Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Since my last post in this thread:

Mall Girls (2009) - Polish movie about young girls roaming malls who sell their body in exchange for clothes, jewelry and so on. The concept had potential but it was wasted. The movie in reality is about nothing. There's no script - nothing makes sense, just a few scenes put together without any reason. At top of that the movie is boring and very uninteresting. Waste of time. 2/10

Piggies (2009) - Polish movie about a young kid who starts offering sexual services to older men because he's neglected by everyone around him. The movie is rather good. Nothing special though. 6/10

Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971) - Good movie based on Roald Dahl's book. It's pretty crazy and touring the factory with Wonka and the kids is pure pleasure. I liked the book more though. 7/10

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory (2005) - Overall I liked it better than the original but the original had some segments I liked more. This one is darker, more technologically advanced and of course has Tim Burton vibe to it. But Oompa-Loompa songs were better in the original and some parts of the factory were better in the orignial. I also liked Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka more than Depp. But it's a very solid movie. 8/10

Flatliners (1990) - Four medicine students try to have a "near death experience", one by one. Of course as soon as they do that shit hits the fan. It's a good movie but it's basically a ghost story. Was expecting something more to be honest. 7/10

Galaxy Quest (1999) - Pretty nice sci-fi comedy movie but nothing really special. Good to watch once and forget. 6/10

9 years ago*

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Hot Shots: Part Deux (Funny movie but the sex scenes almost killed the film for me)

9 years ago

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A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014)

Great art movie about a vampire girl in a desolated iranian town. Not used to watch indie movies but this one was amazing. 8/10

9 years ago

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what a coincidence. I was going to watch this movie today but Breakfast Club was on tv

9 years ago

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Did you watch it? I enjoyed it so much.

9 years ago

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  • Insidious 3 = 7/10.
    Whole lot of jump scares, but it has some refreshing scenes that you absolutely don't see coming.
  • San Andreas = 7/10.
    It's an action movie starring the Rock, it's obviously over the top but at least way way WAY better than Fast 7 and 2012 bullshit.
  • Mas Max Fury Road = 9/10.
    I've only seen the first one with Mel, I was worried with the characterization of Hardy but he does a nice job, the movie really sells well its atmosphere.
  • Tomorrowland = 8/10.
    It was way better than I expected, great story and acting. I did care for the characters at the end of the movie, Disney didn't fuck up!
  • Avengers 2 = 10/10.
    It builds on the first and improves it in every aspect. And I adored the first one so it's a 10 in my Superhero movies list.
9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Did you watch it for the Student's puzzle? 0_o

9 years ago

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Ehm... maybe...

9 years ago

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"7/10"? Probably was worth it %)
Haven't seen it myself though

9 years ago

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Well, nostalgic factor affects a lot :P I will try to submit a new film today (a movie that I was searching for years and found thanks to 80's movies Delta's thread)

9 years ago

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omg... omg... I think I have lost that movie again T_T Kill me pls :(
EDIT: Arffhh found it again. This time was easier. I had searched for the wrong Spanish version and it was a different movie

9 years ago*

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Such a rollercoaster %)
So, what is the movie?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I cue a puzzle...
Solved %)

Tales from the crypt... what a show!

9 years ago*

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Breakfast Club
just as good now as it was the first time i watched it.
i'm not even a john hughes fan, always felt odd how serious his movies where for the amount of cheesiness in them, but Breakfast club just works for me.

Sweet 16
Nothing special, but not particularly bad either, i had nothing to do and this kept me entertained
it's somewhat of a slasher movie but without the death scenes, although there's at least nudity, its mostly more about the mystery rather then the killer and graphic violence.

Alice, Sweet Alice
This one was really good (although in my case, any horror movie with kids is frightening).
it just hits all the right notes for a slasher movie, and the plot-twist was really epic
the look on Alice face when she realises that she got away with it that was creepy

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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funniest movie about vampires I saw after Dead & loving it

9 years ago

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Not a good movie, i ended falling asleep near the end, it doesnt matter anyway ive seen more or less the same story countless times already.
There's one thing that kept me entertained though, this is possibly the most decaying and unsafe spaceship ive ever seen in a movie, why would someone construct something like this, without any safety measures? how many people have day just doing their jobs, forget about Alien this Cargo Ship is the perfect killing machine.
anyway i would rather have watched something like Pandorum or Prometheus, their not great, granted, but are far more original than this.

