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it was ok, i guess. The main character learned everything he knows from the internet, he is an inteligent man, but without moral values, Kinda creepy. (6/10)
Tokyo Tribe
Another amazing movie from Sion Sono, its everything Spring breakers never was.
Its freakin hilarious and stylized, and filled with references to other movies.
Also, everything is rapped and Cyborg Kaori is in it. (8/10)
Captain Phillips
Tom Hanks best performance, maybe a little to good, the real captain Philips is not this amazing person the movie depicts , but i guess it had to be done, most people woundnt be interested in watching a movie about a man who let his ship get hijacked because he intentonally went into pirate waters (7/10)

9 years ago*

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X-Men Days of Future Past

9 years ago

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The Forgotten (2004) - Pretty good crime/sci-fi movie. Nothing really special but it was a good watch.

Prom Night (2008) - A PG-13 slasher. That about sums it up. One of the worst movies I've ever seen. Complete and utter shit. 2/10

Fear Of Water (2011) - Very good thriller/crime movie. Interesting story and twists plus great atmosphere. Worth watching. 8/10

Sweetwater (2013) - Pretty good western starring Ed Harris and January Jones. 7/10

Hidden Agenda (1990) - Very good political thriller/drama. Rather slow paced with lots of talking but it wasn't boring at all. 7/10

All The King's Men (2006) - Good political drama/crime movie with great cast, great acting and nice atmosphere. 7/10

9 years ago*

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
It was cool, it felt was more surreal and absurd at the beggining, but got more predictable and generic after
Still good though, i enjoyed those video game references and visuals

Evil Dead (2013)
Finnaly watched it, after putting it off for so long, im a fan off the series and always thought this wouldnt live up to its name... it doesnt.
it doesnt matter, so many movies tried to imitate evil dead, that now we have metamovies, exposing and making fun of the tropes in this genre, Evil Dead 2013 is just another movie that tries to copy Raimi´s work.
The biggest problem i have when comparing this to the real Evil dead, is the lack of charm, its hard to laugh at anything when the movie takes itself so seriously, for something that tries to emulate the classic movie i have no idea why its forcing its plot and characters on the viewer .
And where are the amazing one liners?
When duct tape fixes everityng, and no one laughs, theres a problem with your movie, but yeah, stabbed in the heart? No problem, duct tape will fix that, got your arm cut off? Duct tape.
Theres is one thing Evil Dead remake did remarkably well, the gore is amazing, and overwall this scenes were well directed
As someone that loves horror and gore, i appreciate that movies like this get a NC 17 Rating, even though anything with sexual content is seen has too harmfull.

The Maze Runner
Its atleast better thanthe Hunger Games.
The beggining is really good, but as soon as the action starts the movie gets gradually worse. I ended up liking more the first few minutes, it was well paced and somewhat intriging, there should atleast have been a little more of character development before they went inside the maze.
At least there was some violent and gory scenes, that i wasnt expecting for a movie like this
i didnt like how the others applauded the main character for being stupid, Seriously the dude almost managed to get himself crushed before entering the maze, stop encouraging him.
If there isnt much else to watch in September, im going to watch chapter II

9 years ago*

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Got Nightcrawler on DVD and gave it a watch a few nights ago... it was awesome! Probably one of my favorite movies of 2014. Give it a watch if you get the chance! :)

9 years ago

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The Cat Returns
Whisper of the heart is one of my favorite movies, it's nice to see they've brought Baron back
Overall it’s a fun little movie, with some nice characters, but it's nothing special
It almost looks like the fictional story written by the girl in whisper of the heart,

The Mole Song: Undercover Agent Reiji
Standard Miike, some really funny scenes, very well directed, but too long for its own good
2 hours feels about right for his horror movies, it helps creating some atmosphere. This one, would have been much better if it was shorter

Killer Joe
didn't blew me away, its trying to much to be a sleazy exploitation movie, as for black comedy…I don’t see it

Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
amongst the best Tim Burton´s movies

9 years ago

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Grudge Match (2013) - Very good movie about two boxing rivals (De Niro and Stallone) who decide to have one final match to see who's a better fighter. Light, funny and nice. 8/10

Monster House (2006) - Good animated movie about a house that eats everything that dares to come close. 7/10

Flight (2012) - Very good drama starring Denzel Washington. It's basically about addictions and the negative effects they have on one's life. 8/10

Mars & Avril (2012) - Very slow and philosophical movie. It has great music, pretty nice photos and good atmosphere. But on the other hand it's boring and it's basically about nothing. 6/10

Beauty And The Beast (2014) - Amazing and very beautiful fairy tale. Excellent atmosphere and photos. I really enjoyed it. Recommended. 9/10

Badges Of Fury (2013) - Very, very bad Chinese action movie. I think it's supposed to be a comedy as well but it utterly fails as anything really. The only good thing about this movie are women starring in it, eye candy so to speak. The rest is terrible. 2/10

Good Bye Lenin! (2003) - Good movie about a young guy caring for his mother after she had suffered a heart attack. It's boring at times but it's a good watch, all in all. 7/10

