Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Saw Avengers: Age of Ultron yesterday, it's a good and fun movie, but it wasn't GREAT, it was a nice film to see nonetheless.

9 years ago

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The Babadook

9 years ago

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Big Eyes - great story, interesting characters 8/10

9 years ago

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The last movie I saw was the 2003 film Daredevil, I watched it again last week after finishing the Netflix series Daredevil.

9 years ago

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Hugo, nice and enjoyable film

9 years ago

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Captain Blood with Errol Flynn from 1935 :)

9 years ago

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2 Girls 1 Cup

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It was pretty good

9 years ago

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EVERYTHING IS AWESOOOOOOMEE!! I won't say the title, cause is the thirtygillion time i Pronounce that words today. EVERYTHING IS COOL WHEN YOU'RE PART OF THE TEAAAAM!!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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can't disapprove whatsoever

9 years ago

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The Last Stand (2013) - American movie directed by a great South Korean director Jee-Woon Kim. It's not as good as the rest of his movies but this one is very good as well. Classic action flick with Arnold and we get a nice little addition in the form of Forest Whitaker too. If you like action movies make sure to give this one a go. 8/10

Push (2009) - Weak movie. For almost 2 hour movie there's 15 minutes of action. The rest is just hiding, sneaking around and talking about nothing, basically. It might be good for kids but for me it was an extremely boring movie about nothing. 3/10

The Grey (2011) - Liam Neeson + a bunch of people versus nature. Probably my favorite "survival" kind of flick. It's deeper than people give it credit for. Amazing movie. 9/10

Source Code (2011) - Very good sci-fi thriller starring Jake Gyllenhaal. Of course there are some plot holes but it's still very entertaining. 8/10

Season Of The Witch (2011) - Medival fantasy movie starring Nicolas Cage. It was pretty nice but nothing special. Worth for one watch only, easy to forget. 6/10

Man On A Ledge (2012) - Absolutely amazing movie. Keeps you on the edge of your seat all the time. Yeah, it has plot holes and there's a lot of illogical things present but if you accept it and don't focus on them then it's a really entertaining flick. Just take it for what it is, don't take it too seriously and you'll have fun. 9/10

Sanctum (2011) - Good movie about a group of people who gets trapped in a cave and has to get out. Similar to Descent but without monsters. Good watch but the first half of the movie is kind of boring. 7/10

9 years ago

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why isn't anyone talking about new Mad Max here? You should go watch it immediately! And after you are back from the cinema, you should go and tell everybody about it!

wait, wait, I'm worried that you might have read it as "go ant tell everybody you know about it". What is said was "go and tell everybody about it". Go on the streets and preach to passersby, let the word of Lord Humungus flow through you!

9 years ago*

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Watched John Wick last, not an awful movie but nothing great. Just an OK action flick. One thing I did like about the action scenes is you see a lot of head shots. Also the soundtrack was pretty good.

9 years ago

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Burst city
Punk-Rock documentary set in a post-apocalyptic future...well, kinda.
I liked the sheer amount of craziness on screen, the constant punk soundtrack, that camera that never stops moving, and the extremely fast editing, really interesting to look at
Unfortunatly its too long for a experimental movie, ended up with one of the biggest headaches in my life, it would have helped if the camera had stopped just for a second, at least it would have made it easier to understand what was going on during the action scenes.

I feel Burst city deserves more recognition, i wouldn't say it was good, mostly because there's really not much in terms of plot or character development to keep me interested, but movies like this usually have an active community in sites like imdb, while this one seems to have been forgotten

Still, this will do until the end of the week, when im finally going to watch Mad Max

9 years ago

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Man, I've heard about this film, especially back in my more active punk days, somehow though I've never seen it. Not quite the same thing, but it made me think of Japanese noise-punks Guitar Wolf and their film appearances.

Do you like a lot of Japanese punk bands, like GISM, Gauze, or Melt-Banana?

9 years ago

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Not a huge fan, but i do like some japanese punk-rock bands, mostly i just like the culture

I know Gauze and Melt-banana, the last one does too much noise for my liking

9 years ago

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Yeah MB is more noise-rock than punk, but they're rather well-known. Great live show, actually.

9 years ago

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The Avengers 2.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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American Sniper, this movie was way overhyped 4/10

9 years ago

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Yeah, made me respect Bradley Cooper,Sienna Miller, and ole Clint when I first heard about them making that guys book of lies "story" into a movie.

9 years ago

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Just watched "A Clockwork Orange", it was OK, nothing great (besides the music)

Can anyone tell me why people say its one of the best films ever?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Devil's Pass
Well, this was disappointing.
Could have been good, considering the material they had. There's really nothing going on until the last 20 min and then it suddenly gets extremely convoluted for its own right.So little time of actual story, but still managed to create some plot holes.
i guess it's fine if it's just another watered down BWP, but for some reason i expected something better
There's also no need to continue being found footage after the incident occurred, a normal person would have forgotten the camera after that, besides that camera is responsible for one of the most implausible moments in the movie
The CGI creatures were also awful, those things looked ridiculous, And you know, its not even like it would destroy the tension if they were hard to see, so they must have been really proud, to show them off like that.
Not everything was bad though, the conversations between the main characters were for the most part fine, and the movie does give a few nods about what's going to happen further on.
I think at some point one of the characters called a person by the wrong name, idk im not going to watch it again.

9 years ago

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SAW 1 and 5

watched them
on my laptop last night

9 years ago

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That's weird. You watched the best and the worst movie from the series lol. Give 2 and 3 a go, they're amazing.

9 years ago

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i have seen all of the saw movies.

my fave is saw 1 and saw 5

9 years ago

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i have seen all of the saw movies.

my fave is saw 1 and saw 5

9 years ago

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Kingsman: The Secret Service
It's a fun British spy movie parody. Good action,funny, everything done right.

9 years ago

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I'm too busy with CS:GO.... no idea lol

9 years ago

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Avengers 2: Age of Ultron - 9/10
Insurgent - 11/10

9 years ago

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Mad Max Fury Road. I usually only see visually interesting movies at the theater and wait to see the rest at home, and this was a good looking (yet disgustingly gory at times :) ) movie. It was surprisingly good. Not a remake Yeah! getting tired of remakes... Very much a Mad Max movie and the character who played Max, didn't overdo the role. (Probably a good idea for Mel Gibson fans) and it had Charlize Theron !!! :) So for anyone who's a fan of the Mad Max movies, I would recommend it.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Rampage 2 by Uveboll. Pretty nice :3

9 years ago

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Kung Fury
Its quite something alright, if you like 80´s movies, this is for you.
30 mins for an homage seems about right, though i really wish it was longer, having some of those scenes stretched out instead of just having those tropes for laughs. Then again most people wouldnt enjoy it if the movie took itself a little more serious.
I want to see more from this director in the future

Any Given Sunday
It was enjoyable for like 90 min, i couldn't care less about the rest of the movie. There's only so much screaming and football i can take, before it drives me mad
maybe its worth it if you really enjoy the sport, i just thought it was too long

Mad Max Fury Road
Best action movie ever
Now im waiting for Mad Max: Furiosa

9 years ago*

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