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
This was a big surprise for me, i wouldn't recommend it to everyone though, if you are looking for something deep, then there's not much here for you except maybe the last 20 min or so, if you are looking for a stylish movie filled with breathtaking scenery then give this a try

Probably one of better animal attack movies ive seen,i dont think this genre can get much better than this.
It feels very realistic, and suspenseful considering that most of it is just the couple camping.
You always feel uncomfortable as if these people where in danger, way before the bear started following them around.

9 years ago

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Mad Max: Fury Road

Amazing. My wife hates sci-fi movies, but also liked this one alot.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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San Andreas

Was better than expected. Would give it a 7.5/10

9 years ago

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Shiny and Chrome! I witness it! Mad Max Fury Road!

9 years ago

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Inception. It's still confusing my mind.

9 years ago

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Kung Pow: Enter the Fist 6/10.

Was more funny the first time I saw it, but nowadays we're spoiled by also having Kung Fury.

9 years ago

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Ex Machina, and it was amazing.

9 years ago

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Demon knight (1995) 2/10, one of that movies that is so bad that it is even good :) With the Tales from the Crypt's seal of approval.

9 years ago

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Unfinished Business 4/10

9 years ago

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The Hunger Games - MockingJay part 1

9 years ago

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Cloud Atlas, fell in love with the movie <3

9 years ago

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Uhh.. it was The Duff, it was pretty good honestly.

9 years ago

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The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water

That movie was completely beach-balls-to-the-cafeteria-walls insane and I loved every minute of it.

9 years ago

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Beerfest (2006) - Pretty nice comedy. The stupid kind but it was enjoyable. 6/10

Hercules (2014) - Bad movie. So generic it hurts. Doesn't have any soul in it. And it constantly reminded me of Spartacus show (The Rock looks like Crixus in this movie) which was way better on every level. Plus it's PG-13. Really? Boring, uninteresting and generic. 3/10

Leviathan (2014) - Very good Russian drama. It's about a family who is about to lose its home because some rich guy wants to build something on the ground the house stands on. Solid movie but it's kind of slow and long. 8/10

Awakenings (1990) - Good movie starring Robert DeNiro and Robin Williams. It's about a doctor who finds a cure for people with some rare disease. Good watch. 7/10

Capote (2005) - A very slow paced movie starring Philip Seymour Hoffman. Add to that a very annoying protagonist and you have an accurate picture of the movie. It's pretty nice in general but definitely not for everyone. I was bored as hell. 6/10

Doubt (2008) - Very good movie starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. It's the kind of movie where you think a lot on your own trying to figure out the truth. Very good watch. 8/10

9 years ago*

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Watched Sinister a few days was meh

9 years ago

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Agreed...but apparently it was good enough for a sequel

9 years ago

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These days almost everything is "good" enough for a sequel...followed by a prequel and then a pre-sequel prequel...
I am pretty jaded when it comes to cinema..

9 years ago

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Alcatraz Prision ;)

9 years ago

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Under the Skin. Naked Scarlet Johannson is hella naked. The only thing you don't see of her is the 'ol brown eye.

9 years ago

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The Lego Movie (2014) - Great movie with Lego bricks. Tons of action and fun. Humor is also very good. Strongly recommended to everyone, not only to kids. 9/10

Labyrinth (1986) - Classic adventure family movie kind of similar to Jumanji. It's good but nothing really special. And it's very predictable. But still a good watch. 7/10

A Dog's Breakfast (2007) - Dark comedy but to be honest most of the time the humor was forced. Cottage Country had very similar plot but was way better. It's not a terrible movie, it's just not good. 4/10

The Stag (2013) - Irish comedy with a hint of drama. It's not "hahahahaha" type of funny but it's a good movie. Worth watching. 7/10

The Reunion (2013) - A girl who was bullied in school is now mature and she decides to make a movie about her tormentors. It's a pretty nice movie but I was expecting something better to be honest. The first part is interesting but the second part is kind of boring. 6/10

Dark Tide (2012) - I'm not going to lie, I watched this only for Halle Berry. The movie itself isn't terrible, I've seen way worse but it's not good either. Watch only if you're bored out of your mind. 4/10

9 years ago*

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