RoboCop (2014) - Very good action movie but I'm gonna say right now that I haven't seen the old ones so I can't really compare the new one to the classics. I enjoyed this one though. 8/10

Five Years (2013) - Very good movie about a guy who's being held in prison and tortured for five years. Based on true story. 8/10

Bunker Palace Hotel (1989) - Very good science fiction movie that was supposedly released only on VHS. It's a shame because it's really good. It has excellent music, great atmosphere and locations in which it was shot are awesome. It's also pretty original, I like such gems. 8/10

St George's Day (2012) - Below average crime/thriller/drama movie from the UK. There are tons of better movies from this genre. Watch only if you have nothing else to watch or if you're really bored. 4/10

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Inside (2007) - Ultra violent and disturbing movie. To be honest I have no idea why it has such a high score. It's a movie about nothing. One hour of people slashing, cutting, shooting and burning each other in one house. At top of that the protagonist who is pregnant is tortured the most so it just seems wrong and it's pointless. This movie is what you would call "shock value" because to be honest it has no other value at all. Don't get me wrong, I like gory movies done right (Planet Terror, Evil Dead from 2013 etc.) but this one offers absolutely nothing, it's stupid, boring and tries too hard to shock people instead of getting them actually interested. 3/10

Cruel & Unusual (2014) - A guy who killed his wife has to re-live her death again and again. Pretty good thriller but the ending disappointed me greatly. 7/10

The Raid: Redemption (2011) - For the second time. One of the best action movies ever made. Brutal, fast, raw and interesting. Recommended for every cinema enthusiast. 10/10

North Country (2005) - Very good drama based on true story. It's about a woman who works in a mine along with other men and women and who is constantly put down by men working there. At one point she has enough and takes it to court. Worth watching. 8/10

Sex Tape (2014) - Pretty nice comedy. I was expecting something worse. The first 20 minutes are boring and stiff as hell but the rest is pretty nice. 6/10

Race To Witch Mountain (2009) - Pretty good family action/comedy/sf movie made by Disney. 7/10

Back In Crime (2013) - Pretty good French crime/thriller but I was expecting somethig better to be honest. Still, it was a good watch. 7/10

9 years ago

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Haven't been here for awhile this is going to be a long one:
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
I can see what they were going for, and I like it, its one of those movie that can only have been made in the 80's, but there's an extreme lack of focus. (6/10)
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Great Road movie comedy. Good old days, back when Steve Martin was in good movies, he deserves better than pink panther and cheaper by the dozen (8/10)
The Campaign
Another one of those comedies that wouldn’t be nearly has funny if Galifianakis wasn’t in it (5.5/10)
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
It was an Hit n miss for me, it has some good stuff in it (5.5/10)
Garbage, but has Van Damme (2/10)
I haven't seen this one before, and just realized wall Street shares a lot of similarities with this. Well, directors are man of habits and so is Scorsese.
Anyway, great movie. (9/10)
It’s good no doubt, but i'm still surprised that everyone was so hysterical about this, there are better Disney movies, and its not much different from their usual stuff.
All the usual disney cliches are here, and even the music isnt all that great…yeah, the song everyone loved is quite good, but what about the others? And that ending was underwhelming, Disney need to take more risks. (7/10)
Stage Fright
Silly slasher-musical movie, but damn, it was funny as hell. There´s a lot of good comedy here, but its also a true slasher movie with gore, creative death scenes and even the usual predictable twist near the end
its like those teen musical movies, except those bastards get killed in the worst way imaginable (8/10)
Hobo with a Shotgun
Exploitation movie done right, if you like those trash movies from the 80´s, this is for you, its not paying homage or trying to be more than what it is, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing (7/10)

9 years ago*

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yesterday, guardians of the galaxy
2 days ago, i think it was thor
3 days ago, uh... what did i watch?
5 days ago - clash of the titans (do not watch it, i'm warning you)
gonna watch 'the fugitive' today

9 years ago

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Forrest Gump. I watch it once a year. :x

9 years ago

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Read My Lips (2001) - Good French flick. It starts as a drama/romance but ends as a crime movie. It could have been shorter though because it can be boring at times. 7/10

The Double (2013) - Absolutely magnificent movie about mental disorders. I think people who have experiences with all kinds of mental illness will appreciate this movie more than people who don't have experiences with such things. As a matter of fact I noticed that people who have never had any contact with mental issues label this movie as "surreal". I say it's drama, everything the protagonist experienced and did can be explained in medical terms. For some people it'll be a surreal fantasy movie, for some it'll be real life hard hitting drama. It's a great watch. 10/10

In Order Of Disappearance (2014) - Great Norwegian crime movie. It has great atmosphere, nice characters, good dialogues and beautiful landscapes to adore. 9/10

No One Lives (2012) - Gory slasher flick. At first it was terrible but by the end it was getting better and better. It's nothing special but it isn't bad either. If you take it for what it is. 6/10

Secret Wars (2014) - Good Polish movie about secret forces that do the "dirty work". 7/10

What We Do In The Shadows (2014) - Great horror comedy about a group of vampires which lives among regular people. Great dialogues. 9/10

Borgman (2013) - It's hard to label. I'd say it's crime/thriller with a hint of drama but also a lot of stuff in the movie is symbolic. Also, you need to think a lot in order to understand what it's really about. Don't let the plot deceive you, this movie is not as simple as it looks. Anyway, it's very good but not for everyone. 8/10

Mindscape (2013) - Very good thriller about a guy who can read people's memories. He gets a case he has to solve which looks simple but turns out to be really hard. 8/10

The Raid 2 (2014) - In my humble opinion it's the best action movie ever created. It's filled with great action scenes, amazing fights, intrigues and of course blood. It's very violent. Americans can learn A LOT from the creator of this flick. It's a masterpiece, it hops on my TOP 10 movies list. 10/10

From Paris With Love (2010) - For the second time. It's a great action movie with a hint of comedy. Travolta is great in it. 9/10

9 years ago

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I've always heard a lot of praise for The Raid, but nothing about The Raid 2. Which is better?

9 years ago

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Second one, definitely. It has 8.1 rating on IMDB :)

9 years ago

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Solomon Kane (2009) - For the second time. Pretty good fantasy movie, I enjoyed it. 7/10

Centurion (2010) - Very good movie about a group of Roman soldiers who had to face Picts in a battle of survival. 8/10

Lucia De B. (2014) - Good movie about a nurse who was wrongfully accused of murdering a few patients. 7/10

Deliver Us From Evil (2014) - Very dark thriller mixed with exorcism kind of flick. Interesting combination which resulted in a great movie. 9/10

Pandorum (2009) - For the second time. One of the best science-fiction movies of the last few years, period. Very underrated. 9/10

The Tournament (2009) - For the second time. It's a great action movie filled with tons of blood and well... action. 9/10

The Strangers (2008) - For the second time. When I first saw this in 2008 I didn't like it. But now I do like it. I guess back then I was expecting some more action or something but this movie is about tension, not action. 7/10

The Book Of Eli (2010) - For the second time. Very good movie set in a post-apocalyptic world in which a guy has to deliver a book to a mysterious place out west. Great acting and fun experience in general. 8/10

Wrecked (2010) - Pretty nice movie about a guy who had a car accident and lost his memory in the process. He's fighting for survival in the woods. Granted, this movie is very boring at times but as a whole picture it's pretty nice. 6/10

9 years ago

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I like Pandorum too, i had some theories about what really went down in that ship.
thats the awesome thing about the movie, it gives you enough info to have an idea of what happened but never makes it too explicit, which is good because sci fi movies usually require a lot of suspension of disbelief,

9 years ago

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Seventh Son 1/10 - read the books instead

9 years ago

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Super Fast - a fast and furious spoof, meh.. jokes weren't that funny but I still give it a 6/10..

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

9 years ago

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The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
It was about time Isao Takahata had his own ghibli masterpiece, really enjoyed Grave of the fireflies but this is something else entirely, the art style is gorgeus,
its 2 hours long, but it offered a bit of everything, it actually strayed quite often from the main plot to introduce new characters and subplots, there was one sub plot in specific that didn't seem to go anywhere, but even that was enjoyable. I pretty much just sat there and enjoyed the ride.
finally the movie has a lot of metaphors and I guess different people could interpret it in different ways, giving more reason to re watched it, but you can still follow the story and have a great time even if you don’t.

The Final Member
oh…I don't even know why I watched this.
so basically, it’s a documentary about an icelandic man who constructs a penis museum, but he his lacking one last specimen to complete his collection, and that is…you guessed it, man.
Meanwhile the only 2 guys that are willing to donate are incredibly weird, one of them is an old man who claims sleeping with more that 300 woman and the other is an american who is willing to cut of his own penis before he dies if the owner of the museum accepts to make his weird and depraved fantasies come true, lets just say it includes making stuff like a superhero of a comic book series, oh and btw, the penis as a name, its called know what considering the material they had, this could have been filled with weird and crude humour, at least its not, I give them that.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
This is Shakespeare!
well ive seen this story countless times, but its still entertaining, in fact the plot might be what saved this movie for me, though really predictable by now, you could tell what was going to happen in the end even if you never read a book, if you seen Lion king you saw this.
Problem is, no matter how good the CGI is, when there's this much on the screen it always looks awful,
overall I have to admit, it’s a fun movie, just don’t question it, there's just no way you can make sense of some of the bullshit they put here

9 years ago

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The avengers age of ultron
and I wonder how this is still running (2 years)

9 years ago

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Easy, nothing interesting movie wise has came out in the past 2 years.

9 years ago

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You must not watch many movies then.

9 years ago

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Inherent Vice (that's a Paul Thomas Anderson movie) - 7/10 Starts really good, than it goes off then it gets good again. If the movie would have kept the same tone it had in the beggining it would have been probably the best of 2014. Great acting, locations, jokes and dialog though.

9 years ago

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Interstellar. Second time now. Christopher Nolan movies are great.

Going to cinmea today. Age of Ultron - what else!?

9 years ago

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